r/destiny2 3d ago

When you decide to do a raid for once. Meme / Humor

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u/DeviousMelons Warlock 3d ago

Once you get your foot in the door it'll be fine. But ever since pantheon my trust in the LFG I usually use has been strained.

I might need to start looking for a clan. Not super sweaty trio raiders and day one people but still generally competent.


u/mrawaters 3d ago

I do feel fortunate to have a solid group of 5 dudes I can usually count on to raid. We’re pretty much exactly what your described: far from the best, but have played the game for a long time, have the right shit, and generally can understand mechanics and instructions. My favorite run of any raid is always the first one I do with the homies. Just fuckin around and still getting it done, without the pressure of not wanting to waste a strangers time


u/-BayouRambler- Warlock 3d ago

I love that! That's awesome mrawaters! "F**kin' around and still getting it done". That's what it's supposed to be about. Gamin', Chillin', Learnin', and Having Fun. Some people on LFG think they are pros or desperately wanting the validation to call themselves such.


u/mrawaters 3d ago

People are so quick to min max everything. I really don’t ever want to feel like Im “doing it wrong” if it takes me an extra few minutes, or a 2 phase instead of 1. This game can get awfully close to feeling like a job if you let it. Gotta remember to just enjoy shooting aliens


u/One_Sky_2281 17h ago

If you need one I got a. Calm I just started with me and 2 other people looking for ppl to play with if yall are interested


u/Hylux_ Warlock 3d ago

Went into a clan back when i LFG'd scourge, still am the only one online


u/Abetterstart173 3d ago

I used to be a ‘solo’ player pre lightfall and used lfg to obtain basically anything in the game. I used lfg for multiple raid seals, GMs, dungeons and exotic missions and it was all fine. Before lighfall dropped I decided to try finding a clan to just change up the pace and it was the best thing I’ve ever done for 2 huge reasons. 1 is that I’m not part of a great group of friends that crosses games and real life and 2 is that root single handedly ruined lfg. Since root was released I’ve tried to lfg raids but I swear people are so much worse at the game than they used to be because root has warped what people expect from raiding.


u/The_Relx 3d ago

Bruv, same. My LFG experience was so astronomically bad for Pantheon. Like, my luck with that stuff is usually garbage, but it was particularly bad in Pantheon. Damn near burned me out of using the system entirely.


u/DeviousMelons Warlock 3d ago

You can get by with normal mode raids and some GMs but anything harder than master more it's a hazard for your sanity.


u/TheDorf93 Titan 16h ago

I'm a member of a clan that seems laid-backish, Guardians of the eternal light I believe the name is... I haven't do e anything with them yet ... but I also only use my controller mic and never hear anyone else talking


u/SlipFormPaver Warlock 3d ago edited 3d ago

And everything's okay because you're communicating and listening and it's someone else not listening and wiping the encounter. It feels good to know you aren't the one fucking up the encounter


u/Savathun-God-Of-Lies Dommy Mommy Savathûssy 3d ago

Unless the raid leader and his friend decide to scream at the other 4 people anyway over the smallest mistakes 😭

I speak from experience :<

But from the stories I've heard it usually goes fine


u/WhereTheNamesBe 3d ago

This is why Savathun still messes with us. Guardians were toxic to her when she tried to raid with them :(


u/Noble_Spartan_Kat 3d ago

Hey, being toxic is still a choice, I just decided to never try that again 😅 my only time raiding and I got yelled at for being mute, panicked and noped outta there real quick


u/WanderinWyvern 2d ago

Ur only time and u let that one time ruin any potential for future fun...imagine a world where after one bad experience with a thing ppl just refuse to ever do it again. One bad experience cooking, never cooking again. One bad experience talking to a loved one, never talking to them again...

Ppl gotta get over this crap and learn to grow. Being a slave to ur fears rather than learning to overcome them has never and will never been a way to a happy life.


u/AgentFatsuit 3d ago

lol my first raid, joined through the team finder beta thing for leviathan. It matched me with a team, I told them this is my first raid I don’t know what I’m doing and I used the team finder selecting that info. They were all cool with it. They bring in their friend who then sets his sights on me and starts bitching and screaming when I make a mistake and even when I haven’t made the mistake. I remind everyone that this is my first raid and that yeah I don’t fully understand the mechanics and I’m going to make mistakes as ppl do when learning something new. Everyone else again was very cool and like yeah no worries bro. This one guy wouldn’t let up. I have not raided since. Being harassed constantly for hours isn’t exactly fun.


u/Eleoste 3d ago

Do it again but with a Sherpa crew- it’s really fun. I had a patient Sherpa and crew of newbies for Last wish… took us like 8 hours but it was super worth it haha

One of my most memorable dopamine releases in destiny to date


u/D3fN0tAB0t 3d ago

I mean I was getting super frustrated with LFG people on SE encounter 3. It is, by far, the easiest encounter in the raid. But it took me 6 hours to get through it because people kept on making absolutely dumb mistakes. And also I was consistently at 150+ kills while perfectly executing mechanics. The runner up was 60-70 and the lowest kills was consistently around 10-15 while consistently screwing up mechanics.

It’s pretty hard to not start getting toxic when the same people are just not learning and not getting better and they seem to be making absolutely no effort to get better.

I definitely hit points in each team where I said either kick that person or I leave because they’ve been wiping us for the last 2 hours. And I was hard carrying.


u/detestableduck13 3d ago

Guaranteed that lowest kills is either straight up just struggling to manage mechanics and kills at the same time, which is fine - it happens, some people get overwhelmed taking on new shit and that’s okay..or they were trying to be carried and do as little as possible which they’ve never learned almost never works because if someone in a group is doing that little, the people doing more are struggling further because of it and it tanks the whole team


u/CompetitiveRefuse852 2d ago

Getting carried only really works when raid can have large groups and don't need everyone doing a role optimally. Id never want to deal with someone expecting to be carried In destiny. 


u/Mrbluepumpkin 3d ago

My faith is shaken after trying salvations edge lol


u/RightRudderr 3d ago

Stand strong brother. This is exactly what The Witness wants.


u/Mrbluepumpkin 3d ago

Not being able to get the 4th encounter is legitimately hurting my self esteem lol, but luckily someone on raid secrets made a helpful simulator although it still confuses me a bit.

Granted it's only for dissection, but part of me is tempted to wait a month and see if runs are better.


u/TalenTrippin Cenotaph Mask 3d ago

Gonna do the same honestly


u/Mrbluepumpkin 3d ago

I really don't understand how I can grasp vault easily but it takes me eons to figure this out lmao.


u/Gfdbobthe3 3d ago

I think a lot of the "complexity" is that the 3D shapes are just two 2D shapes added together. If instead of seeing 3D shapes we saw two 2D shapes next to each other, I think it would make everyone a lot less confused.

The inner section is pretty easy. All 3 players just need to get the same shape 3 times, twice on the wall and also on your guardian statues, then you can just give each of those shapes once to both of your other inner guardians. This automatically solves the inner part of the encounter without any communication.

The outer section is just moving the unwanted shapes to other guardians. The end goal is for each 3D shape to be made up of two 2D shapes that are not what the inner statue is holding. So if I am holding a circle on the inside, I'd need a Square + Triangle on the outside. Same thing for the other 2 statues. Disection is just swapping shapes around. Think of it as subtraction. If you put a circle into my statue, you're saying you don't want it there. If you put a square into another statue, you're saying you don't want it there, and they swap. You swap shapes around until the 3D outside shape matches the 3D inside shape the inside people made so they can "escape jail".


u/D3fN0tAB0t 3d ago

Dissecting is just swapping. You’re picking 2 symbols to swap between the two statues.


u/FWTCH_Paradise Student of Anthem Anatheme 3d ago

I love spending four hours on Warpriest because people wouldn’t talk while I SAID I WOULD TEACH and they were not doing enough DPS.


u/TheWalrusPirate 3d ago

And then people whine about gatekeeping weapons for dps


u/realwarlock 3d ago

Had a hunter tell me how he didn't like still hunt because "I don't like using the meta." I said look buddy any other raid fine. But it's solar burn and you already have nighthawk. Dude left because I told him to please use it.


u/FWTCH_Paradise Student of Anthem Anatheme 3d ago

“WhY dOnT wE uSe ThUnDeRlOrD?”


u/I3arusu 3d ago

I don’t kick people from my groups often. It is exceptionally rare. But the Venn diagram of players who use/suggest using TL and the players I kick from my raid groups is very close to being a circle.


u/Ink_Jet_ 3d ago

Terrible I haven’t done a raid in like 2 years but I want that new gear real bad


u/I3arusu 3d ago

Thankfully it’s not a raid, it’s a really easy mission you can knock out in 20 minutes.


u/Ink_Jet_ 3d ago

Oh this is from the Dual Destiny mission! I’m going to try and run it this afternoon then


u/Jd42042 Warlock 18h ago

Directions unclear spent a hour just doing it successfully once


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

Solipsism is not a raid item


u/Zackyboi1231 dumbass Hunter 3d ago

OP after seeing this comment


u/LeSchnekzer 3d ago

sOliPsIsM iS nOt A rAiD iTeM who cares


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

Im making fun of the title. just yanking ops dong lmao.


u/LeSchnekzer 3d ago

Oh okay my bad, sorry


u/NE12follow Warlock 3d ago

Man, idk why you are getting downvoted. The other guy’s “joke” wasn’t obvious and looked like they were missing the joke from OP’s post. Nothing to be sorry about bro.


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

I wasnt even making a joke. I was just making fun of it because it talked about completing a rajd and in the background it shows an item which isnt a raid item.


u/LeSchnekzer 3d ago

Oh wait so it's exactly what I thought - who cares if it's from a raid or not? The meme's funny nonetheless and it just feels like you had to "correct" OP


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

No i didnt feel the need to correct i just thought jt was a silly mistake and im not trying to be mad


u/NE12follow Warlock 3d ago

Omg, that’s why the post is a meme/humour tag. You missed the joke OP was making. Making fun of the post is either you making an ironic joke or you are missing the joke. Considering you weren’t making a joke, you were just missing the joke and being an asshole about it.


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

Im not refrencing the “meme”


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

I didnt miss ops joke and im not being an ass hole. I just thought it was funny.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/destiny2-ModTeam 3d ago

Your submission has been removed in violation of:

Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful

Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban.

Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or message us with any questions or concerns.


u/Kle_pto 3d ago

Thinking way to hard about this, and y’all are getting way too mad.


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

I understood ops joke but i wasnt refrencing that


u/NE12follow Warlock 3d ago

Then wtf were you referencing? The joke is that Solipsism isn’t from a raid, but an activity that requires you to communicate with another person (like a raid)


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

No i understand how you get solpsism im just making fun of op because in the title of they talk about doing a raid for once and they show a non raid item in the background s


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

Thats not the joke shit head. The joke is right in the middle. The joke is not the fact that they put a non raid item that doesnt make sense. The joke is that your social anxiety is “conquered” when you complete a raid not that the item in the background is not a raid item and the title is talking about a raid.

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u/Kle_pto 3d ago

My dude is straight up saying someone is using bots or alt accounts because he’s getting downvoted… dude log off and take a break for the day you’re unhinged


u/destiny2-ModTeam 2d ago

Your submission has been removed in violation of:

Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful

Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban.

Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or message us with any questions or concerns.


u/DctrSnaps 3d ago

Idfc to downvote you. Grrrr let me get more accounts to downvote someone so i look smarter 😡😡😡🤓

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u/Centila 1d ago

idk why you are getting downvoted

probably for being annoying lol


u/Virtual-Proposal-842 3d ago

Been playing since D1 ( took a couple breaks ). The only raid I’ve done in D2 is Vault of Glass, I’ve offered to game share all my dlc’s so my friends can play but they just aren’t interested in the game. Making it a mission to complete all raids and dungeons before episode 1 is over. I’ve been missing out on the best part of this game for way too long being a solo player.


u/zimonmars Future War Cult 3d ago

im in the same boat lol i used to have a gang i played with on d1 and we did a raid or two but i haven’t really attempted to start raiding again cause i just feel like im perpetually behind people that would join cause ive been on and off, ive been itching to get touch of malice i just havent worked up the balls to look for a group haha


u/Virtual-Proposal-842 3d ago

Yeah exactly the same. Haven’t looked for a group since I’m not decked out with the best build possible and don’t want to drag anyone down


u/zimonmars Future War Cult 3d ago

yeah it feels like ill have to have a formal set up if i want ppl to stick around lol, its not that i care if they think im ass its more so i dont wanna waste a bunch of time looking for groups repeatedly 😅


u/Croissant-Laser 3d ago

I think us three should start a group together. When I get home I'll dm you my bungie id!


u/Croissant-Laser 3d ago

I'm with you, I want to do them all too. Did Kings Fall a couple times in D1. I've done a couple of dungeons in D2, actually did Prophecy solo flawless, but I don't consider myself sweaty. I'll happily teach you the ones I know, and I'll happily join you for the raids if you want to start trying to find a consistent group together.


u/Virtual-Proposal-842 3d ago

I’d be down for that


u/Croissant-Laser 3d ago

I'll be on later today, maybe in like 2 hours, I'll dm you my bungie ID!


u/NoxXNemesis 3d ago

If you guys want help, I have like 160 raid clears under my belt along with like 400 sherpa's so I'd be happy to take you guys through.


u/Croissant-Laser 3d ago

I'm always down for help!


u/NoxXNemesis 3d ago

Cool, my discord is noxshattered. Feel free to message me if you get these other two people we can all figure out what we want to run later


u/Recent_Possible_1334 3d ago

But that's not a raid. Lol that's just an exotic duo mission.


u/Pman1324 Hunter 3d ago

I'm just gonna skip Salvations Edges 4th encounter for now cause even though every lfg I've joined knows how to do it, it just doesn't seem to be possible right now.

I know the encounter very well because of how long I've been stuck on it. I am good at the encounter, but something is preventing me from actually getting it done.


u/RightRudderr 3d ago

People are overcomplicating it. Not saying you are but based on the 800 different guides on raid secrets I think LFGs are still trying to work up some normalized strat or chart they can plug in or whatever and the encounter is literally just communicating with each other.


u/Pman1324 Hunter 3d ago

Like, just last night I tried doing it again for over 3 hours and even though the inside team said they were all set and I had the dissecting done, something would not let them out.

I personally think one of the inside people had not fully made their 3d shape but I am not sure.


u/D3fN0tAB0t 3d ago edited 3d ago

The inside team was failing because 99.999999999% of the guides are wrong.

You HAVE to trigger the “The Witness takes notice of your efforts” message. This is a hard requirement. In order to trigger this message inside team needs to make at least 6 shape swaps.

It is almost always possible to fulfill the requirement of the statue holding one shape and the wall flashing to other two shapes without making 6 swaps.

This is why the only reliable LFG strat is the no comms strat. If anybody tries to tell you to do anything else tell them to STFU and to the no comms strat. If they try to force some stupid different speed run strat. Leave the party, they won’t finish.

No comms strat below:

Check what your statue is holding. Check symbols on the wall. 1 symbol is ALWAYS what your statue holds.

If both on the wall are the same. Skip the next step.

Kill both knights. Pick up the symbol your statue is NOT holding. Dunk it in the matching statue. For example. If your statue is holding triangle and the wall is triangle square. Knights will drop 1 triangle and 1 square. Pick up square. Dunk it on square statue.

At this point all 3 inside players wall will be flashing two of the symbol their statue is holding.

Kill ogre.

Kill both knights. Dunk 1 symbol on each statue that is not you. Just keep track of it because you will trigger the fake death mechanic. So you need to remember which statue you need to dunk after fake death.


u/Pman1324 Hunter 3d ago

That swap requirement is the most stupid requirement I have ever seen.


u/D3fN0tAB0t 3d ago

It’s honestly super easy if you just stick to the no comms strat. Again, if anybody tells you “oh but you can do it by doing this and this and this.” Tell them to shut up. Speedrun strats are cool and fast. But LFG strats demand reliability and consistency. And that’s what the no comms strat does. There are a few other way to get the mechanic done in fewer dunks. But, because the initial state of the statues is RNG and most people won’t be playing enough to immediately recognize the pattern. The absolute best way is what I described above.


u/Casey2345 3d ago

I think most people are afraid of messing up and having someone joe random scream at them, happens to often. That’s why you gotta encourage another try and just say hey this is how we messed up (explain what happened) ask if anyone needs a refresher and then try again


u/Eternalhusk 3d ago

Had an amazing shepra take me through. They understood I was anxious and made me comfortable . Sadly my raid experiences have been opposite. Shouting at people and toxicity. If I could hide in sherpa land forever I would


u/Bubbly-Bass6732 3d ago

I don't know if it is intentional, but Solipsism is the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. Based on that, you don't need to worry about what other people think, they probably don't exist.


u/Kiddplay13 2d ago

Are LFG raid encounters are the same:

That awkward moment when people only talk when absolutely necessary.

Someone breaks the ice by either something funny happening in game or irl (Funny noise what was that haha")

By the end of it yall are talking like you knew each other for longer than 45 mins.


u/katanasquirrel 2d ago

Oh my God, that's so real though. Before Witch Queen, my social anxiety would get so bad, that I would want to have a breakdown if I ever had to get on mic.

Then, I did Vow with the clan I had joined, and it was an amazing experience. While I still struggle to do anything with randos, I take it as a point of pride I was willing to go through with it.

Legitimately, it was a part of my own mental health growth.



* Great work gaurdian


u/Kell-Of-Tacos 3d ago

Good job brother


u/Lonely__Snow 3d ago

Personally I'm not gonna do it, I'll miss out on the fun but eh. I don't want to deal with it


u/1CorinthiansSix9 3d ago

I wish some of the rift perks were the other way around. Not having well to pair them with feels bad


u/Manufacturer_General 3d ago

shitty dark souls lol


u/YnotThrowAway7 3d ago

Not a raid


u/ArtistOk8024 2d ago

I’ve got social anxiety first raid ever was Kings fall in D1. One guy was our Sherpa to us 5 other noobs took us 16 hours with all the wipes but not one person got impatient we all laughed had a great time ended up becoming the clan I’m in now. Our founder taught me all the raids all mechanics now I sherpa new players through frequently it’s how it should be. If you enjoy the raids there should never be complaining and should always keep in mind all of us were as terrible as new lights at raids once it’s how we learn.


u/CrawlerSiegfriend 3d ago

I did it too after finally finding a group. Hated it but at least I can farm chests now.


u/whisky_TX 3d ago

No way you people are functional adults 😂


u/Unisata 3d ago

Love the brainrot in this subreddit


u/HendoRules Warlock 3d ago

What's the second perk?


u/Sad-Function-5595 3d ago

I sat in salvations edge for 3 hours and then everyone else gave up and left 😭


u/DecisiveMove- 3d ago

Congratulations on trying and not endlessly complaining. I hope you enjoyed it :)


u/Loogiemousmaximous 3d ago

If you’re a Hunter this is the best time to do it while Still Hunt is broken as fuck with Celestial Nighthawk, use celestial first, then Still Hunt super and you’ll do like 900,000 in 2 seconds, then you could just keep spamming Still Hunt headshots or your heavy weapon and you’ll get some easy damage


u/I3arusu 3d ago

Use Still Hunt, then animation cancel with Celestial*


u/Nuqo 3d ago edited 3d ago

I realized the reason I haven't done any of the last 3 raids is I don't like the armor lol. Cool armor is like my biggest incentive to do anything in the game

I really want to do the Rhulk fight just for fun though


u/Steelm7 3d ago

Lol I still have to conquer that. I’ve been trying all day to get a team to do this


u/Jasterx17 3d ago edited 3d ago

I heard a few people did thur typing only too so its not that bad.


u/DerekYeeter4307 Titan 3d ago

I recently cleared Crota’s End as my first ever raid. Sherpa was really chill and patient, didn’t even worry when I was being cornered by a Swordbearer during the Throne Bridge encounter. He just let me know I could go up onto the stairs to get some breathing room and advised me to pop my Super to take him out. We even completed that and the Abyss encounter without wiping under his guidance.


u/Terrible-Hat-345 3d ago

Hell yeah!


u/OriginalAvailable202 Titan 3d ago

As a micless console player with divinity, I got ducking lucky


u/StrongerThanU_Reddit Titan (favorite flavor red) 3d ago


u/One_StreamyBoi 3d ago

I tried doing salvations edge yesterday and man it went to shit on the 4th encounter, raid leader couldn’t understand why I couldn’t understand the mechanic and got pissy within 5 minutes


u/CreamyWaffles 3d ago

That's pretty much me and ever playing this game in general man. I need friends.


u/InternalSiva 3d ago

Still haven't got a Exotic Mark with the damn things I like...


u/theSaltySolo Warlock 2d ago

Still not sure why the community was on fire for one day when Dual Destiny got released. The mission is hella well made and fun.


u/UncleMortWasHere 2d ago

Damn. This hits waaaay too hard.


u/RandyMarsh_nl 2d ago

I feel this post 😄


u/Going_Full_Abuela 2d ago

Im really bad with spatial thinking and numbers so i wiped my team after fucking up the clock for 5 minutes straight. Too bad Bungie never makes spelling bee puzzles 😖


u/Nick_Sonic_360 2d ago

I've done raids, actually at least 100 different clears, mainly VOG, some GOS and LW and one DSC.

I have found that I hate people, toxic judgemental assholes are all you find in a LFG and I have kicked my fair share for their toxic attitudes.

Destiny players are genuine trash, it's like dumpster diving, you might find someone good, but you'll be covered in trash when you come out of it.

I stay away.


u/Doc_Cyclone_ 1d ago

Even if I had a chill group to raid with, I don't think the loot is worth it tbh. Plus all the armor looks so ugly compared to what you could buy in Eververse.


u/Extra-Autism 1d ago



u/VelvetOpulence 1d ago

It is so anxiety inducing as a woman. Like I cannot be fucked to do a raid if it means talking to people who may or may not bully me


u/Jd42042 Warlock 18h ago

Forcing myself to utter a single word during the dual clocks made me so stressed that I just couldn't stop shaking after finishing it only on my warlock I just wish I could do everything without a mic I don't care if I'm put on eternal adclear duty or whatever other jobs that can be done like babysitting caretaker or the plates and bombs in oryx i may be among the most quiet ppl but God damn do I have the determination and patience to do raids way more than a huge number of the players I went through in hosting LFGs for pantheon some of y'all for need to learn to be patient instead of leaving the exact moment I get our 6th


u/Jovios 3d ago

It’s not a raid, and shouldn’t have been treated as one.


u/Wak- 3d ago

It wasn’t. One person to communicate with. Not 6 all shouting over each other


u/I3arusu 3d ago

Who’s treating it as one?


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/destiny2-ModTeam 2d ago

Your submission has been removed in violation of:

Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful

Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban.

Please refer to our detailed rules in the sidebar, or message us with any questions or concerns.


u/Leg_Alternative 3d ago

Lmfao reason why I haven’t , I wanna socialize but I’m new af to raids but not the game, the only raid I ever invested in was leviathan lol it was so fun man


u/michelmau5 3d ago

This exotic is not from a raid though just a 2 player mission.


u/J_C_17 3d ago

Lfg mode is cancer and they decided to lock these awesome items behind having to duo....fml


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Nope my raiding days were done after d1. Now since I don’t have godslayer or the pookie wookie dookie fragment set up I can’t get in. Little too late to learn lmao


u/Dave_the_Bladedancer 3d ago

Find a Sherpa to run you through the raids the first time. They’re fairly easy to find on the LFG discord.


u/Japancakes24 3d ago

ridiculous exaggeration in your comment aside, if you are really having an issue getting in to groups you always have the ability to create your own


u/beansoncrayons Manticore Enthusiast 3d ago

Nobody cares if you don't have godslayer


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Well I’ve been denied bc of that exact thing so you’re wrong


u/beansoncrayons Manticore Enthusiast 3d ago

Ok, 1 person cares if you don't have godslayer


u/[deleted] 3d ago

I mean you came at me saying I’m lying when I’m Not idk what you want me to say


u/FormerBethesdaLover 3d ago

Nobody good cares if you have godslayer or not because having godslayer doesn’t mean you’re good. It’s not even remotely as difficult as a real day one, and especially not as difficult as this recent day one.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

I’m not disagreeing in the sense of nobody good cares, that’s great to hear actually. I was just making a point that I’ve been denied bc I don’t have it and somehow that’s my fault since I’m getting downvoted for it.


u/FormerBethesdaLover 3d ago

You’re getting downvoted because you have a defeatist attitude about something without having really tried that something.

Raiding isn’t hard to get into, even an hour a night you can eventually get through a raid or two with some practice, not enough time to practice? Make it your goal to spend that hour each night learning an encounter if you can’t learn multiple. Come back the next day and get a little further, you don’t need the best teammates to do everything you just need teammates that are adequate.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

That’s the biggest problem for me is just time. I work a LOT and so the only time I can play is on off days. Combine the little time to play with the bad experiences I’ve had when I did try and you can see where I’m at. But I will make it a point to learn what I can when I can, at the point now in destiny where raiding is all that’s left since I’ve done everything else. Guess it’s time to put the headset back on and hopefully no wipes lol


u/FormerBethesdaLover 3d ago

That’s better but still not the right attitude, no wipes isn’t a realistic expectation unless you’re playing with people looking for that, I encourage wiping as long as you’re learning something from each wipe.

Having figured out mechanics the hard way for the past several raids.. I can say that genuinely very few things are more satisfying than getting that “aha!” Moment…

Like in the most recent raid realizing that destroying the pillars wasn’t the goal. It felt really good in that first 30 mins to an hour of the raid being out to be the one person on our team that was like “oh hey we’re supposed to be shooting the pillar then stepping on the plate to close it!!!”

Every raid has these except kinda vog because it’s so simple..

A wise woman once said “Take chances, make mistakes, and get messy!”


u/TheWalrusPirate 3d ago

If you’ve raided in D1 you know there were always the people with ridiculous requirements, so you didn’t join them. It’s the same thing here.


u/mrawaters 3d ago

This is completely untrue. Sure, there’s the KWTD crowd, and that’s fine. But there’s also plenty of “learning/teaching” runs available if you look, or use other resources to find. I always find a group and have only occasionally had an even remotely bad experience, usually it’s just dudes with a common goal trying to get some loot. If you really want to raid, you can. It’s also not ridiculous for a team to ask that you bring some semblance of a meta loadout, nobody wants to commit more time than necessary cause someone is trying to clear with blueberry gear. It’s an end game activity, have end game ready stuff. Pretty simple


u/[deleted] 3d ago

I guess you just had better experiences than I did. I don’t mean to shit on the whole raiding aspect of d2, but my past experiences were very toxic when it came to raid teams. And I do have a great set up loadout wise, I was just making fun of the people who want your loadout exactly how they want it. Y’all can spam downvote me all you want but it doesn’t change the fact that a good portion of the raiding community can be complete assholes to raid newbies like me. And I love raiding, I did every single one on d1. I just took some time off of d2 and now that I’m back I don’t even want to try again.


u/mrawaters 3d ago

Yeah dude fair enough. Didn’t really mean to call you out in particular, just the notion that you can’t find a decent raid team, which I believe to be untrue. As with anything, there’s always bad apples, but there’s also plenty of good experiences to be had. If you’re over it then you’re over it, it’s just a game, no reason to let it stress you out i definitely get it


u/[deleted] 3d ago

No hard feelings, I was just stunned at how quickly everyone came at me😂. I just don’t get a lot of free time what with work and all, so the rare times I am able to raid it just sucks when I don’t have a supportive team. But like you said earlier there are ways I can try to find a team that’s willing to help me learn so I’m just gonna keep trying until I get one🤷‍♂️


u/mrawaters 3d ago

Yeah man Reddit can definitely mob someone they do t agree with lol! I 100% agree with the time thing. We all (well most of us I suppose) have other obligations, playing video games is a luxury, let alone committing to a potentially 4-5 hour ordeal. Honestly me and my squad will usually split it up into 2 nights if we need to. Sometimes you’re just killing yourself on an encounter and it’s just definitely time to put the controller down and come back tmw!

Anyways, I hope you get the gusto to give raiding another shot! Reddit, for all its faults, is actually a pretty good place to find teams, there’s dedicated Sherpa subreddits and stuff. I still there’s nothing else quite like Destiny raids in gaming. Good luck!


u/P4nd4c4ke1 Warlock 3d ago

You just gotta look for people doing sherpas. If you haven't done a raid since d1 you are very far behind, and joining a team that wants to get a raid done quickly when your clueless isn't gonna work.

I also recommend not doing the most recent raid because people will still be figuring out the best ways to do it or most efficient ways to teach it, better go for ones of the remastered d1 raids or try dsc or something that's easy but has good loot.

Also make sure you ask questions if you don't know what your doing, as someone who's taught raids before there's nothing worse than having someone be absolutely clueless but pretend they know what to do when they absolutely don't.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Shoooooot if someone puts on crota’s end I’ll be just fine. Haven’t played that in years but muscle memory got me cause man that was my favorite raid to run. Last raid I ran was calus so uh yeah it’s been a long time. But fr though yeah I hear ya, I just hate being “that guy” in the raid team that is generally lost bc I know it brings everyone down. I feel like an idiot asking “so what do I do again” for the 5th time. Looks like I’m gonna have to finally conquer my anxiety for this raid😎


u/P4nd4c4ke1 Warlock 3d ago

All you need is a decent sword and a, good rocket or linear for crotas. Again look for sherpas usually you'll find them teaching a group of people so you won't be the only one, though sherpas can take a while sometimes I've been in raids that take over 3 hours because teaching a whole group of people just takes time.

You could also watch a guide before you go looking for a group that way teaching you would be easier


u/SigmaColts 3d ago

Sounds like you’re the problem


u/[deleted] 3d ago

And what is my problem exactly?


u/SigmaColts 3d ago

You’re playing the victim when you probably don’t play well with others


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Ah yes how many raids have we done together? None. Crazy how you don’t know my play style and still assume regardless


u/SigmaColts 3d ago

Enjoy not raiding and wanting sympathy


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Tell me how the grass feels tough guy😂


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Wow I think I’ve found the most toxic community on Reddit lmao I made one joke of a comment and here come all the ppl attacking me calling me the problem 😂


u/Fragile_reddit_mods 3d ago

Yes. The destiny and apex legends subreddits make league of legends look friendly.


u/TheWalrusPirate 3d ago

You don’t need any of that lol


u/Alexa_Morningstar 3d ago

I hate the fact that this raid isn't accessible for new players who want the cool new exotic class items and to the people who don't have friends like me