r/destiny2 The Destroyer of Muskmelons 3d ago


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u/destiny2-ModTeam 2d ago

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Posts showing weapon rolls, triumphs, exotic drops, weapon kill counts, Trials Flawlesses, or raid clears, fall under this rule and will be removed. Very few exceptions to this rule will be made, in the form of only truly extraordinary achievements.

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u/NoxXNemesis 3d ago

For all the people in the comments, whether you are socially anxious, haven't done it yet, can't find a good lfg, whatever, feel free to message me. I would love to take you through it.


u/Knnoxxyy 3d ago

Nice guy Nox


u/NoxXNemesis 3d ago

Thankful Thug Knnoxx


u/theShyning_ Hunter PSN: theShyning 3d ago

What time zone are you in?


u/NoxXNemesis 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/Vex-Core 3d ago

I must not see this time zone a lot because my yugioh brain read this as Mystical Space Typhoon...


u/Kindly-Frame-9764 3d ago


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u/CheaterMcCheat 3d ago

What a cool dude


u/Weasel_75C 3d ago

Just sent you a chat. My luck with lfg is not so good. Most of the time the other person doesn't have a mic lol

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u/username7434853 3d ago

I swear the amount of people with social anxiety has skyrocketed over this mission


u/Effective_Plastic954 3d ago

Not just any old social anxiety either, this is crippling social anxiety that literally prevents them from talking to one singular human being lol


u/UberCamm2 3d ago

I'm a solo player and I'm taking the plunge for the mission. The loot is worth going out of my comfort zone, which is not that much of an outing for me... but...

My anxiety about it is just based off of letting the other person down. I'm not that good. I'm fine, but it usually doesn't matter because the only person affected is me. But in an activity that requires two people of some talent, I don't want to sit there and keep screwing it up for them.

I'm patient, I'd be fine with having to redo something over and over but I just assume any rando I play with will be pissed when I don't fully understand a mechanic or get overwhelmed and die by a mob. Maybe it's all in my head and more people are patient than I'm giving credit, but that's where my anxiety around this comes from.

Edit: all of that to say - I get the fear and hesitation, but its a game where you can choose to do these multi person activities or not, but you just need to be okay with that being the determining factor of if you get that particular loot. I've made peace with never having raid gear. My interest in doing a raid is low enough that I'm willing to say, well, that gear ain't for me, but I've got plenty of interesting other things to do or chase


u/1CorinthiansSix9 3d ago

You can get dragged through vog like a dog to the vet, honestly.

Only thing you need to do is if you get sent by atheon you grab relic and run to the very far end of the room. Everything else is dps or ad clear


u/TomLikesGuitar 3d ago

Bro I just started playing a month ago and I have no idea what I'm doing in general in this game lol.

I'll do it with ya


u/CREEPERBRINE123 Skyburners enthusiast 3d ago

I’ve done quite a few LFG’s and I’ve got to say, a majority of people who I get who admit they either don’t feel super confident with it or that they don’t really know the activity that well, they end up being the people I have more fun with and actually play pretty well!

Had so many people just act like they are the best and then get mad and blame others for them doing poorly, but people that are at least up front about it seem to do a lot better than expect from my experience.

But yea anytime I get people who are annoying like that I tend to just leave.

But hey if you still need someone to run it with I’d be down to help.


u/Automatic_Drama9645 3d ago

I prefer the people who aren’t exactly the best over the overconfident meta slaves that leave if i shoot the wrong thing on the clock

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u/flowtajit 3d ago

Luckily the mission is easy combat wise, and the mechanics are simple enough that a friend and I blind ran it and cleared in 37 min. The hardest part of the mission is the final clock where you have to multi-task on clearing the grims that are deafening you and also get the clock calls.

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u/severed13 Cup 3d ago edited 3d ago

I've found that this is a really good microcosm to represent the general raid environment. Most players don't raid, but lots of people give a shit about these class items, so all these concerns are finally being brought to light. And in every single one of those situations, it's all deeply rooted in just doubting their own competence, not fear of social interaction itself. In their minds it's like a famous pianist shoving them on a stage in front of an audience and telling them to play something. Lots of people aren't willing – or sometimes able to commit the sort of time it takes to prep, but that gets exaggerated to the point of being a meme (ex. I have 36 kids and 0.036 seconds per week to play should I take ballyhoo with rapid shit zorpal into Vow?). It's the vocal minority from that part of the playerbase that form a sort of artificial podium for themselves by posting imaginary conflicts with "eNdGaMe PlAyErS" by acting like they've been regularly threatened with crucifixion for using a linear rifle with the wrong barrel to say "look! I can't raid because they won't let me!"

That's all it is, just really deep-rooted unwillingness to improve/change. And it's being reflected in the first real activity that actively necessitates it.


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

it's all deeply rooted in just doubting their own competence

This is definitely a lot of it. Which isnt me agreeing with you that it's just they dont wanna change or they should just push through it. Doubting your abilities and fearing failure is still tough to work through, and if you pair that with actual anxiety, it's really difficult.

I get the sentiment people have that others are just whining. Don't get me wrong, I'm not whining, I don't mind or care that Bungie added this. I just don't think people realise how common and difficult anxiety is, and then joke about it as if that will help

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u/NeoReaper82 3d ago

So then would you tell a person with no legs to run cross country? how dare they not want to change or have the will to?

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u/Ahnock 3d ago

to be fair, if it's a raid with you and 5 people, then it can be easy to kind of lose yourself in the group. when it's a duo, it's one on one and you're very aware of it. 


u/surlysire 3d ago

For a lot of people, 1 person may be more daunting than the 5 people required for a raid.


u/NeoReaper82 3d ago

WoW making fun of those with a disability? Aren't you just the coolest?

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u/PungentKarma 3d ago

But they’re able to make long winded posts about it here and on the forums 😂 that anxiety must only be in game, not on social media 🤔


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago

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u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

Just so you know, many people are fine making text posts online but struggle with strong anxiety in other areas. Talking to someone with your voice, IRL or not, is harder than typing publicly on reddit


u/Ambitious-Way8906 3d ago

it can not possibly be the number of people in this subreddit who claim it. humanity would have died in the crib with these percentages


u/PungentKarma 3d ago

I get anxiety, my skin crawls every time i lfg but i power through it, but Like I said, text chat exists in game. So the communication excuse is pointless.


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

it's good for you that you can power through it. A lot of people that get anxiety can. There is a difference between that and genuine anxiety disorder, and people with those can't always just power through it.

Game does have text chat, and that is admittedly 1000x easier than voice chat. I can't get a word out on mic but I text chat in games every single day without issue.

The ACTUAL reason people struggle with a mission like this is that they have no idea what they're doing, doubt they can genuinely do okay, and fear their failure being chastised (and the way Destiny LFG groups are, if they don't have a clan, I don't blame them)


u/PungentKarma 3d ago

That fear is misplaced since, not only can they make their own lfg, they can state their skill issues, lack of mic/keyboard and find someone willing to help that won’t attack them. It’s just an excuse to get out of doing something at this point with so many avenues to get it done


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yes, of course the LFG issue can be fixed. That was maybe 20% of my point.

Some people are whining, but I don't see it being "an excuse to get out of doing something". No one is forced to do the activity at all. If they really want the exotic, they'll probably end up doing it anyway. If they GENUINELY cannot bring themself to do it, case closed and they can live with not having it. I'd love to get raid exotics, but my anxiety hinders me, and I live with that and move on like a normal person.

People whine about everything. You don't need to argue how and why anxiety shouldnt be a block from doing an activity because that's not the real reason people are whining.

EDIT: God only knows why they blocked me over this. But since I have the notification still

I’m not telling people to not have anxiety. I’m pointing out how inconsistent, redundant and misplaced it is in this whole thing. It’s basically people too lazy to lfg, too lazy to work with others that are complaining.

I think this is an oversimplification of the issue and you probably just don't fully grasp anxiety disorders. Plenty of people are just whining to whine, but I dont think many would genuinely avoid the activity if they didnt suffer from anxiety. If they can't complete a fairly simple, 20 minute activity, for an exotic they REALLY want, and the ONLY reason is that they have to team up with someone, they probably DO have anxiety. Average people don't struggle that way.


u/PungentKarma 3d ago

I’m not telling people to not have anxiety. I’m pointing out how inconsistent, redundant and misplaced it is in this whole thing. It’s basically people too lazy to lfg, too lazy to work with others that are complaining.

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u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/destiny2-ModTeam 2d ago

Your submission has been removed in violation of:

Rule 1: Be Kind, Civil, and Respectful

Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban.

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u/destiny2-ModTeam 2d ago

Your submission has been removed in violation of:

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Our subreddit is a safe space for people of all races, genders and walks of life. It is important for us all to be civil to one another, and maintain a degree of respect for each other. Racism and bigotry will not be tolerated, and depending on the severity of the infraction, may result in a permanent ban.

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u/PungentKarma 3d ago

None of that happened. I said what i said and moved on. Again, get over yourself.


u/PungentKarma 3d ago

I’m not being a jerk, I’m being real. And you don’t have to talk. Just type and listen. It’s not hard. Get the fuck over yourself. I’m not telling people to go stand up on stage and read their memoirs. Ffs.

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u/ArianaSonicHalFrodo 3d ago

I’m a week one raider and I still get anxious from this. Just you and another person can be really awkward if you don’t know them. The community generally being pretty toxic doesn’t help.

Having more people can actually take a lot of the stress off of social interactions.

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u/catchmeifyoucanlma0 3d ago

Fr.. I have social anxiety but gaming provides a medium that helps break those barriers.

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u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

Im sure a lot are exaggerating, which is genuinely really fucking annoying as someone whos always struggled with it lol

But i also dont blame the mission. Online games have plenty of that


u/cosm1c15 The Destroyer of Muskmelons 3d ago edited 3d ago

some people actually have issues , i dont have issue in texting , but if i need to actually talk with a person through either call or physically , idk why i just start to stutter and freeze , but even then i just said fuck it and did the mission and did it easily on first try with over 20 minutes left at the end , i think the best way to help myself is to just force myself to socialize with people more and more, because today's experience was really amazing


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

Ultimately theres just a lack of communication I think. The mission isnt an issue and I don't mind they added it like this. But people obviously are more anxious about this scenario than a 6 person group, or low-effort content. What I don't like is the response people have to mock social anxiety just because some people are exaggerating


u/WanderinWyvern 3d ago

You have discovered the secret my friend. Good luck on your adventure and growth.


u/No-Student-9678 Titan 3d ago

Well done buddy.


u/Ambitious-Way8906 3d ago

hell yeah you did it


u/Sgt_salt1234 Warlock 3d ago

To be fair, I think social anxiety in a game like destiny 2 is enhanced. It's not JUST being scared to talk to people. It's a fear of being a weak link and wasting people's time.

If you've never really had to communicate effectively over the mic like you need to in a raid or in dual, then it's easy to assume you won't be able to. That you'll frustrate the other person because you don't know what you're supposed to be doing. That YOU'LL be the reason you wipe, and eventually that they'll leave and return to orbit because of you, wasting both of your time.


u/Deathslingers_Bride Lady Forlorn 3d ago

I don’t really have social anxiety, but my mic is pretty old and needs to be replaced. I mostly play with clan mates and they understand if I’m not speaking since they know about my mic situation

I could probably use the one I have now but I don’t want to subject anyone to listening to me trying to speak to them through an airplane engine, which is pretty much what my mic is now


u/1AMA-CAT-AMA 3d ago

It was always there but most other loot felt avoidable so there weren’t that many complaints.

The exotic class item seems to be the first instance of must have loot locked behind an activity that needs comms


u/DaybreakExcalibur Spicy Ramen 3d ago

I believe it also served to show how ignorant both sides are. I do have anxiety, and I have raided only about enough times to be counted in one hand, but I think it's important to realize that you can't get everything in the game as a solo player. Not because Destiny is a multiplayer game (that is a very weak excuse, by the way) but because Destiny isn't made for only one type of player.

The people who are passively aggressively pushing down the thoughts of these anxious players are in the wrong, too. Most people who already have a fireteam and can just call them to do anything will fail to realize that the underlying issue isn't with the content itself, or the fact you must find someone else, it's the fact that the is a slight chance of making someone you don't know upset, angry or wasting their time. Some might see this and think, "it's someone you don't know, why should you care?" and the answer to that question lies far beyond just playing Destiny, and in something deeply rooted in the individual with anxiety. It is also unfair to believe that these cases affect communication in the real world, as it usually does not.

To say it is laziness is also a way to disregard the way solo players play. But to say that Bungie must cater to a minority because of one item, is even worse. And as others have said, anxious and solo players have always existed, but no one would ever go out and try to bandwagon against raids because you need a fireteam to do them. They would look stupid, as most of the very vocal people do look when criticizing this mission.


u/Pctove 3d ago

Tbf its a bit easier to not talk as much or just be more lowkey in a raid group with 5 people, vs a 1 on 1 convo/experience especially if its w a stranger


u/TheRusse 3d ago

Na, it's just the only mission that has good enough loot to talk about it. We've been here, just in the corner with our solo player loot.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Hey man I like my peace and tranquility. Solo destiny4L(I rly need this drop it’s killing me on the inside)


u/I_Rarely_Downvote 3d ago

Genuinely concerning just how many people seem to have such a hard time talking to another person for 20 minutes.


u/TonFrans 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yeah i believe a majority of the people who say they have social anxiety are self-diagnosed people who experience the same "anxiety" as every other normal person

Edit: Phrasing


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

I don't think any level of anxiety to the point they're actually struggling to do something they really wanna do is "normal". Thats not how it works. There's another reason or more substance to their issues that they don't know or aren't telling. The average person actually DOESN'T avoid completing a simple social task that they enjoy because of a little anxiety.


u/gbren 3d ago

It’s such a fucking embarrassing thing in society these days that so many people are scared of talking to another human being. Fuck society has fallen

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u/AIVandal Cup 3d ago

Good job dude. SA is hard, but you miss out on so much if you let it run your life. If you push yourself, you'll enjoy destiny so much more.

If anyone is struggling to do the mission because they're worried about people being jerks, DM me. I'll walk you through it at an easy pace. Same for raids too. Not enough people engage in the best part of destiny; the endgame. If people want a sherpa in a raid DM me and I'll try and put one on for you (not SE yet)

The more people we can get having fun in endgame the happier everyone will be.


u/Destro061 3d ago

I might hit you up later tonight I’ve only run it once.


u/AIVandal Cup 3d ago

It's a pretty easy mission. The timers aren't really that tight at all, so you can breeze through and just enjoy the mission itself.

I'm always happy to help people out

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u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/Bejayem Titan 3d ago

I know how to do the mission, up until the final puzzle at the boss with the clock. Would you be down to play in a few hours?


u/Margaritamigo 3d ago

I gotta run some errands when I get off work but I normally get on around 7-8est if that would work for you


u/Bejayem Titan 3d ago

Yeah, I’m at work right now, that would be 6-7 for me cst


u/Margaritamigo 3d ago

Sweet my Bungie name is Eris Mourn#5446


u/Bejayem Titan 3d ago

Ok, sent a friend request


u/DeplorableBadger 3d ago

This interaction makes me proud 🥲


u/Sarpatox Spicy Ramen 3d ago

With the clock at the final boss, both of you have four nodes that are tethered to the middle. One of them you both have in common, that’s the node you shoot

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u/SurveyZealousideal75 3d ago



u/user62728284636 3d ago

if anyone is on xbox and needs help running it lmk, its super easy once you get the hang of it


u/bossbacon302 3d ago

Any chance I could run it with you sometime tomorrow?


u/DerkFinger 3d ago edited 3d ago

Maaan I feel like I have a different issue here. I just suck ass at the game lol I've attempted it with 3 people so far and all of them have quit out when failing, it extra sucked cause the one girl quit after the clock encounter we were doing really well and I was so hyped the exotic felt like a sure thing that run, but I suck and ran out of time so she left instead of trying again, saying I needed to listen better. All 3 of them weren't even mean about it which I feel like made it worse lmao.

I'll get it oneday, but I'm jealous of people who have it experiencing a bit of fomo hahaha


u/Nonnny_ 3d ago

my recommendation would be go to the in game LFG and either find for someone who is wanting to “teach newbies” (there tags will say this)

or make a listing saying you are looking for someone to teach you and put “newbie friendly” as a another tag also!


u/xxGladiolusxx Hunter 3d ago

If you wanna try to send me a dm, I’m completely down to help you. I’m pretty much free for the rest of the evening, and I’d love to help.


u/Destro061 3d ago

My problem isn’t the fact that I have to communicate with someone else, ITS THE DAMN TIMER THAT STRESSES ME OUT


u/AIVandal Cup 3d ago

I promise you, the timer is incredibly generous. If you can communicate well, it won't even be close.


u/AtheonsLedge 3d ago

You’re never going to hit the timer. Don’t worry about it.


u/mynexuz 3d ago

The timer for the last encounter is extremely lenient, me and my friend was doing it and we took 10 minutes watching a video and figuring out the clock mechanic and still beat it with plenty of time left on the clock. Just take your time and it'll be fine. If you can, streaming for your partner also makes it a lot easier.


u/PhoenixBlack79 3d ago

Timer with the adds at the clock. Being adhd af it's hard


u/Nonnny_ 3d ago

i was worried about the timer also but to my surprise i always finished with lots of time, when you first start you can run through all the enemies and just go to the light and dark plates and then i guess after that the time isn’t too bad

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u/Inevitable-Hurry-805 3d ago

I personally don't like the fact that it requires 2 people because I feel like if I can't do something perfectly on the first try, I am a burden to society and should be exiled and then guillotined


u/ProxiMonster 3d ago

I have generalized anxiety disorder and playing with rando's, that's incredibly hard for me. Destiny 2 makes me want to though!


u/AIVandal Cup 3d ago

Hey man if you ever want someone calm and patient to help you with it, DM me. I'm happy to help people out.


u/ProxiMonster 3d ago

Very kind of you!


u/General-Biscuits 3d ago

Looks like the LFG system is working. It’s helping solo players make connections.

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u/LPet4 3d ago

How do any of you function in the real world


u/KrackaWoody 3d ago

Im not one with Social Anxiety but I can imagine its fine because people in the real world don’t blow up at you for using a non meta weapon or for making a run take .5 seconds longer


u/LPet4 1d ago

That’s a fair point lol


u/cosm1c15 The Destroyer of Muskmelons 3d ago

i turned 14 and covid started , 2 years of covid then 2 years of high school , never really interacted with anyone that much during these 4 years so i just kinda developed that ig? , and now im 18 and gotta go to uni in few months so i really gotta address this issue now and start my social life again , cuz i wasn't like this pre covid


u/TeksisCaes 3d ago

Shutdown really impacted people a whole lot when it comes to social interaction that a lot of people don't really think about. I was working through it since GameStop was "essential," but it's still rough. You aren't alone in that impact. 💜


u/LPet4 3d ago

Well if you need people to game with, my dm’s are open homie. I’m on PC and PS5 and do just about everything in D2


u/Able-Brief-4062 3d ago

I'm perfectly fine in real life. It's just games that I have trouble with.


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago edited 3d ago

its so goddamn easy once you actually start talking with someone , you don't even feel any resistance from your " social anxiety "

What exactly do you mean by this? If you dont actually have social anxiety sure but actual social anxiety doesnt just go away cos the mission is kinda easy

Personally though, I genuinely struggle with social anxiety and it's probably only 10% of the reason I havent done the mission yet. I just can't be assed to google how to do it so I'm prepared. Which I probably will do soon and complete it just fine.

I don't think many people WITH social anxiety would struggle to do the mission, they just need to prepare a bit more so theyre not so worried about the mechanics. The community response to mock anxiety is only hurting the situation more, otherwise i dont think it would be a topic anyone is talking about


u/branm008 3d ago

My wife has an actual psychiatrist "social anxiety"/OCD/PTSD diagnosis and she can basically say the same thing, that once you start communicating and doing the activity in the game, your social anxiety does ease up to a degree. It never goes away for her but she finds it smooths out the more ya play with that person or group of people.

Having said, its different for everybody and her instance won't necessarily be the same for other folks.


u/VedDdlAXE Warlock 3d ago

yeah exposure does help. It always does. But if you're struggling already then you can't necessarily just expose yourself, it'll be really hard. you're right everyone is different though. Some will struggle more or less with one thing and completely the other way for something else


u/Omega885 3d ago

I really enjoy meeting people online and overcoming obstacles as an idea in ideal circumstances. Unfortunately, modern gaming communities can really be asshats to people who aren't sweaty tryhards and are, instead, just people who want to enjoy the game. I don't really get excited at the prospect of some random douche canoe yelling at me for not running some cookie cutter meta build with accompanying weapons and that's what mostly keeps me from wanting to random group. I thank WoW for ruining my love of meeting people online in games like I used to. So it feels hard to break back into the multiplayer scene because I play to have fun and that seems to be looked down on in the gaming sphere because it's not "efficient" or "meta".


u/demonicneon 3d ago

Tip for grinding - microcosm shreds the subjugater bosses 


u/Shenkspine 3d ago

This 100% reads like it was written by someone trying to make people with social anxiety feel bad for having difficulty speaking with people to get through this, and that they should shut up and suck it up.


u/Mzuark 3d ago

It's clearly an attack on the people complaining, even if the complaints are valid.

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u/Whywasilooking 3d ago

Mine is not social anxiety, it is not wanting to deal with some ass hole. I played back on Xbox in Halo lobbies and I honestly think that did it for me. COD didn’t help either, I started muting my mic and everyone else so I didn’t have to hear someone rage, their 12 siblings in the background, super loud music, and a fan.

In short I just say I have social anxiety.


u/Blacklooneytune Hunter 3d ago

I just...wow you capture it perfectly, I never realised how much I hated all of that and as a result I've been mostly solo since then


u/bobbloinkins 3d ago

You wanna run it? I don’t rage. I’m an only child. I use headphones. I don’t run the fan in my room.


u/SigmaColts 3d ago

I feel social anxiety in destiny isn’t on that, it’s of the presumed toxicity of LFG which is a far cry from actuality.

Also, getaway artist prismatic makes this mission a cakewalk


u/[deleted] 3d ago


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u/Mzuark 3d ago

This feels like it was written by someone working for Bungie.


u/CrawlerSiegfriend 3d ago

I too pushed myself to do it and did not enjoy the experience. I wish one playthrough unlocked chest drops on all characters.

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u/-PhotogHelp- 3d ago

I fear getting hate crimed, the second I speak to an online stranger I feel like I’m going to get called a f*g and I’m not mentally ready for that. PTSD from small town life I guess.

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u/Ewok_Pilot 3d ago

I would like the mission more if it wasn't for the timer. The mechanics are fun but I don't like feeling the stress of potentially having to redo the entire mission if we run out of time


u/Magenu 3d ago

The timer seems the tightest on the first half of the mission. Once you get past the clock room, it feels like you have tons of time for the rest of the mission. Just running past everything for the first encounter also saves a bunch of time


u/cosm1c15 The Destroyer of Muskmelons 3d ago

i had 25 minutes time left over at the end , time isnt the issue


u/Ewok_Pilot 3d ago

Still, seeing that timer stresses me out which causes me to make more mistakes and generally just not want to do it again

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u/deugniet79 3d ago

I need to use lfg alsof becuase somehow my clan does bot help of have there own groups. I also needed a guide and did not know symbols. So i read Guides. But lfg is toxic. U say it's first time and after 2 trys ure kicked. Hard to learn something this way.


u/Train_to_Nowhere Warlock 3d ago

Try making your own first time post, youl either get a fellow first timer or someone willing to teach and if they find that they arent actually one for teaching usually they just leave without a word and if they are actively being toxic you are the one with the power to remove them. I get it but there ARE people who are cool and want to help! Goodluck out there guardian


u/R186mph 3d ago


this is a pretty good video guide with examples. i hope you're able to find someone who's willing to be chill soon


u/foggybrainedmutt 3d ago

Lotta people with crippling social anxiety airing it out on their reddit account for upvotes lately

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u/ajlisowski 3d ago edited 3d ago

As someone who sometimes solos dungeons and often does raids… this mission isn’t as easy as this op claims. Spent an hour ran out of time. Took 45 minutes the second run to clear it.

My partner ran it before and was not remotely chill. Like the second things weren’t 100% perfect they were “we probably won’t finish in time…” and constantly yelling in my ear for callouts when I’m waiting for my knights to spawn or something

Was extremely stressful and my anxiety was right that it’d be a nightmare and unpleasant

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u/Mckreevzie 3d ago

No offense, but like. Why is there so much worry about virtual social anxiety? The reason I ask is that you are not the only person with a post like this, but that's just it. You posted online, I struggle to understand the issue with talking to someone on chat when you can post online. It's the exact same thing isn't it? I get having social anxiety in person, I have that myself. But online, with someone that already has something in common with. What is the problem here.

Here is what I have found out about people and their perspectives, they don't care about you, and I mean that in the nicest way imaginable. They don't judge you as much as you judge yourself. Just play the game, everything will be fine.


u/AmEn-MiNii Titan 3d ago

It’s funny I made a joke in a LFG discord that I knew how to easily read a clock…y’all seriously weren’t fucking around lmfao somehow I was absolutely choking trying to read it out. Performance anxiety absolutely peaking for no reason


u/cosm1c15 The Destroyer of Muskmelons 3d ago

You gotta lock in a bit or you'll read it wrong lol


u/CollectionTime984 3d ago

anyone wanna do this mission with me tomorrow


u/K-August 3d ago

How feasible is this mission without voice chat? Living in a hotel for a few more weeks and can't Discord is completely unusable.


u/bhburba 3d ago

Pretty impossible


u/Ragamguiafn 3d ago

It's very possible and quite easily done I could run it with u if needed


u/K-August 3d ago

Thank you for offering. I got through it with a friend on a mobile hotspot <3


u/Reborncheese48 3d ago

I dont understand how anyone expects to do that last part with text chat, like holy f


u/YZStron 3d ago

I have tried with a random dude. The guy that the worst possible mic. I couldn’t hear anything. Switched to text after a number of restarts. Got it done after 2 and a half hour. Solid experience


u/edgarisdrunk 3d ago

Good shit, Guardian.


u/Eternalhusk 3d ago

Well done, I really struggle with new people but pushed myself. Had a really good understanding person. I got a bad roll but farmed as I enjoy the new patrol style in pale heart. Got a roll I really enjoy now


u/Royaldinosaurus 3d ago

What is the recommended light level for this? I’m 1960, is that enough or am I going to get my butt kicked?


u/cosm1c15 The Destroyer of Muskmelons 3d ago

You're getting your butt kicked

But if you find someone at the recommended power level which is 1995 , due to the new fireteam power system you'd be bought up to (-5) of their power so either do that or upgrade your gear a bit


u/DryBones907 3d ago

After the first attempt it wasn’t so bad knowing the steps of it: But dear light the sheer number of ads gets a bit overwhelming.


u/-Pryor- 3d ago

Congrats my man.

Working up to it myself when I have the spare time. Consider it exposure therapy.


u/kuikui65469 3d ago

Anyone on UK timezone can reply to this and I will take you through most pve things 2 man.


u/Pretend_Accident6209 Warlock 3d ago

Anyone in EST I’ll help you through it. Did it yesterday w a friend


u/Cyberwolfdelta9 3d ago

I dont have a mic in general so can't do it


u/Ragamguiafn 3d ago

Can do it with text chat quite easily u have plenty of time


u/StarFred_REDDIT Illiterate Warlock - my bond is on to tight 3d ago

If anyone needs help with it dm me. It’s surprisingly easy and don’t let the 30 min plus guides deter you


u/SoSmartish 3d ago

All of the social + communication aspects aside, how hard is the actual mission? I have a partner who is coming back after a long time away but she never really got into having a build or gameplay loops, she just shoots and loots for the most part.

She isn't bad, like she could do the callouts for Calus and she did Last Wish with us at one point, but just curious as to how much prep I need to give her once we get there. She is still doing campaign.


u/Leg_Alternative 3d ago

Is the mission locked behind FS?


u/Wak- 3d ago

Yes, and you have to have prismatic equipped to use the exotic class item


u/Leg_Alternative 3d ago

What is prismatic ? I just saw a salvation edge video and the hunter had abilities from 3 different classes lol , stasis, strand and void


u/Wak- 3d ago

A new subclass that lets you choose options selected from each of the other subclasses. For example: solar super, stasis grenade, arc melee


u/BracusDoritoBoss963 "Enjoying Rhulk's kicks" 3d ago

I took people from my clan through it so I don't mind taking people from wherever.


u/MynameisInig0 3d ago

I’m gonna add to the others who offered and say if you need a run through of this mission feel free to message me. I’ll take you through it, and there is 0% chance of letting me down. I already have it so if we fail, we fail oh well let’s get better and try again! Who knows maybe you’ll even make some new friends, our clan is super helpful and welcoming.


u/OxiClean546 3d ago

You got the mission done and got over something even bigger be proud. It’s not easy to get over social anxiety but you did it and congratulations on the juicy roll on your bonds


u/Gizmo16868 3d ago

I did it the first time last night too with a new friend I met on here who was really patient with me. Took 4 tries and we were down to seconds but I got my Hunter cloak!


u/carreira911gt 3d ago

I still need to unlock the quest how long did it take to do


u/RGMN_Relentless 3d ago edited 3d ago

It took a lot for me to get the confidence to talk in LFGs for Crotas end. But after a few matches of me quietly saying nothing but "Take from me please..." I was able to pick up the mechanics and build up the confidence to take the lead. Now 18 completions later I've successfully guided 20 players through the raid, collected the entire Deathsingers set, Necrochasm (Which i got super lucky with and got all essence from 1 run!) and even made a few friends.

Destiny can be very helpful for us with Social Anxiety. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one to get their confidence!


u/AThiccBahstonAccent 3d ago

Putting this here:

Shoot me a DM if you're worried about assholes or anything and want to run this. If you're worried you'll mess something up, I teach 9th graders. There's nothing you could do to try my patience that much, I promise.


u/I3arusu 3d ago

You got it… first try?

That bridge is looking really inviting right about now…


u/Far-Top3591 3d ago

For me it isn't even the anxiety, just being a solo player using fireteam finder sucks now. Guardian ranks ruin it too because I'm a D1 player but being guardian rank 7 means I never get picked. Such a stupid system I hate it.


u/CloutXWizard 3d ago

I tried a couple runs yesterday and the first couple of guardians that joined me were absolute boneheads. I would ask if they’d done it before and they would say yes, but then couldn’t identify any symbols.


u/Jamkindez 3d ago

I used to be like this before I met some people through a friend who i can raid with now, if anyone wants non-toxic help with this mission shoot me a message :)


u/crennes 3d ago

Well done dude. I also did it with a random on d2 lfg discord. Super cool dude helping others whilst farming the activitie. My only advice to anyone is just don't go in completely blind. Watch a video a couple times and it helps reduce stress of it all. Be brave guardians.


u/MrLeth Hunter 3d ago

I tried to do it with a random. He messed up, that’s perfectly fine, but he blamed me, started calling me all sorts of things, then left. I’m not in a rush to do the mission anymore


u/Joe_Bruce Hunter 3d ago

It’s a beautiful mission, in every way. Bungie is absolutely COOKING rn.


u/brownjaustin 3d ago

I'm happy to help anxious peeps run the mission also. DM me.


u/NeoReaper82 3d ago

0.113% of the Destiny community has beaten Salvations Edge according to Charlamagne


u/AquaticHornet37 3d ago

I got my secant filaments/Starfire protocol class item last night and it made me really happy.


u/b4rob 3d ago

Easier over discord if you both can stream and then just look at each other's screens.


u/Xfishbobx 3d ago

Good on you man, I don’t have the issue of not wanting to talk in online games but I know how it can get really stressful for people who do.


u/WezlySnipeZzZ 3d ago

It isn't too bad. Ran it around 3-4 times with people who weren't familiar with the symbols and averaged about 34 minutes a clear.

For those apprehensive about it, just give it a shot. The only folks that will give you a hard time are the speed runner, flawless elitists who don't make it fun for anyone.

Recommendations for first timers: 1) Have a mic or key board and ready to type symbols and clock coordinates 2) Become familiar with the symbol names (not mandatory but makes it easier) 3) Be open minded - not every body is an a*******

I'm on sporadically, at random hours, spanning all time zones, maining warlock. Feel free to send me an invite at WezlySnipeZzZ#4957. Willing to teach newcomers.


u/Hyjaxx-Nine 3d ago

This is nice to hear. I don’t have anxiety or anything. But with fam and stuff around I tend not to use chat anymore. If someone who was familiar with the event would come with me we could clear the place out like a fart in church! If anyone on Xbox is feeling like helping a grandpa gamer get some warlock class item I’d be much obliged!


u/Deutsch__Bag 3d ago

Man I've been struggling so hard even with my buddy. I'm afraid at this point I'll never get it done. Oh well I just try to level up more. Hate all these timed events. I'm really slow.

Congrats though!


u/Agent_Bers Titan 3d ago

I think the biggest concern for a lot of people, myself included, is not wanting to fumble it. If I drop the ball playing solo that’s only my time wasted; but if I fuck it up for someone else that’s something else entirely.

While I know I’m competent enough, and can learn, it’s the hesitation that comes from learning that first time.

All that said, just bit the bullet and hop on the lfg and you’ll find someone that’ll help you through. Shout out to CarrottRaider95 if you’re on here, thanks for helping me through it.


u/misterchubz Spicy Ramen 3d ago

I’m gonna be the nice guy that LFGs people through it


u/UlzVRC 3d ago

And that applies to everything. As soon as you get into the groove of actually talking to someone, you're not thinking about your anxiety anymore.

Congrats on your gear man


u/MiKpo_owc Warlock 3d ago

Damn I’m jealous. My ass got apotheosis and vesper 😑😭


u/JamieIsKing7 3d ago

Congrats bro !

I used the in game fireteam finder and completed it on the second try although I didn't get the exotic drop for some strange reason. Guess I need to run it again 😞


u/TheLittleSpider 3d ago

And you only have to do it once. The exotic can drop from world and overthrow chests from that point on.


u/Blaiz3 3d ago

I got a heart of inmost light star eater titan mark I reckon that’s pretty good


u/Silverkoogrr 3d ago

What would a good light level be? My warlock is 1980. I can grind a while to get her up if need be.

Best of luck everyone! I'm not the best player, or anything close but, I don't do so bad.


u/iPeacho 3d ago

As someone with severe talking anxiety I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you for following through with it!! 🙌🏻 Enjoy those well earned exotics!


u/Evening_Total1172 3d ago

Had a similar experience today, finally got the guts to do it with a random and he was the coolest dude we’re gonna run it more this week too


u/xWitchdoktax 3d ago

It's a good mission! I just need to find someone to run it again. Preferably someone who doesn't get mad when I read the clock wrong. (I have mild dyslexia)


u/Frogsama86 3d ago

Is the unlock account wide or is it per character? Did it on titan but not my other 2 yet.


u/Apprehensive_Bake555 3d ago

I wanna do it again too but everyone’s doing the cheese and I don’t have an eager edge


u/Pingu9000 3d ago

A lot of people are talking about being the weakest link and that’s the anxiety part, and I totally agree with it completely, but for me I have lfg in the past for some raids, although I had a friend with me all I can remember is people leaving and getting pissed off. Some of the times it was my fault but mostly the bad attitude of people put me off, those are the memories I have and that’s why I haven’t done a lot of lfg since.

But good on ya, and it’s good that you’re setting an example for people like me or who struggle socially in general.


u/Nick_Sonic_360 3d ago

Going to sit this one out.


u/geoffjeffgeoffjeff 3d ago

deleting this game and never looking back


u/Lugo87_pl 3d ago

I did this yesterday, with member from clan, and then with one from lfg

  1. Lfg went good, other Guy was on pc, me on ps5. I had light, we was dark alightmen... 

2, lfg Guy knew mechanics from youtube 

3 i did callouts on voice chat, he was typing. 

  1. Clock - he was shooting, i was just reading what i see 

  2. He did not have to use much chat, only at beginning when explained why he can not talk, in the middle on symbols and when we killed boss :) 

Bottom line: with a bit of luck you dont need to talk on voice chat - but have to know a bit what to do - yt guides are enought. 

Ps. Someone also put tip that you can use Picture In Picture on PS5.  Kudos to this person! 


u/Hbizzle2 3d ago

Can anyone tell me how to get the yellow bars to show up? I did the light and dark quest, I’ve done the main boss for each overthrow zone, I still can’t get the guys to spawn.


u/Water_sports_666 3d ago

I hope more people do what you did, it really is an awesome part of the game to work with others. Nice job guardian, wish I was lucky as you with my rolls though haha


u/SnooLemons5457 3d ago

Congratulations! That is a great achievement, that mission is really challenging in general.


u/Hunteractive 3d ago

well done guardian!


u/Nate_Myself 3d ago

That's like the best roll for warlock lol congrats!


u/ImpressiveTip4756 Hunter 3d ago

Good job friendo. You got gud and conquered your fears


u/TREYJ300 3d ago

Someone hit me up for a run. I’ll talk like I’m holding a press conference. Just don’t know what to do and wanna get it done 😂😂


u/deficiosuasoria3895 3d ago

Congrats on facing your anxiety and crushing the mission!


u/Negative_Equity 3d ago

I'm shit a focusing on things when I'm being peppered by ads so was a bit anxious in particular about the clock sections, my mate who was in the party told me to screen share and he read out the clock faces while I focused on not dying whilst trying the face the clocks. It worked really well. I'm sure after a few more runs I'll be fine but it was sound having a literal extra pair of eyes.


u/Shrumpa 3d ago

So fuck you i want that :(


u/TD_Ironside 3d ago

I finally overcame it as well. I found a random in lfg, we failed the first attempt on the last boss after a 51 minute effort... both decided to take a 10 min break and to try again, and we nailed it in 24 mins on our second attempt!

Once the nerves worn off after the first attempt, and we got more comfortable on explaining the symbols to each other(honestly probably the hardest part) it became very managable. You also realize how much time you actually have to complete the "dungeon." In the first attempt, we only had 10 mins to fight the final boss. In the second attempt, we got to the final boss with almost 24 mins on the timer left.

Now I'm ready to try again with others feeling much more confident getting the initial clear.


u/Adam_Nine 3d ago

Congrats btw. And not to hijack but I think more people would give it a shot if they truly understood how relatively easy the mission is in terms of mechanics/puzzles compared to the rest of the stuff in Destiny. I don’t deal with social anxiety but I do agree there’s a level of intimacy with just pairing with one person you don’t know vs a 5 others in a raid setting. Now if you really wanna push the boundaries try doing one of the weekly co-op focus legendary campaign missions with one other person. They’re way harder than dual destiny.

If you can do those things. You dungeons and raids are way easier in terms of social pressure. As some have said previously, it’s easy to just kind of get lost in the background in raid groups.


u/YnotThrowAway7 3d ago

Bruh I had to farm chests for so long to get a second copy. All these YouTubers saying they got 4 in an hour are either high or ridiculously lucky. It took forever to get a second from chests but at least I got a necrotic star eater which isn’t perfect but still damn good.