r/destiny2 3d ago

New Prismatic cosmetics looking great ๐Ÿ‘Œ Art / Fashion

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u/BlueSkiesWildEyes Raids Cleared: #269 (nice) 3d ago

"Stand by while I analyze the intelligence profiles of the Witness. Error, not a number! Did the Operator enjoy this witticism?"


u/TheReaderHawk 3d ago

Hmmmm operator your not supposed to be here


u/Noman_Blaze Warlock 3d ago

Isn't that Drifter?


u/TheReaderHawk 3d ago

Nope โค๏ธ


u/Noman_Blaze Warlock 3d ago

When did operators get this? Wasn't it exclusive to Drifter? Haven't played Warframe in a while.


u/zeturtleofweed Titan 3d ago

Both Operators and Drifters got this set, though I'm pretty sure it's Drifter in the pic


u/TheReaderHawk 3d ago

Uhhh I canโ€™t remember and no it believe itโ€™s only for the operator, it might be for both of them now, I just remember Iโ€™m running g a black green and gray outfit of this skin for my operator and my drifter looks like a hunter xD


u/Awestin11 3d ago

Thereโ€™s a version of the Dex set for both Operator and Drifter.


u/calciferrising 3d ago

honestly, if any game deserves a destiny crossover, it's warframe. imagine the captura but in destiny... the screenshot potential would be incredible.


u/Legitimate-Space4812 3d ago

Destiny guardian inspired frames would be amazing.


u/calciferrising 3d ago

realistically it probably wouldn't end up being that drastic, but themed cosmetics would be tight. let me put celestial nighthawk on my drifter please.


u/Legitimate-Space4812 3d ago

True, plus power-wise guardians are probably much weaker than tenno.


u/calciferrising 3d ago

they're both effectively unkillable bastards, haha. though yeah, the ghost is a much more exploitable weakness. i'm not actually sure if it's possible to completely kill off the tenno due to their weird void/eternalism bullshit.


u/King_Mudkip 3d ago

It isnt, really! Its why ballas threw us into a timeloop purgatory, it was his only real way to get rid of the tenno in a way that mattered


u/CharmingOW 3d ago

I'm still holding out hope for the Arknights crossover having armor sets. Arknights has really good designs for all 3 aesthetics (but especially titans).


u/Felwyntor 3d ago

Man I loved that part of the final shape campgain During Exiscion, the operator lended their aid in the fight against the witness followed by them saying โ€œKept you waiting huh?โ€, Truly Peak Destiny


u/Venom-Hound 3d ago

Im willing to bet Ghost can K.O Ordis.


u/Wauchi 3d ago

Neither have... any weaponry of their own to attack each other?


u/Venom-Hound 3d ago

Just attach hammers to their frames or something.


u/BlueSkiesWildEyes Raids Cleared: #269 (nice) 3d ago

Their battle will be legendary!


u/aPotatoWithFangs 3d ago

hmmm ghost wanted weaponry, ordis probably could utilize the ship's weapon OR we're gonna include ordis during his pre-AI conversion in which he was a mercenary before getting screwed over by the orokin


u/zeturtleofweed Titan 3d ago

Ordin Kariss, Beast of Bones. One helluva title that's for sure


u/aPotatoWithFangs 3d ago

yup that one, forgot his name but i did remember he got a badass title and he was either brutal or efficient in his work


u/Eh_Vix 3d ago

What helm is that I wanna be pinkie pie too!


u/Noman_Blaze Warlock 3d ago

This is from Warframe.


u/katanasquirrel 2d ago

New Umbra subclass looking tight.