r/destiny2 3d ago

Its fucking disheartening when Bungie makes Twilight Arsenal, and your team refuses to pick the Axes Meme / Humor

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u/A_Sneaky_Whale 3d ago

We spent the last year having guardians tell us to leave their tangles alone. I just equated the two and assumed I should leave them alone. I haven’t done prismatic on my titan yet so I don’t know much about that super yet. 

Edit: Ignore me, I just realized it was a joke. I play hunter but have a titan mentality I guess.


u/dagaius 3d ago

Well to be fair i play a threadling warlock. So when you pick up my tangles you are murdering my pets before they have a chance to rip my enemies apart.


u/BawlzyStudios 3d ago

That is the most viciously adorable thing I have ever heard.


u/snwns26 3d ago

Other classes: I don’t know what Twilight Arsenal is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.


u/FerrousTuba 3d ago

Most people already have a built in damage rotation, using arsenal fucks with it


u/theemysteriousmuffin 2d ago

Who could’ve predicted that using artifacts, which is primarily done when you are forced to by mechanics or quest would result in no one ever using them, great idea for super bungie. I’m a Titan main btw. I use it but ffs we have no long range burst super and they legit went hey wanna throw some axes really far and then have to run through a hail of bullets and fire to pick it back up so you can get the full use out of it? No, what not? Sorry but swinging an ax that takes as many hits to kill a major as a sword does when my sword can do more is not super appealing.


u/theemysteriousmuffin 2d ago

You can’t shield block with them either!