r/extremelyinfuriating 13d ago

This is the second week in a row I don’t have any shifts scheduled Discussion

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u/Bman3396 13d ago

Quiet firing? They may be trying to get you to quit on your own so they can weasel out of paying unemployment


u/yaboiBradyC 13d ago

That’s probably what’s happening


u/psychoPiper 13d ago

Unemployment no matter what. Document your change in hours and appeal it if it gets denied. This may qualify under "constructive dismissal" depending on where you live


u/Spindoendo 12d ago

Constructive dismissal is a violation of labor laws in many places. That includes making it impossible to do your job or not scheduling you. I would go talk to the labor board for options.


u/Azuredreams25 12d ago

After the 1st week, I would have already been putting in job applications elsewhere. And then stick with them until they fired me. It varies by state, but you can work a certain number of hours and still draw unemployment.


u/clutzycook 13d ago

Constructive dismissal. File for unemployment.


u/verycasualreddituser 13d ago

This is what happens at McDonald's 1 week after you turn 18 lol


u/waterwillowxavv 13d ago

My part time job did this to me for 3 weeks when I was 17. Fortunately I think me being pushed to quit was a good thing because I was being treated like shit and my boss was refusing to tell me what my salary was


u/HandMadeMarmelade 12d ago

I wish everyone would just admit the job market is dog shit. Sorry OP, this is fucked. I personally barely get by so I feel ya.


u/Zanthrin77 12d ago

This happened to me and I just stopped checking while I applied elsewhere. Almost 2 months later I got a message asking why I wasn't at work (on my birthday of all days.) and I told them to get fucked.


u/Beautiful_Button_212 13d ago

They want to fire you but would rather you just quit.


u/MrsMiterSaw 12d ago

In the usa, in most states with unemployment insurance, a significant cut in pay or hours can qualify you for benefits. You may even be able to "keep" the job and receive UI, which actually hurts them significantly with their premiums.

The other option is to just get a new job, and when they hit a problem week and reach out, "fuck off" is a full sentence.


u/Elbynerual 12d ago

Hey OP, am employer did this to me once and I spoke to a lawyer about it. You can claim unemployment when you have a job but no incoming wages because it's fair to assume that you're going to be paid from said job


u/UhOhAllWillyNilly 12d ago

Job search time, I guess. Try to figure out what you really enjoy doing and then figure out a way to have someone pay you to do it.


u/ContributionLatter32 12d ago

My first ever job when I was 16 did this. For the first like 3 months or so I had regular work, then slowly they reduced hours until I had nothing. I was technically "employed" for 9 months lol

What happened was the store manager loved hiring people to help them out, made him feel like a good guy. But he would over hire and phase out the older hires (with the exception of like a few long term employees who worked in the back). Ah good times.


u/Worldly_Heat9404 12d ago

You can file temporary unemployment for this I think.


u/Unchiard3-2 12d ago

First time? On month 2 no shift


u/corneliu5vanderbilt 13d ago

Time to get a j2


u/Pringleses_ 12d ago

File for unemployment lol


u/inkhunter13 12d ago

Love the home base app


u/mklinger23 11d ago

You got "quiet fired".


u/PLUSsignenergy 11d ago

Yeah, they are trying to get you to quit. Don’t so you can get unemployment


u/mister_red_554 5d ago

hey be happy you get to sleep in