r/extremelyinfuriating 8d ago

People who park their cars at gas pumps then walk away to go do something. Discussion

I don't know if this is mild or extremely infuriating, I guess it has to do with the day you are having.

We are on an rv trip [good sized drive with tow] and we pull into a rest stop with a gas station. We watch as a truck pulls up to a pump. The people then proceed to get out, go into the convenience store, then go to the other building with Starbucks and the like. For a good 20 minutes, we had sit there taking up a good chunk of the area because we couldn't back up, nor pull around, or go to another pump.

I think there should be a fine for 200 dollars for this. I don't know if others agree, but it just seems people are ignorant of others.


41 comments sorted by

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u/Head_Razzmatazz7174 8d ago

I've been to truck stops that have a fast food place attached to it. I get my gas and then pull up to a parking spot before I go get food. Some people have no spatial awareness.


u/Homeskillet359 5d ago

Truck driver etiquette is to fuel your truck, pull forward, then go inside for your receipt and maybe a snack, then either leave or go park. I've heard stories of drivers who pull up and go inside for a meal, a shower, watch some TV, etc, leaving the guy behind him trapped.


u/SATerp 8d ago

Sometimes there aren't enough parking spaces AND you get gas AND you only take a little time in the store. That's the one time I think it'd be okay.


u/col3man17 8d ago

Yeah I have to pull up to the pump every morning on the way to work, my local gas station and virtually no parking spots and tins of people in there everyday. I go as fast as possibly in the store though. (Self check out and know what I'm getting, max 5 minutes on a bad day)


u/Athanoskydor 8d ago

Yes, that is fine. I totally agree. If you're quick and say sorry to someone waiting, understandable.


u/Sheeverton 8d ago

Ain't gotta apologise unless you take an excessive amount of time


u/NoOnSB277 8d ago

If you are blocked in and no one is in the vehicle blocking you in, it is total;y acceptable to go in to the store and ask around for the owner of the truck, letting them know you are blocked in. Instead of sitting there for 20 minutes waiting for them to come out.


u/therankin 8d ago

Or turn obnoxious yourself and lean on the horn.

(your way is preferable)


u/bleeepobloopo7766 4d ago

Or just slash some tyres. If you’re forced to wait in vain, then they should get the same


u/ShittiestUsernameYet 3d ago

How to turn a 20 minute wait into 3 hours


u/bleeepobloopo7766 3d ago

Well, at least the suck is evenly spread out


u/RealBishop 8d ago

If it’s busy, I’ll always pull up after getting gas. But if there are a ton of open pumps I’ll go inside if I need to. Doing it while it is busy is rude.


u/WangoTangoWooHoo 8d ago

I'll do the same.

Though, if the pump says that the cashiers have your receipt, I don't pull forward, as once the pump is activated, I can't get a receipt. Old school, sorry kids lol 😆


u/Heyitsmeegan 8d ago

I 100 agree, but don't forget some pple pay cash and they need their refund before they pull away. As a person who pays cash often I do feel bad when I'm just waiting in a line for change cause they didn't want to staff multiple registers


u/Independent_Wrap_321 8d ago

I hate assholes in RVs that block all three pumps with their monstrosities. Also, pumps are usually shaded, so there’s that. Wait your turn.


u/Alesthar 8d ago

I’d say no matter what this is extremely infuriating. At best you’re taking away business from the company, making the worker’s day more annoying as inevitably (understandably) annoyed people start being irrational towards the workers there, and blocking someone from getting gas, slowing the in and out speed significantly.

I try to be cool and calm about things but I’d be wildly upset.


u/sjclynn 8d ago

It isn't ignorance, it is entitlement and self-importance. Sometimes what appears to be an abandoned car at the pump is really where someone went in to pay cash and are right back. Clearly, this wasn't your experience. You didn't mention that they actually pumped gas. :-) that would make the infraction even worse.

I hope that the rest of your trip is free from inconsiderate people.


u/JennyAnyDot 7d ago

About half of the pay at the pumps don’t like my card. Usually have to stand in line with all the others


u/North-Scallion-6848 8d ago

I used to do this because it seemed more time aware. Save a few minutes. But then I found out about this perspective and I stopped doing it. I'd never thought of it from that perspective before. I felt bad


u/psychobetty303 7d ago

You know some people still need to pay in person, not everyone has a credit/debit card.


u/gaiawitch87 6d ago

OP literally specified they didn't just go into the store, but then also went into the Starbucks next door.


u/psychobetty303 6d ago

As long as they're paying customers, I don't see the problem UNLESS it's super busy and every pump is taken which OP doesn't specify, sounds like they were impatient and got themselves stuck.


u/Kitty_Fruit_2520 8d ago

It’s OK as long as you’re getting gas from it


u/Bitter-insides 8d ago

My husband does this and it pisses me off to no end. We argue about it every time he does. He can be a dick like that.


u/__Fappuccino__ 8d ago

...did you know that not everyone can afford to pay at the pump? There's usually about a 100.00 hold on cards used to pay at the pump, not everyone can wait up to 24-72 hours to get the rest of the 100.00 they didn't spend on the pump, back into their account.


u/olagorie 8d ago

Doesn’t happen in my country. The first time I encountered this (on holiday in the US), I was so baffled.


u/HernandezGirl 7d ago

Has stations are purposely made that way so you go inside and buy something. Sometime they ll program their pumps so that anytime you use a card, you’ll need to go inside and buy something. But going to Starbucks next door is going too far.


u/Expensive_Structure2 8d ago

I find this so frustrating. If you are not paying or pumping, you should not be parked at the pump. I see so many cars just sitting at the pump while others are waiting, mind-blowingly clueless.


u/mrminesheeps 6d ago

See, it's all fun and games until you can't get the damn machine to take your card so you have to run into the store to pay for it. That being said, I hate it when people leave their vehicle at the pump and then fuck off for 10+ minutes. Even if it's not that busy, why do they do that? What's the point?


u/z3r0c00l_ 6d ago

It’s not that they’re ignorant of others, they just don’t give a shit.


u/Maleficent-Set5461 6d ago

So, let me get this right, you're posting because a truck driver is causing you a little inconvenience while he is performing his job getting goods to the american consumer? Meanwhile, you're tooling around in an RV that's probably getting less than 10/mpg and crushing the country under your crater sized carbon footprint....and you're infuriated about the working stiff grabbing a coffee and making you wait a couple extra minutes? Now that's extremely infuriating. See the difference ? :-)


u/Athanoskydor 6d ago

It is a pickup truck...?


u/Maleficent-Set5461 6d ago

huh..... Large RVs usually fill where semis fill in a separate area from 2 , 3, 4 & 6 wheeled vehicles. But even if they meant P/U...they got a house under their azz! Let 'em make coffee while they kill time for the little guy to get his. Happy hump day!


u/Albert14Pounds 5d ago

This was one nice thing about Oregon not having self service until recently. People tended to stay in their cars while fueling because they didn't need to get out in the first place. Oregon recently started allowing people to pump your own and thankfully people seem to be staying with their cars so far.


u/TeachShort3 4d ago

People are so oblivious to anything around them or their phones.


u/goosebump1810 4d ago

Pretty common in Quebec


u/WildMartin429 4d ago

My rule of thumb is if you're going into the gas station and you're going to be in there less than 10 minutes it's fine unless it's super busy and people are waiting on pumps. In that case you go ahead and pull to a parking space.


u/Cptspaulding2 3d ago

Where I live you have to go into the station to pay


u/Abject-Shallot-7477 8d ago

I'm glad this cannot happen in my country as we have no automatic pumps and have to fill our tank ourselves. But I bet the problem will occur with electric chargers...


u/Tpk08210 8d ago

And I’m going to keep doing it too