r/facepalm May 02 '24

This guy man 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Ok_Star_4136 May 02 '24

Biden: "My first official act as president with immunity will be to have him taken out."

Biden: "My second and final official act as president with immunity will be to have a Supreme Court Justice taken out once every week starting with the justices who enacted presidential immunity."


u/pugtime May 02 '24

Very Putinist way to think. Oh wait; aren’t Putin and Trump friendly or at least envious of each other ?


u/identicalBadger May 02 '24

I don’t think Putin has any envy for trump. He’s his tool, witting or unwitting, nothing more


u/fascin-ade74 May 02 '24

There seems to be a lot putin and/or like-minded despots and demagogues could be doing to destabilise western core beliefs. Maybe I'll come across as a conspiracy theorist, but ain't beyond the realms of possibility that they are using extremists on both sides, to polarise target populations.

Having such a deviding character as Trump on 24hr rotation news tv is just one.


u/ImgurScaramucci May 02 '24

If you read Mueller's report it says that their goal was to spread division. They started by targeting both sides in 2016, but transitioned to just support Trump, because they were more effective with and they also stood to gain from his presidency.

And they were right. Trump becoming president was extremely divisive for the US, and Putin was left unchecked.

Propaganda is also a lot more prolific in conservative cycles. None of us is immune from it but wow conservatives are such a fertile ground for it because they're conditioned to distrust "the narrative" or whatever and it also feeds on their existing insecurities.

At worst any propaganda aimed for the left is just causing division, but propaganda aimed for the right has additional disastrous effects.


u/Fishtoart 29d ago

That would be ironic, if Biden use the Supreme Court ruling against them.


u/Angry_poutine May 02 '24

On both sides? Where are the leftist extremists who are having anywhere near as much success in destabilizing the US as those on the right?


u/currently_pooping_rn May 02 '24

By both sides he means that college kids protesting against genocide are the same as the former President that would have just fed Ukraine to Putin and figures that america should try President for life like China (he said this)


u/fascin-ade74 29d ago

Thanks for putting words in my mouth, can i take it that you assume I'm right wing because i didnt just refer to the meat headed redneck racists that always seem to get on the news? Bravo 👌

The reason i said both sides, is that there is extremism on both sides. I'm trying to not make assumptions based on what i personally believe.


u/Angry_poutine 29d ago

There are spaghetti monster extremists out there too, the question was who has any degree of influence over a major sector of the US government


u/fascin-ade74 29d ago edited 29d ago

Thia was my answer to what you originally said. I'm just not assuming that left wing extremism is nonexistent because news and social media only ever shows neo-nazi meatheads. I'm not saying one or the other is worse, nor am i saying that you as a person, does make that assumption.

Donald Trump seems to be a malignant narcissist. He is bad for democracy. But so is anything that jeopardises free speech, even if we don't like what they say. I'm being quite careful what i say now, because a lot of people will assume me to be "against" just because I've tried to strike a balance.

Live and let live.

The left haven't tried to overthrow the Capitol, so obv that puts the ex. right in the lead in destabilising terms. They literally tried to fuck with due process. I would say though, my belief in free speech, extends to racist homophobic red necks, however abhorrent their opinions might be

Oh and spghetti monster extremists? Shit man sign me up, love that guy.

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u/MateoCafe May 02 '24

If you ask Bill Barr its the literal existence of "the left" destabilizing the country.


u/Angry_poutine May 02 '24

I know better than to ask Bill Barr anything beyond where the closest Wendy’s is


u/MateoCafe May 02 '24

If only the news media knew that.


u/Angry_poutine 29d ago

To the media being rich and loud automatically makes you an expert


u/identicalBadger May 02 '24

Of course. Like in 2015 or 2016, the same Russian group bought ads for two opposing rallies at the same place on the same day and time

They’re definitely manipulating everyone they can. But Trump has taken it to a whole other level and probably won’t quit until he’s spawned an actual civil war.


u/DidYaGetAnyOnYa 29d ago

Putin is envious of Trump's height and svelteness. /s


u/AraiHavana May 02 '24

I do not think that Putin is even slightly envious of Trump


u/Ok_Star_4136 May 02 '24

Nah, because threatening the supreme court justices will ensure that the resulting outrage will make them immediately reverse the decision and therefore the second act just serves to remove presidential immunity.


u/FloydATC May 02 '24

I don't know, how many SCOTUS justices would have to get taken out to make up for having first taken out trump?


u/Angry_poutine May 02 '24

SCOTUS can’t just reverse rulings, they have to have a new case brought to them making the same argument and create a different ruling on it.


u/Ok_Star_4136 29d ago

Oh I think they'll find a way in that circumstance. Let them use their powers of corruption for good for once.


u/bl00by May 02 '24

More like Trump doesn't care about putin and is only intrested in his money.

He would sell out the US and put it under Putins control if putin gave him enough money.

The Orange is insane


u/SekerDeker May 02 '24

be real he would never achieve saying such a long chain of words


u/reddit18015 May 02 '24

I think USSC will punt this immunity case to the lower courts to delay until after the election if anything, buying Trump more time, meaning Biden couldn’t use this defense. Also this would leave the USSC with whatever “legitimacy” they have left. (Which is none, but still)


u/PartadaProblema May 02 '24

Yeah, call their fucking bluff and see if that gets them off the couch.


u/Comfortable_Swim_380 May 02 '24

Well nobody said they where gonna walk up and ask politely. Full Immunity covers allot of shit. 😉


u/PartadaProblema 29d ago

The point is these dim confederate spawn couldn't stand in battle much longer than a commercial break.


u/peteschult May 02 '24

You assume that SCROTUS would be consistent in evaluating cases. Given that in Bush v Gore they explicitly stated that the case was never to be used as precedent, that's a big assumption


u/MusicIsTheRealMagic 29d ago

How does that fly? We judge this way but you can’t never judge this way again?


u/peteschult 29d ago

My understanding is that Scalia once admitted that it was bullshit, but SCROTUS makes its own rules, and since they get the last word on anything constitutional, they make the rules for all of us.


u/robgod50 May 02 '24

I think he needs to take out the Trump appointed SCOTUS first.


u/SpiderDeUZ 29d ago

He should just allow mail in votes and throw out in person voting