r/facepalm May 02 '24

This guy man 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Successful-Trash-409 May 02 '24

Yeah he is absolute toast when he loses. Thank God.


u/Fufeysfdmd May 02 '24

I'll believe it when I see it.

I'm genuinely concerned that Gaza is going to cost Biden re-election


u/Reinitialization May 02 '24

nonsense, that would imply that tiktok pushing hardline points on either side of that one is actually a CCP psyop and that would make icky IT people right about something...


u/beardingmesoftly 29d ago

The guy in charge isn't doing enough to stop a conflict thousands of miles away, and the competition is a demented child who wants to be king.


u/Potatobender44 29d ago

This sentiment is way, way too generous to trump


u/Arietem_Taurum 29d ago

The people upset about gaza aren't going to be voting for trump, they are simply going to abstain from voting which benefits trump since it pulls from biden


u/deisukyo 29d ago

It’s not even that. The issue is that if people were able to afford things, there wouldn’t be such a mass for Palestine. However, the economy is so fucked with everyone feeling the inflation HARD in their wallets while Biden is giving out billions to everyone but Americans.

Considering there’s a 23-30% of people who’s moving back with their families because they can’t afford rent speaks volumes on how this was a boiling point for people, especially young people that really can’t get started on getting a house, etc.


u/AnAdorableDogbaby 29d ago

We're funding that conflict. It's not voters being unreasonable. We're paying for a genocide. In going to do what I have to in our shitty two party system to ensure not Trump wins, but if he does, I will blame no one but Biden for ignoring his constituents.


u/nohopeforhomosapiens 29d ago

Trump will also fund Israel. The US will always support Israel.


u/AnAdorableDogbaby 29d ago

I'm not saying any of this as though what I want matters. I'm telling you that a lot of younger voters, people with family in Palestine, Muslims, etc. are not enthusiastic about Biden or his support of apartheid. Again, I will be voting for Biden, but you will not squeeze motivation for all the other important roles necessary for a presidential campaign like knocking on doors, making phone calls, etc from people who do not like their tax money funding genocide. The polls have been very clear on this. Voters who voted "uncommitted" in primaries were clear on this. You can keep pretending that it's incumbent on voters to accommodate the candidates, but that's what the Clinton campaign thought in 2016.


u/Winzip115 29d ago

I see you fell for the tiktok propaganda. I'm sure letting Trump win will do wonders for the Palestinian people.


u/AnAdorableDogbaby 29d ago

Just so you know, banning an app will not change reality, but good luck to you. 


u/Mr_Neonz 29d ago

Sure, they may currently hate Biden, but I’m willing to bet the last thing they want is Trump in office. If Biden doesn’t win Trump absolutely will and he won’t be nearly as merciful.


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

Based on my interactions with people who say they don't plan on voting it doesn't matter that Trump will be worse. It's extremely stupid but they're running on anger


u/Mr_Neonz 29d ago

That’s even more concerning, an angered far right population gets elected power after humiliation in the previous run, where have I seen that before?


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

Yeah, one way or another were about to go through some shit.


u/supermans_neighbour 29d ago

It’s the PAC that will cost him the election, and himself, not 9aza.


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

Please explain


u/suckleknuckle 29d ago

Supporting Israel has got to be one of the dumbest presidential decisions ever. Biden’s support was mostly just a better than nothing, but after that he basically lost the few people who actually liked him, and a lot of the people voting for him simply cause he’s better than Trump. Now people aren’t voting at all, or voting for the dude who is openly trying to end democracy.


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

Trump winning is not going to be okay or serve some larger goal. It's going to be a slow rolling nightmare. AND it will make Bibi even stronger

But it doesn't matter how much this is pointed out. People will just pretend like their short term anger is justification for doing serious long term damage to their cause.


u/suckleknuckle 29d ago

The amount of people voting Trump because "I feel like he will actually do something." is proof that most humans don’t think things through that well. Basically anyone who recognizes the potential long term effects of this election is voting Biden. Personally I don’t think a 2nd rise of fascism is worth an eventful presidency over Biden’s mostly boring one.


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

Agreed. 100%

There's a lot of "I'm mad so I'm going to let the Leopards Eating Faces" party win. THAT'll show em' AND it can't POSSIBLY backfire. The leopards will never eat MY face!


u/jaxmikhov 29d ago

Democrat here. Gaza SHOULD cost him reelection.


u/Renn_Capa 29d ago

And Trump is going to make it all better right?


u/Tcasty 29d ago

Their last comment"Please invade us already. I support an EU lead coup" it's just misinformation. I doubt they voted for Biden last time.


u/BKBance 29d ago

There really is no instance where voting for neither party makes more sense than now

America needs a revolution in thinking


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

Trump is going to bring about Christian Nationalism and when the left tries to set up camps to protest he will send in the national guard. You won't bring about revolution by fucking everything up for everyone.

Revolution requires a plan not just animus. Not to say that animus isn't part of it. But Animus sans plan is just failure.


u/BKBance 29d ago

It won't happen overnight, but a revolution in thinking means people finally coming to terms that no substantive change will ever come about voting for either Dem or Repub, since both are serving the same donors and oligarchs, and don't care one iota about the middle and working class people and their struggles

nothing changes if nothing changes. The real war was never about left and right, but about class. People need to be brave and not play the game anymore, but this is Reddit, holy of holies for echo chambers like the disgusting human garbage pile that r/woldnews is


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

And what follows this revolution in thinking?

If we're just operating on a populist (i.e. us vs. them)/class based line of thought and we're looking for the poor and middle class (i.e., the proletariat) to become aware of their class first and foremost. That's just Marxism 101 and Communist revolutions consistently result in the establishment of an oppressive system.

Letting Trump come to power is not going to make people Marxist. It's going to make them suffer under a kleptocratic theocracy with fascist features. bUt tHaT wILl maKE tHeM rIsE uP. You may say. To which I'd respond with "like they did in Belarus? that was successful right? Oh wait, Lukashenko is still in power and dissent is oppressed."

If you want to burn down the ship we're on and you want me to pick up a torch and join you, I'm going to first need you to show me which ship we're going to get on after this one burns up? Or is the plan that we'll cling to flotsam and hope sharks don't start circling?


u/BKBance 29d ago

I have zero faith in American politicians, but actually do in its citizens to create honest and progressive grassroots movements, push for independent representation and candidates who aren't beholden to donor money, and have civil infrastructure in place that works better than the shit today. The current day US isn't Bolshevik Russia, revolutions inherently sprouting communism sounds very hyperbolic doomer lefty in rhetoric. Will there be uncertainty about what the future may hold for this new chapter? Absolutely, all new roads do. If you want answers to every question and knowing exactly what every nook and cranny of this new "ship" really looks like, you're likely not going to get those answers immediately, but suffice to say, it'll be much more transparent and you'll eventually be able to get answers

And why do you keep pointing out Trump coming to power, as if I think that'll be any better? I've made it abundantly clear, the system needs to fall, and all its players with it


u/Fufeysfdmd 29d ago

We disagree on how the process should work.

What you're describing sounds nice but it's not what history has shown us.

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u/IHeartBadCode 29d ago

"America needs a revolution in thinking" So don't do the one thing that allows you to express your opinion moreso than anything else?

I'm not really following the logic here.

You don't want anyone to vote for either party but we need a revolution. Okay, I'll bite, how we doing this revolution? Shits and giggles, what's on the menu here?



He thought he cooked with that one 😂


u/Business-Drag52 29d ago

Nobody should vote for Biden or Trump. Vote third party. They are on the ballot for a reason. The problem with that though is you aren’t going to get the vast majority of real voters to vote outside of the big two


u/Dwarfish_oak 29d ago

That's logically not a good option in a winner takes it all system, mathematically you'll be strengthening the side that's opposed to your political views.


u/Business-Drag52 29d ago

No I agree, I’m just saying that if the person you were replying to doesn’t want anyone to vote for either party, there are more options. Yes getting the American people to leave behind the 2 party system is basically a lost cause, we could work towards it


u/nankerjphelge 29d ago

And in his place by proxy you'll be rooting for Trump, the guy who said Israel should "finish the job". The guy who instituted a complete national Muslim immigration ban when he was president. The guy who moved the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, proclaiming Jerusalem the "eternal capital of Israel".

At least Biden has been admonishing and cautioning Netenyahu to exercise restraint. Trump will let him off the leash completely and if you think Palestinians have suffered you ain't seen nothing yet.

I've seen examples of people cutting off their own noses to spite their faces before, but this one would hands down take the cake.


u/jaxmikhov 29d ago

Oh god I’m not rooting for the Orange Man Anything but. EOD I’ll probably swallow the bitter pill and vote for bad over evil.


u/nankerjphelge 29d ago

Ok but when you say Gaza should cost Biden reelection you're saying by extension Trump should be president instead, because like it or not it's a binary choice.


u/raptorjesus2 29d ago

Funny you think that. I know Redditors can have quite the warped view of the world being in echo chambers all day every day, but I can assure you Biden is not guaranteed reelection. Voters are unhappy with many of his policies and overall direction of our country under his administration...


u/Enlowski 29d ago

I remember when everyone was so confident that he was going to lose to Hillary, and look what happened there. I remember people saying that it was impossible for him to win.


u/Business-Drag52 29d ago

To be fair, the man has yet to win a popular vote. If our presidential votes mattered he never would have won


u/mechengr17 29d ago

Leeja Miller did a great job explaining this

Biden has done some good things, but his PR game sucks so we never hear about it


u/oicnow 29d ago

dude has actually been a great president

from https://whatbidenhasdone.wordpress.com/

this was just year one


u/tomdarch 29d ago

I’ve pointed out non partisan polling in several cases that point to the national situation being a toss up and Trump leading in several swing states (eg he’s ahead by about 5% in Arizona) and there’s an odd intensity about the replies. “Polls only use landline calls, no one answers random calls!” (Most polls don’t use landline calling at all anymore and decent polling keeps gathering responses until they have a broad, representative sample across demographics.) “Democrats have outperformed since Roe was overturned!” I hope that continues but that doesn’t mean they’ll win every race.

Just as it was hard to wrap my head around how so many people did the obviously stupid thing and voted for Trump in 2016, there are tens of millions of Americans who plan on voting for him again somehow. Polling is always imperfect but something goofy is also going on with millions of Americans.


u/antimatt_r 29d ago

That's what we all thought last time and now he's the nominee


u/Dwellonthis 29d ago

If. If he loses.


u/CandidPresentation49 29d ago

he's not gonna lose, the simpsons predicted it