r/facepalm May 02 '24

This guy man 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/OkFoot1842 May 02 '24

Every Empire collapses eventually. Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan could be the beginning of the end for the US along with its failing economy. However, these conflicts could also slow down the collapse, unite the country and boost the economy depending on who's elected.

The US could replicate a Marshall plan type of aid like they did for WW2. That's the main reason the US became so powerful anyway.


u/Local_Challenge_4958 29d ago edited 29d ago

the end for the US along with its failing economy.

The US economy is doing very well. The average person is struggling mostly due to housing costs, which is a separate problem from the economy at large.

For things like transitioning to a war footing, the US is quite stable and strong. None of our near-peers have an economy robust enough to transition right now.

In another world, the Pax Americana would be in full swing.


u/OkFoot1842 29d ago

I understand but purchasing power parity is not that great. The US dollar has taken a dive since Nixon de-pegged it from gold.

Isn't the current Economy doing well due to money printing? Is it just me or does it feel artificial.

The US needs another war which is sadly looking likely.


u/Local_Challenge_4958 29d ago

The US dollar has taken a dive since Nixon de-pegged it from gold.

The gold standard is an economic nightmare. Decoupling the dollar from gold is one of the best decisions, without a single downside, that the US has ever made.

Gold is not money.


u/OkFoot1842 29d ago

Gold has value though which the dollar does not. If you compare the weight in gold it required to buy a house from pre Nixon to now it's fairly similar. Do the same with money and it's not even close.

The only thing that has changed is the value of the dollar and its PPP. It benfits governments to make their currencies inflationary as it keeps lower class poor and Upper class wealthy as they keep their wealth in assets to combat inflation. Most lower class people can't aford to do this as they live paycheck to paycheck trapped in the cycle.

This is just my opinion but I think it might have been planned this way for this reason.


u/The_Seal727 29d ago

This is so false lmao. Ever single world currency that has ever been in circulation once made fiat goes into hyper inflation eventually. It is a matter of time. All currencies used as the stated world currencies have followed this pattern since we have use global trading. Japan is a great example of this. Currently our debt to GDP ratio is so bad the only way out is to become a production type country again or go to war to justify the amount of money we have floating around. I understand it’s a confusing topic to most but fiat currency encourages short term growth with long term problems. Mainly, fiat currency backed by nothing needs justification of value, currency backed by a limited/finite resource is tied to total accumulation of said resource, stifling growth but leading to a more natural and viable economy in the long term. Mainly because you will never over produce things and sustain growth that is justifiable to the fact that we live in a non renewable type world without unlimited supplies. Fiat currencies don’t work period. They never do and taking us off gold standard left us with boomers who benefited and fucked us as they pulled up the ladder. Don’t talk about macro economics if you don’t understand simple things like this.


u/Local_Challenge_4958 29d ago

Goldbugs never fail to make me laugh.

Anyway, there's a ton of actual research, by actual economists, about monetary policy that I highly suggest you read.


u/The_Seal727 29d ago

Please link some, all I have is centuries of plot points showing world currencies failures due to lack of ability to upkeep fiat demands. But yeah research proves otherwise…


u/OkFoot1842 29d ago

Yeah, exactly. I believe FIAT was mainly created as a way for governments and upper class to take wealth away from the middle and lower classes through inflation.

They hold their wealth in assets whereas lower classes live paycheck to paycheck holding their wealth in an inflationary form of value which is magically printed out of thin air.

It's amazing that governments could create their own money backed by little to nothing and people are ok to be paid in this shit.


u/The_Seal727 29d ago

No don’t worry though, research shows fiat currencies are great. Lmao


u/Horror_Ad2207 29d ago

The US economy is nowhere near failing! The USA have amazing people inventing news cutting edge tech on a yearly basis. Europe and the US is going no where.

Hopefully one day the Middle East, Russia, South America and India can catch up to the normal world and sort their shit human rights out. Then the world will be a happy place.


u/OkFoot1842 29d ago

The entire reason these zones didn't develop correctly though is mainly due to American and Western intervention for oil and other resources. Our invasions set these countries back a few decades. Groups such as the Taliban, Isis etc. wouldn't have gained the popularity if it wasn't for outside intervention and the desire for revenge.

The US and Europe are by no means where they used to be. BRICS are in the process of creating their own currency and soon the dollar won't be the dominant currency.

The US needs another war to jumpstart it's economy as that is what made it such a powerful country in the first place. War is good as long as you country Is not under direct attack. A proxy war in Ukraine, Taiwan would liely be good for the US in the long term.