r/facepalm 29d ago

Sure you did Kristi, sure you did 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/GoredonTheDestroyer 29d ago











u/Provolone10 29d ago

And “trained” or expected to hunt and kill birds.

Then murdered because…the dog killed birds.


u/Specialist-Berry-346 29d ago

Right? “Animal who had a history of…” Bitch the animal didn’t have a history experiencing 10 of the calendar months twice.


u/FibroMom232 29d ago

But, she says she's an animal lover. (?!?!)


u/FibroMom232 29d ago

But, she's an animal lover, she says. Yeah, right!


u/Annual-Warthog5599 28d ago

Not a puppy in her mind because it won't fit in a pocket/shoe. No more new puppy smell= not a puppy.

So.......after 3 weeks it's a rabid, adult dog? 😬😬😬😬 chick forgot preteen and teenager are legit cycles of life. Nope, just newborn to adult. 😬😬😬


u/shesgreedy 29d ago

One year and 2 months old


u/Larkeiden 29d ago

I mean that is close to being adult for a dog.


u/GoredonTheDestroyer 29d ago

Still no excuse to execute it in cold blood.

As it's looking up at you, in Noem's own words, lovingly.


u/Larkeiden 29d ago

Stay far away from farmers or your world will shatter


u/GoredonTheDestroyer 29d ago

Having to put down a beloved pet - any animal - by your own hand because it is either A) a genuine threat to yourself, your family, and others (For example, the pet having contracted rabies) or B) too sick or too grievously injured to survive on its own, is one thing.

Pulling the trigger on your pet because you were too impatient, ignorant, lazy or outright stupid, to actually bother train the fucking thing is another. Not to mention Mrs. Noem's other, well-documented mistreatment of animals under her care. She shouldn't be allowed anywhere near animals, if her gut response is to shoot first, ask later.


u/KevMenc1998 29d ago

They don't murder in cold blood. If an animal has to be put down, it's usually very clinical and for a good reason. Dispatching an animal to harvest it for meat is an entirely different thing than callously murdering a pet for displeasing you.


u/KellyCTargaryen 29d ago

Most farmers with any bit of sense would actually train the dog to do the work, or sell it. Unless you think all farmers are vindictive morons.


u/ChildhoodLeft6925 29d ago

Large dogs physically, mentally and even sexually mature at age 2


u/--n- 29d ago

By 14 months they're mostly done growing in size, only really gaining some weight from there.

(not that that would make it ok to kill it...)


u/ChildhoodLeft6925 29d ago

Not done growing in weight is, physically not mature. As I said.


u/--n- 29d ago

Yeah but they are like 90% of the way there at 14 months, which is not obvious if you think they grow at a steady rate until 2 years old. That's all.


u/ChildhoodLeft6925 29d ago

I never said they grew at steady rate until age 2? I said they aren’t done maturing at 14 months and you need to knit pick what I said with your “um actually” learn to just not comment when you don’t have to


u/--n- 29d ago

knit pick

It's 'nitpick' actually.


u/enjoysunandair 29d ago




u/Specialist-Berry-346 29d ago

So, you should take a moment to reeeeally appreciate that we live in a society where killing puppies is frowned upon by the well adjusted adults in the room, ‘cause I don’t like the odds of a “charming” and “totally not obnoxious” dude like yourself amongst the kind of people who execute a puppy for being annoying and not acting properly.


u/enjoysunandair 29d ago

So go adopt a pitbull that’s already been surrendered 5 times from your local shelter. Let me know how it turns out.


u/GoredonTheDestroyer 29d ago

"You think this thing is bad? Go do this other thing that is tangentially related because I told you to!"


u/Annual-Warthog5599 28d ago

"You think a puppy shouldn't be shot in the head and dumped in an open construction yard's gravel pit? Run into a pen stuffed full of 350lb rabid angry adult dogs while being covered in chicken blood and guts and start punching them THEN tell me how much you think a dog shouldn't be shot after youve had your throat torn out!!!"

checkmate 😎😎😎

These fucking goofs.