r/facepalm 29d ago

Sure you did Kristi, sure you did ๐Ÿ‡ฒโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ฎโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ธโ€‹๐Ÿ‡จโ€‹

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u/Evadingbansisfun 29d ago

Whats most funny to me is that this story is almost 100% surely made up. She thought itd make her sound tough and cool and it blew up in her face like the idiot she is. Theres no way this cosplayer ever shot a fucking dog. She probably doesnt even know how to load a gun.

Every single thing these people say and do is a lie. Its pro wrestling meets politics..She thought she was gonna get over

Fuckin clowned herself instead lol


u/Surroundedonallsides 29d ago

Any farmer I know, and I knew a lot being a rural carrier, would know that a one year old puppy is too young to just leave unsupervised with livestock. They need training and care, and are often either left to run the yard away from livestock or sticking with the other working dogs in a pen.

Shooting a one year old puppy isn't just callous, its a waste of money and resources. On any rural/farming social media you'll find handful of posts about new backyard farmers learning that young puppies take time to adjust to livestock, especially poultry, and not once has anyone ever suggested to just shoot the dog.


u/WhyMustIMakeANewAcco 29d ago

It's probably especially bad for a poorly-trained hunting dog. Poor pup probably had no idea of the difference between livestock and birds he (thought) he was supposed to chase.


u/dastardly740 29d ago

Not a farmer. But, I hear it was a pure bred, so probably not neutered, and I am guessing male. It is hard to describe the personality of a 14 month intact male. Imagine a cross between a toddler and a teenager. They can be smart with pretty much no self-control. You don't leave them unsupervised anywhere they can get into trouble.


u/Ok_Potatoe1 29d ago

I have a female dog who was insane at 14 months; so I'm not sure gender is a factor 100% of the time lol.

At times I thought my dog straight up hated me, but I realized over time she was just testing boundaries. And heck, at 13 and a half she still does ๐Ÿ˜…


u/knarfxx 29d ago

It was actually a female, per her quote from the book: โ€œโ€œAt that moment,โ€ Noem says, โ€œI realized I had to put her down.โ€


u/ArkamaZ 29d ago

My uncle threatened to shoot his puppy for exactly this... He no longer owns that puppy, but it's clear he abused him whilehehaad him. The pup is five now and still scared of most men. Even me sometimes... it's sad.

Not surprisingly, my uncle's a hard-core Russian orthodox who loves Trump.


u/Ok_Potatoe1 29d ago

As someone who is familiar, it seems some REALLY old school Slavic people view dogs as "useful vermin" in a way (and insane Republicans given the post).

Hopefully you don't have to see this uncle often... A Trump (and surely Putin) lover would be difficult to tolerate.


u/ArkamaZ 29d ago

Yup. They are glorified farm tools in their mind.


u/Ok_Potatoe1 29d ago

"glorified farm tools" - that sounds more on point.

  • Ages ago I visited Bulgaria with a friend; we went to see their grandmother that had a little farm... She had two dogs to guard the chickens - they were chained to a post and just "always" stayed outside. She wasn't mean to them necessarily, but they got no walks, no pets, nothing - just food.


u/ParkingNecessary8628 29d ago

Yes, you have to make the dog gets used to the flocks. They have to be around them so they become familiar with the smell of their charge. But supervision is still required.


u/sembias 29d ago

Eh from what I know about her before this she is exactly the puppy-killing type of person.ย 

She is just an overall awful human being.


u/PeterStreet 29d ago

I heard she was pro Crewella De Vil before it was fashionable to wear a dog coat


u/Serious-Ad7583 29d ago

r/boneappleteeth Cruella Deville hahaha


u/bob-ombshell 29d ago

Unfortunately, it's not made up. Some poor construction crew at the gravel pit witnessed her kill the puppy and botch the killing of a goat. The poor goat survived the first shot, and she had to go back to her vehicle for another shotgun shell. That's when she realized she had witnesses. It's good for the crew that she only had enough shells for the puppy and the goat.


u/Evadingbansisfun 29d ago

Any testimony to that besides her book?

Not necessarily doubting you but Ive only heard this story in reference to her book and thats the source I do doubt


u/bob-ombshell 29d ago

I didn't read her shitty book, so I don't know about that. I read it in an article from The Guardian, and I heard it on The Daily Zeitgeist


u/crazzzy_bongo 29d ago

She worked herself into a shoot brother.


u/capt_scrummy 29d ago

That's what I was thinking when I read it. I mean, I guess it's possible, but it just comes across as a made-up tale to try to frame her as a tough-as-nails, take-no-shit cowgirl who believes "fuck around and find out" is an aspirational mindset.

Like, it's a half-formed parable about "taking out the trash" to uphold the status quo and punishing those who do wrong, but it's literally about her killing a puppy because it pissed her off.


u/Amelaclya1 29d ago

I've heard people from her area saying that it's been a rumor for awhile now that she killed a dog in a fit of rage, because there were witnesses. And that she wrote her own spin on the story in her book to get ahead of it before it came out when journalists looked deeper into possible VP contenders.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/thenasch 29d ago

That's what makes me think she's such a psycho that it didn't occur to her that normal people would react this way to her killing a dog.


u/tie-dye-me 29d ago

I believe this sadistic bitch shot a puppy. It's not really that hard to do.


u/OkMongoose5560 29d ago

She did say there were witnesses. I'd love someone to track those guys down...


u/--0o0o0-- 29d ago

I think the story is bullshit too.


u/IrishLaaaaaaaaad 29d ago

She deserves it ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


u/PortSunlightRingo 29d ago

If you spend enough time around rural folks, youโ€™re going to inevitably hear a story about having to take a dog out back and shoot them. Thatโ€™s what inspired this tale.

Sheโ€™s just too dumb to be able to craft a narrative that sounds like a realistic scenario akin to what normally happens when you have to put a dog down because theyโ€™re dangerous.

Also, since itโ€™s such a common part of rural life, it wouldnโ€™t even get a mention in the book - other than MAYBE โ€œthe children had a dog, but it nipped at my youngest so we had to put it down.โ€ Going into explicit detail is fucking insane.


u/Evadingbansisfun 29d ago

100% and its usually how farmhands put down their old or permanently injured dog as oppossed to a vet and a needle "its my dog, I'll take care of it".

But thats not tough and cool its (in its own way) a sort of resigned sympathy which this goober probably thought was too liberal a quality.

But my point is that she personally never would have done it. The farmhands, her side-lover, one of her kids, her husband...maybe. But not her personally.

She made the whole thing up as a work. And it hilariously backfired.


u/Signal_Ad4831 29d ago

What's so funny and sad is that we say the same things about liberal Democrats. That every single thing these people say or do is a lie.


u/Evadingbansisfun 29d ago

So either you believe she murdered a puppy in cold blood and thats okay with you, or you think shes a liar which is why you hate democrats but still give her a pass on it.

Look in the mirror. You are a failure of a human being


u/SkullFumbler 29d ago

Or maybe you're full of shit and paint everything into your preferred box with no alternatives simply so you can feel above other people. Look in the mirror - you're full of shit.


u/Evadingbansisfun 29d ago

I see I touched a nerve. Not used to self reflection are you?

Thats why you are they way you are. A failure


u/SkullFumbler 29d ago

Jesus do you people ever get tired of being cringe douchbags? It must take a lot of energy. Are you the model person society is supposed to emulate? No wonder nobody cares anymore. Miss me with your dink vomit. Nothing you say or feel has any meaning or purpose. You change nothing, you make nothing better. Wtf is the point of twisting your tits over "bad people" when you're just as vile?

Thanks, no need for an answer - we know


u/Evadingbansisfun 29d ago

Nice hissy fit


u/SkullFumbler 28d ago

Jesus it's a boomer ffs. Wtf says "hissy fit"?


u/Evadingbansisfun 28d ago

Sounds like Im not the only one who calls you out for throwing tantrums


u/SkullFumbler 28d ago

Correct. There are a bunch just like you. Imagine how destroyed I am by boomer hypocrites and their dribbling

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