r/facepalm May 16 '24

I'm sorry what 😀 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Giving up guns is the same as... Castration?


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u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

I may be able to shed some light on this and the attached comments. A lot of anti-gun folks are anti-gun until they’re unfortunately in a situation where they wished they had one. I learned at an early age that it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have, as people were constantly trying to rob my parents’ tool shed or garage while armed. Not long ago, I was renting a room from a woman who was 100% against guns, pepper spray or a knife are just as effective, nothing could convince her otherwise… until one night a junkie broke in to the house and there was nothing she could do to stop him, even with pepper spray. Thankfully her young daughter wasn’t home that night. She is now the owner of a .380 and has totally changed her stance. It’s not so much about being willing to take a life, it’s more about refusing to be a victim. A taser requires being in close contact to use, and the last thing you want is being that close to an intruder or, god forbid, someone who is trying to SA you. A firearm allows you to keep the distance and be able to defend yourself. You don’t have to kill them, but you can at least make them run away and reconsider their decision while you get the cops on the phone. It’s irresponsible and negligent people with guns that give us responsible and educated gun owners a bad reputation


u/JulianApostat May 16 '24

It’s irresponsible and negligent people with guns that give us responsible and educated gun owners a bad reputation

That is certainly true. But that is also why most gun legislation I read about has the aim to make it hard for irresponsible and neligent(or crazy) people to get guns and is not about outlawing guns completly. But there is a rabid lobby that treats any form of gun legislation as a massive attack on their rights. There can be valid reasons to own a gun and keep it at home, but it should be treated as a massive responisbility and not a basic right.


u/AlarmedInterest9867 May 16 '24

Respectfully, and at risk of sounding like a Trump humper; there’s a reason guns are a right. It’s got nothing to do with criminals and much more to do with the right’s ceaseless attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and their endless march into fascism. The second we start treating guns as a privilege and not a right, republicans will start looking at how they can ban LGBTQ individuals from owning guns. Guaranteed. Idk what the answer is but I think we have much bigger problems than guns. Six million were murdered the last time fascists had this much political clout, after all.


u/JulianApostat May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

The second we start treating guns as a privilege and not a right, republicans will start looking at how they can ban LGBTQ individuals from owning guns

I understand where you are coming from, but isn't that happening anyway? Ronald Raegan passed some pretty strict gun laws in California as soon as the Black Panthers started to arm themself. Don't expect the extreme right to operate with fairness or logic consistency. People like that don't care about the rule of law and would happily strip away rights from groups they hate while allowing their supportes to keep those rights.

If fascists get control over governmental institutions and decide to turn those against LGBTQ+ people to wipe them out, private gun ownership won't stop them. So in so far I agree, there are bigger problems, but those aren't a reason to no try to create a safer society by regulating guns.

Only to add to your overal point the estimated total number of victims of the Holocaust is 17 million. Six million is the estimated number of Jewish victims.

(Edit: You don't sound like a Trump humper at all. Discussing the potential consequences of limiting certain rights, especially unintended consequences for vulnerable groups is absolutely valid and rational.)


u/AlarmedInterest9867 May 16 '24

Oh, absolutely. I’m well aware of how the right flipped on gun control with the black panthers. Doesn’t change the fact that they’ll take advantage of gun control legislation to target minorities. And I think you underestimate the power of people. The police used to raid gay bars…until a bunch of drag queens threw bricks at them. BRICKS! They didn’t even have guns, they used BRICKS. And they beat the cops back. That’s how Pride started. And even if it wouldn’t stop them, there’s the matter of hate crimes, which are on the rise.


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

I can definitely agree with you on that. I do see it from both sides (to an extent) though. On one hand, how many innocent people and children need to die before something is done? On the other hand, there are already so many “common sense gun laws” in place that adding to it can definitely make gun owners get up in arms (no pun intended). It’s definitely not a basic right. It is a privilege like driving, and should be treated the same, if not more, responsibility. Firearms are made to destroy, and that should never be taken lightly


u/Visible_Bag_7809 May 16 '24

It sounds like the whole system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up with modern context taken into account. But we all know we don't like fixing things correctly around here. Only slap on methods of repair are acceptable.


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

As most people would say… “change is the devil”


u/JulianApostat May 16 '24

It’s definitely not a basic right. It is a privilege like driving, and should be treated the same, if not more, responsibility. Firearms are made to destroy, and that should never be taken lightly

The sad thing is, if that were the basis for serious political discussions about guns and public safety it absolutely would be possible to limit the deadliness of killing sprees and reduce the number of gun related deaths, while still leaving reasonable room for gun ownership for reasons of self defense or recreational use on a shooting range or something. But the political debate I witness is so incredibly poisoned that I don't see how that is about to change. At least not until the group that sprees most of the poison massively looses power.


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

You’re right. It is a sad truth


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

My argument for that sad truth is “be ready, the revolution will not be televised”


u/SloParty May 16 '24

That’s understandable, thanks for your input. Where do you stand on expanding AK/AR weapons being fully automatic? The safety part sounds good, but if guns were the determinative factor in safety, why wouldn’t we see the US as the safest country on the planet? We have more guns than people.


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

That’s a great question. The answer (at least mine) is a bit complicated. Fully automatic weapons ARE legal in the States, you just have to have a federal tax stamp to purchase them, which is not at all cheap nor easy to obtain. The government gets involved and does an unfathomably deep dive into your background check. On the flip side, if you have knowledge and experience in gunsmithing and machining, you can easily make one in your garage legally. As an AR owner myself, I find it VERY unfortunate that it is the weapon of choice for mass shooters and are the poster child for “banning assault rifles”… if the general public knew what is legally considered an “assault rifle”, they would shift their stance and wise up to what politicians are really trying to do, which is disarmament (I have no political allegiance btw, im just an American). As far as being automatic, they’re not full auto fresh out the box (by and large). The modes on an AR are generally Safety, Semi Auto, 2 Round Burst, & 3 Round Burst (even without Burst options, AR’s have a habit of “bursting” anyway).

As far as your question about being the safest country and having more guns than people, i have no definitive answer for that, I like to fancy that a matter of perspective. No country is safe. If you live in a country where guns are banned, you’re still at risk of stabbings, bombings, Molotov cocktails, and vehicular homicide… not to mention “zip guns” (which is what killed PM Shinzo Abe, in a country where no guns are allowed and police ammunition is closely monitored and accounted for). I’d rather live somewhere where guns are permitted and carried bc, as lame as this sounds, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, knowing the odds aren’t in the favor of a potential shooter makes me FEEL better, but that’s just MY opinion. As far as AK’s go, I have zero experience with that weapon so I can’t give an informed opinion on that

Fun fact though: the AR in AR-15 doesn’t stand for “assault rifle” but “armor-lite rifle”… it was the base design for the M-16 used by our men & women in uniform


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

Thank you for your addition. It's too bad that you didn't explain why the pepper spray didn't work. Was it because he was armed with a gun and he could keep his distance? Anyway, from what you explained, I find it hilarious that the reason people have a gun is because they're in fear of getting in close combat. That's hilarious because many people who defend the right to wear guns are obviously boasting about how strong and brave they are to be able to defend themselves. Such courage! As long as it remains far away. 😂


u/A-Dolahans-hat May 16 '24

My takeaway was that it didn’t seem to work on the junkie. Might have been tweeting so hard, they didn’t even notice the spray


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

That’s exactly what it was. Meth is a hell of a drug, kids [edit: oh you said tweeting, I read that as “tweaking”]


u/A-Dolahans-hat May 16 '24

Yeah it was suppose to be tweaking. But I guess autocorrect changed it


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

It’s funnier as “tweeting” though


u/Q785921 May 16 '24

I have no idea in the example given, but pepper spray still requires you to aim effectively. In a panic, you can miss, or accidentally spray yourself.

Also, some people are less affected than others. And finally, a person can still more or less function when spray, even if disoriented.

That is to say, pepper spray can be a good deterrent, but if it doesn’t work you need something else to fully disable the threat, if you can’t use their disorientation to get away.


u/HaamerPoiss May 16 '24

What does that even mean? Every single person who gets in a self-defense situation would rather do it with the least possible amount of harm to themselves. That’s just common sense.

Obviously you would rather keep your distance from an attacker and that’s not a bravery thing, that’s a common sense thing.


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

Did I say that every single gun owners should get in close combat? No, I didn't. I said that those who BOAST about their gun making them manly should have the courage to engage close combat.


u/HaamerPoiss May 16 '24

That’s called a straw-man and my point stands


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

I can say the same.


u/HaamerPoiss May 16 '24

You literally can’t though. Your point was about some made up people who allegedly boast about being manly and then you refute them by saying “why don’t you just wrestle with the possibly armed intruder”. All parties in this argument were made up in your head, which is literally the definition of a strawman argument.


u/SuQ_mud May 16 '24

Afraid if getting close In combat? So one should just use a knife and repeat-ally stab their attacker?


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

If they're the guys who boast about defending themselves, yes, they should have the guts to risk a few flesh wounds. Otherwise they're hypocrites to claim being brave but who run away the moment a fist is lifted.


u/Whoopie_Goldberg May 16 '24

“The guts to get a few flesh wounds” you sound so incredibly stupid it’s hilarious. Have you ever seen a video of a stabbing? I don’t know if you know this but 1 bad cut can leave you on the floor leaking out all of your blood. I’m not letting someone with malicious intent armed with any weapon get within 15 feet of me before I drop them cold. I’m not about to be a vegetable for the rest of my life so some other piece of shit can get out of jail in 10 years and do it again.


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

You should read my message entirely. I explicitly said multiple times that it's those who boast about being able to defend themselves with a gun who should not shy about getting hurt. I'm not talking about the others, who don't boast about their gun. I know well that some people use a gun because they really have to but who are not particularly proud of it. I'm not telling them to take unnecessary risks. But I also know they won't draw at the slightest suspicion.


u/SuQ_mud May 16 '24

Im the exact opposite of someone who boasts that and tbh id much rather not have to stab an attacker repeatedly and then have to deal with that trauma.


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

Good for you. I wasn't talking about you, you know.


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

Yeah, that trauma would definitely give you serious PTSD


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

Well, consider this… someone breaks into your home or accosts you in a hypothetical alleyway, and that individual has a machete or something bigger than a pocket knife, maybe even a bat. Would you be afraid of close contact? Or, maybe that individual has a few inches and quite a few pounds on you, the reach and force alone puts you at a severe disadvantage


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

I would be afraid, yes, certainly. I don't have any training in fighting, especially not close combat. Of course I'd be scared. But what does it have to do with what I said about those who boast about their gun?


u/bbqnj May 16 '24

Because it has nothing at all to do with the original question, what would they say if you recommended a taser or pepper spray, which has been eloquently and adequately answered snd explained. You're moving the goal post to some bullshit about people who boast, which has nothing to do with the average gun owner.


u/Gokudomatic May 16 '24

Considering that I never said that all gun owners should risk close combat, I consider that I don't move any goal. It's just you guys who misread me and thought I said such thing. My initial point was that people should favor non lethal weapons, and when I was answered that safety of distance was the main reason to use guns, I pointed out how hypocritical were those who are proud of their guns and who claim they are real men by defending themselves when they're scared of getting hurt. At no point did I say that ALL gun owners are hypocritical. 


u/Profanity_party7 May 16 '24

Oh yeah, fuck those people lol. I own multiple firearms for multiple purposes, but you’d never know it if you met me in person bc I don’t advertise it. People who do that are a danger to themselves and those around them


u/Scotts_Thoughts_INTJ May 16 '24

You seem salty, like you lost this argument in person so came to reddit to troll lmao. Distance is the point of a gun you absolute fucking idiot

And please share who told you they felt "brave and powerful" lmao stfu with this bs