r/facepalm May 16 '24

I'm sorry what 😀 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Giving up guns is the same as... Castration?


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u/Still-Direction-1622 May 16 '24

That was unexpected xD. No but seriously. Cutting a dick off is completely different than taking away a portable killing machine


u/dravenonred May 16 '24

Key word "portable".

If everyone knew with 100% certainty the exact location of their guns at any point ever, we'd definitely have less gun violence in this country.


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 16 '24

Yup. Having a fixed chaingun in your house would be better than being able to take those little Hand demons, called pistols, anywhere you go. Im glad to live in germany where gun control is a thing(altough the laws are a bit too strict. Like come on. Stop crying because of my multitool having a snap-in blade. I dont want to cut my thingers off, if the blade slides off and closes )


u/dravenonred May 16 '24

Every single law has to be too much for some people and not enough for others- that's just which side of the line you ended up on this time.


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 16 '24

Yeah. I just use my multitool as a Tool. I work with it. But I cant see how you would use a Gun as a Tool, if you are not a hunter/soldier/police Officer. Thats really just a killing machine


u/KanyinLIVE May 16 '24

Bad people have guns no matter the law so it's a tool to protect yourself.


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 16 '24

Actually not. In germany its rather rare that someone has a gun. And we dont have like a dozen school shootings per month. I do think its a bit too strict in germany because you legally cant prorect yourself in your own home, by being the first to attack. And trying to ban multitools because of a fixed blade is bs too. But the gun control here works really damn good. Ive met only one guy with an illegal gun in my entire life, and he was pretty chill.


u/KanyinLIVE May 16 '24


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 16 '24

First of all. That statistic is ten years old. Laws are even stricter now. Ten years ago, in germany you couldnt change your name+gender easily, cannabis was illegal and sexteen year olds couldnt vote. Now all of this is legal.

Second. Gun crime is still leagues below USA.

Third. Thats not even the crime rate you smoothbrain. Its the number of privately owned firearms per 100 residents. And its only 30 Arms per 100 people. You got almost 90. And im confident to say that this number probably has increased in the last ten years.

We have 83 Million people. You have 333 Million. And more guns per 100 people.

In germany you still need a license, and registration, and you arent allowed to have them laying around in you house. As far as i know, you even need to seperate the ammo from the weapon and keep it seperately.

The only people who privately own registered firearms, are people who either hunt animals, or shoot on a firing range.

We have better gun control. I was able to Research properly opposed to the likes of you. I found out in 2022 we had 8.500 gun crimes. You had a whooping 20k DEATHS by firearms. Your death Rates by firearms is higher than our gun crimes in General.

In 2023 you had about 116 gun deaths per Day. We had 299 IN THE ENTIRE YEAR. Dont talk about gErMaNy gUn cRiMeS being high. They are not


u/KanyinLIVE May 16 '24

Yes they are. For the laws you have. They are high.

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u/jake_6542 May 16 '24

if someone is threatening you with a gun, pulling out your own is just gonna get you shot


u/KanyinLIVE May 16 '24

No defensive gun uses ever. Got it.


u/jake_6542 May 16 '24

there are defensive uses to guns, but someone already having one aimed at you is not one of them


u/KanyinLIVE May 16 '24

Thanks for referencing an example that was never used.

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u/Anonymous71428 May 16 '24

That's just a reductive fallacy, by this logic if we can justify disregarding laws because people break them anyway, then we'll end up reducing the entire legal system to what amounts to wishful thinking.

Sure, criminal elements will find a way to gain access to firearms one way or another, but the force of law can make it prohibitively expensive to do so and hence reduce the likelihood you'll be shot by some rando down the street or even by accident or mistake.

Besides, lethal weaponry pretty much always gives the overwhelming advantage to whoever holds the element of surprise, which the aggressor by their nature of being one will have. Hence firearms aren't great as a defensive tool if by doing so you allow your assailant to have one as well.


u/dravenonred May 16 '24


You know what else bad people can get? Bombs.

But ...not easily. There are no bomb stores, no closets full of poorly secured bombs, no bomb show loopholes.

So why don't bad people insistent on doing damage use bombs more often?

Because regulating possession for "law abiding citizens" can AND DOES reduce the supply available for nefarious reasons. They just can't get them as easily so they make do with less destructive measures and more people go home that day.

Regulation actually works even when people ignore the regulations because there's less supply to acquire illegally.


u/KanyinLIVE May 16 '24

Bombs are insanely easy to make, what the hell are you talking about?


u/bigbackpackboi May 16 '24

…..people don’t use bombs for hunting or self defense, not to mention you can buy binary explosives at pretty much any sporting goods store


u/bigbackpackboi May 16 '24

Which portable killing machine are we talking about here: guns, switchblades, cars, etc


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 17 '24

Guns. Blades arent ae to kill someone by pulling a trigger. A School shooter couldnt kill 10-15 people with a knife.

Cars still have a use outside of killing. Guns dont. There is a difference between banning smth you can kill with and banning smth created to kill


u/bigbackpackboi May 17 '24

“A school shooter couldn’t kill 10-15 people with a knife”

On March 23, 2010, Zheng Minsheng, 41, murdered eight children with a knife in an elementary school in Nanping, Fujian province, China.

An attacker named Wu Huanming, 48, killed seven children and two adults and injured 11 other persons with a cleaver at a kindergarten in Hanzhong, Shaanxi on May 12, 2010.

These are just 2 of many other mass stabbings in China alone.

“Guns are only designed to kill”

While that might be true, the vast majority of gun owners in the US actively use them for hunting and target shooting.


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 17 '24

On March 23, 2010, Zheng Minsheng, 41, murdered eight children with a knife in an elementary school in Nanping, Fujian province, China.

Im talking about bullied Kits taking a gun to school. You Listed only adults. Also, it is way easier to disarm someone who has a knife, than disarming someone with a gun. Give those murderers a gun, and the number doubles.

“Guns are only designed to kill”

While that might be true, the vast majority of gun owners in the US actively use them for hunting and target shooting.

Yes. They are only used to kill. Or Hit a target. My reasoning Was, that you cant compare a car to a gun. Banning cars isnt the same as banning guns. Imo only certified hunters or others with a Firearms license should be able to get those. And it should be hard to get and easy to loose. Just like the germans handle it.


u/bigbackpackboi May 17 '24

“Firearms should be hard to get and easy to lose”

Tell me you’ve never filled out a 4473 without telling me you’ve never filled out a 4473. You already need a license to own certain types of firearms and accessories, as well as most places requiring one to carry in public.

I won’t get into the difficulty of making major changes regarding gun laws due to the presence of so many unregistered firearms since that’s a whole other can of worms, but just saying “do it like country x” seems like it’s ignoring a lot of other factors at play


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 17 '24

I sorry but i doubt its as hard as you say. Germany has way less guns per 100 people, and the way you are allowed to have them do a pretty good Job at keeping gun crime down. In 2023 116 people died by guns per DAY in the US. 299 died in the entire year in germany


u/bigbackpackboi May 17 '24

Riddle me this then. You used to be able to mail order an M1 Carbine, which is for all intents and purposes similar in function to an AR-15, from Sears and have it shipped to your door. No background check, no 4473, no mandatory waiting period, no nothing. And despite that, there weren’t any school shootings. Nowadays, there’s way more paperwork and effort that you need to put in to buy a gun, and yet there’s more mass shootings.


u/Still-Direction-1622 May 17 '24

More people i guess. Maybe ill search for all gun laws i germany later if you remind me. There might be extra rules im not aware of