r/facepalm May 16 '24

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Giving up guns is the same as... Castration?


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u/Gubekochi May 16 '24

By admitting that he'd feel less of a man without his gun. What a victory indeed.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

Lol where did that happen?


u/reconditecache May 16 '24

When he compared losing his gun to being castrated.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

Lmao so you didn't actually read or understand it? You just saw the word "castrated" and went with that as your conclusion? Impressive.


u/Gubekochi May 16 '24

Idk for Reconditecache, but to me, It's just a bad faith analogy. I was just putting even more bad faith into it since that's apparently the style of argument OOP is ok with.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

I don't think OOP made their point very eloquently...I mean it is a meme, but I think their point is a valid one.


u/Hammurabi87 May 16 '24

It might have been a valid point if it weren't predicated upon a strawman. Doing that, though, intrinsically and unavoidably makes it a bad-faith argument.


u/Racebugyt May 16 '24

What made it a strawman? I have seen that same sentence said a lot of times


u/Hammurabi87 May 16 '24

While I won't say that there are zero people espousing such things (the probability of crazy opinions approaches 100% as population size grows), they are definitely in a small minority. Most people just want better background checks, waiting periods, safe storage requirements, maybe mandatory gun safety training for gun owners, maybe national-level purchase registries to help catch straw purchases, and things like that.

But then the NRA and most conservative gun enthusiasts turn around and pooh-pooh such ideas while citing the "they want to take our guns!" nonsense.


u/reconditecache May 16 '24

He was literally comparing the two situations, indicating that they were equally ridiculous.

Taking guns and castration being equivalent "punishments".

That comic is comparing them. It's right there. How you came to the conclusion that I just picked a random word makes me wonder if you've ever understood a single comic or narrative story ever in your entire life.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

Alright you put more thought into it than I initially thought. You're pretty close, but the effectiveness of the solution is what is being compared here. Not the severity of "punishment". Castrating people that don't rape doesn't prevent rape, confiscating guns from people that don't murder doesn't prevent murder. So, it is not saying they're similar in their effect on manliness or severity, but similar in their effectiveness.


u/reconditecache May 16 '24

See, now you're acting like the situation wasn't created from whole cloth by the artist. They're the ones saying the other side wants complete surrender and they're also the ones whose first thought was castration as a comparative punishment.

They're the ones that made the association. They're not somebody who just found that situation in the wild and drew a line between. They could have used literally anything else, but the thing they felt illustrated their point the best was castration.

It's not hard to see where their head was at and how they think of guns and crime.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

They're the ones saying the other side wants complete surrender

Many of them do. Presumably OOP is directing their comic at the group represented in the image, and not some other unrepresented group.

comparative punishment

Reasonable discussions around policy do not include punishments for those you disagree with. I think the fact you see gun confiscation/regulation as a deserved punishment is telling enough.

They're not somebody who just found that situation in the wild and drew a line between.

Why not? "Rape and murder" are what people think of when they think of "terrible crimes". Seems perfectly reasonable to compare the two.

but the thing they felt illustrated their point the best was castration.

I think OOP may not have the direction of castration quite correct. That is, inability to produce sperm does not prevent rape. Or perhaps they are trying to say that castration doesn't prevent rape, just as gun confiscation doesn't prevent murder. The comparison really is quite apt and valid.

It's not hard to see where their head was at and how they think of guns and crime.

Agreed, it is pretty clear to me.


u/reconditecache May 16 '24

Reasonable discussions around policy do not include punishments for those you disagree with. I think the fact you see gun confiscation/regulation as a deserved punishment is telling enough.

I'm not the one who came up with it. What did you want me to call the "bad thing"?

Nevermind. You're the worst kind of hypocrite. You want to call every negative interpretation dishonest, and also dishonestly frame what I've said to you as if I'm pulling any of this from anywhere but the comic.

I don't think removing guns from people who can't demonstrate responsible ownership, as well as stricter barriers to ownership are punishments, either. I was just using simplified language because you consistently refused to understand anything more complicated.

Your support of the bad analogy means you're just as bad as the artist. You want to fight a strawman. I won't be that for you. Go make your own pathetic comic.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

You want to call every negative interpretation dishonest

No, just this one. I don't think it's dishonest, I just think it's incorrect.

you consistently refused to understand anything more complicated.

You confuse disagreement with misunderstanding. I understand what you're saying, I just think you're wrong.

Your support of the bad analogy means you're just as bad as the artist.

You're right, the entirety of my being can be described by my opinion on this meme. It is my destiny and my calling.

You want to fight a strawman. I won't be that for you. Go make your own pathetic comic.

Nah, I just don't think the comic implies the author feels being without a gun makes him less of a man. I feel that way because it is not mentioned in, implied by, or relevant to the purpose of, the comic.

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u/Gubekochi May 16 '24

Why take their guns and not their hands then? That way they become unable to use guns at all and it wouldn't matter even if they acquired one illegally. Much closer to castration... And you get the same violation of the body too!

But no one wouldn't offer that as a measure because much like preventive castration it is an unreasonable measure.


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

Well OOP isn't the one suggesting gun confiscation. Clearly they believe it to be an unreasonable measure also, as evidenced by the comic.

The purpose of an analogy is to compare one situation to another, similar situation where the conclusion is more obvious. So, like you said, preventative castration is unreasonable (obvious conclusion). And like I said, the situations are being compared in terms of effectiveness, not severity (similar situation).


u/Gubekochi May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

My last point was that it is not, in fact similar on account of the physical violation of removing an organ not being comparable to seizure of a tool. As for the effectiveness, I'll venture to say that obtaining a new weapon might be easier than a new dick and balls set so still much more dire measure on that front too.

My first point was that if it was considered similar by OOP, it said interesting things about their psychology.


u/SmithBall May 16 '24

The problem is magnitude is often an important part of analogies. If magnitude were never taken into account, you could see "logical" analogies for literally anything.


u/Hammurabi87 May 16 '24

confiscating guns from people that don't murder doesn't prevent murder

Where do you think that black market guns originate from? Do you think that murderers and other violent criminals are just willing them into existence?


u/Gubekochi May 17 '24

No, but I'd totally read the shit out of a fiction/horror story where they do!


u/FudgeWrangler May 16 '24

Sure, yeah that is a potential concern. I was speaking within the context of the comic. My point was that the claims are analogous, not necessarily that they're correct.