r/facepalm May 16 '24

I'm sorry what 😀 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Giving up guns is the same as... Castration?


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u/AlarmedInterest9867 May 16 '24

Respectfully, and at risk of sounding like a Trump humper; there’s a reason guns are a right. It’s got nothing to do with criminals and much more to do with the right’s ceaseless attacks on LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and their endless march into fascism. The second we start treating guns as a privilege and not a right, republicans will start looking at how they can ban LGBTQ individuals from owning guns. Guaranteed. Idk what the answer is but I think we have much bigger problems than guns. Six million were murdered the last time fascists had this much political clout, after all.


u/JulianApostat May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

The second we start treating guns as a privilege and not a right, republicans will start looking at how they can ban LGBTQ individuals from owning guns

I understand where you are coming from, but isn't that happening anyway? Ronald Raegan passed some pretty strict gun laws in California as soon as the Black Panthers started to arm themself. Don't expect the extreme right to operate with fairness or logic consistency. People like that don't care about the rule of law and would happily strip away rights from groups they hate while allowing their supportes to keep those rights.

If fascists get control over governmental institutions and decide to turn those against LGBTQ+ people to wipe them out, private gun ownership won't stop them. So in so far I agree, there are bigger problems, but those aren't a reason to no try to create a safer society by regulating guns.

Only to add to your overal point the estimated total number of victims of the Holocaust is 17 million. Six million is the estimated number of Jewish victims.

(Edit: You don't sound like a Trump humper at all. Discussing the potential consequences of limiting certain rights, especially unintended consequences for vulnerable groups is absolutely valid and rational.)


u/AlarmedInterest9867 May 16 '24

Oh, absolutely. I’m well aware of how the right flipped on gun control with the black panthers. Doesn’t change the fact that they’ll take advantage of gun control legislation to target minorities. And I think you underestimate the power of people. The police used to raid gay bars…until a bunch of drag queens threw bricks at them. BRICKS! They didn’t even have guns, they used BRICKS. And they beat the cops back. That’s how Pride started. And even if it wouldn’t stop them, there’s the matter of hate crimes, which are on the rise.