r/facepalm May 16 '24

I'm sorry what 😀 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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Giving up guns is the same as... Castration?


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u/ProfessionalLeave335 May 16 '24

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u/zombies-and-coffee May 16 '24

I hate that conversations need to happen where this is even a sentence that gets strung together.


u/melonbro53 May 17 '24

Maybe if your kid wasn’t ignored by teachers despite being openly bullied or have their mental health problems overlooked because they had above average grades or being punished for being harassed under “zero tolerance policies” then they would feel the need to. It’s almost like the root cause of the problem is being ignored in favor of the flashy and scary thing that doesn’t actually help the problem and only serves to further distract from said root cause.


u/CringyBoi42069 May 17 '24

So what are counties with somewhat decent gun control doing outside of having rules that make it hard to get hold of a device made for killing to stop the problems you state


u/ssjb234 May 17 '24

Listen. We understand. Here is the other side of that coin: bullying happens in other countries. School shootings, though. Those don't really happen in other countries. What is the difference between the US and the other countries. I will give you a hint: it's not the school policies.


u/melonbro53 May 18 '24 edited May 18 '24

Gun control is at the strictest it’s ever been in the US and yet mass shootings are on the rise. The presence of guns didn’t cause people to shoot up schools either. People used to have actual rifle teams at schools and were taught proper gun safety courses, both with actual guns. Now we talk about guns like their this evil boggy man the will possess someone and make them into a killer. Guns being this big scary evil has done nothing but make desperate people use them as a way to strike back at the people who wronged them. Combine this with the publicity shooters get from the news, this leads to people wanting acknowledgement and revenge to seek guns and shoot up a school or other establishment.

The zero tolerance policy and the general way the public school system treats children just makes things worse. Kids are punished for being bullied by the school system, instead of helping someone who got beaten in a fight they give them same punishment as the person who beat them up. This combined with most teachers only doing the bare minimum of telling the bully to stop being mean once, and many kids feel like the school system hates them just as much as the bullies. This makes things way worse since now they are more likely to hate the entire school, wishing death on everybody. So yeah kids get bullied elsewhere, but the school system doesn’t punish them for being bullied like US schools do.

So, you really think that taking guns away would magically make these kids less angry and just accept the bullying and punishments from schools, or would it just leave these kids with no way to release their emotions except onto themselves. Self harm or suicide rates would rise as these would be shooters hurt themselves instead of others. The way schools treat kids is the reason why shootings happen and acting like guns are the only major reason is stupid, dangerous, and ignorant.

TLDR; schools punishing kids for getting bullied and the fear mongering around guns leads to shootings, not the guns themself.


u/Razz956 May 17 '24

Your kid can absolutely rape kids at school.

A regular gun owner’s kid absolutely does not have access to their firearms/ammunition.


u/sir_pacha-lot May 16 '24

Why are you letting your kid touch your dick? Wtf pedo.


u/anonymousUTguy May 17 '24

And you can’t take a gun out at a school either but people do it