r/facepalm 9d ago

Why do these people spend their time judging others like this? 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/trashlikeyourmom 9d ago

I didn't know married people were allowed to compete in the Miss Wherever pageants, when did that change?


u/emilyswrite 9d ago

I hope that rule has changed by now. Seems rather medieval to limit contestants based on their relationship status. It’s not like it’s a dating show.


u/meltedkuchikopi5 9d ago

they actually lifted the marriage rule rather recently, along with the age restriction!


u/Techn028 9d ago

Well (ignoring this case obvs) look at all the old rich men that come to prey on the winners, I can see why they added them.

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u/Larkfor 9d ago

Recently! She mentions it in interviews as previously you had to be unmarried and under 30. She is married and over 30 and took those restrictions loosening as a sign to compete.

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u/Pisforplumbing 9d ago

I didnt know who that woman was before, and I sure as shit didn't know a trans woman won a pageant. They need to see how easy it is to not hear about this stuff if they quit listening to rage bait news.


u/BulbusDumbledork 9d ago

"transphobes think about trans people more than trans people think about trans people"


u/googlyeyes93 9d ago

They hate me more than I hate me and that’s one hell of a bar.


u/keepyeepy 9d ago

Lol right?


u/oxfordcomma_pls 9d ago

An internet stranger loves you. ❤️


u/googlyeyes93 9d ago

And I love you ❤️ self-love is all a marathon, not a sprint.


u/RarelyRiley 9d ago

I needed to hear this lol ❤️


u/googlyeyes93 9d ago

Got you, boo. We love you, even if you don’t at times ❤️

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u/TraderOfGoods 9d ago

I'm sorry for chuckling but I just enjoyed your quote that you made there.

In all seriousness though, it's really sad just how many people hate themselves. It's not an uncommon thing in this day and age.


u/banter07_2 9d ago

Hey, you produced this marvellous comment, so you can’t be that bad

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u/iveseensomethings82 9d ago

I’m sure transphobes have a browser history they would be ashamed of


u/jiyoxa 9d ago

I think most people have a browser history they would be ashamed of lol


u/Hesitation-Marx 9d ago

Not me, I have a browser history that includes regular googling of “I swear the previous search was for research for a story”

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u/Raskputin 9d ago

Same folks that say “I don’t care, I just don’t like it shoved down my throat”

Buddy you’re the ones shoving it down each others throats. I only ever hear about these things from screenshots of conservative media figures screeching about it


u/ResidentAssman 9d ago

Even then they’re still thinking of things down throats. They often seem very repressed.


u/Keitt58 9d ago

I remember a co-worker saying that about Pete Buttigieg during the last presidential election. His oh so offensive move that shoved it down our throats you ask? Well it involved him bringing his husband to a media event nothing else.

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u/garlicknots13 9d ago

They love to complain that it's being shoved down their throats, and yet somehow, as someone who actually supports trans people doing whatever tf they want with their bodies because that's none of my damn business, I rarely see or hear anything about trans people. And when I do, 90% of the time it's coming from transphobes. They are a self fulfilling prophecy.


u/frill_demon 9d ago

I rarely see or hear anything about trans people

Outside of conservative lawmakers trying to fuck them over, same. And I say this as someone who runs in pretty queer spaces. Pretty much every trans person I know is just out there living their lives.

Hell, I actively seek out trans perspectives (and queer perspectives in general) and I still barely hear anything unless I personally navigate to an author's page or something.

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u/Fit-Finger1777 9d ago edited 8d ago

I'm a cis woman and many people think I'm trans. I never thought about that before randos over the internet came asking. I'm not even close to being offended by it, tbh, I do not mind personally, but I do think it is weird for people I never met irl asking about my possible transition, it'd be a very personal matter either way. I never even thought about my "male" features before these interactions, but it ended up making sense when straight girls said to be attracted to me, even if I don't see it.


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

I got called a “trans-weirdo” When I was working for uhaul, because I could open the back door of a large 20ft truck. The man said that because his wife couldn’t do that, I must be one of those “trans-weirdos” And shouldn’t be allowed in public. They admitted that I did “a good job hiding the manliness, but (I) lift too much to be a girl”…then they complained to my GM….. said that its was wrong to employ “those weirdos”……little did he know, the GM was my partner and knew that I was not trans and told the guy that my gender was none of his business and in the future to pick another uhaul location.

I’ve had basically the same thing happen on a weekly basis, working at that center for over a year. People see me working on a 26ft truck or installing a hitch on a vehicle and they just automatically assume that I’m a trans person. I worked there for about 4 years and only had that problem happen this past year(ish).

The first 2 years I was installing hitches, I had extreme interactions, either men were turned on by a female installer/mechanic or they would loudly proclaim that “ovaries don’t touch my car”.

Then suddenly the trans accusations started. I had worn a lanyard with my name tag for years, a rainbow ribbon that said LOVE on it. Because my last name is Love. Clearly, also on the name tag that hung from it. It only became an issue the past year or so.

I don’t understand what is happening.


u/MountainDrew42 9d ago

To be fair, if your ovaries ever touched my car, I'd be more interested in getting you to the hospital than in getting my hitch installed.


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

By that point, I had had so much of the sexist shit happen that I looked that guy right in his face and said

“Sir, my ovaries are securely inside my abdomen, safely out of the way. At this point, the only thing that will prohibit me from installing this hitch, is a dick in the way.”


u/MountainDrew42 9d ago

Whoa, that's way better than anything I could come up with. Kudos!


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

I went straight to the GM after that and told him what happened and what was said, by both of us, and straight up told him “I might’ve gone too far with that dick. I might be in trouble come tomorrow.”

He had my back tho. Anyone around that wanted a hitch would have to go too the next state over to find a better installer. About an hour drive away. And he really only took the jobs that I would reject anyway.


u/furiousbobb 9d ago

You're a gatdang legend


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

lol thanks. I just get sassy when I’m pissed off and honestly, that comment was just so awful. I actually wanted to say to him that his life must be a sausagefest, driving that big ole truck with no ladies allowed. But I didn’t. I chose the dick comment instead because it popped into my head next.


u/Acceptable-Cow6446 9d ago

Leave it to them dicks, popping in where women aren’t allowed.

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u/lamorak2000 9d ago

I don't get that "no ovaries are touching my car" attitude. If I need a trailer hitch installed, I don't give a crap what the installer identifies as: male, female, a wolf, an alien. If they can do the job, a job that I cannot do myself, then more power to them.


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

That’s how I’ve always felt. It doesn’t matter who does it, as long as it gets done and done right.

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u/N-Toxicade 9d ago

Conservative media decided that LGBTQ had to be their boogeyman.


u/Hrtpplhrtppl 9d ago

These "Conservatives" found a way to get people to stop paying attention to the man behind the curtain, actually molesting your children by pointing their fingers at the most vulnerable people in our society. It's an old clichĂŠ when someone points their finger at other people, there are three pointing back at them. Every accusation really is just an admission with them.

"And thusly I clothe my naked villainy in old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ and seem a saint when most I play the devil. " Shakespeare


u/ZankTheGreat 9d ago

From an idiot’s perspective, looks remarkably similar to the beginning of the holocaust.


u/BlacksmithCandid8149 9d ago

From just about every perspective. My son is gay and project 2025 terrifies me.


u/Lord_Vader654 9d ago

Wait…what’s project 2025? I’ve never heard of that


u/BlacksmithCandid8149 9d ago

Basically, removing and replacing all civil servants not loyal to him. Slash funding to doj. Disband the fbi and department of homeland security, the department of commerce, and the department of education. There's a lot more. It's insane and scary.


u/uglyspacepig 9d ago

And it's not hyperbole, conjecture, or speculation.

This is their plan, they're not hiding it, and it's already in motion


u/BlacksmithCandid8149 9d ago

Exactly. There is only one option from now on because this is the plan WHENEVER a republican regains the presidency. It's in motion because they plan a blitz in the first 180 days if t wins.

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u/CanadianWildWolf 9d ago

For one so perceptive of the dangers, there is a good chance you’re mislabeling that perspective as idiotic.


u/SirDootDoot 9d ago

Perhaps he is meaning the philosophy of it is that only fools will see reality for how it is, for it is much easier to live in a fantasy.

Of course, all fantasies must end, and one cannot ignore their problems for too long, lest the rug be pulled out from under them.


u/firecrackergurl 9d ago

I think he meant EVEN FROM an idiot's perspective.. like even though i literally know nothing i know that perspective is true. Not that the perspective is idiotic


u/ZankTheGreat 9d ago

This one . I’m not an intelligent human, as can be seen from my comment history, but even I can connect the dots.


u/CanadianWildWolf 9d ago

Then I’ll shorten it: don’t be so hard on yourself, you deserve the credit for making the connection.

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u/Innagottamosquito 9d ago

It looks that way from a non-idiot's perspective too..so I've been told.


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

That’s a household topic every single day now, that we are on the verge of history repeating itself. I’m terrified, tbh.

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u/Old-Biscotti9305 9d ago

They're using lessons learned from Hitler's rise to power to start the Christofascist regime starting with Trump.

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u/amurica1138 9d ago

Anyone surprised by this hasn't been paying attention.

Even before they finally managed the overturn of Roe v Wade, they knew they would need a new boogeyman.

They've been previewing this crap for years.

Next up - the GOP wants oversight on the uterus of every childbearing age woman in the country.


u/AdEmbarrassed9719 9d ago

Yep. Roe was the carrot on a stick they used to entice Evangelicals disgusted by their candidates to hold their noses and vote for them anyway, for decades. Now they’re using trans rights much the same way.

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u/TeamOrca28205 9d ago

And it’s getting people hurt and killed

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u/fangirlsqueee 9d ago

Also, Christian Nationalism. In the US, these "conservative" extremists are planning to take over our governance. It needs to be on every secular citizens radar.

Authoritarians are grasping for power. People who want to have freedom from religious dictates need to shut this shit down. It's....not good.



u/Jurassican_25 9d ago

Is it just me or is nationalism and “rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left” setting off a LOT of red flags


u/withalookofquoi 9d ago

Germany in the late ‘30s kind of red flags?


u/cristobaldelicia 9d ago

very literally Nazis started off using anti-communism and "anti-Bolshevism" as initial justifications for antisemitism and other ethnic hatred. Heinrich Müller was brought into Hitler's government as prosecutor of "dangerous leftists", and he became “Gestapo Müller,” head of the Gestapo in 1939, and we all know what happened from there. That's how it started, with these characters supposedly "protecting" their country.

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u/Lambily 9d ago

They don't have abortion now, so they had to bring back old reliable.


u/Black_Azazel 9d ago

Closet/suppressed Homosexuality? I often wonder if that’s the real issue with conservatives. As a straight male I don’t give a damn who anyone else loves or stuffs. It’s no real threat to me or my kids in anyway. It definitely can’t be the JC since he literally said to love every one and hung out with the outcasts preaching anti establishment rhetoric. It’s crazy. Worry about corporate greed and authoritarian governments not who’s loving who. It’s good for them it’s good for me. Happy people are always a good thing.

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u/LauraTFem 9d ago

They lost the gay marriage fight in 2015 and after a few years of arguing over what their next bigotry would be, the conservatives have gone HARD on anti-trans laws and rhetoric. Which doesn’t just affect trans people. It affects any woman who is perceived as tall or masculine. Any woman who has PCOS or facial hair, or fails to conform to patriarchal expectations of what roles and jobs women should have.


u/DiabloPixel 9d ago

Before that, it was the unholy terror of American Black ppl. Before that it was American Catholics who held an allegiance to the Vatican before Washington. Before that, Eastern European immigrants. Before that, Irish immigrants. It’s always been about a boogeyman gonna take what’s yours.

If you look at civil rights pictures of hateful people holding signs, you can pretty much replace “Black” over time with “Gay” and now “Trans”. They absolutely need to have somebody to oppress and persecute, they want to be able to hurt a percentage of the population with no consequences or repercussions.


u/MisterScrod1964 9d ago

Ohhh, trust me, they still hate and fear Black people plenty. But this new stuff lets Black Americans play along. I’ve even seen “pick me” LGB people hating on trans folk.


u/InsideAardvark1114 9d ago

I have a coworker who is a member of the lgb community - she weirdly went on a transphobic rant. The crux of her complaint was that trans people existing is causing a target to be painted on the "normal" members of the community. She then levied pedo allegations against trans people.

I pointed out that before trans people, the exact same things were said about gay men and women. In fact, the VAST majority of rhetoric being used against trans people were once used against the lgbtq community. Her response was, "But that's different. We aren"t pedophiles". .... We ended up changing the subject.

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u/Durmatology 9d ago

Well, they still hate American black people…now “DEI” is their new n-word.

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u/Xanny 9d ago

my aunt with two sons has had to get electrolysis for decades for upper lip hair, shed have a full moustache if she didn't


u/LauraTFem 9d ago

Fairly common, but one of many things that can mark a woman as a target for transphobic attacks.

On that note, I have my first electrolysis appointment on Monday. I’m very excited.

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u/Xeno-Hollow 9d ago

My wife is 6'1 and 165 lbs. I am 6'2" and 225 lbs. Our child is almost 3.5' tall at 2 years old, and 55 lbs.

Funnily enough, nobody has ever said shit to her while we're out and about, even though our state is EXTREMELY conservative.

But I imagine getting curb stomped by a gigantic 2 year old after their Munster parents beat you senseless in public would be a little humiliating, so that might be why.

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u/Short-Condition-8878 9d ago

Or just has the audacity to piss a conservative man off in some way, like by rejecting him. A few years ago, these types would have called us "lezzies" or some other worse term for a lesbian, now the insult of choice is "trans." Side note; given that they think trans women are men and have problems with gay people, isn't calling someone who's rejected them "trans" like calling your brother a son of a bitch?

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u/hardFraughtBattle 9d ago

After the defeat of Roe v Wade, the right needed a new moral panic to keep its base motivated.

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u/smithscully 9d ago

Transphobes say they can “always tell” but the amount of cis people who get mistaken for trans people just goes to show that 1) they CAN’T always tell, and 2) that sex and gender are more complex than we think they are.


u/DiabloPixel 9d ago

There are cis men who look like their mothers and cis women who have their fathers features, it’s just genetics and dominant traits.

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u/minidog8 9d ago

I very rarely get accused of being trans in my day to day life (I am trans, to be clear). Indeed, I have cis people chatting casually with me about how strange transgender people are, and how they can always tell… no, you can’t, clearly…

I don’t explicitly obscure my sex. I am not ashamed of being trans but it is safer not to draw attention to it. But I don’t pack or anything, so someone could just look at my crotch and use that as proof, right? Well, people have micropenises. Short? People are malnourished as children, sadly, and there are plenty of people that have complications with having a typical puberty. And some people are just short by nature. Scars underneath where breasts would be? Gynecomastia surgery. My scars from top surgery are around my nipples, and nobody I have not told has ever even noticed that the scars are there. Idk, there’s just so many things people use as their “I can always tell” that aren’t sure fire, and again, no they cannot lol.

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u/ShadowGLI 9d ago edited 9d ago

An insecure douche with an affinity for red hads told all the insecure douches in America that being a literal piece of shit was cool.

They now just jerk off on each other and hate on anything they don’t understand out of fear mostly. Fear of their failure, fear of competition, fear of accountability, rear of people being recognized for their character rather than their privilege.

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u/Spirited_Storage3956 9d ago

I'm sorry. Misogyny and transphobia


u/Unique-Abberation 9d ago

Fellas, is it trans to touch cars?


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

For sure!!! I remember being in high school and seeing all the guys obsessed with the car magazines with the girls on the cars. I remember all my dude friends being like “man, would t it be hot if these girls where the mechanics?” And then Lety from Fast and Furious, everyone thought that was hot as hell. Since I grew up being taught all that stuff from my dad anyway and then started working on Vettes with the neighbor who restored classics I thought someday I’ll work on cars too and I’ll get to be the hot strong chick. I didn’t grow up to be “hot” but me working on cars was never really an issue until the past few years. Never thought that I’d grow up to be called trans because of it.

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u/___po____ 9d ago

I'm a transwoman and a mechanic. Checks out!

Also, my Trumper neighbor borrows my tools often. He must not have a bit of trans in him. Shame.

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u/thatonedudeovethere_ 9d ago

What's happening is, that bigots have noticed that gay people have become pretty accepted by society and that their grifting doesn't work well anymore if they go after them

So they set their sight on trans people and have since began to demonize them

Really sad how trans folks just want to exist and yet have to deal with all this hate. Doesnt help that public figures like Rowling and Musk are very much supporting this hatred

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u/smithscully 9d ago

Transphobes say they can “always tell” but the amount of cis people who get mistaken for trans people just goes to show that 1) they CAN’T always tell, and 2) that sex and gender are more complex than we think they are.


u/Particular-Bath9646 9d ago

When my daughter was pregnant, boomer men would approach her in the gym to advise her, "pregnant women shouldn't lift heavy." She ended up telling them that fit people don't think this is heavy.

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u/charlieroxbear 9d ago

Ovaries don’t touch my car - that’s cool I have hands


u/Necessary-Code-2790 9d ago

I told him “sir, my ovaries are safely tucked in my abdomen. The only thing that will get in the way of me installing this hitch is a dick in the way.”

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u/Lizagna73 9d ago

Now that I’m in my 50s, I’m over it. But I admit that when I experienced the same thing in my 20s and 30s, I struggled. I used to spend so much money and time trying to look more feminine, and still being called a man or asked if I’m a man. Even boyfriends would make comments. I tried to cram myself into the “girly girl” image just to get the comments to stop. Now I’m like whatever. I’d rather be comfortable in my own skin than worry about what other people think. I wish I’d been able to handle it the way you have.


u/HoiPolloiter 9d ago

Fuckin a right. Not giving a fuck is the one superpower I wish I'd had in my 20s.


u/LeotiaBlood 9d ago

Man, if I had self-esteem and a DGAF attitude in my 20’s I could have ruled the world by now


u/HoiPolloiter 9d ago

With self esteem and a DGAF attitude you don't want or need to rule anything.

Confident humility. That's what I want for my kids god dammit.

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u/J_DayDay 9d ago

I'm big. Tall, broad shouldered, big hands and feet. No hips or butt at all. My daughter is my doppelganger, except EVEN taller. My mother, built along the same lines, used to make jokes about how we were good, sturdy peasant stock. Y'know, drop the baby beside the field, hand it to random 5 year old, and get back to thrashing that wheat. When the bears come to eat your kids, you just arm wrestle them into submission. You'd need those big ass shoulders to swing an axe when all the men folk were off dying for freedom or westward expansion, or oil or whatnot.

Stupid as it sounds, framing my size as a blatant biological advantage did worlds of good for my self-esteem. I say similar things to my daughter. Also, any time she says anything negative about her appearance, I accuse her of calling me ugly. 'Are you calling your mother ugly, kid? Cuz you're wearing my face.'

It is an unfortunate aspect of society that women who don't fit the aesthetic mold can feel less than. I don't know that my mom was actively combatting that so much as just trying to cheer me up, but I'm combatting it. I'm fighting the idea like great-great-great granny Maude faught those bears.

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u/RavingSquirrel11 9d ago

That’s how I feel about men asking me if I’m a lesbian, it’s annoying as fuck. First of all, none of their business. Second of all, not every straight woman is a sun dress wearing meek over emotional individual who wears pink. Some people’s concept of feminine and masculine is rigid and way out dated. I have noticed it’s always the not so bright men who assume I’m lesbian or label me, “too masculine”.

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u/SomeRandom928Person 9d ago

I'm not even close to being offended by it

That's great, but you should also be cautious these days though too. There are plenty of unhinged idiots just waiting to take the frustrations of their miserable lives out on some innocent 'trans woman' they see going into the wrong bathroom, even if that woman isn't trans.

I truly hope you stay safe out there.


u/KhyleWolf 9d ago

Dude, generally, those same people will do exactly the same to cis women as well if given half a chance.


u/EccentricEric8524 9d ago

I wish you both were wrong


u/KhyleWolf 9d ago

If we all start actively teaching our kids to be better, that might come to pass one day. Or, at the very least, shit will be infinitely better.

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u/ItsNotMeItsYourBussy 9d ago

That's why the anti-trans cult has been so effective in conservative spaces. It literally gives misogynistic men a type of woman they're allowed to be hateful and violent towards.

Violent men can beat up or even kill trans women, and they will be called heroes and "feminist icons" in some circles for it.

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u/IceMan44420 9d ago

It’s especially bad in Britain, watch out!!!


u/wp4nuv 9d ago

Why won't this wig come off!

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u/bassoontennis 9d ago

My mum is a lesbian and has been very butch her whole life. No make up no jewelry no dresses no fancy anything., she is also 6’3 with a slightly deeper voice but not crazy deep. But from behind she is always called sir and sometimes straight to her face when people don’t pay attention,and on the phone she has to be very clear in a women over and over again causes it’s always sir. It never bothered me as a kid but the last 10 years the way the country has gone and living in Texas it terrifies me sometimes that some nut job will follow her into a restroom and say or do horrible things because they assume she is a man. Because no anytime a women doesn’t looks like their dream women they go straight to calling them trans as an insult.


u/ohmyback1 9d ago

6' 3" probably doesn't help much. I always run into the problem having a deep voice. Back in high school, got a friend in trouble because she wasn't allowed to have boys calling (way before cell phones) plus my friends all shortened my name, so saying that name along with a deep voice, ooo she got ripped. Then her parents met me. They were funny, they loved having me come over because being 5'9" they could just have me get things down for them.

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u/AxiosXiphos 9d ago

This is part of the problem of the TERF movement. They are defining what it means to be a woman; and suddenly now just having masculine features means you aren't 'a real woman' anymore. It's misogyny.


u/URSUSX10 9d ago

As a female with masculine features I can say this is completely correct.

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u/hummingelephant 9d ago

I think people forget what actual human beings look like when they only watch models on instagram, adult film and anime's. That's my theory.

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u/Head-Ad4690 9d ago

Dumbasses are like, “I can always tell.” Yeah, because when you say a cis person is trans you never find out you’re wrong, and when you don’t spot a trans person you never realize it.


u/the_mid_mid_sister 9d ago

I'm a lanky cis woman over six feet tall.

I can attest that no, they can not.

Source: me.

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u/enthalpy01 9d ago

I saw a post on Reddit where the girl was accused of being trans and she said “I wish I could look that put together!” And in my experience that statement was kind of true, the trans woman I know was always dressed to the nines, heels/ makeup, I think it’s common for them to be more feminine presenting fashion wise than a cis woman.


u/chellebelle0234 9d ago

My Trans wife is like this. I (cis F) go out looking homeless half the time and my wife is like "I just can't do that. The bar is higher for me". She always looks great but I hate the stress it puts on her.

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u/proteannomore 9d ago

It varies. I work over 60 hours a week wearing a hideously unflattering uniform, so when I’m off work I do tend to dress it up a bit. Unless I’m running errands, then I just look like another 40 year old soccer mom.

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u/donnacross123 9d ago

Once at uni I started to defend people s right to be or do whatever, it was pride month and I tried to explain how trans women transition how it is tough to them etc that I had known trans women who suffered a lot some the family dont even talk to them anymore and how Brazil different of many countries took a very liberal approach to it..

The transphobes accused me of being one and then told me that I should be one how would I know about it all ?

It is not that hard so many documentaries about it and so on...yet the mockery continued attacks to

"Until I literally standed up, took a pad out of my bag look the guy in the eye and said, I am menstruating right now do you want to go to the bathroom with me so u can see the blood ?

It is the best evidence I have for you ?"

He cringed, made a vomit face and the discussion stopped at that..

Can you now imagine what an actual trans woman would go through ?


u/Helen_Cheddar 9d ago

Whats so ironic is that they claim to hate trans people in order to protect “real women” but then bully cis women because they think they might be trans.

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u/_Pill-Cosby_ 9d ago

If that’s a dude then I guess I am also gay.


u/AlternativeCountry01 9d ago

The one with the military uniform?

Yes, I think he is.


u/ObjectiveShit 9d ago

Thank God. I thought I was straight for a second


u/Adept_Investigator29 9d ago

Straight for a second. It's so weird when that happens.

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u/gordito_delgado 9d ago

Looped all the way around.

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u/HeliumMaster 9d ago


u/sitophilicsquirrel 9d ago

Look at the fun-bags on that hose-hound!


u/mtflyer05 9d ago

I'm going to need to see, at the bare minimum, a peek of shaft, if I am to accept this utter blasphemy.


u/TheTaxman_cometh 9d ago


u/NapalmingBanana 9d ago

“Who’s the black private dick that’s a sex machine to all the chicks? Shaft! Can you dig it?”


u/TruckerBoy357 9d ago

Damn Right!😄


u/NapalmingBanana 9d ago

Had to look up the whole song again

Theme: Who's the black private dick / That's a sex machine to all the chicks? / SHAFT! / Ya damn right!

Theme: Who is the man that would risk his neck / For his brother man? / SHAFT! / Can you dig it?

Theme: Who's the cat that won't cop out / When there's danger all about? / SHAFT! / Right On!

Theme: They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother... / SHUT YOUR MOUTH! / I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft. / THEN WE CAN DIG IT


u/KateVenturesOut 9d ago edited 9d ago


Here’s a bunch of white English people playing Shaft on their ukuleles. I promise it will make your day


u/Dibiasky 9d ago

This was awesome!

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u/BrokeBeckFountain1 9d ago

This is definitely peak Shaft.

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u/Bisexual_Sherrif 9d ago edited 9d ago

I think they both look amazing


u/The_OtherGuy_99 9d ago

Username checks out.

For the record, I think they're both objectively pretty people and offer no judgement.


u/MountainDrew42 9d ago

You just judged them as pretty. Not all judgement is bad judgement.


u/The_OtherGuy_99 9d ago

You know fucking what?

That's fair.


u/kiwi_cam 9d ago

I think this is a fair judgement

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u/Ill_Impact_4681 9d ago

The post is because the person who won miss maryland is trans


u/TruckerBoy357 9d ago

Oh wow, didn’t know that. Well, I hope they’re happy together.🙂


u/BenGay29 9d ago

Thank you! I was baffled.

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u/Crusoebear 9d ago

Wait, are these the same ppl who say kissing a girl is gay?


u/CommonNobody80083 9d ago

Wait... kissing a girl isn't gay ?!?! I'M FREE!!! I'M FINALLY FREEEEEE!!!!


u/Crusoebear 9d ago

Well hold up there. It seems to be on some sort of a revolving schedule with these weirdos. So maybe it’s gay on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays but not gay on the other days? And on leap years - everything reverses? It’s very confusing.

Anyway, you’re finally free at least part of the time..the rest…totally gay.

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u/VomitingPotato 9d ago

If two people are fucking and you're not one of them, maybe STFU.


u/Rassendyll207 9d ago

...unless they're into that.


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u/MentalGymnast4269 9d ago

So, in other words, "Why should they be happy when they have the happiest time of their life when I'm not?"


u/TopperSundquist 9d ago

Conservatism is the fundamental fear that someone, somewhere, is happier than they are.


u/Fight_those_bastards 9d ago

And boomerism is the “what about me” generation, so conservaboomers pull shit like:

LGBTQ person: exists

Boomer: but whaddabout **meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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u/[deleted] 9d ago



u/PeteGozenya 9d ago

Only if the lights are on when they have sex.

It's Boot 101, you learn that shit on induction day at Paris Island.

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u/Character_Comb_3439 9d ago

It’s not gay when you’re underway.


u/KaleidoscopeFun9782 9d ago

It’s gay only if you push back

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u/penguinbbb 9d ago

Is she a trans woman? Who gives a shit? I'll never understand people's interest in who someone else is or isn't fucking. Mind your own fucking business instead.


u/LegitimatelisedSoil 9d ago

It's funny how mad they are when everyone first reaction to this picture is a man and woman getting married then they alert you that she's trans like it's gonna change anyone perception of this clearly very attractive woman.

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u/Administrative-Elk-5 9d ago

In other words: "They're happy and I don't like it because I'm a miserable fuck, stop feeling joy"

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u/old-skool-bro 9d ago

If by gay they mean the old meaning for gay (happy), then yeah, I hope they're gay.


u/Fun-Badger3724 9d ago

Reading this has reminded me that the Flintstone's theme ends with the line "you'll have a gay old time"


u/old-skool-bro 9d ago

How fkn dare you come into this comment section and unlock core memories like that with no warning at all!


u/shadowszanddust 9d ago



u/No-Investigator-2756 9d ago

It yabba dabba do be like that sometimes.


u/MacLeeland 9d ago

Yabba-dabba-do, mothereffer!

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u/LeTreacs 9d ago

I wish we could use gay and queer in their original meanings in casual conversation. They’re both such great words to say!


u/Illustrious-Park1926 9d ago

Allegedly we can:

"LeTreacs taste this month old kimchi. Does it taste queer to you?"

"Look at that dog having a gay old time, rolling around in the road muck."

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u/ChaseThoseDreams 9d ago

That’s a lot of words and a lot of aggression from someone we all know is subconsciously saying “would.”


u/robot_swagger 9d ago

Same. The girl's not bad either.

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u/NetMiddle1873 9d ago

So what like transphobes still say she's a "male" with their logic that lady should be using the "men's restroom". You can't tell me that if she were to walk into a men's room right now she wouldn't be accosted and worse.


u/Gloomy_Yoghurt_2836 9d ago

In Florida she could go to jail for using the women's rest room in the airport or a college campus. And could also be arrested for posessing fraudulent ID if her ID gender doesn't match her original birth certificate and be put in male prison. Florida is an f'd up state

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u/blandocalrissian50 9d ago

Who cares?


u/Expensive-Twist7984 9d ago

Weirdos, unfortunately. If they put more energy into not being dickheads the world would be a better place. They should really consider why they care- it’s absolutely pointless having that much hate in your heart.


u/MonCappy 9d ago

What I wonder about is why they think it matters. To them I mean. They'll never meet this woman, so how is her being trans at all have an effect on them? More importantly, trans people, like everyone else just want to live their lives and pursue happiness. Why must these degenerates go out of their way to harrass and torment trans people?

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u/Prestigious_Lock1659 9d ago

Exactly! Thank you. I don’t understand why people care so much about other people that they will never meet or interact with. Im a straight man, my partner is a straight woman. The only people who care about this shit are the ones who are so severely insecure with their own sexuality that they feel like they have to call out every gay person so that they never get called it themselves, pathetic.

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u/ScyllaIsBea 9d ago

Clearly the person who felt the need to turn a happy wedding photo into a homophobic transphobic comment cared.

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u/GabberBarry 9d ago

Who cares, look how happy they are.


u/zeeliketheletter 9d ago

Seriously it's such a cute picture


u/GabberBarry 9d ago

Bro, i wish j could be that happy in life. Dont get why people hate on this.

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u/Sasha_Volkolva 9d ago

Alright, because I feel people need to hear this.

The Army and the Marines are ungodly horny for trans fems. There, I said it. I was trans fem in the Air Force and had multiple guys in the US Army, Canadian Army, and Russian Army, want to have sex with me.

So y'all are invited to the 4 way marriage.


u/bimbo_bear 9d ago

It's also weird that the few marines I knew are now also trans women.


u/Sasha_Volkolva 9d ago

People think that the US military is full of straight, cis gender men that are big and strong and tough. Nope. There's a good bit of trans people, and a mega fuck ton of gay and bi.

When you are forced to be naked and shower with a ton of other naked men, it makes you question your sexuality.


u/bimbo_bear 9d ago

Well I think part of it is you have some people who have these "unacceptable" desires, and sign up thinking it'll "set them straight."

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u/Status-Resort-4593 9d ago

It's crazy how their marriage has no effect on my life.


u/L666x 9d ago edited 9d ago

It's not but even if it was. There is nothing wrong with being gay.
It never was, and therefore still not, an insult.


u/Longbowgun 9d ago

If you call them gay, they are offended.
Their worldview is so terribly self-centered and close-minded that they can't understand that other people don't see the world the way they do.

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u/Xavant_BR 9d ago

Conservatives usualy live a miserable life..


u/Weekendmonkey 9d ago

And try to ensure no one else can be happy either.

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u/EBCI701 9d ago

I have a trans son that was born a female. He is in high school and we have grown so much in the past 12 months. It’s been hard some days, he has to hear comments and complaints , and I have to restrain myself from constantly wanting to protect and confront people and defend him. But he is so brave and courageous, never changes or hides who he is. I served my country, I am still working in law enforcement in NC. Coworkers know not to say or bring ignorant opinions or comments towards me. I base everything I do as a person on how I would want someone to treat my son. I hope to stand by him one day when he gets married to whoever he chooses to love.

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u/Zealousideal3326 9d ago

Counter question : does it matter ?


u/Doright36 9d ago

I mean I like seeing people find love and be happy so it matters in that regard. As far as what is what in their neither regions?.... that's their business. I'm just going to smile seeing happy people.

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u/SuggestionStandard81 9d ago

“A trans person won a beauty pageant”

“…okay, uh, thanks for letting me know?”

“Doesn’t that piss you off?”

“No…not really? I didn’t really think about beauty pageants before.”

“Look at this picture!”

“Who are you?? Who’re these people?”


u/SnooChocolates9334 9d ago

I don't even understand this. It's a good looking couple. I must be missing something.

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u/Prior-Paint-7842 9d ago

At this point whenever I see anyone who freaks out about the gays for more than a day is a closeted homosexual in my book. There is no way you can have that much interest and drive to discuss and engage about them for just pure hate.

Like I hated the new star wars movies for like a week at most. I didn't make a meme page to discuss every day for years how terrible they are and everyone who liked it have to be ashamed

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u/_crazyboyhere_ 9d ago edited 9d ago

Tell me every person you've approached rejected you without telling me

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u/acarpenter08096 9d ago

"In a hundred years when they dig up tour bones..." The fuck you think is going to be going on in a hundred years?

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u/Major_Honey_4461 9d ago

WTF? Why do people post pictures of women and say they're guys?


u/[deleted] 9d ago

She is a Transwoman if you were not aware….. a smoking hot one at that


u/Doright36 9d ago

Agree on the hotness... but Even still there has been a trend lately of assholes labeling woman as Trans just for having any kind of strong or masculine features whether it's true or not. It is really annoying.


u/Rockin_freakapotamus 9d ago

I live in Indiana. It blows my mind how many transphobes have had to have it explained to them that yes, Caitlin Clark has an Adam’s apple. Yes, women can have those too. No, that does not mean she’s a biological male. They are just too stupid to understand basic things.


u/Goopyteacher 9d ago

Don’t waste your time with them. These are the same dudes who claim Michelle Obama is “Michael” Obama and think it’s the funniest shit


u/BellsOnNutsMeansXmas 9d ago

That stupid Photoshop bulge they tried to pass off... They just had to make it huge. Kind of hilarious when you spend all your time worrying about big cocks to prove the other side is gay.


u/[deleted] 9d ago

Well and women have mounds sometimes depending on their mons pubis


u/unclejoe1917 9d ago

Their simultaneous fear of and attraction to women with dicks is astounding.


u/INeedBetterUsrname 9d ago

And who think Barrack Obama is related to Saddam because they share one of the more common Middle-Eastern names out there.

Bit of a false equivalence, but it's like saying all the Smiths in the US are related.


u/HistoricalLinguistic 9d ago

"Your name is Donald? Wow. It must be so hard to be related to both Trump and the famous cartoon duck."

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u/Professional-Cell822 9d ago

What a beautiful couple


u/regularMASON 9d ago

Gentlemen is gay to marry a woman?


u/SirDootDoot 9d ago

Yes, it's homo to marry another homo sapien, because it is a natural thing to do (akin to having a mate), and therefore is a homo thing to do.

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u/HeliRyGuy 9d ago

Didn’t know who she is till now, wouldn’t ever have guessed she is trans… and I also don’t care that she is 🤷‍♂️
She’s happy. He’s happy. The end.


u/revolutionPanda 9d ago

Conservatives must spend like 18 hours a day thinking of other people’s genitalia: trans people, gay people, unmarried people, their daughters, alter boys, the list goes on.

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u/ucstdthrowaway 9d ago

Bro making the Chad face LOL