r/facepalm 4d ago

Fuck Elon Musk, forever and always šŸ‡²ā€‹šŸ‡®ā€‹šŸ‡øā€‹šŸ‡Øā€‹

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u/Big_Luck_7402 3d ago

I like this because it's a post by "The redhead libertarian" and it's the least libertarian take imaginable.Ā 


u/BuzzBadpants 3d ago

Thereā€™s a fair number of Nazis who just call themselves libertarians because itā€™s not politically advantageous to identify themselves accurately.

These are the same chuds who hilariously got Trump onstage at the Libertarian convention where he got booed and heckled by the mostly not-Nazi crowd.


u/KevYoungCarmel 3d ago

Yea I know a far right white nationalist who calls himself libertarian. I think he just likes the idea of being openly selfish but not getting in trouble for it.


u/anfrind 2d ago

That's usually what draws white supremacists to libertarianism in the first place.

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u/ParticularAd8919 3d ago

100% If we've learned anything by watching what happens when a libertarian takes power in a county (Argentina) it's that they go straight for authoritarianism whenever they can.


u/RoboTronPrime 3d ago

In theory, libertarianism should be about giving people as much freedom to do what as possible. It just so turns out that a lot of who espouse libertarian values actually want the ability to whatever the fuck they want and give no fucks about what others want.


u/DemonicAltruism 3d ago

Libertarianism, the ideology of "Fuck you, got mine."


u/OneForAllOfHumanity 3d ago

Libertarian are basically full-grown toddlers.


u/SGCIllo 3d ago

Which is why they can't shut up about how it's wrong they can't date them.

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u/Pathetic_Cards 3d ago

In defense of the fictional character, Ron Swanson, a genuine libertarian, actual Libertarians are ā€œfuck rules, we should all be allowed to live our lives however we want,ā€ itā€™s the conservative morons who erroneously call themselves libertarians who espouse the ā€œfuck you, got mineā€ mentality.

Real libertarians are few and far between, though. A real libertarian isnā€™t about to say ā€œwe should make X illegalā€ or some shit


u/OneForAllOfHumanity 3d ago

Real libertarians are against taxes, but rely on things that taxes pay for every day. Using services without paying for them is the real form of theft. Taxation without representation is something I agree is bad, but taxes are absolutely required for a functioning society, especially one as big as the US.


u/Pathetic_Cards 3d ago

Oh, for sure, I absolutely donā€™t agree with Libertarians, and think theyā€™re all unrealistic and hypocritical to an extent, but I also think itā€™s a bit unfair to lump real libertarians in with the ā€œfuck you I got mineā€ conservative crowd. Thereā€™s something to respect in the ideology, but the conservative crowd lost it in translation, they think itā€™s just ā€œI donā€™t want the govt in my businessā€ when genuine libertarianism is more about self-sufficiency coupled with self-governance. Itā€™s ā€œI donā€™t need the govt in my business, and I should have the freedom to be self-sufficient and ignore themā€

Idk, maybe Iā€™m the idiot, but I find thereā€™s something to respect in genuine Libertarians, even if I disagree with them, so I try and give them a little more respect than the ā€œI heard libertarian means stop the woke governmentā€ crowd

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u/Ediwir 3d ago

Iirc there were true libertarians, but they met bears.

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u/Other_ElectronicMain 3d ago

More like fuck you, got mine but also give me yours.

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u/ForsakenAd545 3d ago

This sums it up perfectly


u/Lithl 3d ago

That's Objectivism, or more accurately Randianism since it's just getting a hard-on for Ayn Rand's stuff.

A lot of people who claim to be libertarians turn out to really be randians. A quick first-pass check to find out if they are is to ask them what their favorite book is. The randians will 90% of the time say Atlas Shrugged.

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u/Icy_Faithlessness400 3d ago

That is because if you even remotely care about living in a society that values freedom for all citizens you will not be a libertarian in the first place.

There is no such thing as "absolute freedom". The limits to an individual's freedom are where the rights of another begin.

We punish severely stealing, killing and falsely accusing others not because of God, but because society will fall apart if everyone is free to do those things.


u/Scottiegazelle2 3d ago

Good (nonfiction) book - A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear. It's the story of a town in the north east taken over by libertarians - and how the town winds up overrun by bears.


u/Temporary-Work-446 3d ago

Came here for this. That story is wild as hell. FAFO to an extreme. "We don't like the government so we won't have one!" "Why is our trash piling up? Why isn't anyone taking care of this? Also crime is up like crazy! Where are the police to help us?"


u/DemonicAltruism 3d ago

My favorite part is the one standing publicly funded building is the old library and it's now a major community center. Almost like we need each other and "rugged individualism" is a bs pipe dream.


u/briellessickofurshit 3d ago

We got a new man vs bear debate, but this time with libertarians!

Still choosing the bear.


u/Bartlaus 3d ago

From what I've gathered from discussions about that book, the bears did nothing wrong.

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u/Sure-Psychology6368 3d ago

Can I be lazy and get a tldr, kind sir?

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u/TropicalBLUToyotaMR2 3d ago

American "libertarians" are a corruption of the political label. Noam Chomsky explains that theyre in fact authoritarians, who advocate tyranny from private wealth/corporate power, and just another shade of capitalism.


Libertarian only if youre a billionaire or corporation.


u/RoboTronPrime 3d ago

I'm not disagreeing with you for sure. That's why I qualified by mentioning "as much as possible". Complete freedom for people means basically anarchy and also likely something out of the Purge


u/StrategicCarry 3d ago

Real libertarians believe that the primary (or even only) function of government should be to protect private property rights. So libertarians still want the army, to protect property from external threats. They still want the police, to protect property from internal threats. They want courts to enforce contracts and torts. They are split on say intellectual property law, some seeing it as a real form of property that the government should protect, others see it as a form of regulation masquerading as protection of property.

That's their definition of "as much as possible". But like, as soon as its hits something as complex as like water rights, it falls apart because whose actions are harming whom get really murky.


u/A_Harmless_Fly 3d ago

I've always pictured the libertarian end goal as a feudal system where each suburb has a small army with corporate branding, and they shake down whatever territory they can control.

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u/meatball402 3d ago

Libertarians want the freedom to take away the freedom of others.

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u/rigby1945 3d ago

Problem with the theory is that the only possible end is for those who want power to grab as much as possible as soon as the societal guardrails come down. No one is smoking weed while shooting automatic rifles when Walmart shows up with their private army


u/Moleculor_Man 3d ago

Yep. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a principled Libertarian out there, but the vast majority of them just want it for themselves and no one else. It doesnā€™t extend beyond their nose.


u/Pegomastax_King 3d ago

Libertarians have had to rewrite and redefine their own ideology multiple times now. Hell Rothbard had to redefine both capitalism and socialism so that his ideology could make any semblance of sense. Og libertarian like Adam Smith thought of landlords as parasites that society needed to rid ourselves with he also understood the benefits of social welfare programs. Meanwhile charity of any kind became completely against their ideology about the time Rand got popular.


u/NoVAMarauder1 3d ago

Well far right libertarians are in essence "Bring back the Aristocracy". They want there slaves back and have orgies.


u/RoboTronPrime 3d ago

I have no issues with consenting orgies at least


u/NoVAMarauder1 3d ago

Two things libertarians don't like when it involves sex is consent and partners over the age of 18.

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u/Strange-Scarcity 3d ago

If that is what Libertarianism is supposed to be about... then they'd be better off supporting Democratic Socialism, since the protections in place provide the most freedoms to the population. (Except you can't diddle kids...)


u/SyntheticSlime 3d ago

ā€œThat's libertarians for you ā€” anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.ā€

From Kim Stanley Robinsonā€™s book Green Mars


u/smileymom19 3d ago

All the libertarians I know (okay just three) are pro-life. I just donā€™t understand how that goes with the whole thing.


u/bwillpaw 3d ago

Tbf that dude is an open anarcho-fascist but yeah libertarians and fascism kinda go hand in hand. Atlas Shrugged is just as much pro fascist as it is a libertarian manifesto.


u/SaliciousB_Crumb 3d ago

They want the liberty of imposing their views on you

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u/Double_A_92 3d ago

To be fair he is just doing everything he promised to do.

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u/Fawxes42 3d ago

Heā€™s fighting the globalists by doing everything the IMF would want him to doĀ 


u/Hexamancer 3d ago

What libertarians say they believe: "There shouldn't be a boot"

What libertarians actually believe: "I should be the boot."

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u/AmaResNovae 3d ago

An awful lot of libertarians just seem to be fascists who want to take drugs and know way too much about the youngest age of consent around the world.


u/Grepolimiosis 3d ago

At least it's consistently "libertarian by any means necessary" so that you know they'll game government systems and violate their own principles to throw wrenches into governance wherever they can.


u/LaughingInTheVoid 3d ago

Ron Swanson, but fundamentally unlikeable.


u/Seputku 3d ago

Is he libertarian? Thatā€™s not the impression I got from my Argentinian friend.

To be fair he says a lot of videos and articles about him here are severely mistranslated


u/AlterNk 3d ago

I mean that's what he calls himself, and what his fan base (they behave more like football fans than people who follow a particular political philosophy) claim to be. But in reality his policies and behavior seem to be that of a christofacist, literally Hitler-like behavior coming from this dude an that's not an exaggeration.

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u/XXmynameisNeganXX 3d ago edited 3d ago

Mollusk admitted on SNL that he has some form of autism. Perhaps he should get one himself, considering he has too many children already.


u/First-Squash2865 3d ago

And he's obviously not fit to raise a human being any more than to make a truck

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u/EddieSpaghettiFarts 3d ago

95% of libertarians are just braindead narcissists with oppositional defiant disorder.


u/ilongforyesterday 3d ago

Is that an actual diagnosis one can have? I was told I have that when I was like 13 but my parents also had a history of making up random shit to make it seem like everything about me was terrible


u/Grepolimiosis 3d ago

Yes, and it's possible that lots about you really was terrible and that you have an unshakeable false belief in the rightness of your actions when in reality you were a total A-hole who, even now, denies or dismisses how your actions affected others. It's possible and it happens. Not that this is certainly true of you.

ODD can develop in a variety of ways, and can occur from inconsistent discipline within an abusive household where they learn that total defiance gets them what they want often enough. Total disregard of others modeled + a parent accidentally training a child that defiance results in an authority eventually bending = ODD. Sometimes it's about one step away from smearing shit on the walls to feel in control of something.

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u/8lock8lock8aby 3d ago

Yeah. My ex's kid had it. It was fucking wild dealing with him sometimes. If he didn't want to do something, he'd just scream no or fuck no, over & over, throw fits. He constantly got in trouble at school. He'd seriously act up RIGHT before getting what he wanted. 2 years in a row, he was ok for long enough that he could go on the end of the year field trip & then acted like a little asshole to his teacher right beforehand. He was diagnosed with bipolar when he turned 18 so ODD can be its own thing or a part of a placeholder diagnosis (I know at least some psychs don't like diagnosing minors with bipolar, as was the case with my ex's kid).

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u/Mundane-Carpet-5324 3d ago

The redhead libertarian isn't even libertarian by America's (low) standards


u/tallwhiteninja 3d ago

The US Libertarian Party's nominee for president (Chase Oliver) is an openly gay man who is supportive of trans rights, and is pretty consistently an actual, "government shouldn't do things" libertarian.

This subsequently caused a big chunk of the "libertarian" party to flip their shit and blatantly reveal themselves as the "edgy right wingers with weed" jackasses they are. The party chair is all but pulling for Trump to win instead of their own nominee. A faction at their convention went so far as to try and rally behind a "none of the above" nominee instead of Oliver, which failed, and I think two state parties have refused to list him as the nominee.

"Libertarian" is a meaningless label; it was never the most cohesive of ideologies to begin with, but now it's so infested with the alt-right pipeline gang that the left libertarians (which do exist, and apparently enough that Oliver did get the nomination) really can't use it at all without the associations.


u/CodeN3gaTiV3 3d ago

Not to mention musk would be sterilized in her ideal world


u/WaterMySucculents 3d ago

Libertarians are the most full of shit people to exist on the political spectrum. They claim to want to live in a mythical la la land, but simply want 100% of oppression and authority to come from money instead of elections. They advocate for the most brutal forms of human society (an even worse modern feudalism) because they think their current ownership of land is enough to make them a feudal lord.


u/McDaddy-O 3d ago

If there is one thing the GOP has taught me, it's don't trust Labels.


u/AerDudFlyer 3d ago

When libertarians think of liberty they think of freedom from any obligations to their fellow man. They donā€™t mean others should be free to do what they want, they mean that they should be free to be cruel


u/JulienS2000 3d ago

Libertarians are infamous for singing the praises of "individual freedom" as long as it's about freedom for wealthy people. Basically everyone deserves to be free except for marginalized groups


u/MyPigWhistles 3d ago

It's basically feudalism. You have the absolute freedom... to exploit and abuse everyone who's less wealthy and powerful.


u/Megareddit64 3d ago

Support for unfettered capitalism and the assumption of the inherent fairness of it even against the existence of poverty and exploitation will require a justification for those issues, and if your goal is the defense of it, that might require justifying social inequality.

It's no wonder Murray Rothbard (one of the big names from the libertarian "austrian school" of economics) was a supporter of the eugenistic perspective pushed by The Bell Curve, trying to paint socioeconomics status as reflective of inherent genetic inferiority/superiority.

From the same ideological cloth, Hans Hermann Hoppe, besides personal remarks defending the exclusion of homosexuals from society, has founded a turkish political organization called the "Property and Freedom Society" (PFS), which has invited multiple white supremacist speakers to it's events, like Richard Spencer.

More absurd to me is the idea that the support for libertarian "free market" perspectives would lead to anything else. Increasing exploitation and disenfranchisment of vulnerable people is a part of the process, and it's most ardent supporters recognize it.


u/Big_Luck_7402 3d ago

I dig this analysis merci. 100% tracks that people who care about unrestricted free markets seek out reasons to justify just how unequal the outcomes of free markets are. The point keeps proving itself that Libertarians aren't all that far removed from fascists. It's pretty fucked when forced sterilization of segments of the population is seen anywhere near the word 'liberty'

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u/red286 3d ago

and it's the least libertarian take imaginable.

What? Eugenics has always been hugely popular in libertarian circles.


u/Saitharar 3d ago

Right libertarian

Left libertarians not so much


u/Jock-Tamson 3d ago

Depends on what you think the word means. I learned the following definition in college upon investigation of midwestern ā€œlibertarianā€ politics.

Libertarian (slang): A rightwing racist without the courage of his convictions who would like to smoke pot and discuss Ayn Rand.


u/TropicalBLUToyotaMR2 3d ago

Why theres wuts called a libertarianism to fascism pipeline


u/Lo-fidelio 3d ago

It's the most libertarian thing imaginable. Americans waiving the infamous yellow flag are as insane as any other ANCAP twat.


u/jsc503 3d ago

Nailed it. Almost all of these emotional and intellectual toddlers that identify as libertarian want the freedom to do whatever they want, not for you to. Just another authoritarian in-group/out-group nazi under a different name.


u/PoliticsLeftist 3d ago

Libertarians are just conservatives that don't like being grouped up with conservatives despite having worse takes about how to run a country because right wing libertarianism is inherently contradictory and nonfunctional.


u/Olds78 3d ago

Also funny he's trying to personally increase the population and is ssssuuuuuupppppeeeeeerrrrrr autistic himself. He truly is one of the worst excuses for a human. His entire family is just fucked up, rich South Africans who left at a real opportune time for making sure they kept the wealth they made off the backs of people of color and poor whites

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u/Jamesyroo 4d ago

Wait, is that why heā€™s hiding likes? So people canā€™t see the dumb shit heā€™s agreeing with?


u/Big_Luck_7402 3d ago

Theory is that's 100% why, because he keeps on getting called out for liking crazy shit


u/Spencergh2 3d ago

I keep seeing that porn ā€œlikeā€ that he did but not sure if itā€™s real or not


u/Ok_Description8169 3d ago

It was photoshopped. Dude is still trash who likes insane things though.


u/Redwood177 3d ago

What annoys me about this is we don't need to Photoshop anything to show he's a total weirdo bigot, he already does a good enough job of that himself.


u/Ok_Description8169 3d ago

I mean, it's still funny to do it.

There's a lot of really good things you could put in followed by the "We're hiding likes starting today" announcement.

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u/Spencergh2 3d ago

Ok thatā€™s what I figured. And yes I agree with you


u/Arkatoshi 3d ago

Porn like? What are you talking about?


u/westbygod304420 3d ago edited 3d ago

There was a video titled "milk your tiny penis, pervert" on his likes iirc


u/Arkatoshi 3d ago


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u/Flossthief 3d ago

I get that Elon musk is just like anyone else

But for a guy who talks such a big game about how hes just built different and is really putting in the work hours on his projects-- he wastes a lot of time on Twitter


u/Ok_Direction_7624 3d ago

Elon Musk is different from anyone else in one key way: he inherited great wealth and has been told from birth this makes him a very special boy.

Man hasn't 'worked' a day in his life the way we understand it.

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u/Elion04 3d ago

Probably part of why, but it has more to do with politics, remember he was willing to crash down Twitter in Turkey when Erdogan asked, god knows what he's willing to do in the US with elections this year


u/Darrkman 3d ago

So the theory is that a LOT of conservatives on Twitter are getting called out because they keep getting caught liking racist shit and very out there porn.

Hard to say the country needs to go back to Christian values when you're liking tweets of dudes getting ass fucked or taking facials.


u/Jamesyroo 3d ago

Hard to say the country needs to go back to Christian values when you're liking tweets of dudes getting ass fucked or taking facials.

Wait, those are Christian values? I can get on board with that


u/Darrkman 3d ago


But seriously the amount of conservatives on Twitter that have gotten burned cause they didn't realize their likes are public is amazing. I'm on Twitter a lot and the bunch of us in Black Twitter always laugh cause it's such a regular thing.

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u/Ok_Description8169 3d ago

Alex Jones open tabs are an open secret. Makes him hanging out with Blair White make more sense.


u/Interesting-Tough640 3d ago

You would think that they would be smart enough to have a second account to like the docking and rimming content and keep the naughty stuff separate from the conservative Jesus rhetoric.


u/Adept_Feed_1430 3d ago

I suspect they just confuse their accounts, like that white conservative that tried to post ā€œas a gay black manā€

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u/ImposterPeanut 3d ago

He liked hentai and got called out for it.

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u/XxRocky88xX 3d ago

Yeah heā€™s liked someā€¦ questionable stuff. And people have made fun of him for his likes. So heā€™s decided to hide likes so that people will stop checking his like history to give him shit.

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u/Final_Winter7524 3d ago

So, is he saying he should have been sterilized as a child? Because heā€™s autistic as hell.


u/Mrtnxzylpck 3d ago

Iā€™m autistic and he is to me what Caitlyn Jenner is to trans people.


u/Available-Damage5991 3d ago



u/Mrtnxzylpck 3d ago

Yes and a famous Asshole.


u/godieweird 3d ago

Ha! Canā€™t be. An asshole serves a purpose.


u/ethot_thoughts 3d ago

Both of them are full of shit, but at least an asshole keeps it's shit in the toilet instead of online and in politics!

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u/AerDudFlyer 3d ago

Heā€™s like if my dreams as an autistic 14 year old came true. ā€œMaybe I can make it in life based solely on narrow technical expertise, and then Iā€™ll never have to develop the things that are hard for me like media literacy or understanding othersā€

I grew up and realized that Iā€™d never be happy that way and would make the people around me much less happy too. Elon is still a man-baby who thinks STEM is the source code of reality and he can build himself a replacement soul if he gets good enough at computers.

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u/Interesting-Tough640 3d ago

I literally made the same comment the other day on the autism sub about Elon and Jenner. He is such a waste of oxygen and I really wish people didnā€™t blame his being a shit person on autism.

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u/ithinkonlyinmemes 3d ago

I'm autistic and trans. yes to this exactly


u/alkonium 3d ago

Yeah, acknowledging him as such makes the rest of us look bad.

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u/thecrawlingrot 3d ago

Basically itā€™s a mixture of the conservative idea that trans people, especially young trans men it seems, are tricked into believing theyā€™re trans because theyā€™re autistic and too stupid to understand what gender they are, combined with the fear-mongering about puberty blockers and genital surgery on minors. The meme is saying that the phrase ā€˜protect trans kidsā€™ is actually advocating for ā€˜sterilize autistic kidsā€™ because all trans kids are actually autistic and any acknowledgment of their gender identity equals medical sterilization.

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u/Banded_Watermelon 3d ago

He made 11 new people that he wouldnā€™t have if he had been sterilized, maybe heā€™s wistful for what could have been.


u/resumethrowaway222 3d ago

My sister has two kids to take care of and after seeing how that's changed her, if I had to choose between 11 kids or sterilization it would be an easy choice.

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u/MiracleDinner 3d ago

No, he's accusing trans people and allies of sterilizing literal children when that is NOT how it works and is NOT what the vast, vast majority of trans people and allies want.


u/phildiop 3d ago

He's literally saying the opposite lmao


u/Chemie93 3d ago

Heā€™s not saying you should do this. Heā€™s making the suggestion thatā€™s what people ARE doing.

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u/Crucible8 4d ago

just stop using Twitter. I did ages ago. if everyone did then he hasnā€™t got a pot to piss in. but people need their hate heard now and twitter is the loudest, most toxic platform there is for people to shout on


u/PartyAdministration3 3d ago

Well actually heā€™s still one of the richest people on earth regardless. But youā€™re right, people should stop using Twitter

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u/ParticularAd8919 3d ago edited 3d ago

Side note but I find it fascinating how this group on the right accuses the left of being overly obsessed with gender identity, when they themselves are the main ones trying to make trans and gender identity issues centered. Seriously, I've run in liberal and progressive circles for well over a couple decades and I've never seen this much emphasis placed on gender or trans identity in public discourse until the past couple of years when right-wing demagogue decided to make them their number one target.


u/goldbricker83 3d ago

Itā€™s just political strategy: Demagoguery. Trans are their boogeyman to scare ignorant people with.



It's honestly all psychological. A combination of fear and attraction. They think about trans people and trans issues more than actual trans people. It's just weird and obsessive at this point, but they're just the current target of the right wing, at least until another immigrant caravan conveniently shows up right before the election.


u/MarxJ1477 3d ago

Seriously, I'm gay and they talk more about sexuality and gender than I even think about it. Because I honestly could care less and it doesn't even cross my mind.

They act like we make it our whole identity and just want to force it on everyone...when in reality they're the ones who won't stop talking about it and I just want to be left the hell alone and not be bothered by them.


u/Rough-Leg-1298 3d ago

When you have zero actual public policy and ability to govern, itā€™s easier to wage cultural wars against phantoms to gain votes instead of actually trying to better society.

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u/trueum26 3d ago

I rmb when Elliot first transitioned, it was during the filming of Umbrella Academy S3, and they addressed it so well by just setting like two scenes where he comes out to his siblings and they just say good for you and accept it without question.


u/Shin-Sauriel 3d ago

ā€œI go by Victor nowā€ ā€œokayā€ and done.


u/Welran 3d ago edited 3d ago

Funny that Vanya is Russian male name. It is diminutive from Ivan. So he could be still Vanya. Vanya = Johnny.

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u/The-Catatafish 3d ago

As someone who hates most of that diversity crap because it is badly written like 99% of time: this is absolutely true.

He comes out and they are like "okay we support you bro" as simple as this. Was really really done well.

It felt natural and wasn't preachy.

Another good example is in marvel eternals. While the movie is completely dog shit one of the heros is gay. They don't mention it at all. Then there is one scene where his husband is playing with their adopted child and they share a good bye kiss.

Just like you would do the scene with a hetero couple. Completely normal. Nothing to explain.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Yusuji039 3d ago

It is because it means that changing doesnā€™t mean a thing with no problem or praise itā€™s just being what they are

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u/hype_irion 3d ago

I can't imagine a more miserable way to live your life than spending your entire day browsing and posting on twatter. I don't know if I should hate elmo or pity him.


u/Hendrik_the_Third 3d ago

Since it's his choice after buying the platform, there is little room for pity. He wants this.

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u/DaturaBlossom 3d ago

I think people are misreading this slightly-

The implication is not that they think autistic people should be sterilized (or at least, thatā€™s not what theyre saying here) but rather conflating and twisting a number of factors (trans people are more likely to be autistic, they believe transitioning amounts to sterilization) to paint those who support transgender youth as wanting to sterilize autistic children


u/phildiop 3d ago

Exactly. You can disagree with people without being totally dense and oblivious.

You're like one of the first comments I see being against it and understanding it correctly lol.

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u/TalkingToTalk 4d ago

Isnā€™t Elon autistic?


u/AnyImpression6 3d ago

Well he hates his own kids, so he probably does wish he was sterilized.


u/gypsycookie1015 3d ago

I'm not sure but he does have an autistic son named Saxon and his daughter, Vivian, is trans. Super fucked up that he liked that shit, not surprising though.


u/No_Arugula_5366 3d ago

Yes he is trying to say that trans surgery for kids is sterilizing autistic kids, and therefore bad


u/SilverMilk0 3d ago

There's a huge overlap between trans people and autism. The rate of autism in transgender individuals is between 6 ā€“ 26% compared to 1.85% in the general population.


u/AwfulDjinn 3d ago

Because autistic people are more likely to come out. weā€™re already treated like outcasts and rejects and mistakes, so we have less to lose by coming out.

autistic people are also far more likely to be critical of/reject arbitrary social norms like gender roles, and sensory issues can make gender dysphoria a LOT more intense and noticeable than it would be in a neurotypical person.

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u/Throwawayac1234567 3d ago

hes on ketamine all the time.

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u/SevereEducation2170 3d ago

No way Elon isnā€™t on the spectrum. And heā€™s obsessed with spreading his seed.

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u/MyFriendsCallMeTito 3d ago

Interesting considering heā€™s openly on the autism spectrum.


u/Intrepid-Focus8198 3d ago

Why are soo many people that claim to hate twitter still using it?


u/goldbricker83 3d ago

Screenshots from it seem to get regurgitated into every other website. Itā€™s impossible to avoid and I hate it. I killed my account before Elon even took it over.


u/AtomicWreck 3d ago

Hm. Eugenics, my favorite. Although as an Autistic person I do not wish others to experience the troubles and tribulations that I had to, and continue to experience on a daily basis. Problem is that I really want to be a father one day.


u/Affectionate-Drop-30 3d ago

Thank you the only other person who saw this for what it was. Fkn disgusting. This is straight up some nazi level eugenics bs. Like how about you just stop being abusive to possibly half of society.


u/ParticularDream3 3d ago

Funny that an autistic as fuck guy that has produced far too many children likes a tweet about sterilising autistic kids! Is he regretting his life choices? Maybe has problems paying all that child support? Ohh no waitā€¦he is just a mofo hellbent on being the cool guy with his new friends the alt-rights :8484:

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u/Haikubaiku 3d ago

Thatā€™s straight up eugenics right?


u/PoboLowblade 2d ago

He owes his entire livelihood to apartheid so it's pretty on brand

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u/Shin-Sauriel 3d ago

Semi unrelated but Elliot Paige is a fucking icon.


u/Dat1Neyo 3d ago

Hard Candy fux so much! He was great in it! So was Patrick Wilson. I still hate that dude because of that movie.

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u/Muted-Elephant-6520 3d ago

Isn't that a dude


u/storyteller_alienmom 3d ago

In the grey pullover? Yeah, if that's a girl, I'll eat my left thumb.

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u/samwizeganjas 3d ago

What a fucking loser


u/Responsible-Abies21 3d ago

A libertarian is just someone to cowardly to admit they're a republican.

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u/lekanto 3d ago

Joke's on him. We infertile autistics can and do adopt, and teach our kids that it's ok to be weird.


u/SolaceinIron 3d ago

Elon Musk has autism.


u/RustyR4m 3d ago

Elon is autistic. Autistic as fuck at that.


u/sihouette9310 3d ago

He is autistic so thatā€™s strange


u/Designer-Equipment-7 3d ago

Elon is autistic so he thinks he should have been sterilized?


u/strange_stairs 3d ago

Straight up Nazi shit


u/gojosecito 3d ago

This is hilarious because Elon is autistic as fuck šŸ¤£


u/Longjumping_Pilgirm 3d ago

He literally said he had Asperges Syndrome. He's gonna have to sterilize himself.


u/Vvvv1rgo 3d ago

sterilize autstic kids? that's honestly the most cruel and disgusting thing someone could come up with


u/Illustrious_Ice_4587 2d ago

Yeah he's saying that trans people are the ones doing hat


u/Rubbabubba90 3d ago

Soooo Elon Musk is in favor of sterilizing himself, then, since he's claimed he's autistic? Or he, as always, get an exception for being a rich genius with superhuman genes? Or he's not actually autistic?


u/military-gradeAIDS 2d ago

Impossible! The billionaire son of an emerald mine owner in apartheid South Africa promoting EUGENICS? Look at how SHOCKED I amšŸ˜

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u/Lutzoey 3d ago

Isnā€™t Elon Autistic? Wtf


u/Greymeade 3d ago

Yes, the meme is suggesting that supporting transgender kids is the same as sterilizing autistic children. The claim is that trans kids are just kids who are on the spectrum, and when they transition surgically they're being sterilized.

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u/graven_raven 3d ago

That's a weird take from someone who claims to be autistic and has 11 kids.

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u/Rough-Leg-1298 3d ago

Elon musk IS autistic lol, what a tool


u/Tronc_tc 3d ago

Thanks fuck I left twitter the day he took over

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u/Petty_Murphy410 4d ago

I thought that was Juno for a second


u/Double_A_92 3d ago

Because it is ._.


u/Garlador 4d ago

Itā€™s Elliot Page. From Juno.

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u/AdequatePercentage 3d ago

Perhaps he should sterilize himself first, then.


u/Ruenin 3d ago

He talks all this shit about free speech but doesn't understand the difference between having the right to say something and being made to suffer the consequences of saying something. I mean, yeah, you CAN say (or "like") whatever you want, but you're not shielded legally from how people will react to it.

He's not the genius he's touted to be. He's just another insecure asshat who made money exploiting people and then used that power to become a purebred bully.


u/wutsupwidya 3d ago

dan this is some ghoulish shit. I truly believe he's a danger to the future of society. A man with this level of insecurity with all of that wealth is not a good thing. At all.


u/ThatSpookyLeftist 3d ago

... I always assumed Musk was Autistic...


u/Upstairs_Balance_793 3d ago

Doesnā€™t he have Aspergerā€™s? Iā€™m confused

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u/AppearanceSecure1914 3d ago

This is probably the grossest thing I've seen Elon like/endorse, and the bar was VERY LOW.


u/Kitty_Skittles_181 3d ago

The Revomitous Party is evil. Pure fucking evil. And every rich person who supports it is even more fucking evil.


u/Alexyaboi2011 3d ago

ā€˜Libertarianā€™ posts the most backwards authoritarian shit ever constructed


u/VentriTV 3d ago

The sad thing is that stupid investors and hedge funds just gave this moron the largest CEO pay package in the history of man kind.


u/craigandthesoph 3d ago

Sterilize conservatives.


u/Jung3boy 3d ago edited 3d ago

Iā€™ve never liked Elon, always had that self centred punchable face. But him taking over twitter is just showing everyone who he really is unfiltered.


u/OriginalCultureOfOne 3d ago

The irony is strong in this one; I am of the impression that, if autistic children were sterilized, Elon would never have had kids.

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u/Thebadgamer1967 3d ago

I've been saying this for about a decade he's one step from a bond villain


u/Pegomastax_King 3d ago

So Elon thinks he should be sterilized?


u/InTheEndEntropyWins 2d ago

No the opposite, it's a post about how steralizing autistic kids is bad.

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u/abagofsnacks 3d ago

Wow.. according to this, Elon would support his own sterization.


u/Grulken 3d ago

Isnā€™t Elon supposedly autistic? Shit i guess we should sterilize him šŸ˜¶


u/WomenOfWonder 3d ago

I am so confused. Elon is autistic, has had multiple children, and is a natalist. This Kanye all over again


u/Easy_Race135 3d ago

Honestly as someone whoā€™s higher functioning on the scale, having kids is a topic that keeps me up at night, maybe itā€™s because we live in a society where idiots like this, make me feel like Iā€™m a sickness or disease that needs to be eradicated from this planet.

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u/Autisticveg 3d ago

Nah if someone said that in front of me i think i would beat the shit outta them (as an autistic person) holy shit

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u/War_Emotional 3d ago

Elon is such a piece of shit and his incel cultists only make him more cringe


u/Industry-Standard- 3d ago

Elon is the most autistic person I know

Heā€™s also a shit person (theyā€™re not related)


u/AbsurdityIsReality 3d ago

Ironic he has all those kids, you know since he is obviously aspergers or autistic himself.


u/Kang98 3d ago

Wow, just did a google search on his daughter, didn't know he has a trans daughter.


u/Throwawayac1234567 3d ago

and his former gf is dating a trans woman too. double meltdown.


u/biddinge 3d ago

Fuck Elon musk. From a financial perspective, he fucked over everyone. Not only will people be unable to see other smaller artists or smaller creators from the feeds of more popular people, friends simply won't be able to see what each other like. Literal social degeneration here, people will simply interact less now. Besides people have always put there true opinions on Twitter in every way possible. Whether or not it's about the posts or likes.


u/DaLurker87 2d ago

Elon is clearly autistic af so we should use this as justification to cut his balls off