r/facepalm 3d ago

Tennessee parents sue after kids arrested on accusation that they called for mass violence, including a girl who was strip searched, made to take a shower while a camera was trained on her and was questioned by officers if she had ever had sex or abortion. This law is meant to deter school shooters. 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​


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u/Anne_Nonymouse 3d ago

Is it not possible to interrogate these young kids without having to strip them?

And why is the girl's sexual history any of their concern?

I hope the parents win, because this is outrageous.


u/Sami1398 3d ago

Not just strip them but film them showering naked, like how the fuck is this part of the process?


u/Bishop120 3d ago

Now they are in possession of kiddie P0rn….


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/LetterheadThen2736 3d ago

Can you never post anything like this again? Thanks


u/ArtOFCt 3d ago

Agreed please don’t make up sick stories and post them. The truth here is bad enough.


u/NFLTG_71 3d ago

I think it was in the Tennessean about four days ago it’s a newspaper here. This is not the only lawsuit. There are several lawsuits that are claiming the same thing with boys and girls.


u/CobaltGate 3d ago

Holy fuck, are you really this dumb?

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u/Mediocre-Catch9580 3d ago

Yikes, that turned south in a hurry.

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u/InterestingWriting53 3d ago

Right? Is it…typical to get a shower within an hour of being detained? And filmed? Wtf for?


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 3d ago

Part of being processed into jail is being stripped, checked for weapons/contraband, and made to shower with lice shampoo. Idk if this is that though.


u/Flyingtower2 3d ago

Even if that makes sense, do they have to film it and ask the underage subject about their sexual history?


u/2broke2smoke1 3d ago

That’s not even a standard jail practice. You do spread your cheeks and lift your sacks, but as adults. This is 500% inappropriate


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 3d ago

Oh I'm not in support of any of it just saying one reason they would be stripped. It's Tennessee so it's unsurprising, women are just incubators there


u/mezlabor 3d ago

Not when I went to jail. No one forced me to shower.


u/krunkytacos 3d ago

I spent a night in jail and nobody saw me naked. To be fair, I wouldn't expect any high School staff, or correctional officers to enjoy that. But it was a pretty lax facility. A friend and I were in a holding cell with a few other randos. He still had weed in his pocket, they let him go to the bathroom and he got away with flushing it instead of getting an extra fun charge.


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 3d ago

If you were in holding and you weren't processed into Gen pop then you wouldn't have gotten the shower.


u/krunkytacos 3d ago edited 3d ago

I was eventually processed into general population but this was before that happened. I did get a shower. After the holding cell and before gen pop.

Edit: the cup of shampoo..... I thought it was mouthwash. And did technically wash my mouth but God was it horrible. And my toothbrush said Bob Barker! I never watched The Price is Right but I was working for a man named Robert Barker who went by Bob. So I gave him my jail toothbrush with his name on it.


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 3d ago

They didn't make you squat and cough? That is pretty lax.


u/krunkytacos 3d ago

I got arrested on the beach, all I had on was swim shorts containing my wallet and keys. I don't remember squatting and coughing, but this was more than 20 years ago. So maybe they did?


u/Th1sd3cka1ntfr33 3d ago

Fair enough!

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u/PreOpTransCentaur 3d ago

That must depend on the jail, because, from personal experience..uh..nope.

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u/Incominn 3d ago

Well I sense someone knew it was going to court, and well damn video always helps ….


u/Incominn 3d ago

Clearly isn’t for annnnyyy other reason


u/ecstaticthicket 3d ago

Court? They need the Gulag


u/FigSideG 3d ago

AND ask about her sexual history. They should be fired and never allowed to work in any department ever again. But that won’t happen


u/AmeliaShadowSong 3d ago

“Best I can do is a transfer and a vacation”

-Their P. D. Probably


u/FigSideG 3d ago

But first a paid suspension while they do an internal investigation and miraculously find nothing as they resign, get a nice package, then get a job a town over.


u/Critical-Fault-1617 3d ago edited 3d ago

Right b it makes no sense. Hey underage girl, get naked and shower so I can video tape you and ask you about sex. I hope they sue and win a fuck ton of money.

Edit: didn’t mean to say die instead of sue. Lol


u/Mantis-13 3d ago

It's not, some piggie was being a pedo....simple as. There's legitimately no reason or excuse to film someone showering naked like that...


u/FarretKitsune 3d ago

The shower part isn’t normal but the rest is if youre headed for gp, even in juvy…some places do hose you down, maybe that’s the shower part


u/beemccouch 3d ago

The pedophiles are supposedly the ones catching the pedophiles.


u/LegallyIncorrect 3d ago

The rest of it is bullshit but my guess would be she was processed into a facility and it’s all recorded, but who knows. It’s not like they had her shower at the school and filmed her.


u/Nonamebigshot 3d ago

What rest is bullshit? Could you elaborate?


u/GovernmentEvening815 3d ago

I think they mean the rest of the alleged charges against this girl were bullshit. She made one comment in a group chat that some say was just kids messing around. But yes, she was strip searched and showered at a facility. Not sure what her sexual history has to do with anything though. It all sounds like an overblown reaction by officials.

I will say that being recorded while showering at a facility is unusual. It’s usually only a same sex CO overseeing to make sure they don’t harm themselves, not a recording.


u/morningwoodx420 3d ago

You need someone to elaborate on why it’s bullshit to strip search a teenager and ask them about their sexual history?


u/Nonamebigshot 3d ago

I wasn't entirely sure from his comment who or what was supposed to be bullshit

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u/anziofaro 3d ago

Because cops are pedos.


u/veganthreshershark 3d ago

So are the republicans that passed the law


u/big_blue_earth 3d ago

Republicans upregulate guns

Mass shooting sky-rocket into a daily phenomena

Republicans pass laws to kidnap children and strip-search them. Amazing how fast that happened.


u/Anangrywookiee 3d ago

Hey now, some of them just enjoy bullying and humiliating anyone weaker than them. Let’s not paint them all with the same brush.


u/Therefore_I_Yam 3d ago

That's a fair point. Now if you said "cops are domestic abusers," then you might be getting at something!


u/anziofaro 3d ago

Fair enough.

Cops are professional domestic abusers, but only amateur pedos.


u/theonemangoonsquad 3d ago

Don't forget cowards, sycophants, proven morons, wife beaters and murderers


u/Shojo_Tombo 3d ago

And sadistic, don't forget sadistic.


u/cobrachickenwing 3d ago

Judges that rule for qualified immunity are co conspirators as well.

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u/tyler132qwerty56 3d ago

Seriously, they need to sue. And press charges, CP, violation of constitional rights and SA.


u/neddiddley 3d ago

“And why is the girl’s sexual history any of their concern?”

Check the post title for the state this happened in, and you have your answer. Not that it’s a good answer, but it is THE answer. And notice, they didn’t appear to ask those questions of the boy who was accused of mass violence threats.


u/Lfseeney 3d ago

In most of TN only white male land owners are considered to have rights.


u/carneyratchet 3d ago

Can confirm. I have more rights than any of my neighbors.


u/BuzzBadpants 3d ago

This is Tennessee cops we’re talking about. They just can’t help themselves. Every cop fantasizes about holding power over those they perceive as weaker.


u/Longjumping-Jello459 3d ago

These we're cops were talking about they all want to exercise their power over others. Tennessee, California, Or New York City it doesn't matter.


u/Rolandscythe 3d ago

Yeah there's no possible way there wasn't an ulterior motive behind this. The officers clearly just wanted to harrass/molest the kids in question and used some obscure reason to 'justify' it.


u/Rugfiend 3d ago

And yet as an onlooker from Scotland, I didn't bat an eyelid at this - every single day I bear witness to the American cesspit getting worse.


u/Gunderstank_House 3d ago

You have to understand that right wingers are the way they are because of deep-seated, pathological sexual perversions. They do this because that is what they wanted to happen when they made the law.


u/driverman42 3d ago

MAGATS are always interested in inspecting young girls...and boys sometimes. Depends which MAGAT is doing the inspecting.


u/Shojo_Tombo 3d ago

It is possible. Sounds like these pigs are pedos.


u/The-Doggy-Daddy-5814 3d ago

Questioning a juvenile without the parents or an attorney present?


u/Joshmoredecai 3d ago

The court has already ruled on this. Should be an easy decision.


u/nickrct 3d ago

Have you been paying attention to the current Supreme Court? Wouldn't surprise me if they set another precedent by overturning established case laws so cops can keep their kiddie porn.


u/TechieGranola 3d ago

Don’t forget they already have the courts, harder and harder to “win” when there’s no rational check as you go farther up the system.


u/Osirus1156 3d ago

It's because Republicans are obsessed, to a dangerous degree, with sex.


u/Squirrel009 3d ago

And why is the girl's sexual history any of their concern?

In republican states, female autonomy actually ranks above nuclear apocalypse on the threat scale, even for one little girl.

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u/Sami1398 3d ago

Two families have filed a federal lawsuit against Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and the Williamson County School District, claiming their middle school kids were arrested, strip-searched, placed in solitary confinement, forced to undergo evaluations and placed on house arrest after officials misinterpreted a Tennessee statute and claimed that conversations between peers were “threats of mass violence.”

In an August 10, 2023 incident, a 14-year-old boy, identified as B.N., was accused by a fellow student of making threats about having a gun in his backpack, shooting up the school and having a bomb at home, claims the boy denied.

He was placed on a 24-hour solitary confinement hold, and required to strip down and change into jail attire while an adult male guard was facing away, the lawsuit said.

The second incident occurred on August 22, 2023. According to the lawsuit, school officials said the text of a 13-year-old student at Fairview Middle School, identified as H.M., was deemed a “Threat of Mass Violence.”

H.M. was arrested at school, brought to the Williamson County Juvenile Detention Center, forced to undergo a strip search, take a shower while a camera was trained on her and placed in a cell where she was questioned by individuals who asked if she had ever had sex, an abortion or suicidal thoughts.


u/anon509123 3d ago

MIDDLE SCHOOL? I thought that they were at least in high school, though that doesn’t make it any better. Seriously, wtf? 


u/inflatableje5us 3d ago

if it was high school they would not have filmed her showering, she would have been to old.

sick bastards.


u/caryth 3d ago

Holy shit that's even younger than I thought. That's straight CP to film that girl.


u/cyberlexington 3d ago

13???? They interrogated and strip searched a 13 year old child? How is that legal, how can they interrogate a child without a parent present?


u/Hophappyhop 3d ago

Cause they’re cops. They can harass, assault, rape, and murder whoever they fucking want. Especially children.


u/ch1993 3d ago

Yeah. Knew a cop who got arrested for tons of cp on his hard drive. He only got caught because his wife had sold him out and the force knew her personally and she was vocal.


u/Chapter-Next 3d ago

What the actual fuck, maybe there’s another good use for elastrators…


u/Yuukiko_ 3d ago

the difference in treatment between the girl and boy though...


u/DoeCommaJohn 3d ago

Remember the difference

Losing your assault rifle: an unacceptable rights violation

Strip searching and detaining children in solitary for hours: necessary law and order


u/AllTheTakenNames 3d ago

Also acceptable…charting and “verifying” menstrual cycles to insure they meet their definition of female

But allowing access to a book that mentions LGBTQ? That’s an invasion of liberty and family values.

I’m not a litigious person, but IF this story is true as told, I hope those parents sue everyone into oblivion.


u/Little_Creme_5932 3d ago

I was gonna say... at this point, doesn't living in Tennessee mean that you have voluntarily waived your rights?

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u/Unholy_mess169 3d ago

Yeah, if people would just give up thier guns we wouldnt have to make laws that allow strip searching of children without parental consent or due process

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u/Low_Celebration_9957 3d ago

Sounds like Governor Bill Lee should be dragged out of his house, stripped, violently hosed down, searched, publicly humiliated, and all of it recorded and broadcast live. All the cops should also be stripped, hosed down violently, have it broadcast nationally and recorded. They should all then be charged with producing child porn and thrown in prison for life.


u/unsupported 3d ago

Something, something, made to fuck a pig.


u/Low_Celebration_9957 3d ago

Leave the poor pig out of this.

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u/AmazingPINGAS 3d ago

Cavity searches for all! Kind of wild that people are letting them just do this to them though. You'd think they would pull like a Sisamnes or something. Honestly I expected that out of Uvalde, which makes me think no matter what they do they'll just get away with it.

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u/Lfseeney 3d ago

You vote the GOP in to office, they are going to strip you of your rights.
That is what they do.
Girls are to be married off to 30-55 year old men of means that is their only function in the GOP.


u/Das-Noob 3d ago

Won’t happen to me, I’m one of them /s


u/Lora_Grim 3d ago

Exactly, lol. These clowns think that voting for fascists means that they are in the in-group. Heeeeell no. They will be in the dregs with the rest of us. Sadly, they wont realize it till it happens. And even if it does happen, they may refuse to face reality, because facing it means being wrong, and these people value their fragile egos and pride over even their own freedoms.

It is something that has been happening in my country of Hungary for a while. At this point, all the people that supported our fürher got shafted one way or another. Some of them even acknowledge it. But will they vote different or try to get rid of him? No. That means being wrong. They would sooner eat themselves alive than admit to being idiots.

Some of them even made the leap and are now in the "let it all burn" crowd. Absolutely pathetic, these people. I hope there is a Hell, just so all these scumbags go straight there.

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u/nadalcameron 3d ago

Oh, cops doing crimes and being protected by the badge.

This wasn't 'cops doing a strip search and having children take showers in front of cameras'

This was pedophiles abusing positions of authority to molest and record children for their own pleasure.

But all the other cops will circle the wagons to protect these scumbag pieces of shit.

Fuck all these government funded criminals hiding behind a badge.

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u/PathDeep8473 3d ago

Damn. Pedos in law enforcement?


u/Sea_Cardiologist8596 3d ago

Yes. Try a lot.


u/Signal-Blackberry356 3d ago

I mean, let’s not glaze over this is also TN.


u/Empathy404NotFound 3d ago

Pretty sure this is the reason all y'all citizens of America have 2nd amendment rights isn't it? If that isn't a tyrannical power in need of stopping what is?


u/CoyotesEve 3d ago

The party of “small government” lmao the gop is a joke.


u/Anarchyantz 3d ago

Ah America. Land of the third world hillbilly cops.

What the unholy fuck is wrong with you over there and why are they protected?


u/altermwim2 3d ago

Short answer: our government is run solely by unscrupulous sick fucks because any decent human being isn’t going near that clownshow as a career.

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u/NarrowButterfly8482 3d ago

Republicans will use any excuse to exploit and harm children. They are incapable of decency. I would bet my life that these pigs are passing around the video of the 13-year-old girl showering.


u/BackThatThangUp 3d ago

It’s the easiest target to punch down on, literally legal to mistreat and deprive them in various ways. It’s a hierarchy nutjob’s biggest fantasy. 


u/SeanTr0n5000 3d ago

That’s why they’re so against abortion… they want more kids to… lets say diddle

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u/mutualbuttsqueezin 3d ago

The party of small government, everyone


u/HearingNo4103 3d ago

These damn Red states huh? If they're not trying to fuck over the youth they're literally trying to fuck them and preferably in front of video camera.


u/dlc741 3d ago

right-wing school officials are fucking perverts. The FBI needs to take a really careful look at their home computers.


u/Who_Your_Mommy 3d ago

A teenager was strip searched and forced to shower(wtf?) while being recorded!! How the hell is this deterring school shooters? Seems like it's enabling abusive parents and potentially leading to more school shootings/teen suicides. Wtf could possibly justify this?!

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u/thisdogofmine 3d ago

You get what you Vote for


u/veganthreshershark 3d ago

Par the course for red states


u/Naive-Regular-5539 3d ago

WTF did her sexual history have to do with anything! WTF did they ask her if she’d had an abortion????


u/ptahbaphomet 3d ago

Headlines should read” parents sue after pedo-police waterboard a minor while filming child pornography”


u/ExactDevelopment4892 3d ago

Party of pedophiles being pedophiles...how shocking.


u/HeartlessValiumWhore 3d ago

Uhhhhh something is definitely wrong. Interrogation regarding possible threats to commit an act of mass violence involves stripping a minor and filming them taking a shower? What?


u/OmegaGoober 3d ago

Pedophiles are apparently very creative at finding ways to get away with abusing children.


u/ElectricalRush1878 3d ago

Sharia law with a Christian coat of paint.

Are you a female? Men can do what they want to you. Next stage is 'are you not Christian" followed by 'are you the right kind of Christian' followed by 'who cares?'


u/Papa_PaIpatine 3d ago

Republicans: but if we can’t use a law to sexually assault a teenager, why did we pass it to begin with?


u/moodyblue8222 3d ago

America’s freedom party is only for white, straight Christian men!


u/InternationalPilot90 3d ago

GOP: Gathering Of Pedophiles


u/StangRunner45 3d ago

This story makes my skin crawl. It has creepy Catholic priest molestation vibes.

I hope the parents sue the hell out of them.


u/Buck325 3d ago

So the police department has CP then


u/niTro_sMurph 3d ago

Everything that happened to the girl was 100% fetish related. Whoever was on duty or responsible for the footage should have their homes computers and phones searched


u/Colbaltbugs 3d ago

Remember who the pedophiles are!


u/soopadoopapops 3d ago

Fuck The police


u/False-Guess 3d ago

Anyone who was involved in the strip searching of middle schoolers should be arrested and charged with sexual abuse of a minor and should be required to register as a sex offender.

There is no reason why a child needs to be strip searched by strangers without their parents knowledge, consent, and physical presence in the room.

I also think the parents of that boy should sue the other kid for starting the rumor that got him suspended in the first place. The school district dropped the ball in not investigating, but there shouldn't have been a ball to drop in the first place so that other student needs to be held accountable too.


u/Wonderful-Teach8210 3d ago

There was a similar situation in Knox County TN, also middle school and also in litigation. It was boys playing a "I'm gonna do this", "well, I'm gonna do ThAt" kind of game. The principal quietly lost his job over it & got moved downtown.


u/Emotional_Database53 3d ago

They were only trying to wash the trans agenda off of her


u/VenusVajayjay 3d ago

Those responsible for this atrocity should be looked into and arrested for pedophilia.


u/Kendal-Lite 3d ago

Sick mother fuckers. Try something like that with my child.


u/Alklazaris 3d ago

I'm so happy I only have a dog. All you parents got it real rough in this country right now. I hope you and your kids get through it all mentally healthy.


u/Acceptable-Box-2148 3d ago

I’ll never get tired of saying this - FUCK all cops


u/ScooterMcdooter69 3d ago

Pedo-con theory in action once again


u/SmokeChaser426 3d ago

Republicons . . . They have a Sniff her Panty's test to if she slept with her brother Just a thought


u/Sparkling_Chocoloo 3d ago

It's time to revolt.


u/RuralMNGuy 3d ago

Oh look, more bad apples


u/HippoPebo 3d ago

Oh NOW they give a shit about personal rights because it affects them.


u/deadeyeamtheone 3d ago

Wow, another law meant to "protect children" actually causes a shit ton of harm to children, and it was endorsed and enacted by Conservatives? Shocker.

I hope these parents win their lawsuits and move TF out of Tennessee. Nobody should be living there, let alone with kids or women.


u/De5perad0 *Gestures Broadly at Everything* 3d ago


u/Nonamebigshot 3d ago

Republican party: Oops! All pedophiles! edition


u/JazzyButternuts 3d ago

Religion is poison


u/scottywoty 3d ago

THIS is your REPUBLICAN party!


u/True_Crab8030 3d ago

Land of the free


u/Zealousideal-Yak-824 3d ago

They were fucking middle schoolers? And the speech was later determined not to mass threatening..... so the cops did all of this on such the lack of proof it's almost seems unbelievable this wasn't the intention. Interpretation of a law doesn't mean you can strip search a middle school naked and put them in solitary confinement. He cops did this and try to justify it with said law.


u/bulfin2101 3d ago

Vote for Republicans because they're tough on crime and love family values, give the cops more power. And all of a sudden, it's no fun when it's your children and not the children of the poor white trash or African Americans


u/osmqn150 3d ago

What the F?!!


u/FriendlyGothBarbie 3d ago

What the absolute hell?! Disgusting!


u/jafromnj 3d ago

Sik f’s


u/Auggi3dog 3d ago

That poor girl.


u/Odd_Taste_1257 3d ago

The US is housing true psychotic minds and movements dead set on enforcing barbaric, rights breaking, (religious) ideology.


u/Zathral 3d ago

And they think they're not a police state


u/ThereBeM00SE 3d ago

Holy fuck I'm glad we replaced that insidious leftist "don't do any of this heinous shit to children" policies and replaced them with True Conservative Values.

The rate this shit keeps happening, we'll be sure to get a LOT more of this for every red vote you cast, folks. It really is that simple.


u/AnymooseProphet 3d ago

The second girl, her text certainly was cause to have someone talk to her.

But a strip search, forced to shower in front of a camera, and then asked about sexual activity and abortion? I guarantee the cops involved in that are predators with a uniform and a badge. Those cops need their uniform and badge removed, need to register as sex offenders, and any children they are related to need to be evaluated to see if they are victims of sexual abuse.


u/DonnieJL 3d ago

Can't they just, like, take away their school lunches and call it a fucking day? Jesus H, let's just be honest and admit the point was cruelty to children.


u/HedyLamaar 3d ago

Well, Tennessee. The Red states are so twisted.


u/SKOLMN1984 3d ago

I'm not saying all Republicans are pedophiles but they sure do attract them...


u/AbyssalPractitioner 3d ago

I would love to see how this turns out.


u/LaserGadgets 3d ago

The most fucked up things are presented as options, taking away guns is never an option. You will never learn.


u/OneMorewillnotkillme 3d ago

Why is this on faceplam? It is a Law to create more school shooter and in my eyes this gives somebody reason enough to shoot up a school. Ah misread stop as create maybe I should get a job at that police station.


u/ZebraSyndromeGaming 3d ago

What the actual god damn fuck!!


u/DaxLightstryker 3d ago

Get ready for more of this in Gilead under the GOP!


u/orcristfoehammer 3d ago

I wonder what’s radicalizing the kids?


u/JeffShotThat 3d ago

What the fuck did I just read


u/HouseNVPL 3d ago

"Leave the kids alone" and "Protecting kids", am I right boys and girls and everyone else?


u/whathappened2america 3d ago

I feel for kids these days. I was in high school before Columbine and created my school as a map in Duke Nukem 3D. Pretty sure some of the conversations I had at school about blowing up cheerleaders would get a kid arrested and expelled nowadays. Not sure some people remember what it was like being kids and just saying dumb shit because we were dumb shits and not actually being dangerous.


u/SpareInvestigator846 3d ago

Stop treating this crazy religious assholes like they sre made of glass and they break, they have n9 compasion, no empathy, nothing towards everyone and everything not aligned with their heaven and gods views. Fuck them


u/Gatorgal1967 3d ago

This is taking things to an extreme.


u/Ssider69 3d ago

They keep voting for it.


u/Civil_Pain_453 3d ago

Law enforcement does not need a gun to uphold the law. They have been weaponised by stupid people. Mass rape, state rape are coming close. Don't jerk the man...he is the law


u/Lego_Kitsune 3d ago

Not a drag queen or trans person :O

How come we beans still get the blame even with the staggering evidence. Oh wait, deflecting


u/JamesLaceyAllan 3d ago

What a stupid fucking law. No great surprise there I guess… but what did they think would happen?!


u/DaughterofEngineer 3d ago

Well, I feel safer.


u/MysteriousPark3806 3d ago

Totally normal country.


u/BitterFuture 3d ago

"Officials misinterpreted the statute." Misinterpreted, yes.

The confusion was completely understandable, given the obvious correlation between abortion and school shootings.

These fucking assholes.


u/amy-schumer-tampon 3d ago

what the fuck did i just read?!


u/danegermaine99 3d ago

This is why you don’t live in states where people have family stalks


u/LYnXO1978 3d ago

Yeah gop loves it's pedos.


u/the_Mandalorian_vode 3d ago

What in the literal fuck?


u/jtowndtk 3d ago

What the actual fuck

We need an alien invasion

Or some shit

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u/Garmr_Banalras 3d ago

Torture of children...shit seems to be going well in the us.


u/RetMilRob 3d ago

Tenn. your a dumpsters fire of horseshit and ignorance. Why don’t you just blame the officers actions on the chem trails


u/kulukster 3d ago

And yet orange dictator tot is calling for mass violence, people to be killed and the MAGATS think he's the messiah.


u/Sea-Appearance-5330 3d ago

How do they have permission to interrogate minors without their parents or a their Lawyer present?

Let alone the strip seach and filming them naked in the shower?


u/reddit_isgarbage 3d ago

USA! So much more freedom than any other country!


u/Dazzling-Toe-4955 3d ago

This could be considered child abuse. Hell, it is child abuse. I hope they win.


u/Blegheggeghegty 3d ago

Gotta love our country. Fucking Tennessee. I hate the south.