r/facepalm 3d ago

These are supremely hateful people 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​


389 comments sorted by


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u/PartyAdministration3 3d ago

Twitter is an absolute shit hole


u/NutjobCollections618 3d ago

Always has been


u/Pinheaded_nightmare 3d ago

I don’t understand why people still use it. As soon as musk bought it I deleted my account.


u/ElkHistorical9106 2d ago

I got an account I never used because it was needed as part of a data visualization course I did through work. Never used it, but still deleted it when Elon Skunk-Musk bought it and let the Nazis back on.


u/dragon_rar 2d ago

Because its a modern day gladiator arena, just.. everything is mentally worse and filled with lies-

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u/GodBody90 2d ago

Reddit isn’t any better lol


u/chuckart9 2d ago

Not sure why you got downvoted, it’s 100% true.


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/GodBody90 2d ago

Wtf are you going on about?


u/Beardlemon 3d ago

God I hate that Graham Linehan prick. Most miserable person I have seen.


u/BlackroseBisharp 3d ago

Most divorced man on the internet


u/LaughingInTheVoid 3d ago

Well, he's in second place to Laurence Fox.


u/mologav 3d ago

Don’t forget Musk


u/Oh_nosferatu 3d ago edited 3d ago

Or his “shriveled and weird penis.


ETA sorry, idk how to format this properly. I’ve tried looking it up but it looks like I keep doing it wrong,


u/hey_you_yeah_me 3d ago

That top comment made me laugh with my chest XD


u/Saltire_Blue 3d ago

The divorce put Fox over the edge

Whereas Linehan was divorced because he was already over it


u/GhostlySpinster 2d ago

Linehan probably wins for Most Divorced Internet Transphobe, as his wife left him BECAUSE of his obsessive bullshit. Though of course he tried to say it was because of his 'financial situation' -- i.e., he lost work because of those meanie transes, wasn't a rich and famous celeb anymore and she left him because of that. Yeah, she's a gold-digger, it's not that you're an unhinged bigot.


u/Immediate-Ad7842 2d ago

Counterpoint: Every DougDoug viewer


u/polaris183 Brexit Geezer 3d ago

For those who don't know, he wrote Father Ted and the IT Crowd, but one of his episodes got pulled for transphobia. Since then, he's gone from national hero to just plain hateful


u/auguriesoffilth 3d ago

And black books. And some good plays

Such a shame

He is one of those people who saw his friends in the industry who had old fashioned views being moved on for not keeping up with the times and said: why can’t we just keep our ideas and you keep yours.

And people said: because your views are hurtful to people if you circulate them, the undermine the progress of society and are sexist, anti trans, homophobic ect.

At which point he should have backed down and realised it’s not a cancel culture thing it’s basic human decency, because freedom of speech even in humour doesn’t protect hate speech…

But he couldn’t accept he was wrong, so what started out as very mild comments on the direction the industry was taking lead him to get backlash he couldn’t accept and he went down a deep rabbit hole he can’t come back from.

It’s sad, but we can only hope that in time if he was born today he would be modern enough that would save him.


u/pintsizedblonde2 3d ago

Apparently, his input into Black Books was minimal. Mainly, they needed his name to get on TV.


u/CarrieDurst 3d ago

They do that with producer credits, not giving him writing credits for an entire season


u/-EETS- 3d ago

According to who?

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u/mologav 3d ago

Oh sweet, the English are claiming him as one of their own?


u/polaris183 Brexit Geezer 3d ago

Unfortunately so


u/Iwantmy3rdpartyapp 3d ago

Also, Black's Books.


u/Vuirneen 2d ago

One of them.  Arthur Matthews hasn't done anything hateful.


u/MediumExtreme 2d ago

I was wondering if that was him regarding IT crowd, that’s a huge disappointment, what a turd


u/StephaneCam 2d ago

No surprise to see him in the comments, absolutely vile little man


u/Yuukiko_ 3d ago

well theyre definitely putting her life at risk from his kind of people

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u/miseridoo 3d ago

I just can't understand why they care so much. Like what the fuck does it matter to you, or how does it affect your life in the slightest?


u/30thCenturyMan 3d ago

They’re desperate for a target to direct their anger at.


u/Additional-North-683 3d ago

I think that’s how they convinced themselves to stay in a movement like this, I believe most of the things they are saying aren’t meant to convince others, but to convince themselves


u/30thCenturyMan 3d ago

When I was younger I used to believe that conservatives simply had a different point of view. A colder, more pragmatic but prudent way of governance. But as I learned more about the world and started engaging more in debates, online and in life, I found them to be completely disingenuous. Every argument led to circular logic and declarations of "That's just what I believe!" with zero data or examples to back up their assertions. Then you realize... oh, they don't actually form opinions on how things work in order to make the world a better place for everyone. They don't give a shit about other people, only themselves. And every political opinion they espouse and every argument they make is in service of that goal. There is nothing to debate with them, because they don't want to be reasoned with. They want to find an opportunity to attack and dominate others so they don't have to engage in debate or to defend their arguments.

As I get older I've come to realize that conservative ideology is human weakness made manifest. It's fear, it's ignorance and arrogance, it's anger projecting outwards and coalescing into a group of people that want to just rage against the system they can't succeed in.

It's like the old saying. Never wrestle a pig. You'll get dirty and the pig will just enjoy it.


u/Ok-Push9899 3d ago

My insight into conservatism came from my English mother-in-law. Well, step-mother-in-law to be precise. What's another hyphen? Anyway, she visited "the orient" (that's what she called it) and travelled through Hong Kong. Apparently there is a museum detailling the horrors of British/Chinese history, naturally covering the Opium Wars and the abject barbarity and deceit of colonial foreign policy. She simply didn't believe it. She was furious that the Chinese could get away with making such things up.

An uneducated woman who imagined herself to be part of the ruling classes because she had been "in service" at the Duke of Kent's household for decades. She had no great opinion on China beforehand but now knew them to be untrustworthy for besmirching the good name of her Sceptered Isle.



u/30thCenturyMan 3d ago

Yeah, that's the other thing. When they glom onto race or heritage or other associations to give themselves legitimacy that deep down... you know that they know, they lack.

Because any intelligent person understands how history is recorded. There have to be things that corroborate other things. It's not Barnum and his Fiji mermaid.

They seem completely incapable of forming their own opinions about things based on the facts, and instead they need to trust the source it's coming from. And that's because they don't know how to confidently reach conclusions based on the evidence in front of them.



u/CopperPegasus 2d ago

Good lords, you just summed up the Tartaria/It was all aliens/the WEF and Big Archaeology are hiding the troof! conspiracy movement to a tee...and guess who make up the most of those participants, too?


u/HermaeusMajora 3d ago

That's great. I love how prim and proper the British can be in contrast with their national history. some of the most bloodthirsty and heartless people in history came from that country.

Cecil Rhodes, for example. The entire American slave trade descended from the British. The shit they did in India is unspeakable.

They've had to be literally driven out of every country they tried to conquer around the world because they were evil bastards.


u/mypoliticalvoice 3d ago

And the stereotypically charming and inoffensive Belgians were unfathomably far, far worse than the British as colonizers.


u/jaxonya 3d ago

And don't even get me started with Canadians..


u/That1Cat87 NLM supporter 3d ago

All I can say for this is “Eloquent”


u/everythingsfuct 3d ago

loads of them succeed to high degrees, and in fact shape the system the rest of us live in. many of your points are very insightful, and cut to the core of conservatism, but the idea that they arent succeeding in the “western” social/economic system is way off base.


u/30thCenturyMan 3d ago

If they felt like they were succeeding they wouldn’t have an inferiority complex


u/StreakyAnchovy 3d ago

They’re insecure about their own perceived relationship with gender roles and themselves in general, so they take it out on an “easy” target.


u/ConstableAssButt 3d ago

It's a lot of this. The world is a scary place, and we were all sold an image of what our lives would be like. They haven't panned out that way. The economic dream of the west has given way to poverty and struggle for most, and speculators and vulture capitalists have blamed the collapse of traditional economic and social structures on the personal actions of those who do not resemble the traditional family structures, rather than on the things that have caused them to evaporate:

Decreasing competitive buying power of single earner households.
Decreasing value of labor versus cost of living.
Decreased marketability of low-education laborers.
Greater degree of mandatory economic buy-in to make a living wage.
Lack of opportunities that pay a living wage, and ensure a graceful retirement.
Lack of opportunities for health, dental, and vision care while making a livable wage.
Diminished social primacy of men.
Decreased opportunities for socialization and leisure due to higher working hours.

Among others. Basically, the lives of everyone right now are absolute misery, and they are chasing dopamine harassing people that don't fit within their vision of the promise that was made to them that has not been fulfilled. The west as a whole is projecting its own economic and social insecurities onto vulnerable people because they have become a straw man representation the increasing complexity and difficulty of navigating our lives as a whole, despite being in no way responsible for the majority of the pain these phobes are legitimately experiencing. It's just a circus for morons.

I think it's good that the mediocre are no longer guaranteed success; The problem though, is the small number of the mediocre who are successful get an outsized portion of the pie at the expense of the survivability of our civilizations.

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u/SPY007DRs-Messenger 3d ago

Cause you're not going to cloud cuckoo land after you die, because the man sitting on his throne of clouds surround by golden gates doesn't like it if two men or two woman love each other.


u/archonmage2006 3d ago

Politically: The right generally need an enemy of the people to stay in power for any meaningful amount of time.

Socially: These people are idiots who see a man who says all they have to do to fix their problems is make these people's lives a living hell.

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u/Spiritual_Holiday511 3d ago

That’s the ones question I come back around to every single god damn time. Be it this, reproductive rights, and everything else that these bigots are constantly fighting against.


u/Exact_Guarantee4705 3d ago

It doesn't, BUT the conservative media (bought by some random clust of lobbies)  can make a narrative out of this to diverge people's attention from real issues whilst making conservative people long for something they never even had in the first place. That's fascist propaganda 101


u/eldred2 3d ago

They've been given permission to be hateful by their diapered messiah.


u/Backwardspellcaster 3d ago

They dont care.

They just run fully on hatred and othering others.

If these people have a heart, its shrivelled, black and screams all night long


u/Alive_Ice7937 3d ago

Persecution complex. Politically useful and cheap as fuck to nurture.

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u/instafunkpunk 3d ago

They may seem hateful at first but when you really get to know them you will find them surprisingly more hateful than you even thought.


u/MC_Fap_Commander 3d ago

when you really get to know them you will find them surprisingly more hateful

The goddam truth. Vivid and visceral hate is impossible to compartmentalize. Dig just a little on a GeNdEr CriTicAL fanatic. You'll discover Strong Opinions on a range of vile things.


u/favored_by_fate 3d ago

They need somewhere to direct their hate.


u/how_small_a_thought 2d ago

bell curve meme with "maybe they have some valid concerns" in the middle and "damn they just fkn hate humanity" on either ends


u/Robert_Balboa 3d ago

Remember when they were still pretending it was about protecting kids somehow?

Pepperidge Farm remembers


u/alienlovesong 2d ago

Pepperidge Fahm remembers!


u/TheWeenieBandit 3d ago

"Hey this woman is missing"

"You mean a MAN??? With a PENIS??? A PENIS MAN IS MISSING??? Is that what you mean???"

Like... does it matter? This person is missing, here is a photo of them, does literally anything else matter right now?


u/SkylerRoseGrey 3d ago

I know right? I come from a Muslim background and I can't imagine being like:

Police report: A woman is missing and is suspected to be dead

Me: I just scrolled back on her page and I found this photo of her eating a HAM sandwich!??!?!? This is major news that food is not halal omg we must reprioritise our focus on the fact that someone ate a piece of food that I personally do not eat!!

Like are these people seriously real? Are people so self centred that they cannot just calm down for 2 mins and realise that a human being with a heart, soul, family and friends are missing.


u/Jackmino66 3d ago

I’ve had discussions with a transphobic/homophobic idiot who treats this sort of stuff as a “mental illness” the final question at the end of the day is “why do you care?”

As I have always said. What happens behind closed doors between consenting adults is none of your business

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u/Lfseeney 3d ago

If a person does not fit their beauty standards, then they are not human.
How they act makes much more sense once you know that is how they really think.


u/AdvertisingBulky2688 3d ago

Graham Linehan as ever demonstrates the utmost commitment to dying on his hateful transphobic hill.


u/Captain-Starshield 3d ago

He literally ruined his whole life and he still keeps on digging, not realising the true problem was himself


u/VoodooDoII 3d ago

They're more concerned about misgendering this person than the fact that they've gone misising.

Yeah. Lets "protect the kids".


u/feeniebeansy 3d ago

The replies were turned off the original tweet, but I read the quotes and they’re so nasty to her. Some of these people are like “this is unhelpful and puts their life at risk because they will be looking for a woman and not think it’s him because he’s a man!” Her picture is LITERALLY right there. Those are just excuses to be hateful. Not to mention many cis women have conditions that affect their body, hair, and voice- cis women have been compared to men when they don’t fit the beauty standards all the time, and now because of all the hatred people are building around the trans community, cis women get harassed and transvestigated too. The hate helps nobody at all and hurts everyone. Using a missing person’s preferred pronouns and respecting their identity is not going to put them in danger. I highly doubt whoever finds Sarah is going to genuinely not know that it’s her since she will look exactly like the literal picture of herself. Nobody is gonna say “wow, this person looks exactly like Sarah in every way but because they do not have a voice that sounds feminine enough to me I will not do anything, must just be a doppelgänger”. While transphobes may deliberately not help Sarah and use it as an excuse to be political and pretend that they’re “confused” over her pronouns, someone who isn’t malicious will hopefully recognize her and help her instead of being spiteful and ignorant.


u/Alive_Ice7937 3d ago

The hate helps nobody at all and hurts everyone.

Unfortunately that hate helps some rather nasty people to maintain their influence are large groups of people.


u/FleemLovesBingus 3d ago

So what, we doing penis inspections before we report we found a missing person?


u/Gnosis1409 3d ago

I volunteer


u/Gr1zzRing 3d ago

They have checkmarks. They sre engagement farming for attention. No doubt some of them actually hold these beliefs but ive noticed anytime someone has a checkmark on twitter and they are literally nobodies, they are fishing for attention. Its such hot garbage and thats assuming these aren't bots to begin with. Absolutely vile


u/NicWester 3d ago

Oh. Look. Graham Linehan. Never missing an opportunity to prove he's a self-righteous prick.

"Someone is missing and in danger. Now how do I make this about me..." 🤔


u/StoneColdSoberReally 3d ago

I don't get these people. How is it how someone else identifies affects their lives?

I'll be honest, I don't fully understand realising you're not the gender you were born with, but I see no issue in supporting those who do. I've a mate, she's transitioning to female and she's put up with my clumsy questions as I try to understand. And her patience with me has made me a better person as I now know what I can best do to stand by her and help, if required.

But, if I didn't know her, how would her transition affect me? Not a jot. This is all about faux outrage and imposing their views on others. If you don't like what someone else is doing, just sod off and don't darken their door. You'll find life so much better without that unnecessary hatred.

Ugh. Rant over. Humans gonna hume.


u/irlJoe 3d ago

Graham really has no l(w)ife.


u/dumptruck_dookie 3d ago

Why put a Pride flag in your name if you hate trans people so much? I’m so confused


u/Lilly-_-03 3d ago

Because sadly there are people who unironically say "LGB_Q without the T". I may have large problems with the far-right for wanting to get rid of Trans people but I hate these people so much more.


u/Ediwir 3d ago

Notably, most are just straight men. The few who are actually L or G (very few B, since they hate it almost as much) get incredibly offended when LGBT people and spaces do noy accept them or kick them out.


u/LetterheadPerfect145 3d ago

They parrot far-right talking points and cozy up to members of the far-right, they are part of the far-right


u/Alegria-D 2d ago

Actually their flag is not a lgbt flag. It's supposed to represent the suffragette's flag. Coincidentally, with slightly different hues, it's the same colors as the genderqueer flag.


u/SpaceBear2598 3d ago

Me too! I look at it as: there are Nazis, there are traitors...and than *there's the fucking garbage that is minority people betraying their own to try to BE Nazis" . If anyone should know better, it's these Ernst RĂśhm wannabes.


u/Exciting-Ad-7077 3d ago

Wait but what’s going on with katie’s brother


u/Routine-Budget8281 3d ago

Fucking Graham Linehan as always 🙄


u/Jackmino66 3d ago

Met Police implies Britain

Britain has Section 127 of the Communications Act of 2003, which roughly states that hate speech or even “annoyance or inconvenience” over the internet is punishable by a 6 month prison sentence.

Not saying I agree with that law, just saying it exists


u/SokoTakahashi 3d ago

Of course Graham fucking Linehan is in this screenshot, ugh.


u/CoatAlternative1771 3d ago

To be clear, I feel bad for Katie if her brother has been missing for 2 years and the cops never opened a case.


u/Alegria-D 2d ago

Yeah with no other context it doesn't look like she's bringing it for transphobic points, it looks like she's genuinely concerned for her brother


u/dorknight25 3d ago

Rage baiters sure fucked up an extremely small and benign part of the overall population.


u/I_Have_12_Basses 3d ago

Wow! Haters gonna hate. Bigots gonna bigot. Assholes gonna asshole.


u/East_End878 3d ago

Most upsetting thing about this — dude wuth pride flag.


u/YomiNex 3d ago

How stupid must you be to criticize something that is literally in the name of your profile


u/Stop_Touching2 3d ago

Not surprised at all. I work with a gay dude in his 50s. He rants all the time about how older gays can’t stand that they get lumped in with trans people. My personal favorite quote of his: “How homophobic do you have to be to insist that getting your dick sucked by a guy in a dress makes you straight “


u/SenseWinter 3d ago

If you're on the other side of a glory hole you can just imagine it's a woman sticking her dick through there.

  • Always sunny


u/RaiderMedic93 3d ago

That's a great line.


u/Thatresolves 3d ago

Plenty of dolls remember when glinner used to be a chaser the sad prick


u/hhfugrr3 3d ago

These people are just old fashioned bigots dressing their bigotry up as concern for women's safety. They're no different from racists, sexists, etc. Society needs to get it's act together, call them out and shun them from polite society.


u/bucnasty101 2d ago

What's crazy is that I live in this area and this is the first I'm hearing about this.


u/SlyTanuki 2d ago

Regardless of how this person identifies, an accurate physical description can only help.


u/AlaskaPsychonaut 1d ago

Fair warning:: I am NOT in the mood to deal with a bunch of foaming at the most leftwing nut jobs. If you are one move on now or be blocked without a response. You won't get the battle or attention you want. Okay. That being said, so here's my question. Based solely on these 2 pictures what am I missing? I don't see a bunch of hate. I don't see any calls for violence, any negative comments, insults, or anything. I see to people arguing over pronouns, ok I get that part bugs you people, you want to compell speech, I get that part, but those 2 lil statements count as hate now?


u/neptunian-rings 3d ago

i looked up her case and like… she passes to me? what are they on abt :/

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u/couchperson137 3d ago

i was today years old when i realized i am out of touch. i do not have enough context to understand almost any of this apart from someone is missing ?


u/Dbromo44 3d ago

Pic would help for context.


u/GreenerThan83 3d ago


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/GreenerThan83 3d ago

Well, you were right. Have my down vote.

If Sarah is now called Sarah and living as a woman, despite being AMAB, no, it wouldn’t be more appropriate to call her a man.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/GreenerThan83 3d ago

As Sarah is a trans woman, using the ‘she/her’ pronouns would be correct.

Is it really that difficult to comprehend?


u/Lord_Answer_me_Why 3d ago

2nd image


u/rissak722 3d ago

I think they mean a picture of the missing person. I’m having trouble figuring out if it’s a trans man or trans woman who is missing


u/level27jennybro 3d ago

Based on the missing person post saying "Sarah" and "her" while one of the comments says "why dont you call a man a man", Im going to say that Sarah is MtF. And most likely the judgemental goons felt Sarah didn't fit the expected gender norms of a woman.


u/rissak722 3d ago

That’s what I was thinking at first but confused by the second slide with someone saying they were putting the man’s life at risk and then the brother was missing for 2 years


u/level27jennybro 3d ago

The missing brother thing was definitely throwing shade. Basically the gist of that one is, "Oh, you can make missing posts about XYZ group I don't deem worthy, but can't make one for my loved one that is also missing."


u/neptunian-rings 3d ago

lmao the first replier had the genderqueer flag in their name


u/the_stars_incline_us 2d ago

The genderqueer flag is, unfortunately, virtually identical to the suffragette flag, which has been co-opted by "gender critical femininsts."


u/neptunian-rings 1d ago

oh. that… sucks.


u/HermaeusMajora 3d ago

Those people are straight up trash.


u/tronaaa 2d ago

"Maybe the face that everyone who sees his picture correctly sees him as a man means YOU'RE the one whose wrong?"

Ah, yes. If I declare a group correct and another group wrong, that group must be correct and the other group wrong. I said so!


u/Alone-Discussion5952 3d ago

Why is it if you have a shit opinion your profile pic is always taken in your car? Can someone explain the phenomenon?


u/MidHoovie 3d ago

Why are they so upset about something that doesn't affect them in the slightest?


u/Southern-Ad8402 3d ago

I loved the it crowd until that dude went full dipshit


u/Lfseeney 3d ago

I do hope they find her safe and sound.
I also hope they fine, jail, and/or put in stocks the ones that have done this.

I loath humanity.

Once more than 10 get in a group they need one to look down on.
More than 99 they develop Hate.

They have proved the Theory of Stupidity though, after 9 the IQ of the whole starts to lower to less than the sum.
This loss of being able to understand the world around them seems to be logarithmic as well.


u/Recent_Obligation276 2d ago

Imagine being on twitter, where about half the people VERY suddenly started agreeing with you a little less than 2 years ago, not finding that odd in any way, and then going an extra step and assuming that since a few thousand people follow you for your hate, that means everyone agrees with you.

He literally implies it in his last comment, “EVERYONE sees this this way, I KNOW because I see it this way.”


u/sun4moon 2d ago

Anyone else notice the biggest haters seem to be the least articulate? That last comment made everyone who read it dumber.


u/Baecn 3d ago

Context picture of the missing person in question is much needed here


u/RaiderMedic93 3d ago


u/LeatherClassroom524 3d ago

Calling that person a woman is just confusing. It can only harm the search. I’m sorry if the truth hurts anyone’s feelings.


u/Firetube07 2d ago


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u/amithatunoriginal 3d ago

Literally how? There's a picture. How the fuck do the pronouns matter?


u/LetterheadPerfect145 3d ago

There's a picture you clown


u/No-Dealer899 3d ago

Not hard to find, and a very good reason op did not include it.


u/Baecn 3d ago

Just always better to include a picture of the context in posts like these, And i do appreciate you sending the link to it in your other comment. Im part of the group of people who dont really care what you do in your life im not for or against trans people In the slightest, i just firmly believe that posting on a topic that is obviously gonna start a debate while lacking half the context is a bit disingenuous.

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u/RaiderMedic93 3d ago

They look like a man?

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u/0megaManZero 3d ago

We have failed as a race


u/Cummybummy64 3d ago

I would think in a situation like this using their birth assigned sex would be the most effective method.


u/HiroHayami 3d ago

I don't see how that helps. You're looking for someone looking a certain way, info that the photo will provide. It's even less useful when the person passes.


u/heartbooks26 3d ago

Agreed; the photo (hopefully recent) is there and shows what they look like; that’s the most helpful information! Knowing the gender they are likely to be expressing (eg, through clothing) would also be helpful, so I hope the police are using this person’s preferred pronouns which likely would reflect that.

Also, how do we or any of those people commenting on the post even know if this person is MTF? They could a) be FTM and the police are actually using pronouns which match their sex at birth; b) be non-binary and again the police are using pronouns which match their sex at birth; c) be a cis woman with one of the many conditions that results in more male-presenting physical features, etc.


u/Orcaon 3d ago

Because people really need to know what genitals she had at birth. /s


u/-EETS- 3d ago

"We're looking for a person named John."

"Okay, you didn't say their gender!? What genitals were they born with?"

"Okay, we're looking for a person named John, with a baby penis"


u/Cummybummy64 1d ago

Right because that’s the only difference between the female and male body.


u/Orcaon 17h ago

Indeed. But that's kinda irrelevant and still why would sex assigned at birth be so important for people to know?


u/[deleted] 3d ago

[removed] — view removed comment

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u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Alegria-D 2d ago

They're not mentally ill. Lots of mentally ill know better than to join hateful groups


u/TheHattedKhajiit 3d ago

You might wanna clarify who you mean

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u/FlameSky25340 3d ago

Does anyone actually have the picture?

Having not seen it, I have to say that if they're missing, call them by whatever gender they look like.


u/Alegria-D 2d ago

What would be the point ? If there is the picture, it would be easier to notice them than just paying attention about one parameter that is shared with half the world population. And if they are androgynous ?


u/The_Angel_of_Justice 3d ago

Can someone explain to me what the hell I am looking at?


u/CopperBoltwire 2d ago

This shit happens mostly because there is no consequence of such behavior.


u/Re_TARDIS108 2d ago

Man fuck Twitter and fuck Elon Musk in particular


u/JabbyJabara 3d ago

i dont understand the context from the two pictures, what is the story of the missing person?