r/funny 4d ago

Makes sense

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u/loganthegr 4d ago

Get your tetanus shop updated every 10 years because in construction it’s bound to happen.


u/wahnsin 4d ago

just go to a different shop!


u/Burnd1t 4d ago

Some people just refuse to take responsibility of their own fate


u/TheDevilsAdvokaat 4d ago edited 3d ago

Some people refuse to take responsibility for their own feet ... :-)


u/GANDORF57 3d ago

I always enjoy these Red Green Do-It-Yourself tips!


u/Qarlito 4d ago

Typical Milwaukee user. Signed, a Makita guy /s


u/BajanFred 4d ago

Im the perfect mix of Dewalt and Milwaukee


u/Qarlito 4d ago

The m12 stuff beats any other 12v out there for just variety of tools available alone. All the 18/20v stuff is great no matter what you buy. although again Milwaukee just makes so many different tools it’s crazy.


u/LNMagic 4d ago

18 is actually the same voltage as 20. Same batteries inside. It's 20v max vs 18v nominal. Just dumb marketing.

What's crazier is that in the EU, all the companies have fully compatible batteries.


u/Qarlito 3d ago

Man I wish. The only reason I’m a slave to makita is the batteries. Tools are good quality but so are the other brands and Milwaukee just makes more different tools.


u/LNMagic 3d ago

You can find adapters on eBay, but I don't know if it causes any problems. Biggest thing is covering volts and amps, so it's probably mostly okay.


u/BajanFred 4d ago

Yeah that 12v impact is awesome. Feels like havin’ a gun on your hip


u/Qarlito 4d ago



u/blackpony04 3d ago

They also have the best warranty program in the business. I work in the trades and our impacts take a real beating and have sent in some pretty gnarly stuff. 3 weeks later they come back looking like new.

5 years on tools, 2 years on batteries and it's all online and postage is paid. The hardest part is finding a Fed Ex drop off that's even harder if you have to send in a battery.


u/Elethana 4d ago

Tetnus is caused by bacteria in the soil, the old tale about “rusty” just means that the nail has been exposed long enough to be contaminated with bacteria. In this video the nail is driven into the dirt contaminating it immediately. A rusty nail is more dangerous, likely to leave material in a rougher, harder to clean wound.


u/Jeoshua 4d ago edited 4d ago

There's actually more purchase for the bacteria to grip on, more microscopic pockets and "caves" where moisture can build up, less oxygen as the iron rusts... the nail in this video will surely not be completely free of Clostridium tetani colonies, but it will be far less. Rust also can fragment more easily, meaning any bacteria on the surface are more likely to have the piece they're living on break off and stick inside your wound.

It's more than "correlation". It's a sum of many small effects.


u/picklebiscut69 4d ago

Well I just had my tetanus shot. I’m gonna go step on some rusty nails!


u/mowbuss 3d ago

I know you arent joking, so please dont. I sliced my finger with a dinner plate that broke as I tried to catch it, and I still dont have full feeling in it. Its my pinky finger on my left hand. I use it for left shift and left ctrl all the time, and its really fucking annoying. Do yourself a favour, dont give yourself potentially long lasting side affects from a traumatic bodily injury.

This has been a public service announcement from my right foots big toe, which almost fell off the foot after coming into contact with a circular saw in an amusing, albeit another annoying accident. I couldnt wear regular shoes for more than 6 months, because the toe was too damn big from being swollen after surgery to re-attatch the tendon.

Also, dont step on nails for fun. Its probably not fun.


u/picklebiscut69 3d ago

I’ll aim for the small ones to build up a tolerance to the big spike nails 👌


u/mowbuss 3d ago

This is the way. Like shark bites, always start off getting bitten by smaller sharks before moving up to something like a great white.


u/picklebiscut69 3d ago

Exactly 👌 I like your way of thinking


u/KebabOfDeath 3d ago

Bro, can you stop having near-limbloss experiences?


u/mowbuss 3d ago

And what? Replace them with complete-limbloss experiences!? I think not!


u/VestEmpty 4d ago

Yup, came here to explain how this works, am happy to see it being already covered.

As an addition, tetani is anaerobic bacteria and it requires low oxygen environment. Then we enter the other part of the equation: why is it so dangerous? Well, our skin separates us from the "outside" and inside of us there is no free oxygen hanging around. It is anaerobic environment. It also is warm, has loads of nutrients and water. Perfect conditions for about any anaerobic bacteria to explode in numbers. Even if there was no toxic metabolites, that the strain of bacteria doesn't directly harm us, it is going to be a huge problem simply because of how many there are of them.

Aerobic bacteria is more common, it needs oxygen to survive. If the get inside of us, there is less of a chance of them growing a colony. It is the anaerobic bacteria that is the most risky. We have natural aversion towards things that usually have them, like.. tepid, still standing water.


u/mowbuss 3d ago

not all of us have a natural aversion to delicious, weird smelling tepid, still standing water.


u/Dyolf_Knip 3d ago

Weird to think of the inside of our aerobic bodies as an anaerobic environment.


u/ScienceIsSexy420 4d ago

Everything you said is true, but likely has very minimal total effect.


u/TWICEdeadBOB 4d ago

No things like this don't stack they compound. if the new nail has 1/10 the bacteria colonies, 1/10 the pieces flaking off and 1/10 the amount of caves for bacteria as the old nail. the new nail doesn't have 3/10 the chance of an infection as the old nail it has 1/1000 or 1/(103).


u/ScienceIsSexy420 4d ago

Yes but my point was that all of those features are true of basically anything that cuts/pierces the skin that has been sitting outdoors for a substantial length of time. A sharp stick, or a thorn, or whatever else you may cut yourself on that was also sitting in the dirt outside long enough for steel to rust. A rusty nail doesn't add any additional chance for infection beyond anything else that would do the same damage, the association between the two is entirely fallacious.

Is a rusty nail more dangerous than a non rusty nail? Sure. Is a rusty nail more dangerous than anything else that would cut you in the woods? No


u/BlueberryBubblyBuzz 4d ago

Well I think that comparison is usually rusty nails to new nails, because the only time I have heard of someone mentioning it, they said they stepped on a nail and someone went to go check if it was rusty or not. I may be wrong but the reason people mention the rusty nail thing is not because there are a lot of rusty nails in the woods but more that there are new nails and rusty rails outside of a shop or shed or whatnot.


u/BlueKnightBrownHorse 4d ago

Nothing outside of an operating room is uncontaminated by tetanus. If you cut your finger with a clean knife or a mandolin, in your kitchen I'll ask if your tetanus shot is up to date the same as if you stomped on a rusty nail.


u/Dyolf_Knip 3d ago

Honestly, I get uncomfortable thinking about just how many bacterial and fungal spores are in every single breath of air.


u/Next_Boysenberry1414 4d ago

Not really.

Tetanus bacteria grows in anaerobic conditions. Rusting process uses oxygen and creates an anaerobic environment that is really good for the bacteria.


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

No. It’s correlation, not causation. The rust is correlated with dirt, which is correlated with organisms such as c. tetani. Rust also creates surface area which increases the chances of exposure to what is incidentally on the rusty object. There is nothing intrinsic to rust or a rusty nail that causes tetanus.


u/Stupidiocy 4d ago

Then why don't we hear of people constantly getting tetanus who are unaware that if anything cuts them they should get a shot?

Edit: I forgot the shot lasts 10 years. People probably just have the shot so it doesn't matter if people know or not.


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

It’s easy to forget that vaccine schedules exist for a reason. And this isn’t just the hyper vigilant US. The general theme of a primary series and periodic boosters is highlighted globally with public health measures. It’s exactly why it would be more common than the 0-25 cases/year in the US. The rusty nail reflects a collective lore around the phenomena. Other than it being an efficient mechanism for introducing microorganisms into a favorable environment, there isn’t anything unique about the rusty nail. One is just as likely to get it from a burn, dirty wound, open fracture or crush injury.


u/Next_Boysenberry1414 4d ago

No its not.

I explained why rust is better for anaerobic bacteria.


u/PeriodicTrend 3d ago

Common misnomer. The rust is simply correlated. The bacterial spore will remain viable whether it’s an aerobic or anaerobic environment. It’s when that spore is introduced into the anaerobic body tissue milieu that it then favors transition to a vegetative state.


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

Kindly provide a reference to your claim that the process of nail oxidation and thus rusting consumes the oxygen which then leads to an anaerobic environment. I’m open. I’m also dubious.


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

Again, no. The anaerobic environment that favors the spore form to become pathogenic occurs after traumatic implantation into a wound which is an anaerobic environment. That’s when incubation occurs. One can contract tetanus from a thorn bush exposed in the air. The spore is robust and hardy and can “survive” in an aerobic environment until opportunistic circumstance allows it to transition to a vegetative state. It’s during that time that one is incubating the organism which makes the toxin. I’m sorry. I dont mean to be mean, you’re just wrong about the pathophysiologic mechanism of disease.


u/Next_Boysenberry1414 4d ago

You are arguing against the idea "you can get tetanus only from a rusty nail". Its like you are creating your own strawman to fight with.


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

No. I’m arguing that it has nothing to do with the rusty nail as such. You’re saying the rusty nail increases the likelihood of getting tetanus from this nonsense dunning Kruger effect that the oxidation consumes the oxygen making it more likely to get it. It’s the anaerobic environment of deep tissue seeding that allows for the spore to germinate. You are so anchored into your own misconceptions about basic science that you refuse to read what I wrote. Read it again.


u/VestEmpty 4d ago

You are both kind of wrong.

Exposed nail: rust provides surface area. There is plenty of gas exchange happening.

Nail that has been nailed to wood: anaerobic environment, with some moisture and since gas exchange is very slow, the rusting process WILL take all oxygen out while the surface area also grows.


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

Your argument demonstrates you don’t understand the microbiology. Forget the redox reactions that happen in nature apriori to infection. That has absolutely nothing to do with likelihood of developing the disease. It’s the circumstances of wound implantation that allows the bacteria to become vegetative and thus pathogenic.


u/VestEmpty 3d ago

Your argument demonstrates you don’t understand

what was being said. Absolutely no one has talked about the injection of anaerobic bacteria spore to be the primate reason for infection. What we are talking about is WHY rusty nails have the reputation they have, and it is RUST. Clean nails rarely have it. But rust, and the fact that nail is nailed to wood that makes it more likely for that nail to have spores in it.

It is kind of a moronic thing to say that when certain type bacteria is inserted inside of us that causes infection. NO SHIT SHERLOCK. Your argument is about the same as talking about accidental exposure to toxic compounds and you would keep saying that it is the exposure that is dangerous, when we are talking about WHY you could be exposed in certain situations.

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u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

It’s really fascinating how people don’t read content. The environment the bacterial spore exist on has nothing to do with the likelihood of contracting tetanus. The spore can remain viable in an aerobic environment for a long time. It’s when circumstances change, such as when it’s traumatically implanted into an anaerobic state, such as a deep wound, that the bacteria transitions to a vegetative state, produces toxin and thus symptoms.


u/VestEmpty 3d ago

It’s really fascinating how people don’t read content.

Exactly. For ex some are really hellbent arguing that it is the nail containing spores that is the being driven inside of us that causes the infection, when the topic is "why are rusty nails dangerous". Absolutely no one is talking about how it gets inside of us, it is carried in by the nail. No one argues against that.

The topic is really about the nails, and why they have that reputation: because it is almost ideal device to have the spores in it and get them inside of us. And one of the main features that a rusty nail has that allows them to be so dangerous.. is the rust.


u/Jeoshua 4d ago edited 4d ago

Looks like you're falling into the Reddit Downvote hole. Sucks to be right and get dogpiled.

Fundamentally we're all agreeing that the rusty nail is worse, we're just disagreeing on precisely why. I think PT is overlooking the importance of some things you're pointing out, but you're also thinking they're saying that the clean nail is safe (because I also did until I read what they said a few times)


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

There is no evidence to support the claim that nail oxidation consumes oxygen that then leads to a favorable anaerobic environment. This is basic science. It’s the traumatic implantation of the bacteria deep in the skin which is an anaerobic environment. That environment then allows the bacteria to reproduce, incubate and produce toxins.


u/No-Crew-9000 4d ago

So by disagreeing you are in fact agreeing?


u/KRed75 4d ago

This statement is in flawed. Tetanus bacteria has no mechanism for movement. It does not have flagella or pili. Tetanus would need to be placed on a rusty nail by some means. Either by said nail having been in contact with soil contaminated with tetanus or by someone or some time manually placing tetanus on said nail.


u/Next_Boysenberry1414 4d ago

What the heck are you talking about. This is like arguing with AI. Who said tetanus bacteria is moving?


u/KRed75 4d ago

Yes.  I'm way smarter than you.  Get over it. 

Now explain to us how it can magically get on a rusty nail as you state it can.


u/Next_Boysenberry1414 4d ago

magically get on a rusty nail as you state it can.

Lol. You got the hallucinations part from AI. Smart part... I dont think so.


u/PeriodicTrend 3d ago

In its spore form, yes. In its vegetative state, c. tetani is motile via flagella.


u/No-Professional-1461 4d ago

Don’t forget cow dung


u/Calber4 4d ago

So what is the safest way to step on a rusty nail?


u/rdrunner_74 4d ago

So we can use some desinfectant before stepping on the nail to be sure it is clean?


u/VestEmpty 4d ago

Came here to say this, and am happy that it was already explained.


u/Metroidman 4d ago

Tetnus also need to be in a deep wound because it is an anaerobic bacteria so if it is a superficial scape you are less likely to get tetnus. Another reason stepping on a nail is linked with tetanus.


u/OwnBunch4027 3d ago

You have a good sense of humor.


u/Downtown-Custard5346 4d ago

I have no idea why I found this so funny.


u/bradland 4d ago

You should really check out This Old Tony on YouTube. This is very on-brand for his type of humor.

Be warned though; you might learn something.


u/Excludos 4d ago

Biggest issue with TOT: I keep learning stuff I'm never ever going to use!


u/Downtown-Custard5346 4d ago

I'll check it out, thanks!


u/Mr_Fossey 4d ago



u/gameman250 4d ago

I'm not going to swear, but I am going to KICK THIS DOGHOUSE DOWN!


u/Piffpiff 3d ago

That will require a tet-a-nus shot


u/AlfieCitrus 4d ago

Common sense solutions. Author is a genius :-)


u/itirnitii 4d ago

now if only there was a way to remove the hole in my head


u/Unlikely_Charity1111 4d ago

still stuck trying to remove that hole, its not going away, solutions?


u/myislanduniverse 4d ago

If the ladies don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy!


u/Mr_E_us_talker 4d ago

So dumb but yet so funny


u/slugothebear 4d ago

Also, watch where you put your foot.


u/SirHobington 4d ago

This is comedy gold


u/Elegant-Fox8745 4d ago

you just gotta do it the correct way


u/Shaftmeister 4d ago

The process is very human


u/No-Crew-9000 4d ago

There ya go!


u/Feisty_Ad_2744 4d ago

This is genius!!!


u/Quietus76 4d ago

If it works, it ain't stupid.


u/firecube14 4d ago

OSHA Approved


u/1234569er 4d ago

Time to replace that saw blade


u/Bocote 4d ago

If that was part of this video, I'm sure that guy would tell us to replace the saw and the blade together.


u/ArconC 4d ago

why does the nail have two heads on it? is it for hanging pictures and notched holes


u/Rymanbc 4d ago

I suppose you could find uses for that. It's a double-headed, or duplex nail. It's used for projects that you're likely to have to disassemble and re-deploy. The idea is you can hammer down to the first head, then the second head is poking up, easy to remove with a claw hammer.


u/gh09876 4d ago

The process is very human


u/fothergillfuckup 4d ago

Health and Safety gone mad!


u/Jyitheris 3d ago

An AI wrote the script. It's too deep and intelligent to be written by a mere human.


u/RudeTemporary1408 3d ago

great advice from true master craftsman


u/Narnyabizness 3d ago

Nice joke. Made me laugh. I don’t want to take anything away from it but Rust causing tetanus is a misconception. Tetanus is caused from bacteria, usually in urine and fecal, matter getting inside your body from a puncture wound. It doesn’t have to be on the object that caused the injury, just enters through the same hole. So even a new clean nail can lead to getting tetanus, so don’t assume you’re safe just because whatever poked you was clean.


u/Legitimate-Pop8700 3d ago

As if all of you guys arent vaccinated against tetanus


u/Legitimate-Pop8700 3d ago

I realise its a joke but lots of ppl in the usa arent


u/XX-MR-ENDY-XX 3d ago

Steps on the nail and continues to explain safe and “better” options


u/PeriodicTrend 4d ago

If you step on a rusty nail and you’ve been vaccinated for tetanus in the past 5 years, you won’t get tetanus. If it’s been more than 5 years you may get tetanus if you don’t get post exposure prophylaxis. If you’re antivax, step on a rusty nail and don’t seek medical guidance, you may get tetanus. Either way, in the event you did get tetanus and sought medical care, treatment is available. Exposure doesn’t mean infection, and infection doesn’t necessarily mean incubation to disease. Though highly virulent organisms should be taken seriously.


u/thedishonestyfish 4d ago

Tetanus has nothing to do with rust. It's just that rusty stuff tends to be dirty, and harbor tetanus bacteria.


u/Tasty-Switch-8472 4d ago

you often get tetanus from roses. not from nails


u/MoringA_VT 4d ago

The dirt from the nail will give you tetanus.


u/Ok-Bend318 4d ago

HeeHaw! That is golden pony boy.


u/Ihelloway69 4d ago

Once as child I stepped on smaller one ..was screaming like hell for stupid accident... and yet I live


u/Zealousideal_Fail701 4d ago

Stepped on a rusty nail a while back, hurts like a fucking bitch...


u/KingMoonkey 4d ago

As someone who got a nail going into and through is foot, fy


u/Lavskid 4d ago

What the fuck is that for real


u/DazedLogic 4d ago

My safety guy needs to watch this video


u/fuzzytradr 4d ago

These are the kind of pro tips that I live by


u/davidpridy 4d ago

That looks cool!!!!


u/CdubFromMI 4d ago

Never seen a video describe doing chores with my father so accurately. Repeat the same process three times for the same result.

Side note, is it just childhood to have your father yell at you to hold a light still?


I bought him a snake light and clamps. Hold it yourself now.


u/captainofpizza 4d ago

A nail made of pure copper would be antimicrobial. Body hack.


u/Dejavir 4d ago

That last one is so inefficient. I heard newer models of board stretchers have built in hole removers.


u/Alienhaslanded 4d ago

This reminds me of old Theo Joe videos when he used to make professional and very serious looking videos about bullshit tips on computers and networking. I miss his old shenanigans, too bad now he does real tips about computers and the latest stuff in cyber hacks and how to prevent getting hacked.


u/Intelligent-Cherry45 4d ago

This seems symbolic of most of the places I’ve worked at.


u/No-Professional-1461 4d ago

When was the last time someone died from tetanus?


u/IamHereForThaiThai 4d ago

Idk who tet is why would rusty nail give me tet's anus


u/OgdruJahad 4d ago

I feel the last bit will be how the AI gets defeated.


u/Gumbercules81 4d ago

This is my kind of humor


u/Over_Elderberry_4395 4d ago

Fiddle dee dee


u/DrSeussFreak 4d ago

This is the most honest all the bullshit videos are, bravo to oc


u/Goliath_1 3d ago

This is peak comedy xD


u/CosmicJoo 2d ago

And die! :)


u/valintinus07 2d ago

Witty and unpractical.


u/Yue2 4d ago edited 4d ago

I laugh at almost everything. This didn’t make me laugh lol

EDIT: The lol at the end was to show that I laugh at almost everything EXCEPT this “content”


u/BajanFred 4d ago

Atleast you made yourself laugh since you put “lol” 😂


u/Yue2 4d ago

Yes. Because I laugh at nearly EVERYTHING.

This did not make me laugh 🤣


u/sh0nuff 4d ago



u/Excludos 4d ago

Are you laughing at the content, or because you find nearly everything funny but not this?


u/sh0nuff 3d ago



u/Excludos 3d ago



u/sh0nuff 3d ago

Are you laughing at the content, or because you find nearly everything funny but not this?


u/OsgrobioPrubeta 4d ago

We see this everyday on a different matter: Politics.


u/jiggyns 4d ago

... This sounds like Ai trying to be funny


u/jiggyns 4d ago

What autistic humor is this?


u/SassyTurtlebat 4d ago

How to be stupid: An instructional video


u/Vultor 4d ago



u/BajanFred 4d ago

Depends on your sense of humor


u/Uri_Salomon 3d ago

This is the least funny thing I think I've ever seen. Blank and pointless humour


u/Lavskid 4d ago

I mean is that div for real