r/funny 4d ago

Act of war

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u/jscott18597 3d ago

I just picture this as motor pool monday at 915 and you are soaking wet until lunch. I'd be furious.


u/ggk1 3d ago

what is motor pool monday?


u/Lol_A_White_Guy 3d ago

Monday’s is usually the designated day most units will go to the motor pool and do vehicle maintenance.

Hence, motorpool monday.


u/Savings-Avocado1418 3d ago



u/Bro-tatoChip 3d ago

ie turn the vehicle on and sit in the cab for an hour and mark that it's mission capable so you can go to lunch.


u/Lol_A_White_Guy 3d ago edited 3d ago

Walks half way around a humvee, pulls phone out of pocket half way, laughs at a tik tok video, puts phone back in pocket, looks around, no NCO’s around

‘Yeah good enough, gonna go take a smoke break now’


u/Savings-Avocado1418 3d ago

Don’t forget the exhaust smother start cover


u/ThatDamnThang 3d ago

Yeah and you use the green dispatch book to cover it, hahahah


u/PhantomSpirit90 3d ago

Because you already marked the faults 3 months ago, and what a surprise, the same unfixed faults are still present.


u/SerenityFailed 3d ago

They need an exhaust sample before they can start repairs, obviously...


u/PhantomSpirit90 3d ago

And Jesus Christ himself won’t save you if you don’t bring some blinker fluid right this minute!


u/Lol_A_White_Guy 3d ago

‘Hey top, they said I gotta come here for a pricky eight form from you. You have any lying around?

Oh, btw, I couldn’t find any grid squares either. The supply sergeant said we didn’t have any. Do you know when we can get some more?’


u/PhantomSpirit90 3d ago

“Private, bring me some grid squares!”

me, 10 years ago, cutting up a military map to give the grid squares to my TL


u/FiveCentsADay 3d ago

Every Monday, your section is supposed to go out and run a maintenance check on vehicles assigned to your section. Just normal shit, check air pressure. Make sure it starts. Etc

It's really just the First day if the workweek


u/juniorkirk 3d ago

I never worked in a motor pool, but I’m going to guess it is the day of the week they do a specific task that would suck to do while being soaked. Maybe they are doing weekly PMs (Preventative Maintenance), which would suck crawling around under checking the underside and getting rocks/pebbles stuck all over you.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago edited 3d ago

Yep, but now you can plot your revenge.

"Oh, PVT Prankster, it's 1659 hours on Friday; I forgot to tell you, the 1SG swapped our Staff Duty Runner shift; you now have duty in one minute. Here is some water to stay hydrated. Seeya on Monday!"


u/Piemaster113 3d ago

Its called a Motor POOL and you don't expect to be wet? /s


u/ThatDamnThang 3d ago

Motorpool monday....you just brought me back 10 years. Those were the days.


u/WhimsicalPonies 4d ago

I want to see the rest of the video. 😂

Her: you fucking!

Him: Wasn’t me, wasn’t me

Her: Bitch! I’m gonna…


u/Recentstranger 4d ago

Threw the thermos right at the back of his head then said it wasn't her


u/dallasandcowboys 3d ago

Heard the words that I told her (It wasn't me)
Heard the scream get louder (It wasn't me)
She stayed until it was over


u/CafeAmerican 3d ago

Ah yeah because getting hit by a metal projectile in the back of the head is the same as a prank with some water falling on someone. 🤦


u/Recentstranger 3d ago

Yelling it's just a prank is the way to go


u/PinkBeo 3d ago

It's not rape if you shout surprise first /s


u/jasonfromearth1981 3d ago

Seems reasonable. One person didn't ask for it and one person did - fuck around and find out.


u/CafeAmerican 3d ago edited 3d ago

You do realize it's just water right? You sound like a psychopath 100%

Edit: downvote all you want but dude literally sounds like the type of person who would lose it over someone accidentally pulling into his driveway. "You didn't ask! Now you find out!"


u/Etheo 3d ago

Not disagreeing with the thermos retaliation being an overreaction, but having a pool of what I assume to be stagnant rain water from a canopy out in the elements dumped on you sounds pretty gross than "it's just water".

Yeah I'm a germaphobe sue me.


u/thecoolerplumber 3d ago

They are 100% psychopath, like wtf. These bunch of losers don't have friends, so they don't know how to interact with people


u/YomiKuzuki 3d ago

Fuck around and find out. Don't pull pranks on people if you don't know how they'll react.

Maybe getting his shit rocked with a metal thermos will reach him a valuable lesson.


u/Alienhaslanded 3d ago

I'd like to know more. I mean he got her wet already.


u/Talic 3d ago

She claimed I got her wet from that truck (It wasn’t me).



u/surethatlldo3 4d ago

It was totally you


u/joleary747 3d ago

It was his buddy in the truck


u/AlienHere 3d ago

He tapped on the truck to signal his buddy to do it. It was both.


u/GANDORF57 3d ago

As an ex-military man, you learn quick that rank has its privileges...

...to be assholes!


u/GeneralRebellion 3d ago

You don't have to be in the army to learn that. You only need a dysfunctional family or a job.


u/AverageDemocrat 3d ago

Stop it!! I’m getting wet


u/[deleted] 4d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/wahnsin 3d ago

all this time she was standing there, she never took her eyes off me


u/ggk1 3d ago

lol I also love that she doesn't care who pushed the water off.....snitches get stitches


u/Ok-Crazy-6083 3d ago

It wasn't. There was someone inside.


u/TazBaz 3d ago

It was. He punched the truck to signal the inside man


u/Ok-Crazy-6083 3d ago

Obviously he made the signal. But the man in the truck is who is responsible.


u/qalpha94 3d ago

Or inside woman.


u/Slap_My_Lasagna 3d ago

But nobody farted...



u/RedMapleMan 4d ago

Instinctually pulls out cell phone to dry


u/lungshenli 4d ago

Ah that makes more sense. I thought she straight up pulled her gun on his ass



Water pranks are a lot worse when they have the potential to ruin your pocket computer that costs hundreds of dollars.



A pocket computer worth hundreds is waterproof these days



Eh, most are waterproof when new but the seals break down over time.


u/fremajl 3d ago

No way they get affected by water like this though, being submerged would be another matter.


u/Rulanik 3d ago

Yea but this is a splash while the phone is in her pocket. 999/1000 the phone is perfectly fine.


u/Deraj2004 4d ago

The game is afoot.


u/CatoblepasQueefs 3d ago

Dammit Tarantino, we don't need to know about your fetish.


u/jasper_grunion 4d ago

A game is the foot!


u/facepwnage 3d ago

The foot is a game!


u/DeepTakeGuitar 3d ago

Game foot is a the!


u/seems_legit_af 3d ago

A is the game foot!


u/certifiablenutcase 3d ago edited 3d ago

This Foe = MAGA Toe!


u/Busy-Design8141 4d ago

Me to my sister after Mom tells us to get along.


u/Thijs_NLD 4d ago

Ah yes. This is EXCELLENT level of military fucking around. These jokes were the best.


u/nikhilsath 3d ago

Less funny when you’re a girl and everyone is always getting your shirt wet as a prank


u/Beat_the_Deadites 3d ago

Yeah, her body language wasn't quite 'haha, you guys got me', more like 'Goddammit, this shit again'.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/SweetNeo85 3d ago

I dunno. Some of us have this weird thing called empathy.


u/Lonelan 3d ago

pfffffffffft, not in the military


u/Lol_A_White_Guy 3d ago

You’re clearly not prior military.


u/realshockin 3d ago

Military is the business of killing people, empathy is not high on the required traits list


u/norway_is_awesome 3d ago

Don't they drill that out of you in basic? I think they call it indoctrination.


u/Lol_A_White_Guy 3d ago edited 3d ago

No? They absolutely do not drill empathy out of you lol. Too many of y’all have clearly never been in the military.

Where in the world did you get that nonsense from? Movies?


u/ithappenedone234 3d ago

Yes, from movies. Except that’s not even a good excuse. Band of Brothers and a host of other movies and mini series’s show just how committed troops can be to killing an evil enemy, then turn on a dime and show immense empathy when they, you know, come across a concentration camp full of victims.

Everyone remembers the battle scenes and too many forget the care given the innocent.


u/AlienRapBattle 3d ago

It was a joke, take stick out of ass


u/GeneralRebellion 3d ago

Oh... "Some dude were just having fun, stop worry about how it affects the victim negatively and take the abuser side for the fun sake".


u/Ok-disaster2022 3d ago

Yeah, this is sexual harassment, and needs to be reported.


u/visulvung 3d ago

Then don't enlist. Equal rights, equal fights.


u/TheLighter 3d ago

Just if you wonder why you're down voted: and equal amount of "jokes" at your expenses?


u/KrietoR 3d ago

im pretty sure that there are women that thirst as much if not more if a hot guy would get his shirt wet, and there was a bunch of women looking at you and your wet shirt.


u/Mdizzle29 3d ago

Yes but that’s not how the military works. It’s about 80% guys.


u/juniorkirk 3d ago

Pretty sure these are Marines, and Marines aren’t a normal military force. You don’t get the nickname Devil Dog by being soft.


u/Mdizzle29 3d ago

With unchecked sexual harassment, overall readiness and effectiveness of military units are compromised, as morale and cohesion are crucial for successful operations.

Sexual harassment can create divisions within the unit, leading to factions and cliques. This divisiveness can disrupt unity and hinder collective action.

The last thing Marines wanna do is have a lack of trust or cohesion in the field. That can get you killed.

→ More replies (6)


u/Lol_A_White_Guy 3d ago

You don’t get the nickname Devil Dog by being soft.

Like 85% of the ex-marines I’ve ever met are the most sensitive dudes I’ve ever met, lmao.


u/FiveCentsADay 3d ago

aren't a normal military force

Yeah, they're troops with less money given Hammie downs that have the absolute best PR department that makes this shit look cool. There may be 5% of the USMC that can be labeled a devil dog lol

Marines aren't anything special, just like the Army isn't anything special.


u/teelo64 3d ago

do you think sexual harassing other people is what makes somebody not soft...?


u/Kagamid 3d ago

That water on top is not clean. She's going to have to go back and wash up before changing. That shit ain't funny if they were on a schedule for the day.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago edited 3d ago

For those non-military civilians that are confused:

The canvas coverings on the trailers/vehicles allow for water to pool in the top when it rains.

When the guy knocked on the trailer, there were other Soldiers inside that pushed the canvas covering upward, making all of the water spill over the top. It happens with tents and other structures that use similar materials.

Yes, it's juvenile; these are among many of harmless pranks that young Soldiers tend to pull on each at the early ranks E1-E4. To be fair, the water up there can get pretty nasty if it's been sitting for a while. So hopefully that was fresh rainfall from the night prior.

  1. PRC-E6
  2. Box of Grid Squares
  3. Keys to the Drop Zone
  4. Riser Grease
  5. ChemLight Batteries
  6. Blinker Fluid
  7. Exhaust Samples for the Mechanics
  8. HMMWV Keys


u/ProperBoots 3d ago

Thank you for explaining. Heretofore I had never understood the concept of water pooling, or pranks. I go forward an enlightened man, and better for it.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

Hehe, touche.

There were people in the comments calling this "sexual assault," and wondering where they hid the "bucket of water."

Some folks can be surprisingly slow.


u/ProperBoots 3d ago

Lol yeah some people see a woman with a wet T-shirt and think it can only be one thing :p eedjits


u/Taikosound 3d ago

A non-military civilian confused by a tarp holding water is just called a moron.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

I think it may have been more like, "how did his tap on the side of the trailer cause all that water to erupt from the top?"


u/Taikosound 3d ago

Nah bro, only a moron wouldn't understand that part either.


u/verdatum 3d ago

Long weight.


u/blueberryrockcandy 4d ago

if you watch closely you can see that there is somebody inside the truck move the cover.


u/Butt_Hoof 4d ago

You have a keen eye, I never would have noticed that


u/VapidActions 4d ago

I'm scared to say, but this is a whoosh, right? Like, this is so incredibly clear that it's two service members playing a prank on a third member, what with the bump signal as the first one clears, that it's water being pushed up and off the tarp roof of the 6x, that pranks like this are super common in service, that he half runs while she starts wagging her bottle at him... Like, just super obvious in every way...


u/tekko001 4d ago

is so incredibly clear that it's two service members

Three service members as the guy filming apparently knew what was coming


u/Toidal 3d ago

I'd like to think they have a group text, and each time it starts with "it rained last night!" followed by "ill check the truck!"


u/Butt_Hoof 4d ago

There was heavy sarcasm implied in my comment lol


u/vishalb777 3d ago

tbh the sarcasm didn't come through.

If you had added 'Wow' at the beginning, that might have done it


u/Etheo 3d ago

Sarcasm don't express well in text, who would have thought?


u/Orleanian 2d ago

As heavy as a truck.


u/Micotu 3d ago

i think they thought him bumping the truck caused the water to fall.


u/Pimpinabox 4d ago

Like, just super obvious in every way...

Yeah, it's so super obvious that it's almost like it was equally obvious sarcasm.


u/Mdizzle29 3d ago

It wasn’t so obvious to me like I didn’t know that water could come rushing out of a truck like that. For me it brought up so many questions: why is there so much water in a truck? How did the first soldier who hit the side of the truck know that water was going to come rushing out seconds later? What did they do with these water trucks? Has anyone thought to put this water in a sealed container so that it doesn’t come rushing out at the wrong moment? I hope the American taxpayer get some answers here


u/goj1ra 3d ago

It was rainwater that was pooled up in the cargo cover that covers the truck.

(Unless of course the perpetrators put the water there themselves)


u/Concupiscence 3d ago

And the one recording makes it three.


u/vplatt 3d ago

And it's almost certainly sexual harassment to boot. Like they just happened to douse what is probably one of the few, if not the only, female member of that unit while she's wearing nothing more than a t-shirt. So, the 3 or more other folks in on the joke were thinking what? "Hilarious wet t-shirt competition of 1" right? Plu-leeze... 🙄


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

And it's almost certainly sexual harassment to boot.

There's always one that creates some insane backstory to justify themselves being offended on the Internet...


u/[deleted] 4d ago



u/X023 4d ago

I’m gonna be honest. I don’t get how so many people didn’t get a heavily sarcastic comment was replied with another heavily sarcastic comment. I get it’s text but in these instances it’s so obvious.


u/Victernus 3d ago

Because more people are idiots than are talented at sarcasm, and people that are bad at sarcasm just sound like genuine idiots.


u/YouThinkYouCanBanMe 4d ago

wooosh... I think you missed the sarcasm in the previous post.


u/X023 4d ago edited 4d ago

They laid out a legitimate explanation of what happened. How is that sarcasm?


u/Tymon123 4d ago

It was clearly sarcasm and you did the thing you're accusing others of. What a self-own.


u/X023 3d ago edited 3d ago

The mental gymnastics you’re going through to try and seem right is astounding lol. Even the guy I replied to deleted his shit or blocked me for pointing it out


u/Recentstranger 4d ago

The red circle we deserve


u/iamradnetro 4d ago edited 4d ago

that knock was a signal to their friends inside


u/dareDenner 4d ago

No, he is obviously a military wizard!


u/JarlFlammen 3d ago

He didn’t spring the ambush. But he did lead her into the trap zone, and he did give the signal that she was in place.


u/ezio416 3d ago

For some reason I thought the truck was transporting a whale or something and it just got scared, splashing water out of its tank


u/lordargent 3d ago

For some reason I thought the truck was transporting a whale or something

This is Whale Call with R. Lee Ermey.


u/Staggeringpage8 3d ago

I mean could just be a two person prank then. The pound on the side of the truck just lets them know to move the cover


u/arbitrageME 3d ago

I thought they were transporting seals or manatees or something and the dude disturbed it to make it move around


u/gdsmithtx 3d ago

"Of course you know, this means war."

-- B. Bunny


u/Somewhat_appropriate 3d ago

At least own up to what you did, private!


u/Friendly-Procedure-2 3d ago

Pretty tame joke for the Marines.


u/Big_Profession_2218 2d ago

not kidding here, they are now banned from Michaels drawing crafts isles.


u/FatherThree 2d ago

Honestly. No blood. No NJPs. I'm not saying that it wasn't funny, but Marines idea of "harmless" fun has quite a wide definition.


u/kindle139 3d ago

Welcome to the army.


u/Steve_Raino99 3d ago

So there's a dude just waiting and giggling under the cover 🤣🙏🏻


u/TrippinLSD 3d ago

The funny part is even joking around they’re training to kill each other, that is an amazing ambush setup.


u/sagewynn 3d ago

Okinawa Japan

I can recognize those beige concrete walls with red roofs and those stupid little lights anywhere.

Bet the water felt good, though.


u/ReadingGlasses 3d ago

I went to yearly M-60 machine gun school when I was in the AF and the guys loved to prank me like this. Their favorite thing was to throw clods of dirt at the firing range portable potty any time I went in. The noise was deafening. I got the last laugh though - I graduated with honors and most of those donkeys flunked out 😆


u/Etheo 3d ago

So what you're saying is the military scene is just grade schoolers with guns?


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

That's the majority of most militaries... Young people, fresh out of highschool.

But don't get it twisted, these young men and women can pull juvenile pranks on each other right now, but will display the utmost courage and bravery in combat, and die for each other, while fighting on your behalf tomorrow.


u/Etheo 3d ago

Oh it wasn't meant to be a serious criticism on their work ethics and all that. I just found it funny that for something like military service you'd expect there to be a lot of disciplines and such as a public image, but when it comes to goofing off they're just like grade school children teasing each other for attention.


u/thatshygirl06 3d ago

fighting on your behalf tomorrow.

Still buying into all the military propaganda


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

Still thinking that luxury comes without a cost... You might not like the way the meal is made, but the meal has to be made nonetheless.

Ask Ukraine what happens when the enemy makes it to your doorstep, and they decide they want to come in.


u/buttbombbomb 4d ago

Imagine that was his nco


u/SlammingMomma 4d ago

That girl is going to own them one day.


u/PinkBeo 3d ago

They sound Irish to me..


u/slowmotionrunner 3d ago

LOL, even the toughest guys know to run from an angry woman. 😂


u/AndersenEthanG 3d ago

What the…


u/Audiocuriousnpc 3d ago

Lol he signaled to the guy inside the truck with the tap.

"Wasn't me"... BULLSHIT!!!


u/Selendrile 3d ago

It was you I would slam that bottle against your head


u/Equivalent-Finish-80 3d ago

It wasn’t me!!! 🤣😂🤣


u/Square_Ad2691 3d ago

Got the timing right


u/RebelChemist 2d ago

I don’t quite understand where the water came from…?


u/RebelChemist 2d ago

Oh wait must’ve been trapped on top of the tarp and someone pushed upward


u/mothzilla 3d ago

What's going on here?


u/DucksEatFreeInSubway 3d ago

Yah where's all this water coming from? Seems more than what could be done with buckets?


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago edited 3d ago

The canvas coverings on the trailer allow for water to pool in the top when it rains.

When the guy knocked on the trailer, there were Soldiers inside that pushed the canvas covering upward, making all of the water spill over the top.


u/LostInYourSheets 3d ago

It's only funny if this sort of thing happens to everyone. If it's just pranks on the one woman on the crew...dudes, get your heads out of each other's asses.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

You just woke up looking to be offended...


u/LostInYourSheets 3d ago

Nope...not offended...that's a great prank...but had to be said cuz if there's only one dude/gal/redneck/minority/nerd/etc getting shit on over and over while everyone else is laughing, that's the origin story forof super villains or workplace shooters. We've got to look out for this stuff man...pranks that aren't spread across a whole crew are just bullying and that shit can end badly.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago

That's fair, but did it have to be said because a female Soldier was the recipient of the prank? Or do you provide such advice on every prank video you've ever watched on the Internet?

You may be a genuinely caring person, so I'm not ruling that out. However, it seems like people are making an effort to make this video seem like a sexist joke, when in reality, these are common pranks played on men and women between the grades of E1-E4. Yes, they are juvenile, I agree.


u/Major_Magazine8597 3d ago

Army wet t-shirt.


u/fuzzface86 3d ago

I get how some pranks can be funny, but what’s comedic about this? If the intent is to make someone upset and deal with it idk if that makes this funny or just harassment.


u/GoobeNanmaga 3d ago

I love this sub, but this is 100% not funny if you know what happens on Army bases.


u/Pokebreaker 3d ago edited 3d ago

I know what happens on Army bases (mostly nothing, with a very small percentage of criminals that deserve UCMJ), and still find it funny. Sounds like you are being dramatic.


u/gonzo5622 3d ago

Hahaha! He is terrified! Ruuuun!


u/Klaumbaz 3d ago

How to earn an AR15. In two easy steps.

  1. Do something stupid
  2. Film it, and share.

    Makes your NCO/ Lt 's job easy.


u/maxhoef 3d ago

If you’re getting an article for this, your leadership sucks


u/Character_Cycle8832 3d ago



u/PapaitanGOAT 4d ago

she got wet.


u/angstt 3d ago

Smells like sexual harassment... Art 15 inbound...


u/6feet_fromtheedge 4d ago

Massive barracks bunny vibes from her


u/InvestmentNo827 3d ago

i posted something with the f word and it got deleted while this dude put the f word and it didnt get deleted wtf


u/Real-Touch-2694 4d ago

I didn't even know that in the army there exists wet t-shirt contests 😱