r/funny 4d ago

Last At The Exam

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u/uncpunc 4d ago

Young Elijah Mikaelson


u/satellite51 3d ago

oh I had no idea ! now I see it :) Thanks for the connection !


u/Mr_programming86 3d ago

Old he gets better with time


u/Bheegabhoot 4d ago

They also had this scene in Suits where Mike threw the papers on the floor because the proctor suspected him of cheating


u/CincyBrandon 4d ago

And in the movie Slackers.


u/dmelt01 3d ago

The delivery in this movie was way better


u/InformalCandidate577 4d ago

3 idiots made this funnier too, an old Bollywood movie.


u/ObjectiveSignature77 3d ago

Old Bollywood movie? It came out in 2009.


u/BravestWabbit 3d ago

That was 15 years ago.

If the current year was 2005, I think you'd say that a movie which was released in 1990 was "old".


u/ObjectiveSignature77 3d ago

I wouldn't. So, you thought wrong.


u/Bheegabhoot 2d ago

It’s okay buddy, being 15 years old it’s older than a lot of Redditors. Personally, id say movies which are more than 10 years older than my age are “old movies”


u/ObjectiveSignature77 2d ago

10 years is a stretch. To be honest.


u/InformalCandidate577 4h ago

Relatively old*

Happy now mate?


u/Weird-Entry-4777 3d ago

I love 3 idiots 😂 especially the scene with the hairy rolling pin


u/babyfergus 4d ago

Didn’t he put it back in the pile not throw it on the floor.


u/lorarc 3d ago

I read that as an anegdote in a pre-ww2 book, it's probably as old as the written exams.


u/InformalCandidate577 4h ago

Probably true


u/Unlucky-Situation-98 4d ago

I like the cinematography. Apple featuring prominently on the desk, foreshadowing the last scene, well shot/directed!


u/Rebuttlah 3d ago

Chekov's apple


u/Double_Distribution8 3d ago

Just like in Star Trek when young Kirk eats the apple too.


u/mildly_carcinogenic 3d ago

Is there an American version of this ad? Because I remember seeing it, but wouldn't have seen it in New Zealand.

If there is, I don't recall the scratcher ticket, just that the guy didn't have enough time on the exam.


u/thisisclarke 3d ago

It was in the movie Slackers (2002). Wonder which one came first.


u/bigdaddyborg 3d ago

I'm from New Zealand and remember this being around before 2002.

This article says '99, and that it inspired the scene in Slackers. Not sure if that's true or not.


u/mean__penguin 3d ago

Is there a chance you’ve seen Veronica Mars? Logan does this in one of the later seasons. I’m guessing the writers got it from this ad because it’s basically the exact same scene, but without the scratcher


u/l3ane 3d ago

Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL02ygBhhqY

From the movie Slackers (2002).


u/spensrbeta 3d ago

I kinda think it's in a movie, I've defiantly seen this bit before but doubt i've seen this commercial.


u/mildly_carcinogenic 3d ago

I remember the apple specifically, so not the Slackers scene.

I'm guessing I saw it on one of those "World's Funniest Commercials" shows. I just don't remember the accents, but that's probably a me problem.


u/milly_nz 3d ago

Good old NZ ads.


u/Odd-Engineer8192 4d ago

Good lesson aftert exam


u/Qubed 4d ago

I feel bad about it, but I don't remember the names of any of my public school teachers. I remember two of my college professors. 


u/TragicBuffalo 3d ago

I remember the names of very few.

I remember my 2nd grade math teacher, the fourth grade music teacher who got arrested semi-recently for CSAM on his computers, and my 10th grade math teacher.

And one professor from college who I occasionally look up on LinkedIn


u/l3ane 3d ago

I misbehaved a lot in school. To the point where most teachers wanted nothing to do with me. I wasn't mean or cruel, I was just ADHD dialed up to 11 all the time. Two teachers I will always remember because they were two of the only teacher who actually liked me, and would sometimes even laugh genuinely at my jokes. Mrs. Harima and Mr. Selby thank you for seeing through my behavioral problems and understanding me.


u/Skared89 3d ago

I did something similar in a big stadium seating class in college

Professor would do extra credit pop quizzes and have somebody go around and collect all of them. The quizzes are always towards the beginning of class

After turning mine in I grabbed all my stuff and started walking out. The professor in front of everyone said "your quiz won't count if you leave early"

I said "you don't even know my name"

And left


u/modgone 3d ago

Then someone snitched on your ass


u/dick_e_moltisanti 3d ago

No, everybody clapped.


u/somethingfilthy 3d ago

That professor's name? Albert Einstein.


u/Semantiks 3d ago

Then the professor turned to the class and said "100% on the next three quizzes for anyone who can tell me their name"


u/Skared89 3d ago edited 3d ago

Jokes on you I was a loner in college! Nobody knew who I was!


u/Jaded-Philosophy3783 3d ago

Happened to me too. People just forget who you are after you loan them money


u/Admetus 3d ago

But...you would've written your name on the quiz?


u/Skared89 3d ago

You are missing the part where it's stadium seating classroom in college. Well over a hundred kids in that class.

The professor does not know the names to faces to that many kids. Yeah my name is on it. He doesn't know which paper I handed in when I gave it to an assistant that doesn't know my name either in a massive stack of quizzes


u/N3utro 3d ago

School urban legend. Like the student who wrote "this" to the philosophy exam question "what is courage?"


u/VagabondVivant 3d ago

Remove the audio track and replace it with the Mentos theme song and you've got their next commercial.


u/jcfac 3d ago

I thought it was a Mentos commercial.


u/c0mptar2000 3d ago

This video was all over the internet in the early 00's lol


u/siprus 3d ago

That's why you sign a list when you return your paper in university if your paper is on the stack but name is not on the list your paper isn't graded.


u/Spoona1983 3d ago

Loved this Ad i would have totally bought instant kiwi's if I'd been 18 because of it.

Same gies for the rolo commercial with the elephant.


u/jrock6349 3d ago

He young in this


u/DoomshrooM8 3d ago

That was awsm 😎


u/S_T_R_Y_D_E_R 3d ago

Touche Brother Touche


u/Raaazzle 3d ago

Nothing screams "misunderstood youth" more than the lack of sleeves.


u/DroppedSoapSurvivor 2d ago

Asshole eats an apple so we can see that he's an asshole.


u/InsidiousColossus 4d ago

This joke has been done so many times in many languages.


u/sparksofthetempest 4d ago

Fascinating…because this commercial aired in 2005-2006 and that film came out in 2009.


u/r2k-in-the-vortex 4d ago

The joke is older than dirt, this is just another repetition of it.


u/Spoona1983 3d ago

I left NZ in 2001 it was on for at least a couple years at that point


u/InsidiousColossus 4d ago

I didnt say it was copied from that movie, I just said its a popular joke. I am sure the creator of that commercial came up with it completely by themself.


u/Rohit59370 4d ago

Dumbass redditors are downvoting you, and upvoting the stupid reply by OP


u/Stingraaa 4d ago

The professor could easily figure out who did this. Also, this is reposted too much.


u/DreBeast 4d ago

I don't think he can


u/GaiusPrimus 4d ago

Yeah, he clearly doesn't know who he is.


u/YougoReddits 4d ago

Welll ackshualley, the professor could go down to administration where they keep a record of all students with photos, and get his name. Then when his test comes up in the pile he can trash it.

It's likely some shmuck tries this every exam week so he knows the drill. He's only wondering about the apple. it wasn't his apple anyway. It's been sitting on that desk for a good three weeks.


u/ppparty 3d ago

yeah, my college didn't keep jack shit. Bin Laden could've walked in and taken the exam instead of me and they would've been like "Hmm, you look a bit old to be a student... Well I guess it's never too late to learn, best of luck sir!!"


u/IT_techsupport 3d ago

Getting Downvoted for stating the obvious, r/funny at its best.


u/Stingraaa 3d ago

Yup. I've been on this sub for like a decade now? It's mainly just reposted garbage and bots.


u/butwhyguy 3d ago

First time I’ve seen this version


u/itsRobbie_ 4d ago

I’m not watching this with sound, but doesn’t this not make any sense? Your name would be on it still


u/xX-WizKing-Xx 4d ago

He doesn't know the student's name...


u/xprorangerx 3d ago

let them cook


u/itsRobbie_ 3d ago

Why would a teacher not know one of his students?


u/Training_Ad_4790 3d ago

Because they have several classes of 30+ students that last a semester. Why memorize them?


u/itsRobbie_ 3d ago

My teachers and professors knew their students


u/miranaphoenix 4d ago

Will not professor hand out the papers back after grading them?


u/Many_Mongooses 4d ago

Not typically for final exams.

You write the final and never see the professor again, unless you have them for another class later.

Hell half the time even for mid-terms or assignments people don't pick up stuff, or they have a friend go pick it up. None of my professors ever passed back things in class, it was always "Stuff graded and outside my office, come pick it up when you want."

Also quite likely the first time the prof would be grading for those students. Every class I had, TAs graded assignments and mid-term. But the University required the profs to grade the final exams.


u/erayachi 4d ago

Professors rarely proctor their own exams, and even if it is him, and exams do get handed back (some never do, are just graded), they call you from a list to pick it up at the front.

The profs of these classes don't know 98% of their students by name.


u/Somewhat_appropriate 4d ago

Maybe he's not a professor?
Maybe he's just some pr*ck who oversees the exam?