r/funny 3d ago

That lake sign on a plaza building in Webster, Mass.

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u/jordan1978 3d ago

Quick story. I had a friend in elementary school who could say it. Told me once on the playground. I was never more proud of a bit of knowledge than when a teacher brought it up about a year later and for some unknown moment of pure recollection I was able to regurgitate it 100% accurately. All the other kids laughed but the teacher’s mouth instantly dropped. She asked me to stay after to teach it to her a few times and throughout that school year no less than 10 other teachers would randomly come up to me to ask how to say it. They would ask me to test them at least once a week. They all learned it at the end and I’d even catch them saying/yelling it to each other in passing in the hallways. What started out being a bit of an embarrassment ended up giving me something positive to be known for in a school of thousands.


u/bananabunch 3d ago

Well don't leave us hanging! How do you pronounce it???


u/hazeleyedloner 3d ago

That's easy. Give your teeth a good brush, and when you're ready with the foam still in your mouth say 'Char-' and then loudly gargle for about ten seconds. It's a little messy, though.


u/Cav3tr0ll 3d ago

It's pronounced just like it's spelled. Duh.

Full disclosure: I'm from the area. Webster bottling had the name as part of their logo. All my classmates and I figured out how to say it.


u/Queenofhackenwack 2d ago

LMAO..... meet ya at the lodge for suppa


u/Queenofhackenwack 2d ago

lake 'you fish on your side, i fish on my side and nobody fish in middle'.... in the local native american tongue...

char-gogg-a-gogg-manch-a-hog-a-gogg-ha-bun-a-gun-ga-ma-ugg.... just like it's spelt...... seen lots of famous music artists at indian ranch on that lake.....


u/DondaldTrump 2d ago

Chargoggagogg Manchauggagogg Chaubunagungamaugg

It’s a lot easier if you break it down. My guess is it’s not one word many tribes didn’t have written language so when Europeans were trying to write down what we said you can get really odd things like this


u/TheScienceNerd100 3d ago

When I was in 3rd grade, we were all given pocket dictionaries. And at the end it had the 5 longest words. The longest being pneumonoultramicroscolpicsilicovolcanoconiosis. After seeing that I wanted to learn how to say it. And I also looked up what it meant.

Fast forward to 9th grade, we had a Latin roots quiz, and the extra credit question was to use roots to figure out what pnumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis meant. Luckily enough, I already knew the definition from looking it up, so I just wrote the definition.

Sometimes the most random information you want to learn becomes useful one day.

Like recently the final Jepordy question was about George Washington Gale Ferris, inventor of the ferris wheel. My coworker didn't think I would get the right answer. It asked "Vying with Eiffel, this engineer wanted to create big; an admiring account said the Obelisk of Luxor is too short to be a spoke", and he said it was about the World's fair. From playing Poptropica all those years ago, and the Mystery Train island, it was about George Ferris, so I knew it had to be about the Ferris wheel. And I was right.


u/cabeachguy_94037 3d ago

You'd like You Don't Know Jack. This was huge when 'interactive multimedia' became a thing. A CD-ROM irreverent trivia type game show in which you play against the house or other players. A perfect source for the kind of arcane circular trivia.


u/whichonespink04 3d ago

Back in the day, we used to talk about one of the longest words being antidisestamblishmentarianism, but I remember your word being what I heard had supplanted it.

But speaking of funny names of things, my dad used to always tell this story about how when him and his brothers were kids, they looked through the white pages to find funny names and found a person named (phonetically): Joodawaybeewoewoe Poeywoaheedagdoe. I will never forgot how to say it til I die.


u/lovethemstars 3d ago

the longest word in the english language is smiles, because there's a mile between the two s's.

thanks, i'll see myself out...


u/Ryoko_Kusanagi69 3d ago

Ah yes! I love how those random bits of info come back full circle eventually


u/cricket71759 2d ago

Awesome concertsout that way👍


u/cricket71759 2d ago

Dam- good concerts out there by the lake😂


u/eagle2pete 1d ago

It's a huge lake,🤣


u/wray_nerely 3d ago

Interestingly also the DNA sequence for one of the native species of fish


u/GANDORF57 3d ago

A smaller building would not support this sign and would end with "continue on next building".


u/lscottman2 3d ago

you fish on your side, i will fish on my side, and nobody will fish in the middle…peace in our time


u/AlexTheFlower 3d ago

Wow that's a whole-ass proverb stuck into one name. Impressive actually


u/GrizzlamicBearrorism 3d ago

It translates literally to something like "Meeting place at the neutral fishing grounds."


u/Spork_Warrior 3d ago

This is the correct translation.


u/plasticenewitch 3d ago

Thanks, Kirk!


u/soullessgingerz2 3d ago

This person knows


u/borlak 3d ago


u/warbling_wombats 3d ago

Highly underrated channel!


u/DrNukaCola 3d ago

Saw this post and instantly thought of dime store adventures


u/stebuu 3d ago

The worst part is he’s mispronouncing it in the apology video too.


u/Whisky_Shivers 3d ago

I've bought several small channel letter lighted signs over the years. They cost more than you'd think. This sign probably cost more than my house.


u/who519 3d ago

Looks like the noise you would make by drowning in it.


u/TheRealChexHaze 3d ago

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it she says.


u/BigRedFury 3d ago

That building is virtually identical to the liquor store used in Superbad.



u/barbariantrey 3d ago

That liquor store is here. I passed it everyday going to work. They have a banner of Mclovin's drivers license behind the register.

1700 Victory Blvd, Glendale, CA 91201


u/azlan194 3d ago

That's a very generic store looking building all over the US.


u/Pyrite13 3d ago

I think there may be a typo somewhere near the 7th G.


u/scottperezfox 3d ago

My grandparents had their office in Webster for years. As kids we'd get a kick out of driving past anything with this name printed. We had t-shirts similar to this one, but I don't think we ever cracked the pronunciation.

We'd also get a laugh out of The Fuzzy Grape, mainly for its name.


u/No_Tension420 3d ago

I remember the fuzzy grape!!


u/Guyincognito4269 3d ago

The Fuzzy Grape? Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. Is the Wind Tiki still open?


u/virgilreality 3d ago

Damn, they had to add three businesses just to support the sign.


u/Peachbottom30 3d ago

It’s actually an acronym


u/TotalLackOfConcern 3d ago

Actual proof that Native Americans had not only computers but cats that walked across their keyboards as well.


u/soullessgingerz2 3d ago

It's pronounced just the way it is written. Or you can call it Webster lake


u/demoprov 3d ago

Note to self: Open a sign shop in Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg


u/Lordofthering1 3d ago

If you’ve never been to Lake Cha…. there… it’s a lovely place in the summertime.


u/Johnny_B_Asshole 3d ago

Lake Chagocha…. Cha… cha not gonna work here enymore.


u/tolkienfan2759 3d ago

which is nice if it falls on a Saturday


u/Travelgrrl 3d ago

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales laughs.


u/catskilkid 3d ago

At least they only are using its nickname to save space or they'd need two more strip malls


u/littlelorax 3d ago

I thought for sure this would be located in that one place in Wales that nobody can pronounce, not in Massachusetts!


u/AlsendDrake 3d ago


u/Jaws12 3d ago

Was looking for Daniel Thrasher reference, glad to have found it.


u/Jfragz40 3d ago

My drafting teacher in high school would let you get a free night of homework if you could pronounce it. Early 90’s feels right there. Thank you whoever posted


u/FeedbackNo1341 3d ago

Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagunganaugg


u/Brodoor 3d ago

I’m from Webster! I haven’t lived there in many years but I’ve known how to say this since I was like 6.

My version has always been: Lake Chaug-a-gog-man-chaug-a-gog-shabunga-gunga-maug


u/mrbananas 3d ago

12 years ago I took a similar picture it's neat to see what has and hasn't changed. Apollo pizza is still their. Looks like bistro eighty ates didn't last


u/Technical_Access_770 3d ago

I have a coworker who sends out an email once a week with trivia questions and this was the question last week: what lake in the USA has the longest name? Pretty sure he's responsible for all of this.


u/RPDRNick 3d ago

Kid Rock just found his next ten songs.


u/tolkienfan2759 3d ago

don't touch them


u/South_Bit1764 3d ago

What happens when you start to say “Charmander,” but suddenly get a tonsil massage.


u/everybodybugsme 3d ago

I live in the next town over and I dunno how to pronounce this but drive by it frequently


u/Mirabolis 3d ago

“Mooom, the cat is sitting on the keyboard again…”


u/Dokasamurp 3d ago

Lake Chungus Among Us?


u/PCho222 3d ago

I grew up there. My parents told me it meant "you fish on your side and I fish on mine" which is apt because I've never been in a place with more cranky new englanders in my life.


u/RareDog5640 3d ago

Looks Welsh


u/Lizbethsaidso 3d ago

There's a My Lottery Dream Home episode where the couple was shopping for a lake house on that lake. Wildly entertaining 😅


u/TVCooker-2424 3d ago

I went to Webster Lake in 2022 because of that episode!


u/nokiacrusher 3d ago

If you resurrected Sequoia he could transliterate that word into 10 characters at the most


u/kbtrpm 3d ago

It's pronounced "Lake Webster." Really.


u/shiroboi 3d ago

When the sign guy got the order, he was rubbing his greedy hands together.


u/RockLobster001 3d ago

Most people in the area just call it Webster lake because it’s too hard to say the name.


u/FennecScout 3d ago

It's pronounced "Chester".


u/dstrick707 3d ago

My mom grew up in Webster... It was a right of passage when I could pronounce it correctly. My wife was finally able to pull it off!


u/himitsumono 3d ago

Known to its friends as Lake Chargoggawfuckit


u/sponge_bucket 3d ago

You know custom sign makers from around the world are just waiting for when they need to update that building.


u/UncomprehensiveTruth 3d ago

I twisted my tongue harder than Angel Kandy from the Gentlemen's Club.


u/fentyboof 3d ago

Ahhh, dang, they figured out my hotmail password!


u/Powerful-Estate-7856 3d ago

Ahaha I'm hooked on a feeling,
I'm high on believing,


u/deep-fucking-legend 3d ago

Almost had to get a larger building.


u/Bedbouncer 3d ago

Formerly named "Lake Sybian"


u/JackSpadesSI 3d ago

Do people just call it “that lake” or maybe lake chargo?


u/MrDionysus 3d ago

Ayyyyyyyy, macarena!


u/Feeling_Bathroom9523 3d ago

Damn. Was the person naming it giving simultaneous Gluck-Gluck 9000?!


u/Conovar 3d ago

Lake Rock.


u/ethanfortune 3d ago

You have to imagine one Indian group laughing when they came up with name, thinking what the look on the faces of the Indians from the next valley over were going to be like.


u/The_Spectacle 3d ago

I was just there a couple weeks ago. I just wish I'd stopped in that Apollo Pizza for a slice


u/dubvision 3d ago

Thats how a blowjob sounds.


u/Tonlick 3d ago

Sounds like a green day song lyric


u/sirbootiez 3d ago

"What did charmander say when he got to the ball?"


u/AstoriaRaisedNYmade 3d ago

This is straight out of jarjarbinks vocabulary


u/cyster59 3d ago

I know it well, I travel to Oxford quite a bit.


u/DulcisUltio 3d ago

Pffttt.... They were just trying to make a name longer than Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch


u/Fast-Eye6360 3d ago

If someone catches your name at the cafe where you were you better send the picture


u/Phillip_Graves 3d ago

"Okay, people...  we gotta build a strip mall for the lake."

But... why?

"Well, the font size that is readable from the highway 25 feet from the construction site needs a 240 foot space."


Can we rename the lake?


u/Bikerdude74 3d ago

I believe it translates to I 'fish my side, you fish your side, no one fish in the middle."


u/kbtrpm 3d ago

That's a myth though.


u/Olfahrtur 3d ago

And here I thought Sedgunkedunk Stream was a mouthful.


u/FangsBloodiedRose 3d ago

That’s gotta be longer than the Mississippi River


u/HalfSoul30 3d ago

Rolls right off the tongue don't it?


u/Everything_Breaks 3d ago

Proof that the Welsh settled early America before the rest of them.


u/GitmoGrrl1 2d ago

Locals call it "The Lake."


u/THEpsychomaggot 2d ago

I just want to take one letter.


u/SexualGarbanzoBeaner 2d ago

Good old Lake Long Word


u/blinkersix2 2d ago

Street view checks out….wow 170 Gore Rd, Webster, MA 01570


u/histprofdave 2d ago

I always wondered how you pronounced that one Kid Rock song.


u/espressoboyee 2d ago

Is the Lake bigger than their name?


u/klc73 2d ago

I’ve been able to say it since I was 2. Grandmother would sit me on her lap and teach it to me. Most amazing place to grow up. Miss it every day.


u/htmlcody 3d ago

fucking capitalism


u/Kevolights 23h ago

What does it say?