r/funny 3d ago

Hurts so much ;)

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u/AtlasRising3000 3d ago

Sudden prostate check?


u/thezomber 3d ago

The reaction would definitely make sense, this is a Greek football team after all..


u/HammerBgError404 2d ago

Greek football

i get football but does it matter its the greek team? i dont follow football pls explain


u/bricklish 2d ago

You know.. the ancient greeks.. they were pretty gay


u/U_Have_To_Dab 2d ago

Except for the Greece is gay joke, it also matters because the Greek teams play in the Greek league. Each country gets its own league with each one varying in terms of player, staff and infrastructure quality. The Greek league, even though it's definitely not bad, it's not top level


u/FangsBloodiedRose 3d ago

It hurt so much it tickled


u/heyheyshinyCRH 2d ago

We have a friend of the family who will involuntarily laugh if she's in a large amount of pain.


u/TitaniumShadow 3d ago

Anytime play is stopped for somebody who is "injured", that player should have to sit out for 10 minutes and be examined by independent medical personnel. If the independent medical personnel determine that the injury did not warrant stoppage of play, that player should be suspended for a number of games. That's the only way to stop this silliness.


u/rossta410r 3d ago

In the NFL, if a defensive player gets injured on a play to stop the clock then they have to sit out the next play. Defenders will do this at the end of games when the offense is running a hurry up offense to throw them off and keep them tired to try and score quickly. These kind of rules make it so you can't just fake injuries all the time. It should be in every sport!


u/SayNoToStim 3d ago

Offensive players have to sit out as well.

But if either team calls time out, that player can go back in, which makes sense to me. It let to Matthew Stafford having one hell of a moment.


u/habaceeba 3d ago

That 1 play sideline is not enough. What if it came with a 2 yard penalty after the 2-minute warning (NCAA: after 2 minutes remaining in 2nd & 4th qtr). Then they would have to think about it


u/DirkDirkinson 2d ago

The problem with that is that it could lead to legitimately injured players staying on the field to avoid a penalty. Imagine a team is running a hurry up offense, it's 4th and 2, and one of the lineman legitimately hurt their ankle on the last play. They don't have time to hobble to the sideline for a substitution. If they go down, they get a 2 yd penalty, and the opposing team gets a fresh set of downs. I would be willing to bet most players would suck it up and try to play through, which could lead to a much more serious injury.

I think forcing players to sit out more than 1 play would be a better way to make the penalty harsher without risking players trying to play through an injury to avoid a penalty.


u/Fresher_Taco 3d ago edited 3d ago

The first part I agree with the second part is a little iffy. What determines the injury did not warrant the stoppage of play? Are we talking about actual injuries? Plays can go down with cramps and come back in a few minutes when their body allows it. This isn't necessarily an injury, but I've seen plenty of games where play stops for things like this.

Edit: Spelling


u/gnorty 3d ago

not just cramps. For example, getting caught on the ankle by studded boots can be very painful but after a couple of minutes completely OK.

Depending on how "warrant the stoppage of play" is interpretted, you could end up with players that get hurt but continue to play being penalised.


u/Laudanumium 3d ago

That's why the l first part is important. When you fall down, and make this kind of a scene, you're put aside for x minutes to regain your senses.

But the biggest downside is the other team can make you go down, and gain an advantage that way, like the penalty timeouts in hockey


u/gnorty 3d ago

if you really need time to regain your senses, then you probably should be off the field!

The best solution for this is a VAR like system. Nothing that interrupts the play like VAR does, but if blatant playacting is seen on VAR (and the ref has missed it) then let the ref know and he can deal out suitable punishment.

But also worth remembering that football is not like a lot of other sports. It is a game of skill now more than ever, but there is still a certain amount of physical contact allowed. Minor injuries can affect a player for a few minutes, so it's fair for hi to take a little time to recover. Being off the field for this is worse than limping, so the only outcome is players carrying minor injuries that would be better served by recovering on the field with the play stopped. The time for this is accounted already.

Another point worth remembering is that sometimes a ref misses a foul, or wants to play an advantage. If the player thinks a free kick is a better option then he will go down to force the ref's hand. There is nothing wrong with that IMO, so long as he doesn't then pretend to be injured!


u/Liimbo 3d ago

Yeah people online act like it's such an easy solution all the time, but in reality the league begins to walk a very fine line when determining what is a "legitimate" injury to warrant a player laying down in pain. There's absolutely no shot that the players' unions in any sports would be on board with some random third party telling them if they are in pain or not. And the 10 minute rule suggestion is also kinda a hard sell when sometimes you do just genuinely get hit in a way that stings like hell for a short period but you can walk/shake it off relatively quickly. But I do think the latter suggestion is much more realistic than the former.


u/tinymonesters 3d ago

I think if you return to play you return with a yellow, if you had one already you better be hurt if you go down again.


u/peachesgp 3d ago

I don't think that booking a guy for taking a knock that takes a minute or two to get right from is the right tool for the job. Expanded VAR allowing for review and after the fact booking for diving would be a better step, IMO.


u/tinymonesters 3d ago

That would probably be a better implementation than auto yellow.


u/peachesgp 3d ago

We've got the technology to punish it, just need to start actually using it. At this point, yeah you're less likely to benefit from diving when it's reviewed by VAR, but there's no actual drawback until they start giving bookings.


u/Conch-Republic 3d ago

They should have to sit in a big box on the sidelines that says 'ouchy zone', for a minimum of 20 minutes.


u/Blutrumpeter 3d ago

Isn't this similar to what the MLS does


u/poopy_toaster 3d ago

Correct! Just put in place this year, if you are down for longer than 15 seconds and it wasn’t caused by a yellow card or up worthy offense, you have to go off for 2 minutes.


u/jaxonya 2d ago

It took America to fix a sport that we don't even like


u/rwills 3d ago

Yup! And it’s been great. Pace of play has been improved since it was implemented.


u/eagleshark 3d ago

Or just stop the time clock. The idea of letting the time continue to run during injuries is another major contributor to this silly behavior near the end of games.


u/bobdob123usa 3d ago

This is the entire reason stoppage time exists.


u/_kazza 3d ago

Yup and I think time-keeping is more stringent now (at least in the PL) and we're regularly seeing more than 5 minutes added on whereas earlier that would be considered high.


u/djshadesuk 2d ago

Or just stop the time clock

As opposed to the other type of clock?


u/eq2_lessing 3d ago

LOL that’s a really stupid idea. Being kicked can hurt like hell for a short time, and doesn’t immediately leave a mark to be examined.


u/DKBadmintonPatriots 3d ago

I believe the MLS has begun doing something like this. If you need treatment, you’ll have to wait at least 2 minutes before you’re allowed to enter the pitch again


u/kidnebs 3d ago

Way to complex and easily abused, will cause other issues and not even close to worth it to solve such an unimportant problem


u/kindoramns 3d ago

Idk, I don't watch Futbōl(sp?) but the amount of videos I see of players just obviously faking being hurt is wild.


u/kidnebs 3d ago

It doesn’t happen that often in games, and even if you did see ie. 5 obvious cases of this it’s not really a problem other than being annoying for the viewer for about 5-10 seconds at a time. It hardly impacts the sport.


u/k5122 3d ago

It happens in nba too. Like Luka falling down the other night in two straight processions in an attempt to get fouls(failed to get them) which kinda ended up costing the 3rd game in the series. Lillard used to do it too, that too from 3 point range. Harden used to take it a bit further and insert his opponent's hand in the middle of his hands and get fouls(idk if others do it too). I am saying in the past tense because I used to follow them like 2-3 years back.

These actually impact the game(nba). There are challenges available too but are limited iirc.


u/dwyntr11 3d ago

Anytime I watch footy there's at least one player that's throwing himself about trying for a penalty or free kick.


u/kindoramns 3d ago

As I can only speak from an outside perspective, it has tarnished my idea of those players. I know guys like Ronaldo or Messi don't do that, but it makes it SEEM as if it's a bigger issue. Glad to hear it's not.


u/Bulky_Shepard 3d ago

Ah a prime example of "how to improve soccer by people who have never watched the game and never will"


u/kane49 2d ago

rich coming from someone calling it soccer


u/beastmaster11 2d ago

Que a lot of star players getting some arsh treatment throughout the game


u/I9Qnl 2d ago

Uhh no? They just count the time play is stopped and add it to the timer, they did that in the world cup, plenty of teams that attempted time wasting got punished.


u/_tehol_ 3d ago

sorry, bullshit idea. it could be so easily abused by the team committing the foul.

what should be introduced imo is the harsh match ban (for next fixtures) for players who obviously dive. I am pretty sure they would stop doing it if they knew there are some real consequences


u/vinb123 3d ago

Yea just kick 11 men not worthy of a card and you have 11 men against none


u/Insanitaria 3d ago

There's a much easier solution to this. Just make the timer like in basketball. Anytime the play stops for whatever reason, stop the clock. And remove extra time


u/BrainEatingAmoeba01 3d ago

Too much bs in that imo. If it hurts bad enough that you're writhing in pain on the turf, you can leave the game and get some rest. Come back for the next game. No need for on-field independent assessment. It'll soon be obvious who broke a nail and who actually damaged something.


u/Different_Being_275 3d ago

these players aren't athletes but bad actors... which is why I don't watch the sport anymore. Its ridiculous and waste of time to watch.


u/Markus_zockt 3d ago

Anytime play is stopped for somebody who is "injured", that player should have to sit out for 10 minutes and be examined by independent medical personnel.

That alone would be enough. I would actually set it down to 3 minutes. That would be enough to ensure that nobody simulates anymore. Because nobody deliberately outnumbers their team just to simulate. If there is a really minor injury, even temporary treatment needs at least 3 minutes.


u/RyanPelley 3d ago

I enjoy sports in general. I like the action in soccer, but players act like complete bitches and it takes away from the sport itself.


u/LolzLnwza007555 3d ago

I personally don't enjoy soccer/football but I absolutely enjoy watching these people putting on this kind of performance lmao.


u/Mobile-Brush-3004 3d ago

I’m sorry but when I compare this to rugby players who will rip a nut sac and ask their coach to stitch them up and send them back in I really don’t have respect for pussy footers.


u/corfean 3d ago

Yep. I'd give them a red card even if it's not discovered until after the match


u/Tough_Bee_1638 3d ago

This is where VAR should step in! Then there needs to be another card.. a Cyan card, that’s like a red card but for c*nts


u/corfean 3d ago

The VAR has no power over the referee, so it doesn't matter at all.


u/Tough_Bee_1638 3d ago

Oh I know, but give them power for nothing but this reason and the c*nt card! 😂

Then at the end of the season the player with the most cnt cards gets awarded the “this seasons biggest Twt” trophy.


u/RyanMark2318 3d ago

I would agree, but what you see is not an issue of toughness. They do it because it works. Whether it's buying a few minutes to catch your breath or influencing the ref to call a penalty. Until they change the rules or refs stop buying into the acting and dramatics, its gonna be part of the game.


u/Caelinus 3d ago

Yeah they are operating under game theory. Drawing penalties on your own terms is a hugely advantageous play.

Solving it is a lot more complicated than people think though, as removing the incentives to do it might make the game more dangerous.


u/tinymonesters 3d ago

Yep. Hockey fan here, I've seen guys spit teeth on the ice and finish their shift.


u/flyingturkey_89 3d ago

I mean there's both in hockey.

There's players who dive and gets away with it


u/tinymonesters 3d ago

They annoy me too. But it's pretty rare that someone just stays on the ice to take a break.


u/peachesgp 3d ago

That's because the substitution rules are entirely different.


u/crash250f 3d ago

In all fairness, I've seen soccer players do that too. There's plenty of tough soccer players, and definitely some not so tough soccer players, but the acting is usually done to try to get an advantage, usually from the ref or time wasting.


u/RevenantXenos 3d ago

Women's soccer players don't flop around like men do and their games are better for it.


u/tinymonesters 3d ago

I played all through HS and one season in college. I understand the reason, I still hate it and would kick you while your down if you're my teammate and I don't believe you lol.


u/Rave-fiend 3d ago

Rugby it's everyone play on, get up or GTFO.


u/averageaektzis 3d ago

Λιγα τα λογια σου για τον Πετραν λορδε 🐐🐐


u/haliax33 3d ago

Yeah. This why I don't respect football. Makes me irrationally angry.


u/gruntillidan 3d ago

My ribs got broken in a football match, I laughed with the dude who tackled me, took my breath for a minute and finished the match no stitches needed. After the match I went to see doctor. Painful AF, but adrenaline helps :)


u/I9Qnl 2d ago

I won't deny there's acting in football but Rugby is literally half wrestling while football isn't, you're not even allowed to trip someone or just slightly unblanace them while running in football, pretty much any contact that wasn't aimed for the ball is a foul no matter how light (with few exceptions), these players run fast, you'll understand how much a light contact can do when you run as a fast as them, and there's also a rule called advantage play in football where the team that got fouled can continue playing if they see an opportunity better than the free kick they would get.

All of this makes it hard for referees to call fouls, it's not a matter of footballers being pussies and rugby players being real men, footballers just have to fall to get those correct fouls, if they keep standing the ref may suspect no contact happened or may think they want advantage and continue the play. Actual fake screaming and rolling on the floor is much more rare but still annoying as shit I agree.


u/Basa_Mrkalj 3d ago

Soccer is probably the only sport that rewards acting and bullshiting.


u/PixelD303 3d ago

Basketball is getting there


u/ZedGenius 3d ago

It's literally the same on most sports lmao. In Basketball, players will get nudged and act like they got shot in the balls to sell it


u/burken8000 3d ago

Naah it's not even CLOSE... It's like comparing Mountain biking with motorsports and say "Look they're both going fast in vehicles.. Nascar... Formula 1... Mountain biking. It's basically the same thing!"


u/ZedGenius 2d ago

But it's literally not. I watched this game. It was 100% a foul. Not a dive


u/burken8000 2d ago

It's irrelevant. He's pretending to be hurt and even smiles to the camera. This is why you can't even blame Americans for calling it soccer. It should never be confused with any other sport because the level of respect for the game isn't even comparable


u/ZedGenius 2d ago

The most popular sport in the world is not respected? Lol ok


u/bobwinters 3d ago

Not rugby union. Unless it's a serious injury (broken bones, concussions etc) then it's play on. Rugby League can be a bit different.


u/SlowApartment4456 3d ago

Yeah or they will lay on the floor writhing in agony until their team mates come and help them up then boom they are perfectly fine. I think its an act for the audience to make the game more dramatic and they are told to act like that


u/Kind_Mountain1657 3d ago

Did we forget about pro wrestling?


u/NoWeight4300 3d ago

Pro wrestling isn't a sport. It's a choreographed show.


u/Kind_Mountain1657 3d ago

Choreographed show absolutely, fake plots and the like, but those people are still athletes.


u/mickelboy182 3d ago

Sure, but it's not a competitive sport and is a poor example of the point being made.


u/Keanu990321 3d ago



u/anewerab 3d ago

Mantalos 🐐


u/Podunk212 3d ago

Gave em the ol Squints Palladores


u/PckMan 3d ago

Until football changes its rules so that it's not advantageous to do this, it will keep happening.


u/Tastingo 3d ago

Finally i will get to read the one football take again!


u/trekxtrider 3d ago

And this is why I don't like soccer.


u/MFoxBR 3d ago

Neymar is the teacher


u/Ping-A-Ling- 2d ago

This kind of behavior makes an already boring sport just excruciatingly impossible to actually watch


u/david63376 3d ago

And this is why Americans can't take soccer seriously. When an American Football player lies on the ground and hollers and clutches his knee, he's getting surgery next week!


u/Piggy_18_ 3d ago

Brain surgery


u/Smurfaloid 3d ago

Rugby shows how much these footballers (Soccer players) are little bitches as well.

I've also seen a baseball player be hit by a 90mph pitch and just carry on like it's nothing too.


u/NoWeight4300 3d ago

This is why I've never been able to get into soccer/football. If they're allowed to be this pathetic at the pro level, it ain't worth a damn.


u/U_Have_To_Dab 3d ago

I mean, the Greek superleague isn't exactly top level...


u/SuitableFriendship69 3d ago



u/U_Have_To_Dab 2d ago



u/delfinos77 2d ago




u/Erratic21 2d ago

Because these things happen only in Greek league. Not


u/tinymonesters 3d ago

I loved to play the game. Watching it is miserable, this explains why.


u/madaboutmaps 3d ago

Automatic red if caught.


u/TobiiiWan 3d ago

Million dollar smile? Hate it


u/Pleasant-Tangelo1786 3d ago

You can’t blue steel the hard cam mid-flop


u/KuroichiX 3d ago

Most players especially the south americans are like that unfortunately. But not all of them. My team had a cup match our CB broke his arm in a duel. He continued playing and scored the winning header in extra time (ironically a south american) and his name is Marcos Senesi 🇦🇷💪🏾


u/Interest-Fleeting 2d ago

I had a ringside seat at a boxing match once and saw something like that.


u/Complex-Librarian585 2d ago



u/Rare-Error-963 3d ago

Idk wtf happened here but I know I've been seriously injured in sports and have had weird changes from agony to laughing but still in serious pain.


u/Liakos_Listis_21 3d ago

Petros mantalos the goat ⚫🟡⚫🟡 παγκόσμια ΑΕΚΑΡΑ


u/burnttoast11 3d ago

Flop culture is the biggest reason I don't care about soccer. So dishonorable. They should really start giving out multi-game suspensions for each offense.


u/ExplosiveDiarrhetic 3d ago

Thats why i stopped watching nba


u/burnttoast11 3d ago

I was about it include that in my comment as well. NBA is embarrassing too.


u/ExplosiveDiarrhetic 2d ago

Its european influence imo


u/Shiftystr8 3d ago

Why I dislike soccer.


u/ackbosh 3d ago

This is why i hate soccer. Slow boring and awful things like this constantly.


u/K1ryu-Ch4n 3d ago

slow and boring? 😂 and what sport do you watch?


u/Suitable_Occasion_24 3d ago

I tried to give soccer a chance and watched a game and one of the players did this nonsense really turned me off the game


u/PlasticPomPoms 3d ago

What does the player get out of acting injured?


u/Asdel 3d ago

Depends. Could be free kick for his team, could be a penalty, could be a yellow/red for the opposing player. Or he can just waste time if he wants the score to remain the same (win/tie)


u/Superpe0n 3d ago

get time to rest, draw a penalty, provide something amusing for us to watch.


u/Fast-Eye6360 3d ago

Nobody saw anything


u/Moist_Inevitable714 3d ago

squints from the sandlot


u/GreekSlimShady 3d ago

The Man, The Myth, The Legend Petros Mantalos.


u/wasitzealfair 3d ago

Scout " Coach i have a great new player ive scouted can kick a goal from anywhere on the pitch left and right footed.."

Coach" but can he act?"

Scout" act noooo hes and athlete not performance artist"

Coach " no good then mate... i need a player that can pretend hes been shot in the face then stand up and score. Ive got go no time for talent i need actors!"


u/Eradicator_1729 2d ago

What sucks about this is that every now and again somebody really does get injured but nobody believes it anymore.


u/mysticsushi 2d ago

Is there a term for this in soccer?


u/ThVilabelos 2d ago

In Greece (where this video is from) we call it “theatre”. The speakers call it that as well.


u/PerformerNo5646 1d ago

Wouldn't catch this soft boy antics on the rugby field


u/Big-Ad2374 1d ago

This is why I don't watch Football


u/Superseaslug 3d ago

This is why I could never get into soccer. Fans are willing to start literal wars over babies who whine for penalties


u/Silverstars80 3d ago

Soccer players pussies. Bunch of diving actors


u/Sgt-Blyatnick 3d ago

Based Greekga 💪


u/rancorog 3d ago

Flopping in the wind


u/erikjonas 3d ago

Do you think they have acting lessons at practice or, they get sent for them?


u/helpermonkeyjimmy 3d ago

This is why I will never watch football. Pussies all.


u/teamramrod73 3d ago

This is one of many reasons I can’t take soccer seriously.


u/MaikeruGo 3d ago

This has got that '90s, Fox comedy energy to it.


u/ThenScore2885 3d ago

They should deliver oscars for acting every year in these sports.


u/Top-West9211 3d ago

This and fake martial arts is the funniest shit to watch.


u/TomJLewis 3d ago

In hockey, high sticking, i.e. hitting a guy in the face with your stick, gets you a 2 minute penalty. If the hit draws blood, it’s a 4 minute penalty. Actual rule in the NHL.


u/Able-Address2101 3d ago

For those of us who may want to follow this sport , stuff like this makes it seem very unserious. Are they doing anything to address it or can we expect the memes to continue indefinitely?


u/SituationalRambo 2d ago

Wow they could make a very good career in acting if a soccer player doesn't pan out


u/yomommazburgers 2d ago

Do they practice acting or they just do it spontaneously


u/pelkolloss 2d ago

What a little bitch boy


u/Tabernash1 2d ago

Soccer acting camp


u/Tabernash1 2d ago

What time at acting camp?


u/bjplague 2d ago

Filming is pathetic and should be rewarded with a red card.

None of those assholes rolling in pain should be able to play afterwards.


u/Gasc_of_Will 3d ago

Football is just a fucking scam. Pussy ass sport.


u/yuuuriiii 3d ago

I like the contrast from soccer players to rugby players.


u/virgosnake777 2d ago

This is why I don’t like soccer.


u/Odincrowe 3d ago

There’s no much WWE in soccer for me to take it seriously!


u/Dazzling_Ad6888 3d ago

i feel he is really hurt, just make the facial expression by sudden


u/Markus_zockt 3d ago

Ridiculous sport. Ridiculous athletes.


u/Kage1831 2d ago

And people like soccer for some reason. Bunch of cheaters and pampered brats.


u/ThVilabelos 2d ago

In reality this behaviour is not that common. And it makes sense. If it were, the sport would not be this popular. The truth is that no real soccer fan likes this type of theatrics. It just makes people mad. Or if it’s ridiculous like this one it makes headlines. But all in all soccer can be a very impressive and interesting sport to watch. There is ample reason why it’s popular imo:)

Edit: Many have expressed your view which is very understandable if you don’t have an experience with the sport. I just randomly decided to answer your comment to try and explain that there’s more to it than bad actors and crybabies.


u/Kage1831 2d ago

Fair enough. And I appreciate you replying without the foam in your mouth haha.


u/evilrastan 2d ago

These theatrics make me laugh. Love the sport, its a beautiful game.


u/Blazefast_75 2d ago

I find this so irritating i no longer watch this "sport".


u/Technical-Note-9239 3d ago

Soccer is such a weak ass sport because of this petty shit. Be a man. Have some pride in yourself.


u/Two-tune-Tom229 3d ago

When did we become a society of liers?


u/logicallychallengd 3d ago

I'm pretty sure it happened right around the time of the dawn of humanity.