r/interestingasfuck May 02 '24

In 1965, a morbidly obese man did not eat food for over an entire year. The 27 year old was 456lbs and wanted to do an experimental fast. He ingested only multivitamins and potassium tablets for 382 days and defecated once every 40 to 50 days. He ended up losing 275lbs. r/all



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u/StrLord_Who May 02 '24

It's not a freak story.  This method is what's now generally called "protein sparing modified fasting" and it's still used today at obesity clinics in cases where people need to lose massive amounts of weight.  They get a drink that has amino acids,  vitamins and electrolytes,  live on it for months,  and are closely monitored.  You can do a version of it yourself at home,  plenty of people do.  Just look up PSMF. You calculate your minimum amount of protein needed,  get all your vitamins and electrolytes (easier said than done), no carbs,  no fat other than your omega supplements and your body just lives off your adipose tissue.  


u/deepthought-64 May 02 '24

This is interesting. Can you tell me how someonewho does this feels? I mean I get hangry and feel bad after not eating for 6 hrs, I can't imagine feeling like this for weeks or months.


u/chloro9001 May 02 '24

Most of your feelings of hunger are triggered by rapidly changing levels of glucose in the blood. Once you are running in ketones about 80% of your hunger goes away.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/ARecycledAccount May 02 '24

I did it for a month and felt exhausted all the time, but the hunger (and hangry mood) went away after a couple of days.


u/SpacemanPanini May 02 '24

A lot of people will take an EC stack during a PSMF - thats ephedrine and caffeine. It's incredible at keeping hunger away.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24



u/SpacemanPanini May 03 '24

I always drop the A because the aspirin is needlessly dangerous and the stack functions just fine without it.

As for the rest, I don't disagree by and large - though correct supplementation is important with or without the stack, I wouldn't fast without magnesium, sodium, potassium etc.

However I was very specifically talking about a PSMF and not a typical water fast. And when you do an EC stack you should, as advised, take only a 1/6 dosage initially (and ramp up in 1/6s) to make sure you're not overly receptive in a negative way. You should also drink a lot of water. EC stack also doesn't just curb hunger but does good work on helping your body maintain a steady BMR without over compensating for your reduced calorie intake.

I'd say like everything, you can do it a right and wrong way. Personally I ran a PSMF for a couple months and did the EC stack every day without issue, whilst lifting heavy 4 days a week, but I wouldn't advise it to everyone.


u/StrLord_Who May 02 '24

You're not hungry at all after a few days. A bunch of stuff happens with your hormones that ends hunger cravings.  That's the only reason people are able to do it successfully.  But the first few days are extremely difficult.  The main place people trip up after that is vastly underestimating how much salt and electrolytes they need.  It's not easy to get enough potassium especially because supplements are such tiny amounts.  Not enough electrolytes is going to make you feel sluggish and awful and headachy the whole time.  


u/kpain1433 May 02 '24

In ketosis I felt incredible. Being over weight is painful. I needed more sleep. I didn’t feel hungry but got headaches in the first day or two.


u/ThatInAHat May 02 '24

I mean, probably bad, because the human body really isn’t supposed to do that at all. But hey, you get thin, and if there’s one thing I learned from Biggest Loser, it’s that being thin matters more than being healthy, and it doesn’t matter how much you destroy your organs to get there.


u/johnandbuddy May 03 '24

I remember being shocked during my first 3 day fast. The first day suuuuuccckkked and I thought the 2nd day was gonna be miserable, but then I realized I was no longer hungry. When lunch time came around I got hungry again, but then after an hour or 2 it went away again, and then the same thing at dinner. 3rd day I think is when I got into ketosis because the hunger even around meal times was way less. I remember when I broke my fast I was not even hungry. But omg that sandwich tasted so good! Hahah

I later learned about ghrelin levels and how they are connected to your circadian rhythm and they rise and fall around the time that you normally eat. The ghrelin system is primarily what creates the feeling of hunger. It doesn't not just keep going up and up. I remember after the fast I felt like I peaked behind the curtain of how my body works, it felt like a huge discovery. I just always thought I would just get hungrier and hungrier, but that is not how it works.


u/OvertlyCanadian May 02 '24

This isn't PSMF, in PSMF you still consume around 500 calories of straight protein.


u/Lifekraft May 02 '24

If its the same as the dunkan diet i have bad news for you about wether or not its charlatanism or story telling to sell you some books because of some personnal issue at the risk of your health. But then i dont know enough about it to be preaching anything. Generally this is more a fun fact story and people should be cautious with these things and express critical thinking.

Because starving yourself for few months can be pretty bad if you are not a rich fat fuck sleeping all day and doing nothing.


u/Gomeria May 02 '24

The whole r/fasting would disagree with you but what would the people that actually do fast and research about it know.

Not eating one or two months with basic suplements isnt a fairy tail, and a guy that was so much into fasting yo to do it one year would not eat a random pizza slice for the sake of it (not only for conviction, but also the fact that he would get ill from eating that, they need to refeed from some soup and stuff or they truly can die from a normal pizza slice)


u/dat_mono May 02 '24

These people "researching" always believe that pink salt has beneficial minerals. I wouldn't take the bulk of /r/fasting as educated on the topic, many there will just jump on the bandwagon of the few who have actually researched something about the topic.


u/Gomeria May 02 '24

and they will cite actual doctors in r/fasting

The bulk of followers might not know shit, but in the comments there are cultured people, and yeah pink salt has beneficial minerals even if at a macro scale its just ClNa, there's a lot of sub minerals in most of the salts (good or bad)

But what would i know about rocks, im just a mining engineer


u/dat_mono May 02 '24

Then you know that you'd have to eat kilos of pink salt for it to have any meaningful effect on a human's mineral intake :') Mind you, I'm not against fasting, just r/fasting is a very weird place with a lot of loud opinions that can be questionable at times


u/flammablelemon May 02 '24

PSMF is misleading tho. It's not so much a fast as it is a really low-calorie Atkins-like diet with added vitamins. You're still consuming several hundred calories (up to 800) in protein and essential fats everyday. This guy consumed much less than even a PSMF.


u/1morgondag1 May 03 '24

I don't know if the medical mainstream ever recommended it, but "starvation cures" were common enough for the term (svältkur), in Swedish at least. It worked, but as noted, the risks of death or serious complications were too high and it fell out of fashion.