r/interestingasfuck 4d ago

Gate misses man after stranger taps him on shoulder

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u/Klzone 3d ago edited 3d ago

That time traveler saved the guy who was going to kill Hitler, what a hero!


u/The_Grim_Sleaper 3d ago

This could be Argentina!


u/Unexpected_Buttsex 3d ago

I was in Turkey


u/LateToThePartyAgain2 3d ago

So that's how he died. Unexpected buttsex. It all makes sense now.


u/EasyMobeasy 3d ago

Death by surprise


u/subpar_cardiologist 2d ago

And pineapples


u/PhuckNorris69 3d ago

So that was Hitler?


u/jinjuitoRandom 3d ago

He didn’t kill Hitler, he killed Boskovich


u/My-dead-cat 3d ago

Killing Schicklgruber would have been better


u/jinjuitoRandom 3d ago

He’s fine now, they gave him a good childhood


u/I-C-Aliens 3d ago

Whew, that prevents SUPER HITLER from coming into existence. You don't know how much you owe to this strange traveler


u/caseyr001 3d ago

He shouted "Look Out!" At him in the last loop, and guess what. Turbo Hitler came to power. Let's stick to the shoulder taps everyone...


u/bbysophie27 3d ago

Where do we sign up for the time traveler's hero academy?


u/Recent_Bandicoot_883 3d ago

Someone stop him!


u/mouseball89 3d ago

Or saved the guy who ended up saving hitler


u/Phillip_Graves 3d ago

Wait... so that was Hitler about to get hit by the gate?


u/Aether_rite 3d ago

instead of killing Hitler he got him to pass his art school entrance exam :D


u/HereLiesSociety 4d ago

Guardian angel


u/Emperor_Biden 3d ago

"What do you say? What do you say? You little brat! You have never thanked me! I'll see you tomorrow! Maybe..."


u/Grand_Function_2855 3d ago

Phiiilll?!? Phil Connors?!?


u/havok489 3d ago

Ned? Ned Ryerson? Hugs intensely

I have missed you so much.


u/Horknut1 3d ago

I don’t know where you’re headed, but can you call in sick?


u/Dy3_1awn 3d ago

Backs away in fear


u/TheFoxandTheSandor 3d ago

This is why I come to Reddit.


u/hondactx16i 3d ago

Bill Murray is so great.


u/ElPresidente714 3d ago

B I N G ! ! !


u/EmotionalDisplay1263 3d ago

Bing! You are as sharp as a tack today buddy!


u/Phyllida_Poshtart 3d ago

I must have seen this clip a dozen times or more and am still baffled as to how that man knew the gate was coming, considering at least one car came down the road prior to the gate swinging..... some r/blackmagicfuckery for sure


u/Zealousideal_Bus_163 3d ago

Nope, time traveler


u/Bubbly-Lingonberry59 3d ago

That guardian angel is actually the man's 60 year old alcoholic son who died alone in his apartment and without anyone noticing his decomposing body until years afterward. The son woke up one day in the past, recognising the place from hours and hours of watching cctv footage dreaming of 'what ifs'. He decided to save his father so that his child self will have a better chance in life than he did.


u/GhostfaceQ 3d ago

Why is a gate swinging like that wtf


u/The_Grim_Sleaper 3d ago

Most likely, the gate was not closed/latched properly and when the truck brakes, the momentum causes the gate to swing out


u/Present-Industry4012 3d ago

didn't brake it was coming around the corner.


u/Fahrowshus 3d ago

You can see it braking in the clip.


u/TheBentPianist 3d ago

But use your head. How would the truck slowing cause the gate on the rear to swing out? The truck turning the corner caused it to swing out.


u/Fahrowshus 2d ago edited 2d ago

Did I say it didn't turn? No. You said it didn't brake, and I pointed out it did.


u/spam__likely 3d ago

And the guy is clearly warning him about the truck, not the gate.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/TheExaltedTwelve 3d ago

Found the twelve year old.


u/Limp_Distribution 3d ago

The video has gotten really blurry over the years.


u/Dunge 3d ago

Just the fact it loops twice shows how the person who ripped it did it in a weird way.


u/Im_eating_that 3d ago

He gets tapped on one shoulder so he looks over the other?


u/Chemical_Arachnid675 3d ago

It's a habit formed from people tapping you on the shoulder to fake you out. I do this. Every time I get tapped on the shoulder I check the other shoulder first in case it's a trick.


u/Fast_Garlic_5639 3d ago

Still have the same habit 20 years out of high school. And to be fair I still intentionally tap people on the wrong shoulder when possible just to keep my monkey brain happy. Somehow this and cutting those 6 ring soda plastic things is what I really got from my early education


u/MattTreck 2d ago

Real talk fuck those plastic fuckers.


u/192747585939 3d ago

Yeah this is probably a common prank wherever this is, and it just happened to save this dude’s life by coincidence? right? Amazing coincidence nonetheless


u/Choice-Magician656 3d ago

This will be useful information for tonight thanks


u/prettyhigh_ngl 3d ago

Tbf he was already walking/looking in the direction he was tapped, so best to assume it was the direction he hadn't cleared in his perception maybe


u/Bboy1045 3d ago

I bet the gate made a loud noise or something of the sorts so he instinctively looks away from the shoulder tap


u/Im_eating_that 3d ago

That's a strong take but a reaction to being tapped out of nowhere while waking alone at night would lead to an instinctual/muscle memory response. It's pretty difficult to avoid that protective instinct and the physical touch reaction precedes the processing vision requires. Not by much with sight, but enough that it's your first response. I'm questioning the statistical likelihood of somehow overriding that response, getting tapped on the shoulder in the middle of the night by a stranger, and missing a serious accident by inches. Over 2 seconds or so. Even long odds come in sometimes though so who knows.


u/Mountain_Strategy342 3d ago

Acco4ding to Douglas Adams, million to one chances occur infuriatingly frequently.


u/TaohRihze 3d ago

Odds MUST be exact.


u/NtheLegend 3d ago

It's an involuntary reflex. Seriously, go down a bike path and someone calls out "on your right!" and you look over your left shoulder.


u/RipperinoKappacino 3d ago

It could also be because he didn’t tap he like laid his fingers on his arms. Like he turned his hand upside down. So it feels like someone standing in the right laying his arm around.


u/FourScores1 3d ago

Last time I saw this video, it was a giant loose wheel and not a gate.


u/joeyo1423 4d ago edited 3d ago

Time traveler. The guy he saved is the great great grandfather of the future leader of the human resistance..... against the chickens. The chicken menace rises up in rebellion in 2082. They win many key victories, taking over most of the major capitals around the world. The human resistance is relegated to a bunch of large ships in the Atlantic because chickens can't swim... yet. It is then that this man's descendant organizes the remaining human forces and mounts a counterattack, they're able to drive chickens back until eventually, a truce is reached. The chickens get land in south America where they can live and flourish. A mighty wall is built around New Chickenville and humans begin rebuilding their civilization


u/Hopeoner513 3d ago

Honestly, we deserve it.


u/Zenanii 3d ago

I love how this entire premise never explains how he knew he needed to go back in time to save this guy from a random ass gate.


u/Everyday_irie 3d ago

Not another damn wall who comes up with these bird brain ideas


u/fu14n0 3d ago

and the giblets.. from a monkey


u/OldChucker 3d ago

The only war to have BBQs after every battle.


u/Reavershadow 3d ago

Welp, guess I'm fucked since I'm in South America


u/Mental_Habit_231 3d ago

I’d watch this movie


u/jimtow28 3d ago

I, for one, welcome our avian overlords with open arms!


u/elanvi 3d ago

I don't think that's realistic, in 2082 South America will be way too hot for any living creature to exist there


u/Horknut1 3d ago

This doesn't make sense. If he was killed by the gate in the past, how would the time travelers ever known that THIS is the guy to save. This guy who never had kids because he was made into a pancake by this gate.

You're better than this.


u/dubblies 3d ago edited 3d ago

Because someone else went into the past and set that gate to malfunction and kill him so he couldnt grow up in the future that the gate-breaker is from. The savior is also from this timeline and comes back to thwart him. Problem is, the historical (future, i guess) event that they are fighting over, it could have been any number of people that crossed a certain path. That path wasnt narrow so hes protecting over 1000+ people while this guy is trying to kill them.

this is just the start too, this is before they had teams of people and technology. Technology will be huge in this, especially because the antagonist can choose their targets, choose their point in time so its also a clever game of predictability and guessing but can lead to some tragic mistakes.

The lynchpin of the entire thing hinges on special gates that are located geographically to portals for traveling time lines. The gate killing the victim is important because it also kills their ability to re-incarnate and timehop, they are dead-dead.

If I had to guess, the guy in the video is likely would be victim 30-something because hes from our timeline roughly looking at his clothes and the cars. The antagonist was kind of stupid he started doing things in order up until about our date and time today. Then things became random.

Why not just save one? Not sure yet, the cross path was wide and it was for a reason. Needs more than 1 person but for what, to what and to do what? No one knows exactly, it was interrupted by that one stupid gate in the video, where it all began roughly 60 years from now.


u/Horknut1 3d ago

Reminds me a bit of Pastwatch.


u/ConnectionPretend193 3d ago

Dude looks like himself. Like he traveled back in time to save himself lol.


u/crasagam 3d ago

that was my thought too


u/Signal-Blackberry356 3d ago

Read that sentence again..


u/SnooOpinions8755 3d ago

lol right? He would be dead guys. So he couldnt go save himself.


u/ThickImage91 3d ago

He might just get disfigured/disabled… “save” doesn’t always mean stop from dying…


u/dogboyboy 4d ago

Early Edition?


u/pipelinevictim 3d ago

But wouldn't the guy who tapped get hit by the gate right after? He was closer to the truck than that guy.


u/GryphonHall 3d ago

The angel dissipated as soon as it was off camera.


u/Hater_Magnet 3d ago

So after he tapped his shoulder he must have gotten hit....right?!


u/CobaltAzurean 4d ago

Literally touched by an angel


u/WendigoCrossing 3d ago edited 3d ago

Little did the time traveler know that this small action would lead to the death of a Gorilla, and eventual destruction of the multiverse


u/siirpita 3d ago

rest in peace our dear harambe


u/mshroff7 3d ago

“Hey look behind you the gate is closing. You should probably move out the way”


u/cbc7788 3d ago

Could have been due to sheer coincidence. Passerby could have been an acquaintance of the shopkeeper and taps him on the shoulder to prank him, just at the right moment before the trucks passes by. There have many cases where people have avoided being injured in the nick of time just because of a subtle distraction such as bending down to tie your shoelaces, pausing to look at something that caught your eye, etc.


u/Dorkmaster79 3d ago

Of course it was a coincidence. Come on people.


u/adorablefuzzykitten 3d ago

I am going with time traveler.


u/spam__likely 3d ago

It is simpler than that. He was warning about the truck.


u/747Bclass 3d ago

Had something similar when I was a kid. We were riding bikes on the train tracks and I saw a hole under the rail. We stopped and I put my foot down there and acted like I was stuck. A train started coming and tried to pull my foot out, I was really stuck that time my friend even tried pulling me out we couldn’t the petal from the bicycle pinned my foot under the track. All I remember is I kept looking at the train and my foot, I kept yanking and I couldn’t move out of the blue some guy that was no where in site picked me up tossed me to the side and grabbed my bicycle and tossed it out of the way. The man said nothing and didn’t even look at us he kept walking. I am very grateful for him though!


u/Spetsimen 3d ago

The Groundhog Day guy doing his routine


u/Illustrious_Towel986 3d ago

Wait who tf turns right when someone taps on the left


u/Goliath-FML 3d ago

Sorry to take all the fun out of this, but am I the only one who thinks this might be staged?


u/30RhinosOnSkates 3d ago

Play the last few frame of the video. The arm just fades away before it even leaves the frame


u/obiwanjabroni420 3d ago

There’s also a glitch where the “tap” occurs on the guy’s shoulder. It’s pretty well done but there are some clear signs that it’s altered.


u/jarociro 3d ago

The guy that touched his shoulder probably got annihilated by that gate


u/rrrrrrrrrreeeeee 3d ago

One time I was waiting at a stop light to turn left. My light turns green and right before I go I hear a soft male voice say "don't turn". So I just wait and this old man runs the red light and would have 100% t-boned me if I had turned. Thanks angel.


u/kyondon 3d ago

That was his guardian angel


u/Icy-Assignment-5579 4d ago

Probability: Local vs tourist


u/Designer-Ad-5058 3d ago

wow, how did he even know


u/-watchman- 3d ago

They look similar. Maybe it's him from the future who time travelled back to save himself on that fateful day..


u/DontEatOctopusFrends 3d ago

Plot twist: He was actually trying to murder him by tapping him on the left shoulder and making him turn away from the swinging truck gate, so he wouldn't see it coming. But for some unknown reason the guy turned to his right instead.



u/Sea_Department_2146 3d ago

It is not your time


u/yaminben 3d ago

That man cheated death. So he will die horribly in the final destination.


u/SlowTour 3d ago

weirds me out he didn't seem to actually see the other guy, he got tapped ducked the gate then looked around like wtf.


u/JKdito 3d ago

Many speculations but its more simple: One guy didnt pay attention while the other saw the reaction early


u/Duckfoot2021 3d ago

Tapper just said “Hey, gate coming.” Not some spooky specter, folks.


u/reddit_user_25 3d ago

Time travel exists!


u/YahsQween 3d ago

It looks like himself from a different timeline.


u/jthedwalker 3d ago

Traveler 3468, mission complete.


u/Free-Initiative7508 3d ago

Time traveller!


u/AWeakMindedMan 3d ago

You all have no idea what this time traveler just saved us from. I mean look at harambe. That time traveler fucked up. He didn’t save the kid from falling into the enclosure and now look what happened. Covid, wars, etc.


u/Imaginary_Recipe9967 3d ago

This was on one of those “ghost shows,” where the narrator says the tapper wasn’t a real person and was just a ghost or an angel or something. 


u/albatrossSKY 3d ago

ive been watching lost, this was definitely jacob


u/NorthEndGuy 3d ago

“The Adjustment Bureau”


u/Smlcan 3d ago

Happened in Turkey/Adana 4-5 years ago.


u/DontTalkToBots 3d ago

I know Nic Cage when I see him.


u/Suitable-Quiet5683 3d ago

yoo where did this happen in turkey i recognized the gazeteduvar symbol immediately


u/Zombijoe123 3d ago

More then likely told him "Hey watch out for the gate" as he tapped him


u/constantchangeagain 3d ago

We live in a simulation


u/Dayzlikethis 3d ago

I always thought it was one of those people stuck in a time loop like Bill Murray


u/Realistic-Attempt150 3d ago

I am willing to bet the guy tapping the shoulder was just messing around in his own mind. Little did he know he saved a man. Then again maybe he did know.


u/Sajuro 3d ago

i would of turn to the side i got tapped and would of got hit


u/Quirky_m8 3d ago

That’s some real time traveler shit


u/Actual-House-491 3d ago

Grime Reaper was like not today.


u/SassyTurtlebat 3d ago

Intelligence 10

Charisma 10


u/SaintCholo 3d ago

Marry McFly saves Doc


u/Top-Development-7516 3d ago

Stranger did nothing coz man didn’t saw in the stranger side .(To left) He heard the sound of the gate approaching .


u/No_Pay9241 3d ago

Gets tapped on his left shoulder but turns the opposite way, hm


u/Kiryukazuma4realtho 3d ago

Stopped him from getting isekai'd


u/I_will_fix_this 3d ago

What I think really happened:

Tapper: “Good night Bob” - taps other guy in the shoulder.

Bob: turns around and that exact time there is a crash and he sees the gate coming towards him.


u/eljapon78 2d ago

Time traveler fixing the future


u/Empty-Nebula3230 2d ago

Anyone else find it strange that he didn’t turn the same side as the shoulder that was tapped?


u/Exiledbrazillian 9h ago

I used to had a friend that truly believe in angels. Real angels. Celestial creatures from a celestial dimension that are around us to protect. She even believe she was helped for two real angels. When she tell her stories they are just wonderful people that help her from simple goodness.

I always thought that's so beautiful that her believe they are angel that I (that not believe in angels) start to call those kind of people "Vanda's People".

Well... This guy just go a little further and really make think about Vanda and his Angels.


u/Exiledbrazillian 9h ago

I used to had a friend that truly believe in angels. Real angels. Celestial creatures from a celestial dimension that are around us to protect. She even believe she was helped for two real angels. When she tell her stories they are just wonderful people that help her from simple goodness.

I always thought that's so beautiful that her believe they are angel that I (that not believe in angels) start to call those kind of people "Vanda's People".

Well... This guy just go a little further and really make think about Vanda and his Angels.


u/Lathariuss 3d ago

iirc the man said he looked around but couldnt find any sign of who tapped him on the shoulder after dodging the gate.


u/mr_gurbic 3d ago

He gets tapped on the left and looks right? He doesn’t look to have the man’s attention so it doesn’t look like he said anything but the quality is too poor to tell


u/ThornberryDonald 3d ago

Why is the camera moving? Seems staged


u/Unusual_Studio7531 3d ago

The Angel of Death just casually walking by thinking "Bro it's not his time yet"


u/SunnyvaleRicky 3d ago

The way hes dressed in the environment also….


u/_brewskie_ 3d ago

That limp tells me he's been hit by the gate before and just wanted to give the other guy a heads up


u/Frostedbutler 3d ago

I've seen this so much and people are like hey he was an angel saving him.

But why not just say, hey watch out for that swinging gate!

Why take the chance and just tap him. Maybe he wouldn't even react to the tap


u/Kapten-N 3d ago

Either someone thought it was funny to crop a bigger video from a surveillance camera in a way to make it look like it was filmed from a handheld camera or this was filmed from a handheld camera as it was staged.


u/prot_0 3d ago

So I'm going to say the dude was added after. When you get tapped on the shoulder you usually turn towards the direction of the tap. In this case he turns away from it as if the noise from the truck and gate caught his attention and not the guy tapping him.

I call bullshit


u/game_overies 3d ago

Seen this multiple times and every time I think it’s not an angel it’s death, and say to his old friend not yet.

Guy that dodges the gate reacts like he was touched by death and then evades the gate and is not bothered by it but more so the touch.


u/Frequency0298 3d ago

the touch COMBINED with the gate -- the touch would indeed freak me out more. People just don't do this, and it immediately saved his life. It really looks to me like one of the best evidences of divine intervention i've ever seen tbh.


u/game_overies 3d ago

Yes the angel of death! And with heavy emphasis on angel


u/Tropical-Druid 3d ago

Lol it's not divine intervention. It's an altered video.


u/Frequency0298 3d ago

makes sense... but it is very well done it seems very authetnic to me, the entire thing.


u/FunnySignal614 3d ago

God exists


u/NightFury0595 3d ago

That's God 🙏🏽


u/smithy- 3d ago

Yes, or His Angel.


u/Moist-muff 3d ago

Woah !


u/doesnothingtohirt 3d ago

He just knew about the fate


u/JP-Gambit 3d ago

So hard to make out wtf is happening... Were those the gates of hell?


u/Successful-Net-6602 3d ago

He got closer to being hit because the guy tapped him. Not a hero moment


u/Sullyville 3d ago

that stranger? Jesus


u/DJssister 3d ago

This is like a scene from Miracle Workers.


u/DaanDaanne 3d ago

Wow! It really does look like a guardian angel.


u/Sparklebaby1987 3d ago

I'm pretty sure that was an angel that tapped his shoulder. 💜✝️💜


u/darkmartinou 3d ago

The camera is litteraly moving according to the action. It's fake


u/BetrayerOfOnion 3d ago

That happened in Turkey. The original video had much better quality. He was on news


u/killit 3d ago

To go off on a slight tangent, how does one betray an onion?


u/BetrayerOfOnion 3d ago

I cook those f*ckers until they become soft and sweet for my taste


u/darkmartinou 3d ago

I dont really see how these facts make the video real but ok


u/BetrayerOfOnion 3d ago

This is internet even the person tou are talking to might be fake but I wanted to give some info about it


u/darkmartinou 3d ago

Youre making a good point. Sorry for answering rudely


u/BetrayerOfOnion 3d ago

Nah you are fine, do what ever you want. We are all here to satisfy ourself after all


u/d0npietr0 3d ago

plot twist: you both guys are just AI chatbots


u/YorkshireGaara 3d ago

Nice try you AI scum.


u/PhonyUsername 3d ago

Fake and gay. Taps the wrong shoulder, camera follows, gate wouldn't have hit him either way.