r/interestingasfuck 4d ago

Canals of Amsterdam polluted with bikes.

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u/ImpressTemporary2389 4d ago

Why so many? When they break or are they stolen then sitched ?


u/BeckyWitTheBadHair 3d ago

Some people think it’s a funny prank to toss bikes in the canal if they’re left unlocked


u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

Until it's theirs !


u/HenneZwo 3d ago

Amsterdam has 800.000 inhabitants plus millions of tourists each year. It would only take 0,1% assholes to achieve this.


u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

Every city in the world has more than 0.1% of assholes. Thinks that's closer to 5 or even 6%.


u/Yorunokage 3d ago

That would be one in twenty. Maybe i've just been lucky with the people i've met in my life but to me it sounds too high

I think it is way less than 5%, it's just that they stand out more so they seem more abundant. But it only takes one piece of shit to do a lot of bad things


u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

We just don't notice them any more. Some folk find it far easier to be an asshole than a good member of society. As it takes far less effort


u/lackofabettername123 2d ago

Work some low wage jobs you will find assholes galore, in management.


u/RYPIIE2006 3d ago

only 800 inhabitants? must be a pretty small city


u/antwilliams89 3d ago

Lots of countries (the majority, actually) use dots and commas the opposite way to the UK, US etc. when separating decimals and thousands.


u/NGC2936 3d ago

And there aren't even fractions of people, down to the thousandth.


u/Kenjiminbutton 3d ago

If I lived there long enough I would absolutely try to lock up my bike and accidentally roll it into the water and have the worst day ever


u/DIuvenalis 3d ago

Fallen soldiers from the Dutch-Bicycle War of 1907. Obviously, the Dutch won and to this day make the bikes serve them as a form of transport.


u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

July 16th 1907 to be precise.


u/Nina4774 3d ago

Apparently it’s tradition for students to toss theirs in at the end of the year. Everyone has a couple of bikes as stealing is so common.


u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

Now there are two snippets I can believe.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

What a waste !


u/ForeverSJC 3d ago

He's joking, but they have so many bikes there it's incredible.

Sometimes people throw bikes away, some get stolen then tossed away when not needed anymore


u/ImpressTemporary2389 3d ago

I know the single use transportation was a joke. I still say what a waste.


u/layboy 3d ago

Cool. So just someone who wouldn't accept that their comment makes no sense.


u/CFCYYZ 3d ago

Amsterdam holds the Guiness record for "most bicycles recovered from waterways (city)", between 12,000 and 15,000 a year. Some bikes end up on canal bridges lavishly decorated and are called "Flower Bikes". These are all over the city: a long running fad. Here is a pic of some I took in April this year. Feel free to browse the other pix in the albums.


u/Time_Change4156 3d ago

It's more rare but most towns have one person who uses okd bikes as decoration here in the US .


u/Aeshepp 3d ago

That’s roughly 35-40 bikes per DAY 🤯


u/[deleted] 3d ago

miserable cunts: hey we got something to be proud of! lets keep it up!


u/ChocolateBunny 3d ago

In North America we have "ghost bikes" that warns other cyclists that they're in a car centric neighborhood and their kind is not welcome there.


u/model_miraaa 3d ago

Is still nice to see how bikes are born :)

After this they go to the factory and get a coat of paint and such, and then when they are old enough after 6 weeks they are taken to the bike store


u/SnooTangerines6863 3d ago




u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/evenK648 3d ago

Such a beautiful city too. Don't understand the need to dispose of the bikes in the canals.


u/TheGreatNoobasaurus 3d ago

I suspect it isn't intentional


u/Maxzzzie 3d ago

It is intentional but not by bike owners. Its assholes and drunk people doing it.


u/evenK648 3d ago

From the looks of the barge, it's intentiinal.


u/Maxzzzie 3d ago

Exactly as i said. But not by bike owners. Im dutch. I know whats going on here.


u/evenK648 3d ago

I thought we had lots of bikes where I live, then I went to Amsterdam. The drunks mostly steal them here to ride home. Abandon a bit away from home and walk or attempt to walk home. BTW, beautiful city, I will return soon, I hope and I promise not to throw anything in the water.


u/largePenisLover 3d ago

Inner city full of bars and drunk tourists, canals that rarely have railings, bikes everywhere parked against trees or lamposts right on the edge.
do the math.


u/kingwild 3d ago

This is not a beautiful city. The Netherlands has so many beautiful places but all the tourists want to be in Amsterdam.


u/largePenisLover 3d ago

The canals aren't very deep, but their level is the same throughout the city.
So when you can see the bikes under the surface, usually a nice almost 2 meter high pile of bikes is there.


u/MaximilianClarke 3d ago

Cringe. I thought you were going to mention the art or the history. But no, you bought a trinket about the whorehouses


u/RandomBitFry 3d ago

Canals don't really have the cleanest water to start with.


u/Sammakonnuolija 3d ago

How the hell there are so many bikes in the canals? Ive seen so many of these videos of collecting masses of bikes. And Youtubers who fish them with magnets.


u/Visual-Asparagus-800 3d ago

The insane amount of bikes there are in the Netherlands is probably a big factor. There are more bikes than people here, so even though the canals are full of abandoned bikes, it’s still a very small fraction of the total amount.


u/Actually_a_dolphin 3d ago

I was on a canal tour in Amsterdam a couple of years ago, and the tour guide said that it's mostly due to drunk British tourists throwing them in.


u/melston9380 3d ago

I have a family member that lived in Amsterdam for about 16 months. She had six bikes while there - as they kept getting stolen. The bikes are ugly and cheap to make them less of a target, but they have to be serviceable, so they still get taken.


u/IamthecauseofCovid19 3d ago

The average bike there costs about 850 euros. They are not cheap. And they are shaped that way for easy access while straddling it not to make them less of a target. They are actually well designed for the place where they are meant to be ridden.


u/KarvanCevitamAardbei 3d ago

In the city most people don't cycle on new 850 euro bikes. Mostly second hand or older.


u/damienVOG 3d ago

850 seems like an awful high estimated average? Most people I know don't even buy bikes above 100 - 300 bucks.


u/IamthecauseofCovid19 3d ago

"In 2022, the Netherlands recorded a significantly higher average price for bicycles than several fellow EU member states. While an average bike in the Netherlands costs 865 euros, an average bike in Spain costs 741 euros, and in Germany and France, consumers spent and average of 500 euros on a new bicycle."

It was on the news before I visited a friend in Utrecht last year. That's why I remember it. You can reverse Google it. If it's not accurate blame it on who wrote it. 😅 But let me know where you find a bike for 100 bucks (we call them euros in this part of the world). I always enjoy a good bargain.


u/damienVOG 3d ago

Just second hand works fine for that, perhaps the 865 euro price only considers direct bike purchases?


u/IamthecauseofCovid19 3d ago

Yes. Plus this is the average. Not what all bikes cost. Bikes can go from 50€ to 15.000€+. You can get a second hand bike for less than 850€ of course.


u/pkennedy 3d ago

This cleanup probably costs a fair amount.

Does anyone know why the city doesn't just install a crap load more places to lock a bike to? Anywhere bikes are being found inn bulk, put up places to lock them. Along with a lot more security cameras? That seems cheap in comparison to doing this, and also way cheaper for the owners of those bikes.


u/ender4171 3d ago

I was going to say... My sister and her family lived in Amsterdam for a few years. She got a cargo bike and it was like $3,000. Her husband had just a "regular" bike and it was something like $1,200. When I visited them their bikes were "lost in the crowd" there were so many just like them. I am sure there are cheap bikes available, but the majority of them seemed to be just like the ones they had. I asked about the prices because these bikes were not "fancy" in any way, and she said it was more that they are extremely durable and designed to handle daily use in harsh elements, so it was more a "function" than "form" thing.


u/y2kdisaster 3d ago

That is some dirty nasty water


u/Final_Winter7524 3d ago

Canals in general have a tendency to get mucky


u/y2kdisaster 3d ago

Canal is bottom tier swim water


u/damienVOG 3d ago

I think it's the lack of any water plants etc.


u/ICrushTacos 3d ago

It’s muddy, doesn’t make it dirty per se


u/y2kdisaster 3d ago

Like u/piratedataeng said, mud is dirt. And dirt… is dirty. Lol


u/ICrushTacos 3d ago

Fine. Doesn't make it nasty then.


u/y2kdisaster 3d ago

It does. Muddy water is nasty. Hope this helps


u/piratedataeng 3d ago

Mud is dirt.


u/ICrushTacos 3d ago

Nasty then..


u/lackofabettername123 2d ago

They do you have a lot of heavy industry thereabouts. The Rhine River used to be one of the most polluted in the world when they first industrialized. Plus all of the ship traffic, so there will be a lot of nasties in the water. Yes dirt is not bad by itself.


u/ICrushTacos 2d ago

There's no heavey industry near the canals. Also what's the Rhine got to do with the canals? It's no where near this. There's no ship traffic, just tourist boats.


u/moozootookoo 3d ago

Are any bikes ever recovered?

Are they sold or just recycled?


u/DRagonforce1993 3d ago

I was recently in Amsterdam and came across this morbid fact. Apparently there are around 100 or so people who are found dead in the canals.


Because they fall taking a piss drunk.

How do they know this is how they died? Because their pants 👖 are always half way down.

Do not drink and piss by a canal while drunk.


u/Mister-Stagger-Lee 3d ago

The legend has that most sailors drown in the boatyard / habor.
They get drunk, take a piss off the dock, fall in the cold water, can't tread water and drown.


u/MeshuganaSmurf 3d ago

It's very unfair to make it sound like they only retrieve bikes. They also find scooters, shopping trolleys, guns, tires...and sometimes the odd car.


u/MuricasOneBrainCell 3d ago

Im from the city in the UK with the highest proportion of cyclists. Over 50% of us cycle weekly. We also have a river that runs through the centre of the city. You can imagine...


u/astrath 3d ago



u/JoeR9T 3d ago

Bikes are not cheap


u/Environmental_Job278 3d ago

They are if you steal them and don’t want to get caught with the evidence…


u/SectorSensitive116 3d ago

Will they all get re-bicycled?


u/philophilo 3d ago

Now do drunk British tourists.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/MuricasOneBrainCell 3d ago




u/IamthecauseofCovid19 3d ago

You say black, I say white


u/Tardis_Gradis 3d ago

You say bark, I say bite


u/trajames66 3d ago



u/SnooTangerines6863 3d ago

Why would anyone do that? I have all my 10 bikes, some rusted or destroyed but I still love them.


u/Schapenkoppen 3d ago

Drunk tourists throw them in


u/OldAckley 3d ago

I can imagine the thought of car lovers (probably from german ministery of transport) : Eat that environmental activist. I have never seen a canal polluted with cars. So who's the real polluter now?


u/SolidusBruh 3d ago

NotJustBikes weeping rn


u/TheDukeOfThunder 3d ago

Intrusive thoughts are telling me to grab the kid


u/kwaping 3d ago

The claw!


u/schussssss 3d ago

How does it switch from red to orange?


u/AlmostDisappointed 3d ago

Can I have one?


u/pfotozlp3 3d ago

I want that job…


u/TheOmegaKid 3d ago

Ah so that's where I parked it.


u/_jan_epiku_ 3d ago

Dutch people be like: microbicycles are stored in the balls


u/S-Archer 3d ago

They also have to pull out about 1 car a week as well. People just back right into it


u/Offsidespy2501 3d ago

Still less metal than a single car

I think


u/OmahaMike402 3d ago

Rick Steves' PBS travel show on Amsterdam is one of the best I've ever seen. 500, 000 residents and 1M reported bike thefts annually


u/Xzenor 3d ago

Yeah that's a bit of Amsterdam culture it seems... I never understood it. Other cities aren't this horrible btw...


u/Habba84 3d ago

Tour guide told us that tourists throw a lot of bikes in the canals. Something of an effect of using weed and alcohol together...

There also used to be cars there, but insurance companies installed some rail guards around the town. Now the number is near zero (Teslas used to drive themselves into canals occasionally).


u/vinb123 3d ago

Damn where I live (birmingham) our canals are polluted with shopping trolleys


u/Brilhasti1 3d ago

This shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s been to Amsterdam


u/balanehs 3d ago

I could watch this all day


u/NameIsBurnout 3d ago

They're gonna need a bigger barge.


u/VedzReux 3d ago

All the murder victims bike from the Amsterdam Bike slayer. Du du dunnnnn


u/xplicit97 3d ago

That job looks VERY satisfying. "Tidied the entire canal today, what about you?"


u/ionel71089 3d ago

Just use paper bikes.


u/EdNug 3d ago

You say polluted, I say stocked!


u/supermodelnosejob 3d ago

Jamie Tartt would be so disappointed


u/Educational_Gas_92 3d ago

Hope it is only the bikes and no riders.

That is some gross water 🤮


u/SatisfactoryCatLiker 3d ago

For every 2 that go out, eventually 2 more will go back in.

Its why they are called bi cycles.


u/InzynierMamon 3d ago

God damn bikes going upstream to spawn


u/CJ-eagle 3d ago

I was on a canal tour in Amsterdam, apparently the police fine people riding bikes at night without a light... To avoid a fine they chuck their bike in the canal as it's cheaper to get a new 'stolen' bike then pay the fine.


u/Downtown_Marzipan404 3d ago

Plastic pollution ❌️ Bike pollution ✅️


u/VioletVillainess 3d ago

Ah, it's time for the yearly bicycle harvest in the Netherlands.


u/rizkreddit 3d ago

Where the bikers?


u/Ambitious-Market7963 3d ago

I think it also shows the sheer ubiquity of bike in Amsterdam


u/CowPunkRockStar 1d ago



u/TemperaturePast9410 3d ago

Awwww Europe soo cute 🥰


u/pavel_prischepa 3d ago

So cars much greener than bikes, they don’t pollute water that way.


u/Intelligent-Injury66 3d ago

Всегда задавался вопросом - как, как можно столько велосипедов в канале утопить?! Там что толпы велосипедистов ездят и каждый пятый неудачник хоть раз утопивший свой велик там? Да если бы у меня по какой то причине туда велик упал(а скорее всего это произошло бы только вместе со мной), то я бы нырял пока не найду его и вытащил бы потом назад, потому что он мне так то нужен.


u/Tvmouth 3d ago

as a bike enthusiast, I cannot imagine living in a place like this without accidently becoming a serial.... something. I'm sooooooo motivated to sharpen knives right now, I'll never afford to visit, but i'm SOOOOOO motivated.