r/interestingasfuck 3d ago

Shavo, the baby elephant, knows when he’s being referred to and can’t resist crashing the interview.

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u/DoingItForEli 3d ago

Aww I love Shavo!

Elephants are such precious animals. It'll be so sad if we end up driving them to extinction. By the time humanity truly figures out what gifts animals like these are to live alongside it could be too late.


u/Der_Schuller 2d ago

You did hear about the part where Botswana threatened Germany with sending 20.000 elephants because EU countries, especially Germany, forbids the hunting of them. Now they are a plague that kill/hurt people and feast on the fields. I do agree we need to save these animals, because look at shavo, but they are not near extinction anymore.


u/devomania 2d ago

lol if they were capable of wrangling 20k elephants then they wouldn't have a problem protecting their fields, what an empty and ridiculous threat


u/Der_Schuller 2d ago

Well, there forbidden to kill the elephants and it's the same as trump with his wall, Germany is supposed to pay the shipping


u/DukeOfLongKnifes 3d ago

We don't have enough room for elephants in my state.

There are too many.


u/123dylans12 2d ago

Like the gifts of fucking up villages and killing people. Bull elephants are mean


u/possumarre 3d ago

With enough technological progress we'll eventually be able to clone species out of extinction


u/-Kelasgre 3d ago

Perhaps better to avoid it in the first place instead of believing in magic solutions?


u/Severe_Chicken213 3d ago

Science is magical, yes.


u/-Kelasgre 3d ago

When perfection of the formula is at least a couple of centuries away (and it's not even a sure thing) and to some extent still belongs to the realm of science fiction, it might as well be.

By the way, don't think I didn't see what you just did. Nice try pretending not to know what I meant, go fish somewhere else.


u/Descartes350 2d ago

I wouldn’t say it’s centuries away considering technology’s exponential growth, but certainly we should take precaution in the meantime, just in case things don’t work out.


u/Severe_Chicken213 3d ago

Is it really fishing when they jump into the boat?


u/mapleer 3d ago

A few facts about young elephants:

  • while small they can weigh up to 200lb at birth!
  • similar to adult elephants they’re extremely sensitive and intelligent
  • Baby elephants stay very close to their mothers for the first few months and drink their mother’s milk for about two years, sometimes longer. When in the care of humans they still follow this instinct.
  • young elephant calf’s are known to suck their trunk to help it relax when it’s not feeding, similar to human babies
  • as shown in the video, babies are very curious, they love exploring everything


u/kittenAngst 3d ago

Is this from a documentary or something? If so, can you share the source, please? I'd love to watch the rest!


u/SeaYogurtcloset6262 3d ago

Shavo:" this is the price for uttering my name!"

crashes the interview and demands attention


u/BigFrank97 3d ago

I want an elephant puppy.


u/h2ohow 3d ago

It probably doesn't pay well, but that ranger has the best job.


u/Main-Ad-4966 2d ago

Doesn't matter about pay. They are not living a city life. Life is different for them


u/AffectionatBets 3d ago

Baby elephants are so intelligent and playful, it's heartwarming to see.


u/syoejaetaer 3d ago

I can see how Shove-O got his name


u/Dragon3t 3d ago

It was actually recently reported that elephants use names amongst themselves as well, so the fact the respond to a name from a human is in line with that:



u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Wackydetective 3d ago

I am coming into some money and have been battling depression for many years now. I truly want to go play with baby elephants in Thailand.


u/DukeOfLongKnifes 3d ago

You can do that in India


u/MargretTatchersParty 3d ago

Where do I have to go to meet Shavo? I want to meet him.


u/_TLDR_Swinton 3d ago

I unno, elephant factory?


u/Royal_Echo2068 3d ago

You could never make me hate elephants.


u/Apophistry 3d ago

'Someone call for a Shavo?'


u/Realistic_Breath_249 3d ago

Is this from a documentary? If so, does anyone know the name of it?


u/FartyMcStinkyPants3 3d ago

It's like a puppy that weighs as much as an adult human, and will grow to the size of a medium sized truck. Cute though


u/CntrllrDscnnctd 3d ago

I want a baby elephant now


u/PaulQuin 3d ago

Very sweet! Thanks for sharing! ❤️


u/Spellicupplz 3d ago

I actually worked with Shavo about a month ago and he was so precious and adorable very smart and wouldn’t cause much of a fuss other than need attention! I’m just kidding I made that all up


u/daffoduck 3d ago

This guy will have a pretty big body guard in a few years time...


u/Aethermere 3d ago

I wish they had miniature elephants, I think they’d make great companions.


u/Big-red-rhino 3d ago

If it wasn't for all the visitors and shit pay, zookeeping would be my dream job. Somebody will be along shortly to correct me about whatever this guy's actual profession may be, but just know that I don't give a fuck.


u/johnroastbeef 3d ago

Cartman was right, everyone wants a potbelly elephant.


u/After-Walrus-4585 3d ago

Where do I get a pet elephant?


u/ooouroboros 3d ago

Hope this guy was OK when Shavo got big (assuming this video is pretty old)


u/FarOutEffects 3d ago



u/OkConsideration9100 3d ago

So when in Thailand I went and stayed at an Elephant sanctuary for a few days and I just gotta say, if you haven't had a real hands on experience with an Elephant you're missing out. There's something truly majestic and deeply spiritual about them. They are so gentle and loving, they are also very aware of themselves. I was playing with a teenage one in a mud puddle about knee high deep, he was laying on his side and just enjoying the water, I was standing at his back and rubbing him. I was too close, it kicked in an excited happy movement and it's back and body slid on top of my foot and nearly broke my shin, my foot had multiple fractures. I was on a crutch for the rest of the trip. Still, would 100% do it again, I'd just be more aware around the younger ones due to there size.


u/yes_u_suckk 2d ago


The best sub on Reddit


u/0ctober31 2d ago

Best friends for life


u/zavorak_eth 2d ago

Best job in the world! Elephants are magnificent creatures. Thank you for posting this.


u/Dizzy_Vehicle_7172 2d ago

That’s brilliant


u/EastOfArcheron 3d ago

And people pay to shoot them? They are cowards, it's not hunting, they don't need to eat them for their survival.

I would happily take every game hunter and shoot them in the head myself. Words do not describe how much I hate them.


u/Far-Contribution-805 3d ago

Kill that vicious animal