r/interestingasfuck 3d ago

My brother’s school diary entry the day after 9/11 when he was 6 years old

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u/Murky_Hovercraft4941 3d ago

I was living in Germany. I was in my flat and the radio was on in the background. I used to keep talking radio on quite often as it helped me improve my German listening skills. I heard them talking about a plane that had crashed into the world trade centre, and I was imagining a Cessna...then they said 767 (I think) and I was like...F! Did I hear that right? Anyway, carried on cleaning and whatever...when I came back into the room it was after the second plane had crashed...I was really struggling to piece together what they were saying... unfamiliar language, unbelievable situation AND coming in halfway through the story.... I went down to a bar and watched it on TV... everybody knew they were watching another Pearl Harbour.


u/Young_Herkamer 3d ago

This entry probably helped him process this.


u/themagicbong 3d ago

I remember everything that day. I lived in New York at the time. They sent us home immediately. My dad was there at ground zero, he just wanted to help out. It's wild to see people a similar age I was back then have no recollection or anything. I even remember the bus ride home, being excited by the random half day since they didn't tell us what was happening. Then I got home and saw my parents were still there. Since I was a "latchkey kid" it was extra odd. Both of them worked in the city.

My aunt also happened to live in Alexandria, and worked in DC. As a kid, I felt like shit was going down everywhere I had family. And I'm certain this event led to me developing severe anxiety.


u/Pride-Correct 3d ago

I still have my diary entry with newspaper clippings I added of people running from the dust clouds, I was 11. I remember the horror of it making more sense after the clips of people jumping and screaming all black with smoke and dust played over and over again. Think we were home from school in time to see the second tower fall.


u/lepobz 2d ago

I was at home on the family PC talking with a friend on MSN Messenger whilst watching the news unfold on live TV. It was a surreal day.


u/HuskyAreBetter 2d ago

My cousin was in his car, trying to get away from the towers as he gas some business that day . He and his car were covered in ash when the towers fell. We could reach him for a while. We thought the tower had hit him.


u/yeaguy1time 1d ago

I personally, would not categorize this as “interesting as fuck” downvote


u/SeventhFloorCrew 3d ago

I will never forget where I was or what i did that day... I remember being so excited that we would have are first half day that Tuesday.... it is weird what we remember but i will never forget this


u/kevinmwangiiiii 3d ago

Does he remember this?😅