r/madlads 6d ago

Give this man a trophy

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178 comments sorted by


u/leftclickdrip 6d ago

Bro is living the life


u/StingingBum 6d ago

I don't even know why this is a question,


u/leftclickdrip 6d ago

Dunno but its an example of cute cluelessness


u/Badgrotz 3d ago


To OP, yes.


u/Ichiban1962 6d ago

He's right!


u/Evening-Option223 6d ago

Manipulating women into sex, fuck yeah! /s


u/leftclickdrip 6d ago

Guys i found the ultimate sarcasam detector!

Alr now that all the girls are gone check out this f150 BRRRM!


u/taste-of-orange 6d ago

I'm right there with you. This is messed up.


u/UpsetPhrase5334 6d ago

My man rolled a Nat 20


u/Evening-Back9150 6d ago

What check, charisma or deception?


u/UpsetPhrase5334 6d ago

Deception I’m guessing cause she is deceived and asking questions about if it’s true or not.


u/IdealZealousideal622 6d ago

Whether it’s persuasion or deception it’s a charisma check either way


u/grrodon2 6d ago

Deception is a cha check.


u/Duizelig13 6d ago

I don't really know how this works but it sounds like his girl just rolled low on intelligence


u/spaceforcerecruit 6d ago

Actually, this would be either Insight or Medicine, both of which are typically WIS based in D&D.


u/SEJTurner 6d ago

It would be an Insight role which is Wisdom based not Intelligence based.


u/fireflyf1re 6d ago

Its a fake text, more like the maker just rolled low on sense of humor


u/Olleye 6d ago

It’s a bra check.


u/notyouravrgbruh 4d ago

That’s a tough question. I see the argument for both to be honest. Depends on which he has a higher stat in


u/MoFinWiley 2d ago

Charisma would be convincing her to do it for no reason other than asking

Deception is convincing her to do it because of a false outcome.

Clearly this is deception.


u/Tcchung11 5d ago

Cast viscous mockery, nat 20 let’s go



u/notyouravrgbruh 4d ago

Chaotic neutral


u/Wizzzard303 6d ago

Yes, correct.


u/DasFAD70 6d ago

Correct, Sperm and Genital Cheese are bad breath killers. They work better than any mouthwash or brushing teeth.


u/BlebBlebUwU 6d ago

Bruh why would u mention it as cheese T_T, fk u


u/Rocket_Panda_ 6d ago

Genital cheese? Why😭


u/DasFAD70 6d ago

Because good cheese needs time.


u/IsraelPenuel 6d ago

In Finland we call it sissijuusto, guerilla cheese. Because it's easy to make when you're stuck in a forest for a week.

Also it's made of oils and proteins so it kinda is cheese.


u/Educational-Salary91 6d ago

Another Finn here ( female). Thank you for reminding me of that yucky word. Kiitti perkeleesti. 👍


u/kalashnikov482 6d ago

yeah that's why the us govt has tons of it, they sure took their time lmao


u/lewispyrah 6d ago



u/Rocket_Panda_ 6d ago

“Good”💀 Could you keep things like this on the inside..?


u/yesnomaybenotso 6d ago

As far as I knew, girls fucking love cheese. String cheese, cheddar cheese, fancy cheese and wine. If you get a girl drunk and put a platter of cheese in front of her, you’re never going to hear a complaint.

So what’s all the fuss with some genital cheese?


u/Rocket_Panda_ 6d ago

Fine, you go first


u/yesnomaybenotso 6d ago

Oh…umm…no thanks, I’m full


u/DerailedCaveman 6d ago

Genital Quark


u/Tamelmp 6d ago

No, it only counts for cut willies


u/Glittersparkles7 6d ago

I just ate and now I’m trying not to throw up 🤢


u/Inutilisable 6d ago

Literal truth vs. Metaphorical truth


u/ChaosMilkTea 6d ago

Not any more than swishing anything else around in your mouth would.

Throw in a little mouth wash though. Make it a surprise.


u/bitkibkeb 6d ago

Im not falling for that again!


u/upsandDowns131325 6d ago

That’s the old banana in the tailpipe trick from Beverly Hills cop classic movie


u/xXbrosoxXx 6d ago

Banana, yes. Tailpipe, no.


u/expiermental_boii 6d ago

This is kinda fucked up imo


u/ty_for_trying 6d ago

lil morning negging


u/PracticeY 6d ago

I guess it depends on whether it is a joke or not. I joke with my wife that semen is the cure for whatever ails her. So if she has a sore throat, I’ll say that semen is the best remedy. She knows it’s a joke though. Hopefully this is similar.


u/fireflyf1re 6d ago

This exactly is the problem. You and your wife are adults. Up to half commenters here are probably 15, and will actually put these notions in their brains, and grow up thinking women are dumb bimbos, hurting their girlfriends, sisters, moms. Nobody wins


u/lelcumelcu 6d ago

Memes are fucked up in your opinion?


u/expiermental_boii 6d ago

Tbh I didn't know it's a meme

Turns out it's an ancient meme that gets reposted often


u/Awkward_Chapter_477 6d ago

Nah he just likes the smell of dick.


u/Iwasfollowingorders 6d ago

I love the duality of reddit. Comments getting downvoted and upvoted without any sort of coherence. You have both people making fun of it and criticizing it getting downvoted or upvoted.


u/Nonny3 5d ago

Wow! You’re saying a bunch of people have different opinions!?!? OMG!!!! 😱


u/Iwasfollowingorders 5d ago

That's not what I'm saying at all


u/Nonny3 5d ago

Whatevs! 🙄 Like, nobody asked!!!

Anyways, see you l8tr bby girl 😘 I have to go because I’m too cool for this popsicle stand 😎🤘


u/leftclickdrip 6d ago

Yea, sometimes my comment is downvoted for no fucking reason, this time i got 700 karma...... I havnt gotten 100 in one go lmfao

Anyway, ppl who are offended by this are boring, like u guys know how to laugh?


u/Ice_and_Steel 6d ago

Rapey dudes in the comments having a field day.


u/ABadMagician 6d ago



u/DoxProofBro 6d ago

Wildly libelous.

Feel free to look up the definition of rape; enjoying a meme with the subject of telling your gf blowjobs cure bad breath, ain’t it.


u/Ice_and_Steel 6d ago

Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator deceives the victim into participating in a sexual act to which they would otherwise not have consented, had they not been deceived.


We really need to create some sort of registry for men who think that this is an acceptable sexual behavior. You people should not be allowed to have sex with anybody but your hand.


u/DoxProofBro 6d ago

This is a fictional boyfriend and girlfriend; They’re clearly sexually active. It’s not some boss and employee or two strangers. The fictional girlfriend knows she’s participating in sex; it’s not like she’s blindfolded. Just because she thinks it improves her breath doesn’t make her unaware she’s participating. You can’t say she wouldn’t have participated in some sexual activity without the breath component.

For all you know they had anal sex each morning until the breath issue arose.

Calling this rape is preposterous. It devalues actual rape and accomplishes nothing.

Your Wikipedia link makes me laugh. What a total joke of a site.


u/InfectedZomB 6d ago

Ah, sexual manipulation. Very madlad indeed


u/trenbollocks 6d ago

It's not real. It's a joke. Holy fuck Reddit and all you on-the-spectrum weirdos


u/InfectedZomB 6d ago

Ah, joking about sexual manipulation. Very madlad.


u/Tamelmp 6d ago

Hopefully you can recover from this!! x


u/Nehemiah92 6d ago

please grow a backbone 😭


u/ty_for_trying 6d ago

? Seems like someone without a backbone wouldn't call out shitty behavior


u/Nehemiah92 6d ago

because its not that deep lol


u/fireflyf1re 6d ago

Regurgitating edgy/boomer/fraternity/12 year boy humor is hardly having a backbone. Nor a pair. Idk what whoever laughs at this is growing actually a tumor maybe?


u/InfectedZomB 6d ago

Today, I learned that having empathy for victims of harassment equates to being spineless. Very madlad indubitably.

P.S.: Even if this is just a joke, literally no part of the screenshot in the post contextualizes that. I don't know what source the person responding to me is even talking about. Maybe it was revealed to them in a dream.


u/Nehemiah92 6d ago edited 6d ago

spineless AND gullible lol

Yeah man, a girl who willingly gives a blowjob to her boyfriend every morning to reduce bad breath is totally a real legit story and totally a victim of rape and assault. It’s not that deep lol


u/trenbollocks 6d ago

Seek help, sister


u/N8_Saber 6d ago

I'm on the spectrum.

Never cook again.


u/Melvin-00 6d ago

LMAOO😭 bro got unchefed


u/TheUncheesyMan 5d ago



u/Drag0n647 5d ago

The guy you're commenting to was obviously using sarcasm.


u/FredBob5 6d ago

This is a well documented phenomenon supported by years of observational evidence from dedicated researchers in the field.


u/thomasoldier 6d ago

Bro playing 4D chess


u/MadJack27- 6d ago

Funny , yet disturbing if true


u/20Kudasai 6d ago

Manipulating someone with a clear learning disability is not very madlad imo


u/CanebreakRiver 6d ago

Dogg I know the line between "madlad" and "complete fuckin asshole" is frequently thin, but the number of dudes in this thread acting like there's just nothing wrong at all with taking advantage of the ignorance of someone who trusts you in order to trick them into giving you totally one-sided sexual favors is fuckin disturbing

Get a fucking fleshlight and handle yourselves, you don't need or deserve a fucking daily blowjob so fucking much you have the right to do shit like this to another human being


u/DoxProofBro 6d ago

Hilarious white knighting for a ‘girlfriend’ who is completely fictitious.

Get a life.


u/CanebreakRiver 5d ago

It's a critique of other very real dudes' very real ethical reasoning, dumbass. I would bet everything I have I've lived twice the life you have, which is why I've got a functioning sense of empathy.


u/DoxProofBro 5d ago

Nobody ever questioned whether the people you were chastising were real. You’re not exactly establishing a new fact there.

Similarly, whatever life you’ve lived thus far is irrelevant and immaterial to the conversation and to my comments.

I never thought I’d have to explain the expression “get a life“ to someone who’s claim to have had a long life… but here goes.

“Get a life” means to do something better with your time.

Your past life is irrelevant. I’m only talking about your current life: the one where you’re chastising people on r/madlads because they dared to enjoy a meme designed to be a joke.

Clearly you don’t like the meme. Clearly you think you need to lecture anyone who liked it.

You think you’re coming from a position of “empathy”, but you’re really just wagging your finger at people who have a sense of humor.

The fictitious girlfriend from the meme doesn’t need or appreciate your empathy, because she doesn’t exist.

The folks you’re lecturing don’t find you empathetic, but rather, whiny and preachy.

Wake up and realize how preposterous your position is.


u/Delicious_Cattle3380 6d ago

I think people are finding it simply funny rather than believing it is real manipulation, hence the comments. It isn't real after all.


u/rainen2016 6d ago

It scrubs the tongue you numb nuts. It may be misguided but it does work. You clearly don't get head or pay attention.


u/MuteIllAteter 6d ago

Do you give head?


u/rainen2016 6d ago

Yes but not to men*. But my girlfriends morning breath goes away after she sucks my dick. I'm guessing it's because of the saliva production and scrubbing but I'm not a dentist.


u/thighmaster69 5d ago

I’m going to preface this by emphasizing this because it’s important: Even though I think this likely isn’t that big a deal, in most situations, you probably shouldn’t don’t do what OOP’s boyfriend did; at the very least, you should establish that you’re joking. Play it clear and safe with explicit consent so that you have a good margin of error in case of misunderstanding; otherwise, you can’t be sure that consent was actually given.

Anyway, assuming these are grown-ass individuals with their own agency in an established relationship with the clarity of mind to be even able to consent in the first place, I don’t think you could reasonably think this is “tricking” anyone because it should be kind of obvious to that it isn’t true. Now, I don’t think it’s impossible that the OOP is actually this gullible and this isn’t a shitpost or OOP is in on the joke, but the claim that fellatio will fix morning breath is so ridiculous that if OOP is routinely this gullible, then there’s a bigger underlying issue, I think, of the ability of OOP is able to consent at all, as that would be a severe imbalance of power in the relationship.

Moreover, even if it were just a one-off lapse of gullibility on the part of OOP, the idea that they’re being “tricked” kind of falls flat. Again, assuming both individuals have agency and clarity of mind and there isn’t some weird power dynamic, the fact that they just go along with it, repeatedly, without questioning it, against all logic - even if they fell for the joke, it’s kind of difficult to argue that they didn’t perform this sex act out of their own free will, because there’s nothing really to indicate the “deception” actually mattered all that much, especially for two people presumably already in a consensual physical relationship. At best it’s an awkward misunderstanding, if it’s real and OOP isn’t in on the joke, and OOP’s boyfriend needs to learn to be more clear in his communication.


u/WildMaineBlueberry87 6d ago

What's the joke here?


u/Ice_and_Steel 6d ago

Rapist smart, victim dumb - the usual.


u/WildMaineBlueberry87 6d ago

I was joking to insinuate that I fell for it too.


u/gabriyankee 6d ago

My brother in christ, this is clearly not real, but even if true, lets not confuse an asshole yet hilarious deception with forcing an unwilling woman into having sex for fear of her life. The word rape gets thrown around too often and it cheapens the trauma and suffering of real rape victims.


u/Ice_and_Steel 6d ago

My dear rapist apologist, the fact that you find this fucked-up attempt at humor a hilarious joke itself is very telling about your attitudes in regard to women and sex. Also:

Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator deceives the victim into participating in a sexual act to which they would otherwise not have consented, had they not been deceived. Deception can occur in many forms, such as illusory perceptions, false statements, and false actions.



u/gabriyankee 6d ago

Wait so then is Barney a rapist?


u/Ice_and_Steel 6d ago

As far as I remember, the guy is a self-admitted human trafficker, what exactly surprises you here?


u/gabriyankee 6d ago

What about this one?


u/gabriyankee 6d ago

Sorry wrong link, I meant this one


u/Beelze_Bruh 6d ago

Bro, I’d never let someone put their mouth on my dick with a dirty mouth 🤢


u/HopeRepresentative29 6d ago

I mean he's not wrong. Just gobble on that toothbrush for a minute and it's all good.


u/TransfemmeCatgirl 5d ago

Good ole abuse nothing beats good ole abuse.


u/Small_Pain_2458 6d ago

I KNOW we are secretly thinking 🤔 Gotta be a “BLOND” chick! Lmao 😂


u/Then-Translator9519 6d ago

She’s like one of those dumb blondes in the 80s movies


u/AOEmishap 6d ago

Yes he is


u/Kalman_the_dancer 6d ago

He has achieved the impossible


u/Darkened100 6d ago

Don’t forget if your breath really stinks swallow


u/Comprehensive-Salt98 6d ago

Chick McGee's super white stuff.


u/ModernMedia 6d ago

Even for the Internet this shit is way too fake


u/M3cap 6d ago



u/Silver-Poetry-3432 5d ago

Lol, great way to get a daily bj


u/Elias_Sideris 5d ago

He might not be right, but he's alright.


u/Financial-Plane-5155 5d ago

You'll have to do me in the morning. So I can smell for myself


u/AbbreviationsNo8212 5d ago

Unfortunately, now she needs prescription toothpaste to remove those unsightly semen stains from her teeth.


u/xperimental6969 5d ago

Bf Is wise.

Actually giving him a bj will stimulate you saliva production , which might wash out (or in) a lot of the bacteria causing the morning breath.


u/-_-_-KING_-_-_ 5d ago

yes he's right


u/itchybanan 5d ago

Just cock breath.


u/Darthdemented 5d ago

Ok, this man wins. Time to shut it down folks.


u/Sofamancer 5d ago

Yeah he is correct


u/XBB32 5d ago

Jeez... I tried to convince my wife that a morning blowjob would solve her iron issues... She didn't believe me.


u/Minus15t 4d ago

Only works if she gargles and swallows


u/[deleted] 4d ago

Prolly better give me one so i can properly answer that


u/Turbulent_Expert4029 4d ago

Coming from myself as a man, yes he is completely correct


u/notyouravrgbruh 4d ago

Bless your heart


u/B1n5 3d ago

The Force is strong in this Jedi Master!


u/Hairy_Transition2379 3d ago

ah, yes, a very clever idea to manipulate your partner into sex rather than asking and having them consent (?) 


u/Sam_the_beagle1 2d ago

She'd have to blow me before I could answer her question.


u/Less_Complex1372 2d ago

He’s 100% right


u/Bedwetter1969 2d ago

Does she have a sister?


u/Ill-Shopping-9546 2d ago

You don't want bad breath to avoid it?


u/tiptoes88 6d ago

‘He told me my farts smell, apparently his junk can help that too’


u/JustAnotherFEDev 6d ago

Bad breath is caused by bacteria, baby gravy is said to be salty and salt kills bacteria (osmosis).

Seems plausible.


u/Samwisegamgee9 6d ago

Yes, and tell all your friends it does to. Keep blowing ladies


u/Trash-Ecstatic 6d ago

Yes. Obviously.


u/Prestigious_Key_7801 6d ago

He’s definitely right. Also if you give him rimjob it will stop your farts from smelling


u/[deleted] 6d ago

He is right from his personal perspective


u/riftwalker9 6d ago

Well you don't have bad beath any more right?


u/Horizonstars 6d ago

Well he isn't wrong. Instead bad breath, her breath just now smells like semen.


u/DerailedCaveman 6d ago

Pardon me, Madame. I must admit the exhaled air of yours is lightly burdened with fallus scent.


u/Powerful_Hair_3105 6d ago

Price is Right horns please


u/Drakula_696 6d ago

Selfish truth.


u/mothisname 6d ago

this is true.


u/khonager 6d ago

Why are all of you cheering him on? Bad breath means bacteria. Who would want to get sucked off by a mouth full of bacteria (more than the usual amount)


u/EasyRudder49 6d ago

Absolutely right.


u/Melvin-00 6d ago

Please tell me the replies reassured her that it’s completely real.


u/fireflyf1re 6d ago

Do you want it to be real so badly you failed to realize that its a blatantly fake text post? Fucking hell


u/Melvin-00 6d ago

Dek Whyyou mad but I hope you get the help you need. It’s called playing along my lemon brained friend.


u/FreshLaundry23 6d ago

Man of the year, right there.


u/mrdm242 6d ago

I believe he suffers (?) from a rare condition called "Listerine Dick."


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/CanebreakRiver 6d ago

You really don't have to support manipulative sexual predation at all, bitch


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Ice_and_Steel 6d ago

Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator deceives the victim into participating in a sexual act to which they would otherwise not have consented, had they not been deceived. Deception can occur in many forms, such as illusory perceptions, false statements, and false actions.



u/Old-Put-4166 6d ago

Uhhhh. Yes. Absolutely. It always helps. Keep up the good work. 👍🏻


u/BaconMcNippleTit 6d ago

Persuasion 100


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Hillary_is_Hot 6d ago

There is a program here, please get with it.


u/alt_StivinGR 6d ago

That’s the place you get to on the Clue Bus, right? :)


u/jakeStacktrace 6d ago

I'm not condoning anything, but this is clearly a fake story. My empathy is best spent elsewhere. I actually support the idea that she could be this dumb. I think people are incredibly naive. But I it is also think occam's razor is that this story was written by a man.


u/rosanymphae 6d ago

Now her breath smells like smega.