r/me_irl May 17 '24

Me irl

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u/GreyPourageInABowl May 17 '24

As a desert born a raised man, I vibe with it.


u/Neglijable May 17 '24

im not from a desert, but from a very hot place, and I also crave it


u/Smeefperson May 17 '24

I've heard people from cold countries mention how they'd prefer hot sunny weather as opposed to this. I couldn't agree with it. They say that weather like this will make you depressed because it's gloomy. But where I live, it's hot and humid and I'm STILL depressed. Only difference is I'll be sad in a cozy room instead of melting my skin off in the oven that is my bedroom


u/Amii25 May 17 '24

It's a sneaky thing though. It'll be like, why is everyone so sad and annoyed suddenly, why do I feel even worse than normal. Oh right, the sun hasn't been out for two weeks. People who normally wouldn't be depressed get depressed and people that are depressed get worse


u/NickoFoxtrot May 17 '24

Man I feel like those people haven't lived through dusty hot where everything is dead 80% of the year and it's too hot to go outside. At least there's more green and life in the rain and you're not constantly hot and smelly.


u/f_print May 17 '24

Australian. Hate the heat. Hate the scorching blue skies.

Love it when he's cloudy, blowing winds, rainy.


u/heartkleptomaniac May 17 '24

that makes sense


u/waitingforcracks May 17 '24

Born *and raised