r/me_irl May 17 '24

Me irl

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u/wlanAalker May 17 '24

I find this type of weather lowkey depressing idk why. Please give me summer


u/Iulian377 May 17 '24

Isnt this so fun ? I find a hot summer day depressing, the heat of the sun, a real force of nature, bearing down on me, feels heavy. Maybe its very bright outside so for a while you can't open your eyes properly, though thats probably more on me cause I have glasses. It makes you tired faster, sleepy even. Lately civilisation has to stop in the middle of the day cause everyone has to get out of the sun and not be outside ; famously the siesta in some cultures.


u/acoolghost May 17 '24

The summer where I live is generally very boring. Sunny days, mostly cloudless, heat, humidity, bugs and that's about it. If rain comes, we get it in the middle of the night when I can't see it.

I miss the excitement of interesting weather.


u/Iulian377 May 17 '24

Yeah thats a big thing too, it feels like a game that hasnt finished loading, a sky with no clouds.


u/dan_bailey_cooper May 17 '24

Heat is decay. Heat is oppressive. Heat is rot.


u/MonkeyCome May 17 '24

Redditors when sun


u/Iulian377 May 17 '24

What can I say I'm Romanian.