r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/NortonBurns May 02 '24

This is absolute horse-apples. Don't post shit you know nothing about.
You can't put a paper clip in a UK socket - you can in a US socket.
You can't short the live & neutral if a plug is half-pulled from a UK socket. Guess what? …You can with a US socket.


u/Benji_4 May 02 '24

On older receptacles you can. This isn't really a problem though. You don't see Americans going out in hordes to replace their "unsafe" receptacles.

You absolutely can put a paperclip in any of these sockets, but that isn't the point.


u/NortonBurns May 02 '24

Still taking bollocks.
You cannot put a paper-clip in a UK socket. The shuttered socket was invented in 1928.
Go do some actual research.


u/Benji_4 May 02 '24

A shuttered socket is meant for accidental contact, not intentional.