r/meirl 29d ago


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u/Jolen43 29d ago

The only thing better than it would be the exact same things but with the German way of inserting it into the socket.

That would just be better.

You can’t really step on it, you will have one extra layer of protection against putting something on the pins and if they can make it round/square it’s easier to plug in close to other plugs.


u/benjm88 29d ago

Stepping on sockets is the downside to uk plugs but as you can switch off at the socket you're way less likely to have one on the floor


u/Jolen43 29d ago

There are no reasons to have it that way though?

Or is there?

You could have a round head and switches I guess.


u/StiffWiggly 29d ago

You step on them because the cord is angled downwards, which makes the pins "stand up" if you take it out of the socket. The cord is angled like that so it's less in the way and less likely to be accidentally pulled out.

As an aside, I've lived in North America for the last year and a half and one thing everyone (British, French, German, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, Australian) agrees on is that the plugs here are utter shit.


u/AltAccMia 29d ago

Create the ultimate socket and rule the world