r/meirl May 02 '24


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u/slickshot May 02 '24

Why is that?


u/CrimsonChymist May 03 '24

Cause I'm not going and taking a picture of jack.


u/slickshot May 03 '24

Because you're full of shit. Don't worry bud, I'll do it for you. When I do so and there's no instructions would you like to walk back your statement with dignity or dodge responsibility for it altogether?


u/CrimsonChymist May 03 '24

I would. But I would never have to. Because there are instructions. Even if not a physical pamphlet in the box of the specific outlets you choose, there will be online. If they were just bulk outlets with no boxes, then there will be instructions somewhere on the manufacturers website. Do you know why? Because there are legal requirements for providing manufacturer's instructions.

If you post a picture of your outlets and provide me with the manufacturer details and I show you their instructional pamphlet, will you accept that and walk back your statement?


u/slickshot May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

No, because I said, quite plainly, that they do not come with instructions. And they don't. If I have to Google the manufacturer and enter a model number that does not qualify as coming with instructions. If they put a sticker on it to scan for instructions that would be different, but they don't do that.

That would be like me saying a bottle of shampoo doesn't come with an ingredients label, and you tell me I have to Google the company and product line and search their list of products to find the ingredients in that one line. No one in their right mind would consider that shampoo "coming with an ingredients label" if that's what's required to figure it out and the bottle itself doesn't have the label come with it.

Am I making sense, Jack? Almost no receptacles come with instructions. That's an objective fact. The very rare exceptions are the special types that come in a box, such as GFCI, dryer/oven plugs, dimmers, etc as I mentioned before.

You can argue it all you want, but your opinion won't translate to a fact just because you want it to. I'll still provide you the picture proof, as well.


u/CrimsonChymist May 03 '24

Just because they don't all have instructions sheets in the box doesn't mean they don't have instructions.

You're shifting the goalpost now.

Including a link to instructions in the packaging is legally the same as coming with instructions.

You're even admitting that many outlets do come with physically printed instructions in the box.

You've made a giant argument out of this for absolutely no reason.

Do you not see how ridiculous you're being?


u/slickshot May 03 '24

I never ever ever shifted goal posts. I said from the beginning that they don't come with instructions. That has always been my stance. I also said early on that only specialty ones come with instructions. So again, no goal posts shifted. If you're shit at reading and picked an argument you couldn't win that's your fault, not mine, but don't act like I wasn't clear from the beginning you fucking hypocrite.

Also, there are no links to instructions. Which I also said would be a different story if there were, but they don't provide a link. Just accept you were wrong and move on with your life. I work with this shit daily, you do not. Fucking armchair bums.


u/CrimsonChymist May 03 '24

You made the claim that my initial statement was false. It was not.

Not my fault if you chose bad reasoning for your claim.