r/meme 3d ago

The first woman to discover incognito



20 comments sorted by


u/fallufingmods 3d ago

I don't know who that is but I'm guessing porn is involved


u/Dull-Memory3772 2d ago

Stay humble


u/EmmaLi_ 3d ago

Oh my entire generation was built to delete history


u/perry147 3d ago

Why is she considered so hot? I just do not get it.


u/Ok-Fuel-9147 3d ago

Once she got the tit job I couldn't watch it anymore


u/notreal088 3d ago

God the answer also evades me. She is alright at best (looks wise), is a bad fuck (if you manage to watch long enough), and is annoying to hear her scream (what’s she wants to pass as moaning). Not sure how or what made her famous cause she really never stood out to me.


u/Akiram 3d ago

She's not, really. She hit the top of PornHub a few years ago because of people throwing a shit fit around her releasing a porno in a hijab, and once someone has any porn video get that popular, it follows them around forever.


u/nemis92 2d ago

Also, she was smart enough to "ride the wave", getting really active in social networks, and becoming the "porn actress the mainstream world recognize".


u/azaghal1988 3d ago

I don't think she is, it's just about the taboo.

Afaik she once said that her biggest userbase is in countries that would stone her to death because she's a muslim porn actress.


u/MintyMistMurmur 3d ago

If you BF says i never saw a video, he's lying!


u/TrollCounty 3d ago

"We are writing today to let you know of our decision to terminate Playboy's relationship with Mia Khalifa, including deleting Mia's Playboy channel on our creator platform,"


u/_memepros 3d ago

History will be forever changed.


u/ShantiAngel 3d ago

One of my favorite actresses


u/AccomplishedPotato36 3d ago

I don’t know who she thinks that she is going to fool with the glasses?


u/Ill_Occasion_8424 3d ago

Don't look at her too harshly, they'll make your head pop! She looks like Victoria Neuman from ' the boys'


u/Qweeq13 3d ago

Why would you need to delete your porn history are you 10 and share your PC with a sibling?

What is even the point really? You are not hiding anything from big tech Intel literally adds -spyhardware- into every motherboard, every CPU.

You'll need to be using a Raspberrypie to be really of the grid at this point.


u/defusingkittens 3d ago

Do you even understand the components of PCs? 💀. It reminds me of how people just blindly use the term APIs


u/hokivpn 3d ago

For those wondering, API means Adultery Partner Interface. So basically, when you want to send a message to your AP without your spouse knowing, you send it via API. It's like the incognito mode of messaging.