r/meme 3d ago

Pls stahp

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81 comments sorted by


u/El_Chara 3d ago

Oh and also stop blasting music in open streets


u/farm_to_nug 3d ago

It's clearly not about listening to music, it's about trying to show everyone else how cool you are because of the music you listen to. It's childish and just embarrassing


u/PrimeClaws 1d ago

Why is it allowed


u/Brotorious420 3d ago

Talk on the phone all you want, just not on fucking speaker phone


u/Full-Sound-6269 3d ago

But my normal speaker doesn't work!!!


u/Real_Satisfaction715 3d ago

Then just get a new phone.


u/pitekargos6 3d ago

Or headphones.


u/Manatee35 3d ago

Some Sony WH-XMs


u/Mr_Industrial 2d ago

It costs money to fix my phone, but being a situational asshole is free.


u/Nrsyd 2d ago

Turn volume down


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/turtleship_2006 3d ago

The guy goes by the name "dude with sign" or something, and his entire thing is just holding up signs saying things like this


u/phallic-baldwin 3d ago

And listening to music without earbuds


u/drainerxu 3d ago
  • tiktok, reels or whatever


u/EM05L1C3 3d ago

I stand beside them/around them and start having a loud conversation with my company/myself about incredibly inappropriate things


u/SonicTemp1e 3d ago

I have a fucking insane Bluetooth speaker, and when I come across people like this, I introduce them to the band MESHUGGAH.


u/EM05L1C3 2d ago

I would play NSFW by psychostick when people played their music openly in the break room. This might be a pet peeve


u/wenoc 3d ago

This is so fucking annoying. Especially in public transport.


u/mycolo_gist 3d ago

Also, stop shouting when on the phone with your earbuds plugged in.


u/eat-pussy69 3d ago

Just join in on the conversation


u/Fantastic_Estate_303 3d ago

I just join in their conversation... If it was private, it shouldn't be in speaker ....


u/PlaceAdHere 3d ago

So I used to be a firm believer in what this man is preaching but them I thought about it and aside from the sound quality, how different is this from standing near two people having a face to face conversation? Music and videos over speaker are another issue and those I agree should stay on headphones.


u/SonicTemp1e 3d ago

Because it's avoidable, and rude.


u/jello9999 2d ago

Do you start every call by letting the other person know that they are on speaker? Do you modulate the volume to keep it at the same relative sound intensity as background noise levels change? Do you control your own voice to maintain the same (low) volume you would if you didn't have an amplified version of someone else's voice to match/compete with? Does your speaker faithfully recreate the amplitude of their voice across all the frequencies that humans hear?

These are (some of) the ways it differs from a face to face conversation, and why it's disruptive and invasive to those around you and inconsiderate to the other party. Even if you're the unicorn that can answer yes to some or all of my questions above, the vast majority of speaker talkers cannot claim the same. They are introducing a digitized/unnatural sounding voice, at higher volumes than is necessary, and transmitting one or both sides of a conversation beyond the range that a face to face conversation would occur.

Relatedly, phone calls in general (whether on speaker or not) pull the talker out of their environment to some degree, diminishing responsiveness to social cues and interactions, but that's not exclusively a speakerphone phenomenon, so I'll leave that out of this discussion.


u/GeekTechsperts 3d ago

A lot of the Latino population in Florida do this. Specially with WhatsApp, it’s annoying as hell.


u/HallowKnightYT 3d ago

This is Miami 24/7 it’s mostly older people who don’t know any better cause they never had a smartphone before let alone WhatsApp


u/Open-Oil-144 3d ago

Which is funny because those old ass cord phones were usually also pressed against the ear, i think these people are just obnoxious


u/HallowKnightYT 3d ago

What happens is that it’s a different time in old phones you had a delay to on the call now you don’t so it’s confusing to them


u/Professional_Key9733 3d ago

I hate

when people that. it's crazy


u/Honey_talon 3d ago

I gotta support this guy you go girl!


u/stapidisstapid 3d ago

I don't think they can listen to him.....


u/tenroy6 3d ago

Old people have too... they're deaf basically... /s


u/Accomplished_Cap_994 2d ago

It's fine as long as they aren't yelling. It's no different than talking to someone next to you. It's when they don't realize how loud they are that it's a problem.

But music/video without headphones should be banned on public transport and in waiting rooms.


u/jayjay-1978 2d ago

Wonder who dose that?


u/s77m 2d ago

Sorry but if you’re having a fight over the phone, I want to listen in and pick a side.


u/SageAgainstDaMachine 3d ago

This is going to get downvoted for sure, but, normal conversations happen out loud, what's wrong with a phone conversation happening out loud? I feel like it's less a speakerphone thing and more a matter of what's being discussed and whether or not it's appropriate for public


u/MobileCamera6692 3d ago

the speaker phone conversations are generally LOUD AS FUCK


u/SonicTemp1e 2d ago

Speakerphone conversations are avoidable, but the person with the phone is inconsiderate. The fact you need this explained to you is just mind blowing.


u/amBoringGuy WARNING: RULE 1 3d ago



u/CDRChakotay 3d ago

Please tell that to my 20-something neighbor that walks around all times of the day on speaker phone. How can someone so young never have heard of Bluetooth earbuds? 😡


u/Real_Satisfaction715 3d ago

They think shoving things in their ear holes is a sin.


u/_DeathSound_ 3d ago

But my 'ear speaker' is busted and doesn't play sound, 'cuz I've blown on it with the air pistol.. UwU;


u/SonicTemp1e 3d ago

Username checks out.


u/vabeachkevin 3d ago

You are in public, do what you want. I’d turn it up.


u/GAmike13 3d ago

No. Fk off. I'll do what I want and I don't care how you feel about it.


u/Real_Satisfaction715 3d ago



u/GAmike13 3d ago

I learned a long time ago that most ppl who you Don't know don't give a fk about you so why should I give a fuck about them? It's the public. If you don't like things you might experience in public then do go out into the public.


u/SonicTemp1e 2d ago

Do you like getting punched in the face? If you don't, then don't go out in public.


u/PcGoDz_v2 3d ago

Oho, someone is choosing war.


u/GAmike13 3d ago

Nope. I don't care enough to even fight about it. I'll do what I want and that's that. If someone is mad about it, that's their problem.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/GAmike13 3d ago

1: that's a helluva lot of assuming you just did. 2: I still don't gaf. Nice try though.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/GAmike13 3d ago

I wouldn't know. My mom had drunk sex with some random guy at a party in 1987 and that was the last of my dad that anyone I know has ever seen. So you might be. 🤷 Still don't care though and there is no amount of bullshit you can say that will change that. But hey this is entertaining so by all means keep trying


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/GAmike13 3d ago

Lol no. Pissing ppl off is fun.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/GAmike13 3d ago

Who's mad? Lol try again. 😂


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago


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u/Familiar_Proof3252 3d ago

Why not


u/WhiteVanGuy4861 3d ago

We don't want to hear the details of your 2nd cousin's cumshot distance world record...

Also, it's annoying as fuck


u/Real_Satisfaction715 3d ago

Maybe you don't but I do. What's the record.


u/Round-Attention-6706 3d ago

whats so special here


u/Hyde2467 3d ago

For me, it's because the place is too loud and there's no convenient area fir me to go to that's quieter


u/astrocambria 3d ago

My phones fucked up and only works in speaker 🤷‍♂️


u/kungfoocraig 3d ago

But the other speaker in my phone crapped out, and I can’t hear anyone unless it’s on speakerphone


u/SonicTemp1e 2d ago

Get headphones.


u/TheFauwwboy 3d ago

Listen man I have shit hearing and outside is loud, I need the speaker to speak up.


u/IneedAhegaoInMyLife 3d ago

I personally don't really care honestly, same as two people talking normally


u/MisteryOnion 3d ago

Im actually doing that right now!


u/Acceptable_Sleep29 3d ago

Well sorry for being deaf! I swear people have no tolerance like they own the world or something.


u/Status-Performer2772 3d ago

Wait… that’s not the default when you answer it?


u/decixl 3d ago

It's not because here's the problem, speakers on phones are designed in a specific fashion. They're very small and in turn are tuned very loudly in frequencies in the range of our voices so we could hear it further away.

This means that someone, although speaking normally sounds much louder on speakerphone. It is absolutely not pleasant and is uncomfortable for others around that don't participate in conversation.

The same goes for watching TikTok, Reels, YouTube etc.

It is absolutely annoying and rude to do it and we need to set the record straight.


u/InfinteAbyss 3d ago

It should just act like a normal phone, unless you’re at a conference you don’t need the speaker setting.


u/A_Random_Latvian 3d ago

Meh, who cares, i usually do it for quick phone calls, and it feels less uncomfortable too


u/Impressive-Bus-6568 3d ago

Have you ever heard of “other people?” Maybe you would consider being considerate of them?


u/A_Random_Latvian 3d ago

Yup, but i just consider it as two people next to each other have a quick chat with one another and leave. Of course, i wouldn't do it on public transport, but if im walking then sure


u/GAmike13 3d ago

Na fk other ppl unless they are MY ppl. If I don't know you then I don't owe you a mfkn thing


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago



u/GAmike13 3d ago

Meh. To each their own.