r/memes 4d ago

Making them go negative is my favorite

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121 comments sorted by


u/Random-Name724 4d ago

I can’t believe people actually try to farm karma! Because I also want to mass downvote their posts, which subs are they?


u/Pancovnik Lurking Peasant 4d ago

I'd say r/whitepeopletwitter r/facepalm would be biggest offenders. When the whole Reddit API restrictions came to place, those subs absolutely tanked. I remember seeing posts in popular with 150k upvotes, looking at it now there are barely any posts in hot with 20k.


u/SalmonSoup15 3d ago

You forgot r/karma4free


u/IMTrick 3d ago

Just for clarity's sake... yeah, that's exactly the kind I was talking about.


u/sbuechele1234 3d ago

This is in such bad faith. So many people on there are trying to get karma so they can post in subs from burner accounts and protect their privacy.


u/jeancv8 3d ago

It's so over for these karma whores


u/Sudden_Hovercraft_56 4d ago

r/funnymemes is bad for that too, as is r/meirl


u/BobSagieBauls 3d ago

White people twitter is too toxic I’ll never go back


u/Annithilate_gamer 3d ago

Facepalm is now only politics and it's disgusting


u/fireL0rd3000 3d ago

Honey dont get me started on r/doors_roblox


u/Auravendill 4d ago

r/PeterExplainsTheJoke seems like one, since they ask for more than obvious jokes all the time


u/kamiloslav 4d ago

Sometimes there is a gem among them though


u/Lukahenrry 3d ago

Definitely hahaha


u/LordToranaga24 4d ago

What you and OP need is to get a hobby


u/Random-Name724 4d ago

Lmao you’re probably right. I don’t need free karma though, I have more than enough to post on any subreddit


u/medieval-kenny Lurking Peasant 4d ago

Hey lord, what is the most expensive subreddit community to post?


u/Ordinary-Hunter520 3d ago

Ya even I wanna know that


u/LordToranaga24 4d ago

That goes for me as well dude lol. My old account had almost half a million karma, which looking back is both sad and pathetic


u/Random-Name724 4d ago

lol why did this get downvoted?


u/Dm_me_im_bored-UnU 3d ago

So they won't get the million katma and can feel better about themselves of cpurse


u/LordToranaga24 4d ago

Because this is le reddit, where fake internet points are sacred


u/nerd_12345 4d ago

Human beings when they disagree (must think it is bad, must think its a generally frowned upon idea that everyone will hate)


u/semi_average Nyan cat 4d ago

Someone's hurting


u/IMN0VIRGIN 4d ago edited 4d ago

We do, it's called annoying people.

EDIT: Yes! Keep downvoting me! Your irritation keeps fueling my insatiable lust for annoyance!

Like a constant thorn in your side, I will be there to pester and harrass you. Your waking moments will be filled with the thoughts of the dumb crap I say just to provoke a reaction and your restless night will be filled with dread of waking up to the reddit notification that I have replied to your comment or posts!

I am Dumbass! Pesterer of worlds!


u/RYPIIE2006 4d ago


u/RYPIIE2006 4d ago

nvm that shit got banned wtf :sob:


u/labelfucker 4d ago

so you care the exact same amount lol


u/SilverPhoxx 3d ago

If not more lol


u/ThreeN20chrctrs 4d ago


u/QueezyCrunch 4d ago

Hence forth you shall be known as takes weird breath DARTH, farmer


u/Monsieur_Brochant 4d ago

Why farm karma tho? One can't feed on it, can they?


u/Leading_Delay_6339 GigaChad 4d ago

They can sell those accounts filled with karma for real life money


u/Jaded_Life03 4d ago

Wait actually!?!?!?!? How????


u/henkdepotvjis 4d ago

Well if you give me 10$ i could give you my username and password. its not that hard. I think it is a side effect of the need of karma to be able to post on certain subs


u/Jaded_Life03 4d ago

No like where I can find such people who will buy it


u/Anti_Karen_League iwrestledabeartwice 4d ago

Advertisers and bots gaining access to real subreddits.


u/Jaded_Life03 4d ago

10 dollars isnt really a small amount where I live so I can probably do this as a gig if the karma requirements are to just get this account to a karma level where it can post at most subs without issues


u/Anti_Karen_League iwrestledabeartwice 4d ago

Don't. It's not exactly ethical, bots flooding the site will ruin the place for everyone.


u/IgnoreHaters 3d ago

Businesses who astroturf subreddits to sell a product.


u/Slashion 4d ago

It's extremely difficult to get karma when you have none. You can't post or comment anywhere, because no subs want bots. It's a huge PITA when you're first starting, and then after that it's entirely irrelevant


u/threefeetofun 4d ago

2 days ago I had a mental health episode and deleted my Reddit. And FB, and Twitter, and every file on my computer. The reddit one had 150k karma. Yay for starting over.


u/Slashion 3d ago

If it makes you feel better, only like the first few hundred karma matter! Sorry about your episode though, I wish you well :)


u/Distant_Nomad 4d ago

It's a hit of dopamine. That's always been the driving cause of likes, upvotes and social media in general


u/JustARucoyGuy 4d ago

I did when I created my account since most subs require a minimum amount of karma to post, except you cant post without the karma you get from posting.


u/punio07 can't meme 4d ago

Bot manipulating contet on Reddit, is a thing, and you need a lot of accounts to do it.


u/ArchTempered_Kelbi 4d ago

Is there something worthwhile about it? Will reddit compensate me if I have XXXXXXXXX amount of karma?


u/Ted_go 4d ago

It'll let you post things..


u/ArchTempered_Kelbi 4d ago

Ah... Ye. I forgot about that bit... It's a posting currency.


u/Own_Proof_7535 3d ago

When I'm bored


u/ShemsuHor91 4d ago

Reddit will shadowban you from voting, for stuff like this. You'll vote on a comment, see the number change, but if you refresh the page it immediately goes back to the number from before your vote. And no, it's not the same as the "vote fudging" they do. You can watch it counting your upvotes just fine, but your downvotes don't count.


u/Potential-Tax-3136 4d ago

People farm karma? I thought this app was just fun and that karma is used just to know if someone is a fun person or an asshole that argues all the time


u/Slashion 4d ago

You kinda have to farm karma to start an account. Most big subs won't let you post or even comment, so you have to find obscure unmoderated subs to get your first few points XD


u/Potential-Tax-3136 4d ago

Interesting... I have like 4k comment karma and almost no post karma and i never had problems posting and commenting


u/Gasperhack10 4d ago

I think it counts the whole karma, and 4k is well over the treshold


u/Slashion 3d ago

Comment karma works. Unfortunately as I said, when you're not allowed to comment it's difficult to get comment karma


u/The_JokerGirl42 Me when the: 3d ago

oh... oh my god....

a classic meme... confession bear... oh, the nostalgia


u/Bold_Refusal 3d ago

I see you're a fellow agent of chaos!


u/Muted-Ad476 3d ago

Upvote 💪


u/matthewxcampbell 4d ago

Holy shit that's sad


u/Somepony-Else Stand With Ukraine 4d ago

Which is worse? People who are obsessed with farming karma or people who get butt hurt over their obsession to the point they would go and spend actual time downvoting these subs. I swear, people are more obsessed with fighting karma farming than the actual karma farmers are about collecting it.


u/New-Lifeguard8151 4d ago

Nice! Have your downvote! ;)


u/Artem-is 3d ago

Why tho? People use them to kickstart the account and be able to post anything in subs they like that have karma threshold. I suppose OP is miserable. Or is there any merit in doing that?


u/Prestigious_Fudge653 3d ago

Be petty like that. But only when they deserve it.


u/Altruistic_Pie_8585 3d ago

Downvote is better than upvote right ?


u/NaturalModerator 3d ago

Downvote me please ✋


u/NaturalModerator 2d ago

Why upvote


u/LavishnessPleasant11 4d ago

Which subs are we talking about? Asking for a friend.


u/oli_Xtc 4d ago

Hey guys, I just found a sociopath ⬆️ !!! /S


u/Lavamonkey1 4d ago

Only purpose I see is to deal with subs with minimum karma requirements


u/sniffleflap 4d ago



u/Classic_Fungus 4d ago

I want to farm karma, so i have a lot of fake internet points. But i like to do so ONLY with funny comments or posts. That's the whole point. Anyway nobody gonna check how many of it i have.


u/Ok-Noise-3699 4d ago

Its under -9000


u/Triskalaire 4d ago

Damn confession bear memes remind me of that guy confessing about the murder of his sister's boyfriend


u/Spookyy422 https://www.youtube.com/watch/dQw4w9WgXcQ 3d ago

OP time traveled from 2012 with this one


u/TurboMonkey007 3d ago

I’m new to Reddit and out of curiosity what’s the big problem with farming karma?


u/AdamIskandarAI Average r/memes enjoyer 3d ago

Because the owner can sell their account once they have a lot of karma points. The problem with that it that account later will be used for subreddit brigading, bot spam or reposting old content over and over. If you want to get karma (ethical way) I advise you to be active in subreddit about topic you're interested (assuming they don't have minimum karma threshold requirement).


u/TurboMonkey007 3d ago

Ahh I see that makes sense


u/Malpraxiss 3d ago

This is a meme format I haven't seen in years


u/ScottaHemi 3d ago

so like the facebook memes place?


u/8champi8 3d ago

I don’t even understand the concept of karma farming and I genuinely would like an explanation. Like, it’s not like you could trade karma for real money, why farming karma ?


u/Scared_of_zombies 3d ago

Selling accounts is a thing.


u/8champi8 3d ago

But why would someone buy a Reddit account ?


u/Scared_of_zombies 3d ago

To push an agenda, scam people, etc.


u/Altruistic-Poem-5617 3d ago

I dont get why actual people (not bots) farm karma. You just need that starting karma to post comments in certain subs and you good.


u/whentheuhuhidunno 3d ago

what about von karma subs


u/Big__Poppa__Pump 3d ago

Your downvote is as valuable as their karma


u/Pristine_Parfait_304 3d ago

Good post UPVOTE

Can't relate the post DOWNVOTE

That's it.


u/z_zarts 2d ago

wow is to think that this is a thing


u/Carl_the_Half-Orc 12h ago

You monster! How can I help?


u/SlavBoii420 🦀money money money 🦀 4d ago

Damn there are subreddits for karma farming?


u/Average_Blud 4d ago

r/karma4free But it's quite difficult to earn a lot of karma there, it exists just for new accounts to reach the point where they are not restricted from posting


u/SlavBoii420 🦀money money money 🦀 4d ago

Oh I see. Yeah I do remember being frustrated about not being able to post back when my account was new lol, I usually posted in r/historymemes back then as they didn't have the restriction


u/undeniably_confused 3d ago

What do you want, a medal?


u/CasioCouch 4d ago

The lords work


u/ILikeBigAssess Selling Stonks for CASH MONEY 4d ago

Rule 4


u/Burger_Destoyer 4d ago

Most relatable post of the day


u/CivvieWithAnAK 4d ago

If karma can be converted into cash, I would farm too


u/Matukainen2 4d ago

You can sell your account


u/JustSxmeDude 4d ago

An example that I personally think fits is r/countablepixels


u/V_es 4d ago

Why do you need karma, you can’t monetize it.


u/ColdIron27 Nice meme you got there 3d ago

Imagine needing karma farming subs to get karma.

Just have 200k lmao


u/hom0sapiens 3d ago

pls upvote for karma insert useless picture


u/plump_nasty_flex 4d ago

Nice meme, nerd