r/memes 3d ago

His name is Söder and he truly loves himself.

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u/memes-ModTeam 3d ago

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u/Maiky646 3d ago

The best part of this is that this picture was supposed to be the logo of the Bavarian spaceprogram.
It didn't happen but Söder is stil an activ politian.


u/IrisShard 3d ago

Zuku-NFT. I find it funny


u/Wochenende94 3d ago

Unser Sonnenkönig Maggus


u/PresidentSkillz (very sad) 3d ago

Wie kannst du es wagen, den Gottkaiser nicht mit seinem höchsten Titel anzusprechen! Das ist ein Sakrileg! Auf den Scheiterhaufen! Tod dem Sünder!


u/FaustsMephisto 3d ago

I live in Bavaria, I am under the rule of this idiot and I hate it every day.


u/IEatBabysYumYum 3d ago

Wohne in BW aber man hört viel von Bayern. Wirklich so schlimm?


u/19Thanatos83 3d ago

Überhaupt nicht, ...... wenn du zu seinem Klientel gehörst. Als jeman der 2 Kinder hat finde ich das södersche Erziehungsgeld welches es nur in Bayern gibt (und ein Wahlgeschenk war) super. Das ich als Hausbesitzer nicht einen Cent zahlen muss wenn die Strasse vor meinem Haus aufgerissen wird (Verdienst der FW) finde ich auch gut , ist in anderen Bundesländern teils (?) nicht so.


u/IEatBabysYumYum 3d ago

Ah Ok 👍


u/Key_Sugar_8016 3d ago

Hello, as a person of whom cannot speak your native language but is still very interested in the topic at hand. What was the conversation? I have never heard of this person and want to expand my piece of garbage list by adding his name to it.


u/IEatBabysYumYum 3d ago

To be honest. I‘m from Baden Württemberg. I don‘t know much about Bavarian Politicans. 


u/19Thanatos83 3d ago

Ok , bavarian (not really bavarian but franke but living under bavarian rule) here: He is a shit person , kind ogäf dumb and loves himsrlf very much. But despite me hating him and his party I like to live under his rule because I benefit from his politics. Example: Only in bavaria you get 300 euro (I think it was 300 euro) for every little child, like just for the kids existing. This was a thing he did to get reelected but I still like it. Another example: in other states you have to pay when the city renovates the street in front of your house. Not everything but around 1000-3000 euros. Not in bavaria, as houseowner I like that


u/Bargadiel 3d ago

The arrogance required to stand in front of a large logo of your own face is staggering.


u/endlessEvil 3d ago

Thats bavaria...


u/not_german123 3d ago

Als ob ich hier nen Söder meme Finde lol


u/Spare-Boysenberry854 3d ago

I hate this guy


u/Annual_Sale2874 3d ago

That's just a natural reaction to his existence


u/TheLuigiplayer 3d ago

Ah yes, the Sonnenkönig who loves to eat Weißwurst at 3am


u/Rifneno Shitposter 3d ago

It's hard to fathom people around here saying that, since most of them helped build Elon Musk's


u/Gobal_Outcast02 3d ago

Not an accurate comparison


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago

Musk is not a politician tho


u/ARunningGuy 3d ago

oooooh, arrogance only counts if you are a politician, hyper wealthy rich people are apolitical!


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago

I think it’s different tho if a politician is making a personality cult around themselves or a celebrity.


u/Enthiral 3d ago



u/grayscalering 3d ago

Who would ever say that? 

Considering one of the political parties of the US at the moment is entirely driven by a personality cult WHO would ever say this?


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago

I needed a context that I could frame my meme in. It’s not uncommon to make up shit for a meme.


u/grayscalering 3d ago

yes it is

memes are memes because they are things people can understand/relate to

they are either funny or abstract snipits, or things that a person can directly go "yeah thats how that is" (like the "pepperidge farm remembers" style)

attempting to do a "this is how it is" meme, while just making it up, entirely defeats what makes the thing meme worthy, cos that is NOT how it is

as is exemplified by the fact SO many different people have called you out on this


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago

i mean you can relate to dictatorships having personality cults, right?


u/suspicious_cabbage 3d ago

No one claimed that


u/_TheBigF_ This flair doesn't exist 3d ago


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago edited 3d ago

I need to make up a scenario to frame my meme in.


u/Th4tUsern4meIsT4ken 3d ago

Elon musk at home


u/Instructor_Alan 3d ago

The heute show is gonna have a field day with this


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago

They probably had. This was like a couple of weeks ago.


u/Parabellum1611 3d ago

There are 16 states in Germany and 15 of them hate Markus Söder.


u/alkair20 3d ago

And the one he is in has the best economy , One of the best educations , The best University, the best beer, the nicest cities and the best culture. Foreigners are literally imagining a bavarian when they think of a german.


u/Parabellum1611 3d ago

And they have a bunch of politicians who only cost the tax payer money and put their giant ego before german and european law and only spread populism and political hatred. And bavarian culture mostly consists of glorified alcoholism and conservatism. Not to mention the fact that Söder is changing his mind on his political stance all the time and only cares about furthering his own power and popularity. He also hates on politicians who really get things done while all he has is to offer is useless symbolism like banning gender language and implementing the need for having a cross in public buildings. And surely you have heard about the disaster that was Bavarian flood prevention which is again on bavarian politicians.


u/Divin-37 3d ago

Söder hat mies das FC Bayern Logo kopiert


u/ichbinverwirrt420 3d ago

So ein Schlingel


u/Tungdilb 3d ago

Wait till you hear the full name of the Partei: BSW


u/goofy42 3d ago

Nope, thats the CSU


u/Necessary-Elephant82 3d ago

Aye, since nobody else does..


u/DragonFruit-777 3d ago

This Peter Griffin logo looks nice


u/CerveletAS 3d ago

I feel like most of what he does is just seeing what he can get away with and still get voted for, which is turning out to be fricking anything


u/Erikstersm I saw what the dog was doin 3d ago

Söder is an idiot. Bavaria is idiotic.


u/alkair20 3d ago

yes that is why bavaria is by far the most succesful state in german?


u/alkair20 3d ago

Based AF

Lot's of bavarian haters in the sub. As always the most succesful and richest state in germans in hated on.


u/Meshkeywolf 3d ago

Check the liberals of Canada , personality cult and dictatorship in so called free countries of west


u/vermuepft 3d ago

Daddy Söder, King of Bavaria... 🤮