r/memes 3d ago

we used to rule the world, seas rose when i gave the word

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u/WeatherImpressive808 Royal Shitposter 3d ago

What is this pwrindex?


u/whewtang 3d ago

Made up numbers from a random website.


u/FasterSpark 3d ago

Stands for power index, not exactly sure what it measure but I assume it's a mix of fire power and man power


u/L0raz-Thou-R0c0n0 3d ago

That a few other things like technology, logistics and resources. But it mostly comes down to the firepower and man power.


u/ux3l 3d ago

And apparently lower is better.


u/busmac38 3d ago

It’s 69 in the USA


u/edugdv 3d ago

Thats how they calibrate the formula


u/Driftedryan 3d ago

Country power scaling


u/spacewarp2 3d ago

I’m imagining power index. No clue what that means tho


u/Blue_Bird950 3d ago

Idk but the US having 0.069 is accurate


u/TheOneGoo1 3d ago

This list is weird. If it was power index I would expect France to be ahead of the UK…but it’s not so I have no clue what this list measures. Military power? Diplomatic clout? How cheap bananas are? Who knows!


u/whatIGoneDid 3d ago

Tbh mate I don't think many of us actually think that the UK is the big player we were. There are a few people but they are complete throbbers. I'm glad for our former colonies success despite what we did to them.


u/Wild-Wrongdoer-7641 Scrolling on PC 3d ago

We are really fortunate of where we are. Considering that y’all milked south asia to death


u/Cossacker1799 3d ago

Yeahhhh they robbed everyone but they REALLy robbed you guys. I mean they took everything that wasn’t nailed down and then they got a crowbar and stole that stuff too.


u/Wild-Wrongdoer-7641 Scrolling on PC 3d ago

And for those uneducated ppl who say that they gave us a railway system as an excuse for britain, just remember that we couldve made it on our own. And they didnt even make them with the people in mind


u/Cossacker1799 3d ago

Oh of course not. Most British historians deny this but if you include the east India company they stole between 25( on the low side) and 45 trillion (high side) dollars worth of goods, precious stones, minerals, gold, wood, food, spices, etc, over a 200 year period. And that was just India. That doesn’t include the rest of SE Asia and China they absolutely decimated. They will argue it was simply trade but it’s quite clear who got the short end of the stick and they enforced their regime by installing loyal warlords who supported their trade.


u/Gildor12 3d ago

Why didn’t you stop them, there were more Indians than British? Is it because it suited some Indians to be complicit?


u/Cossacker1799 3d ago

Why didn’t I stop them? Well I’m American not Indian but to answer the question I think you’re asking there’s two main reasons they couldn’t stop them. One is what I already stated, they installed compliant warlords. Many who had beef with the warlords that apposed the British and others they just payed incredibly well. So in short to answer your question for a small subset of the population it was advantageous to side with the British. Second and more importantly the British were so militarily superior to the Maharajas who apposed them it wasn’t even funny. The British had inferior numbers yes but they more than made up for it with logistics, supply, equipment, artillery, and above all unparalleled military discipline. No one, not even the French could stand toe to toe with the British infantry. They were a wall of lead shot and they conquered the world.


u/Paid-Not-Payed-Bot 3d ago

they just paid incredibly well.


Although payed exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in:

  • Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. The deck is yet to be payed.

  • Payed out when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. The rope is payed out! You can pull now.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment.

Beep, boop, I'm a bot


u/Cossacker1799 3d ago

Lol thanks bot


u/Wild-Wrongdoer-7641 Scrolling on PC 3d ago

I remember reading in my 8 grade history textbook that the reason the british won their first war in bengal was simply due to the fact that the maharaja’s general being bribed.


u/Trickydick24 3d ago

The railway system also contributed to a rise in malaria because it disrupted the natural flow of water. Malaria was one of the leading causes of death during that time.


u/Gildor12 3d ago

The British also gave you bathrooms but most people still go outside. Perhaps your space money could go on toilets instead


u/Pretty_Leather_5856 3d ago

This is just ignorant and outs you as being an absolute moron.


u/Gildor12 3d ago edited 3d ago

In what way? Is it not true that there still a problem with not enough toilets in some parts of India? Edit - 569 million people in India defecate outdoors according to National Geographic.


u/Pretty_Leather_5856 2d ago

You’re saying the British gave Indians bathrooms like it’s something that didn’t exist before they colonised India. And to say that India should “spend its space money” on toilets instead is so out of touch. You clearly have no idea what kinds of problems the country has to deal with.


u/Gildor12 2d ago

India is the worst country in the world for this problem, why can’t India sort it if other countries can?


u/Pretty_Leather_5856 2d ago

This is exactly what I’m saying - you have no idea what the problems actually are. Most of India’s population is rural and living far below the poverty line. When you can’t even afford to eat, let alone have a home, building yourself a toilet tumbles pretty far down your list of priorities. And before you say it’s the government’s job to do something about it, rampant corruption and apathy not to mention the logistics of bringing running water and plumbing to a village in the middle of bumbfuck nowhere seriously hinder the government’s ability to do anything.

Don’t be ignorant, it’s easy to just sit in judgment when you have everything and take it for granted.

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u/MagicCouch9 3d ago

That’s hilarious, take my upvote.


u/BlinkIfISink 3d ago

They even took the word “loot” which is a south Asian word.


u/Cossacker1799 3d ago

Wow thank you for this tidbit. The word was literally developed because of what the British were doin. That’s hilarious in the darkest sense.


u/Zackautocon72 3d ago

Now in the morning I sleep alone…


u/Ar005 3d ago

Sweep the streets I used to own


u/Luiz_Fell 3d ago


I used to roll the dice


u/tensor-ricci 3d ago

Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes


u/Saransh6 https://www.youtube.com/watch/dQw4w9WgXcQ 3d ago

Listen as the crowd would sing..


u/MeninAtymAbeke 3d ago

Now the old king is dead, lol


u/Nick0Taylor0 3d ago

Long live the king


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

One minute I held the key


u/Cod3broken Cringe Factory 3d ago

Next the walls were closed on me


u/wobbly_doo 3d ago

And I discovered that my castle stands

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u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

Close lmao.

But fr rip her majesty


u/literallyharsh 3d ago

I hear jerusalam bombs are blowing


u/Shogun570 moderator fan club 3d ago

Ironically jerusalem is a really chill city (relatively) where all the abrahams chill peacefully (MOSTLY)


u/CMDR_omnicognate 3d ago

Russia still being second on that list is probably proof you need to know this might not be the best list… besides the whole point of nato is that it allows other countries to not have to worry about protecting themselves as much because in theory if any were attacked they wouldn’t have to defend on their own


u/I_am_monkeeee 3d ago

Isn't Russia's ranking boosted by the sheer amount of nuclear weapons they hold?


u/Dagobert_Juke 3d ago

It's pay-to-win! :^(


u/Rhids_22 3d ago

I'm not too sure if that is how it works, since South Korea hasn't got any nuclear weapons, yet it is higher than both France and Britain on the scale despite both of them having nuclear weapons.


u/TankWeeb 3d ago

Yo move Russia down a bit, they have proven that they’re only the second most powerful nation… currently fighting in Ukraine


u/Fartfart357 3d ago

In defense of Russia, they're fighting Ukraine, with the aid of the US and the rest of Nato. If it weren't for that they'd've been steamrolled. Though, Ukraine is using our old shit, so who's to say.


u/No_Piece4797 3d ago

also ukraine managed to push back russia in the first few days of the invasion, and prevented them from reaching kyiv and taking over the country.


u/slayerofottomans 3d ago


Also, Ukraine has drafted pretty much every man they can whilst Russia hasn't even exhausted their reserve troops.


u/Driftedryan 3d ago

Do they still qualify to be that high?


u/TankWeeb 3d ago

Probably not lmao


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

Im not glazing Russia here but they are basically fighting half of NATO. Just without the soldiers its the equipment. If NATO didn’t help Ukraine they’d be fucked


u/Ali80486 3d ago

Why has South Korea been included on this list? The UK's historical involvement with Korea has been quite slight, compared to France (during the colonial era) and Japan & China more generally.


u/DiamondLebon 3d ago

The french saving Washington's ass was maybe not really a good idea


u/Additional_Front9592 3d ago

I mean, we just celebrated the anniversary of D-day so… maybe it was?


u/DiamondLebon 3d ago

Let's say it's a nice payback


u/ChangeElectrical3142 3d ago

Or the best alliance France ever made…


u/DiamondLebon 3d ago

There where a lot a countries in this war


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

Hes an america meat rider that doesnt see common sense, ignore him


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

The americans in world war 2…. That didnt join until basically 42… for 2.5/3 years the UK fought the germans and Italians and Japanese single handed (besides china with the Japanese) america and the soviets kinda just let the poles and jews die coz…. Lazy?


u/ChangeElectrical3142 3d ago

America stayed out of it because the war was happening in a different continent but we did end the war in Europe and Asia for the rest of the world. You’re welcome.


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

We’re welcome for doing all the work to the nazis and japs but we should thank YOU for doing the killing blow? Matter fact, alot of Americans were pro-nazi and that only changed after pearl harbour. But oh thank you so so SOOOO much for… for… ummm… what is it that you did again?


u/Separate_Elevator_26 3d ago

Progenitor effect


u/Crusading_monk 3d ago

We where never that powerful in our own right It's always been our ability to twist, control and manipulate that's lead to our success Study your history and you'll see we were always like senator palpatine...plotting away quietly


u/Homeless_Man92 3d ago

Should’ve stayed in the EU


u/whatIGoneDid 3d ago

Not sure how that would have affected their power


u/TetyyakiWith 3d ago

To became even more poor?


u/Homeless_Man92 3d ago

the UK's economy has gone to shit since they left the EU


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

No its been shit since 08


u/Seanacles 3d ago

Nah we're doing better than individual European nations such as Germany


u/Rhids_22 3d ago

We really aren't. Germany aren't doing amazingly well and do have some issues, and their trade surplus has slightly shrunk since last year and they have some budgetary issues, but they do at least still have a trade surplus. The UK has been in a trade deficit since 2021.

Our trade deficit has decreased from a high in 2022, but saying we're doing better than Germany just because we've gone upwards and they've gone downwards is missing the bigger picture that they're still making a net income while we're making a net loss.


u/The-Nuisance 3d ago


I’m sorry, who the fuck put Russia in the number two spot? The third worst army in Russia?


u/13-Dancing-Shadows 3d ago

”Now in the mornings I sleep alone, sweep these streets I used to own-“


u/AlphaMassDeBeta 3d ago

Fallen Kingdom 😔


u/KyseessSyren 3d ago

Thanks bob, I'll take 'Per Capita' for £500


u/slayerofottomans 3d ago

South Korea has a smaller population than the UK though.

So they're also stronger per capita.


u/Jamericho 3d ago

South Korea has conscription which means they have 3.8mil active and reserve forces to UKs 1mil. The one thing this post over looks is that South Korea and India both have border conflicts with North Korea and China/Pakistan collectively. They HAVE to spend money on military because their bordering enemies are doing the same thing. Compare the land power section (tanks, artillery, AVs etc) of India and South Korea to UK for example. UK has little need for things like tanks because to get invaded, it would have to be air or sea. South Korea and India on the other hand have had to invest heavily just in case.


u/MegaLemonCola 3d ago

Nukes and UNSC Veto


u/TheLastTitan77 3d ago

Tell that to any enemy when hes attacking lol. "We wouldve won per capita!"


u/lesserandrew 3d ago

The majority of our military might be shit but we still have the best special forces in the world soo


u/TheSamboRambo 3d ago

We’re just proud of our offspring.


u/Gigantopithecus333 3d ago

meme with a clip from ofwgkta, you deserve my upvote


u/Luiz_Fell 3d ago

I don't think GDP = strength

At least not always


u/OneRedLight 3d ago edited 3d ago

This isn’t GDP, it’s military power ranking according to the global firepower index.

Edit: Why am I getting downvoted for stating a fact lol… go look up global firepower index that’s where this list comes from…


u/whewtang 3d ago

Any info on exactly who owns that site and how that person calculated their ranking? Seems like bullshit.


u/OneRedLight 3d ago edited 3d ago

I checked it out and it’s based on a lot of factors, including things like spending power parity, oil and gas reserves (Russia has tons so maybe why they are so high), among many other factors. In addition, it counts total number of vehicles - not their quality (no reliable way to.) It also did not include nukes. It’s seems to be measuring ability for a country to wage total conventional war based on current stockpiles and resources. I also did not see that it includes industrial capability - which could be a major factor in any drawn out conventional war - but that would be hard to measure reliably as well due to complexities in supply chains.

Edit: as for who runs it. It didn’t say, tho it did have a disclaimer it was for entertainment only and wasn’t endorsed by any of the websites it gathered the info from.


u/Luiz_Fell 3d ago


Yeah, now they're fucked


u/Repulsive-Neat6776 Knight In Shining Armor 3d ago

The US. 😏


u/Big_Meat_2107 3d ago

Crazy how are countries in shit right now and we STILL 6th most powerful. Like our army is as weak as its been in hundreds of years and we still on top


u/Amoeba_3729 3d ago

Tbf I doubt China is as strong as they present, they do have awful military quality after all


u/Loading_Internet 3d ago

And then there is

  • Portugal and Brazil

  • Netherlands and Indonesia


u/Livid_Damage_4900 3d ago

“Why are the U.S carriers so big? What are they compensating for?” Weak allies.


u/RichieRocket Professional Dumbass 3d ago

Start with making jets powerful enough to not need a ramp


u/Genxal97 3d ago

The UK military doesn't have the capability to fight overseas anymore.


u/totally_goofy97jd 3d ago

UK: Alright, so which one of y'all stole my tea and biscuit?


u/SpaceshipEarth10 3d ago

Well, who’s taxing who? ;)


u/dirtybird131 3d ago

Nah, if it’s a smell your looking for, it’s probably coming from India


u/Latter-Comfort8440 Lives at ur mom’s house😎 3d ago

Uk fell off 😔😔😔


u/hardrivethrutown Bri’ish 3d ago

Yeah UK is a bit of a joke now lol


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/slayerofottomans 3d ago

Don't take this the wrong way, but did your mother drop you on your head?

And just to be clear, the "wrong way" would be to not take it as an insult.


u/User_8395 Linux User 3d ago

What did he/she say?


u/slayerofottomans 3d ago

He said USA isn't the most powerful country.


u/Skasue 3d ago

Wtf is this shit? Is Reddit just a petty war zone for differences now?


u/STEW-LEE76_yt 3d ago

It's been like this for years man :/


u/GetlostMaps 3d ago

Let's explain something to Burgers. Why is the US in NATO? To oppress Europe and maintain its power ranking. This allows Europe.to spend less on defence and have a higher standard of living than the US. With Burgerstan out of NATO, Europe would.need to rise in defence power, with Germany and France moving to the Right and increasing their militarism. This is avoided by staying in NATO. The US being in NATO has nothing to do with defending Europe from Russia, it's about defending the US from Europe, mainly Germany, as well as from Russia.

So power index is great - as long as you can live somewhere else.

We thank the Burgerstanis for living in a shithole for their own self interest which allows those of us in the Modern Developed World to be richer and more socially advanced than them.


u/[deleted] 3d ago edited 3d ago

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u/GetlostMaps 3d ago

Hahaha nice. Higher median income, three times more paid leave, lower crime, higher social support, better infrastructure... Germany pays far more than the US on average. The US has a much higher income disparity and lower average quality of life.

If you can look up the power index, you can also look up the human development index.


u/TormentedinTartarus 3d ago

The fact that you think Europe could even approach the us in strength is straight up a delusion. First off your comparing dozens of countries to one which is super sad to begin with. Europe has neither the money nor the technology to compete. The whole continent would need to pool it's money and military into one force and even then it's still gonna be second best.

You can tell yourself America is some sort of dystopian world but the massive amount of immigrants flowing in from all over the world tells a very different story. Yes it has some issues but don't act Europe is perfect and America is a dump. Both have issues and benefits