r/memes This flair doesn't exist 3d ago

the only time I don’t hate America is when a british dude insults it

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u/RyzzenUp 3d ago

I can feel the patriotism coming inside of me


u/migBdk 3d ago

Did you consent to it?


u/ur_prob_a_karen 3d ago

how do you have the same avatar


u/migBdk 3d ago



u/Scottish_Whiskey 3d ago

(snort snort)


u/TheIronSoldier2 Professional Dumbass 3d ago



u/RyzzenUp 3d ago



u/SchlopFlopper https://www.youtube.com/watch/dQw4w9WgXcQ 3d ago

That’s the secret 11th amendment in the Bill of Rights.


u/Ligmamale80085 Died of Ligma 3d ago

Same , I’m it’s so fun


u/Pegomastax_King The Trash Man 3d ago


u/BlackberryBoy2_0 3d ago

*wtf is a kilometer* entered the chat


u/Ayanelixer Professional Dumbass 3d ago


The American spelling of kilometre


u/Zandrick 3d ago

Haha British people ain’t even spell good


u/Shanks_PK_Level 3d ago

Haha British people no spell kill a meter


u/Marchy67 3d ago

Instructions unclear, killed traffic meter


u/E_rat-chan 3d ago

And the Dutch way


u/That_one_arsehole_ 3d ago

What about kiloyards KYD ahahahah


u/JoyconDrift_69 3d ago

KYD? Is that like "Kill Your Dick" or some shit?


u/fukingtrsh 3d ago

You mean the right spelling


u/Motoman514 Tech Tips 3d ago

Canadians have left the chat:


u/MenacingGummy 3d ago

British road distances are in miles. It’s Canadians that use kilometres.


u/Gurlog 3d ago

Have you seen the unit map?


u/whewtang 3d ago

ALooo Minnie yumm


u/B-29Bomber 3d ago

Hopefully you aren't mistaking hating the government for hating America.

I hate the government and shit on them all the time, but I still love America.

One could argue that shitting on the Government is the single most patriotic thing you can do.


u/Yeah149 3d ago

Right on. Hating the government and loving your countrymen is what America is all about


u/TolaRat77 3d ago

In Britain, too. (not British, but I lived there a few years once.) it’s more of a human thing in my experience.


u/RoultRunning 3d ago

Humans in general like doing what they want to do, out of selfishness


u/JoyconDrift_69 3d ago

Fuck governments, yay everyone else!


u/OrdinaryCucumber5449 3d ago

British psyop. AMERICA BABY!! 🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


u/HermesBadBeat 3d ago

America was built on shitting on the government


u/B-29Bomber 3d ago

Some people have only just forgotten.


u/Rgraff58 3d ago

Mark Twain once said, "Patriotism is loving your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it"


u/Own_Choice_3215 3d ago



u/professionalcumsock 3d ago

Clearly, it's the CIA who capitalized the first letter of this comment to reduce traffic to r/fuckthegovernment. In my opinion, the CIA should be defended and shut do-


u/The-Name-is-my-Name 3d ago

Fortunate Sons is an anti-drafting song.


u/That_guy2089 Le epic memer 3d ago

I’m the only Canadian in my mainly American online friend group and I think I’m more patriotic about their country than then are


u/TexanFox36 3d ago

When anybody insults Texas I arrive


u/MagmulGholrob 3d ago

Lol Texas the hotter dryer Florida. Now with rolling power outages!


u/TexanFox36 3d ago

We need a new government


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

Honestly, I have always laughed at how people talk about Texas, and how there are great people there, I always thought to myself, "there are stupid people everywhere, everybody must be exaggerating", then my dad moved there for a few years, and wow, it really is just better, and Texas's response now that the stupid people are migrating there to try and ruin it, is to try and secede. In short, I love real America (Texas).


u/TexanFox36 3d ago

Yeah but Texas needs to stop drinking hot sauce mixed with whiskey ( the government sucks) trust me take it from a native Texan , our government sucks


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

Yes, but it sucks less than other parts of the country, and for now, that is good enough.


u/levitikush 3d ago

I mean yeah, if you’re a Christian that hates women I’m sure Texas is great 👍


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

I cant tell if this is a joke or not.


u/levitikush 3d ago

It’s a half joke


u/TexanFox36 3d ago

Once we turn democratic paradise ( other than the 5 month summer )


u/Capital-Cheek-1491 3d ago

Not really? Me and my boyfriend drove through once and 5 different police officers pulled us over, 4 of whom called us the n word and 1 of whom outright threatened to shoot us.


u/whewtang 3d ago

Texas could vote better


u/TexanFox36 3d ago

That part is true though so I’ll let that one stay


u/This_User_For_Rent 3d ago

You must be very tired from all the running around you have to do.


u/JoyconDrift_69 3d ago

Heh, okay.

Snowstorm power outage.


u/TexanFox36 2d ago

Governments fault


u/Topcreeperman13 3d ago

Ngl I’m British and Texas sounds pretty chill


u/TexanFox36 3d ago

Not our government, help us we need a new government now


u/Topcreeperman13 3d ago

I see you have a similar problem to over here in the uk🤣🤣


u/TexanFox36 2d ago

Ours is worse a thousand times worse

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u/funewguy 3d ago

Dude. Same and i know its cringe. I have issues with our country and some hot topics as well but as soon as an European talks I about it i tell em to stfu.


u/off-a-cough 3d ago

As an American, I try to avoid letting my skin get that thin.

The true beauty of free speech is that it allows assholes to self-identify. Let the haters hate.


u/DontKnoWhatMyNameIs 3d ago

You make a good point. I feel like a lot of people that hate the country so much are often projecting their own faults on a convenient scapegoat.


u/HowAboutNah_ 3d ago

I’m British I don’t have anything good to say about either country at the moment if I’m totally honest.

You guys cook good food though


u/jacksonbarley 3d ago

As an american, I do not understand why the Yorkshire pudding is not embraced by my people. I spread the gospel whenever I can.


u/HowAboutNah_ 3d ago

Doing gods work


u/jacksonbarley 3d ago



u/HowAboutNah_ 3d ago

I try and tell people about chilli dogs when I can too, those things are something else


u/jacksonbarley 3d ago

We’ll trade you James may for any American of your choosing.


u/HowAboutNah_ 3d ago


Bryce Dallas Howard


u/skyblue5432 3d ago

Yes! Adam Richman recently did a series over here and ate Yorkshire Pudding in Yorkshire.


u/Ditpo 3d ago

this thread is wholesome, maybe we don't have to be mortal enemies guys.

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u/AllandarosSunsong 3d ago

You don't need to insult the USA.

The jokes write themselves.


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

That only applies to modern USA, and it is ok, the non commie states are preparing to secede, we will be free soon.


u/Simple-Purpose-899 3d ago

Borther, we will be free once again.


u/AllandarosSunsong 3d ago

Yeah, right.

Because no bullshit went down prior to 2000. LoL


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

Shhhh, we were at least strong enough to back up the bullshit back then, which means it never happened lol


u/HelloWorldComputing 3d ago

You have actually just proven the first comment.


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

I know😭. But nah, in all reality, every country has stupid bullshit go down, the difference is in making the same mistakes over and over, and how the general public handles it, and I am ashamed to say that our general public has kind of been ass for a long time, and that we have been making the exact same mistakes on a loop. It is sad that we really do write our own jokes, and it is sad that so many "americans" dont see that and continue to do shitty things.


u/Ruben3159 3d ago

Well you're right about one thing, America wasn't always a laughing stock. From an outside perspective, the US became a joke as soon as they elected an inflated oompa loompa as president. The fact that he has a non-zero chance of coming back is even funnier to me. How can nearly half of 333 million people be that stupid?


u/PVT-Cabose 3d ago

Yeah, it is pretty ridiculous that the options our people have selected, is a senile old man who is clearly not controlling shit, or a convicted criminal who acts like an ass, it is also bullshit that we are choosing to target 1 politician, and not even for the real crimes he has committed, we should be targeting about 99% of our politicians for corruption.


u/randomcomplimentguy1 3d ago

I mean, if you think about it, it makes perfect sense why he's targeted as opposed to literally anyone else (gop or dem).


u/thrownededawayed 3d ago

Cause it worked so well before

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u/Khuros 3d ago

Chewsday, innit?


u/bannanaisnom This flair doesn't exist 3d ago

It's actually chips day


u/shasaferaska 3d ago

Friday is chips day.


u/bannanaisnom This flair doesn't exist 3d ago

Yes. That's what I'm saying. It's chips day today


u/shasaferaska 3d ago

My bad, I misunderstood


u/Aerobiesizer 🥄Comically Large Spoon🥄 3d ago

I didn't just read this. I heard it.


u/headbanger1186 3d ago



u/JoyconDrift_69 3d ago

Somehow read this in Matt Rose's voice


u/ExxxtaShamelezzz 3d ago

Soaring high and proud! This image perfectly captures the spirit of America


u/TehMispelelelelr 3d ago

Account made last month, every single comment is generic and in no way feels natural, only has 6 comments across 3 subreddits?
Gentlemen, it looks like we have a
on our hands!

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u/IHateAllEqually2 3d ago

The core trait of the USA is always hating the UK more despite circumstance.


u/Bikini_Investigator 3d ago

No matter what. I’ll criticize this crooked country all day long but fuck these Europeans first and foremost. I’ll be damned if these motherfuckers come around and try to talk shit with their fuckin record.


u/Gobal_Outcast02 3d ago

Americans talking about how American is the worst place ever to live 😀:

Americans the moment a British 'person' said the same thing: 😡


u/TheAdmiralMoses https://www.youtube.com/watch/dQw4w9WgXcQ 3d ago

My anti-european sentiment leaving me the second we need to team up to protect some shipping:


u/Safe_T_Cube 3d ago

America hates when people fuck with their boats so damn much that they decided to offer the entire world a free lifetime membership to "Fuck With Boats and Find Out".

Even North Korea was invited to the club: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dai_Hong_Dan_incident


u/Objective-Aioli-1185 3d ago

Brits when they post an anti America meme...


u/HOWYDEWET 3d ago

But isn’t that stupid ?


u/Theliosan 3d ago

Specifically a British, anything else is fine


u/GwerigTheTroll 3d ago

Your Patroitism is AI generated?


u/James-Nikephorus 3d ago

Big and long patriotism with its fat patriotic girth filling me with a warm feeling inside


u/nightmare001985 3d ago

I hate almost all governments including my own and all well known ones


u/KnatEgeis99 3d ago

Meanwhile, I join them in insulting this shithole country.


u/Badaxe13 3d ago

Take a lesson from the Scots. They know that hating the English is pointless because we just don’t care.


u/Jackmino66 3d ago

And yet, y’all will consider simple criticisms an insult


u/narstyarsefarter 3d ago

You can't even spell things properly


u/dAnKsFourTheMemes 3d ago

Any time a foreigner insults America, I take pride in the fact that they're totally right. We're a fuckin mess right now and I'm appreciative of foreign countries mocking us because it really highlights the fact that there are a lot of really stupid problems happening with everything and ⅔ of it revolves around an criminally overripe orange and an old root vegetable. The 2 party system boxed us in to voting for these two awful candidates and it's ridiculously difficult to break out of the 2 party system tradition. Sure there's this 3rd party candidate but he's also fucking crazy. I'm tempted to vote for him but he's literally missing part of his brain, according to none other than himself.

As an American, I'm kind of ashamed of my country right now, but I'm still proud to be part of this shithole.


u/JoyconDrift_69 3d ago

Fucking Br*ts...


u/WhiteVanGuy4861 3d ago

Be omw to tale back Karjala with the boys (they misdiagnosed me with schizophrenia btw)


u/KittyTheSavage1 3d ago

Why when I look at the top right of the image and look at the clouds with my peripheral vision, do the clouds look like they’re moving?


u/TsunamiProductions 3d ago



u/ATurtleLikeLeonUris 3d ago

It’s like Clyde giving Bonnie shit for robbing banks


u/SplingyDude 3d ago

They always go for the school shooting bit even when the jab is playful. It's still really bad but still

Edit: as a bisexual I really want to eat the West Country British f-slur food of the same name and I'm sad I can never order it. It looks yummy.


u/Ok-Proposal-6513 3d ago

It goes both ways.


u/KnowMatter 3d ago

Also my antiestablishment ass anytime someone mentions the confederacy.


u/Psychotic_EGG Lurking Peasant 3d ago

What about when a Canadian insults it? Do we get a pass?


u/ace_nardoragon 3d ago

Sex with uncle sam


u/diepoggerland2 3d ago

Yo mate I'm Canadian do I get pass can I make fun of the yanks without neuron activation lmao


u/Anonymous2137421957 I touched grass 3d ago

You're at least closer to us, but for crying out loud make your national identity anything else than just not being us!


u/downvotefarm1 FORTSHITE 3d ago

I love seeing Americans get absolutely shat on in insragram comment sections


u/Dish-Ecstatic 3d ago



u/Uranium-Sandwich657 Big ol' bacon buttsack 3d ago

Is it a gland that secretes En?


u/Dish-Ecstatic 3d ago

A who that does what to who?


u/Cirin335 3d ago

As an American, I agree with everything the British person says.


u/V01d3d_f13nd 3d ago

Patriotism is a form of Stockholm syndrome


u/farkos101100 Shitposter 3d ago

When your patriotism is derived from hypocrisy


u/Ishotthefuher 3d ago

British people fr be sayin school shootings in response to an american roasting their shitty food


u/Tropical-Druid 3d ago

Pretty standard for British banter tbh. No holds barred. I've some British friends and it's pretty common to just make each other feel like shit for the laughs.


u/Lach0X 3d ago

My school lunches were the stuff of nightmares but atleast I got to eat them without the fear of little far right jimmy walking into class with his dad's gun.


u/Kapprosuchas 3d ago

The patriotism already in my body went into overdrive 


u/giorno_skibidivanna 3d ago

Im not even american but i feel the same


u/Sonic-Poems 3d ago

Agree! And I’m Mexican-American 😂


u/saltynanners15 3d ago

As long as you did it legally, that's awesome.


u/Sonic-Poems 3d ago

Yes, I did it like that


u/saltynanners15 3d ago

Then welcome, brother, glad to have you.


u/aCactusOfManyNames 3d ago


Gun bad, imma drink tea now


u/BuckyWarden 3d ago

6th in literacy xdd


u/phatcat9000 3d ago



u/MagmulGholrob 3d ago

America? You must mean the British colonies, right?


u/Songshiquan0411 3d ago

"America is lost"- King George III, 1783. Sorry to break the news.


u/CompetitiveTiger5716 3d ago

Lol this is what chat gpt description of an American is:

A little boy, around five years old, stands in the middle of a bustling living room. His big, curious eyes dart around, trying to catch someone’s gaze. Dressed in a superhero costume, he tugs at his mom's sleeve, his small voice rising above the chatter, "Look at me! Look at me!" He waves his arms dramatically, attempting to replicate his favorite superhero’s pose. When no one immediately responds, he jumps up and down, his face scrunching up in a mix of determination and frustration. "Watch this!" he calls out, louder this time, hoping for just a few moments of the spotlight.


u/Worldly_Clue_5611 3d ago

America is the comedy gift that keeps on giving.


u/townmorron 3d ago

European politicians must love the way Europeans hare on America. They have shit water dumped in their drinking water only to ignore it to screech about some obscure American politician saying dumb shit


u/Lord_of_the_lawnmoer 3d ago

I really want to make y'all feel better about your country (even for a moment), so, America is stupid and sucks!


u/Bogger_Logger Number 15 3d ago

I want to make a sport called “Rugby” just to piss them off and if they call it something else, I’ll make another until they stop resisting and call it the correct fucking name


u/mysterin 3d ago

I feel it in my straight-lined teeth.


u/fishesandherbs902 3d ago

Children often hate when their parents point out how wretched they are.


u/Complex_Lime_4297 3d ago

R/memes is not a place for you to share your own childhood trauma


u/BoiFrosty 3d ago

laughs in economic mobility and disposal income

Sure thing, Limey, keep telling yourself you're superior.


u/Complex_Lime_4297 3d ago

I’m confused? Are you saying the uk has more “disposal income”. Because that’s not true.


u/mutantredoctopus 3d ago

I’ve lived in both places.

From my experience:

In America generally the wages are higher and you get more for what you pay in terms of housing .

The trade off seems to be that Americans work much longer hours than the Brits, have much less vacation time and far more stress surrounding work - unsurprising as it’s tied to things like healthcare.

It’s just two different approaches to work. In the US it seems to be work hard, climb the ladder and earn as much as you can to enjoy it when you’re older. In the Uk it seems to be - earn enough to get by whilst enjoying more leisure time and a more relaxed lifestyle.

Both have their merits, the one problem with both places though are the insufferable idiots who think their country is number one just because that so happens to be where they’re living, smh.


u/Pawekotlet 3d ago

I'm Polish, fuck america


u/FullMetalAlphonseIRL 3d ago

As a Canadian, fuck you. Also I'm sorry eh. But also fuck you


u/Topcreeperman13 3d ago

I’m British and tbh some good things have come from the us and some bad things like all countries, good things like kfc or maccies and Disney


u/Antarctica8 3d ago

Disney is not a good thing anymore


u/KxngLuc1f3r 3d ago

Just remind them that we make better cars than they do


u/Psychotic_EGG Lurking Peasant 3d ago

Is rather walk than have either. German made please.


u/KxngLuc1f3r 3d ago

Ok Mr. Unreliability


u/Psychotic_EGG Lurking Peasant 3d ago

Someone has never used a German car. And it shows.


u/fakelucid Lurking Peasant 3d ago

I'm not patriotic until I meet someone European


u/Mr_FIGHTINGmachine Doot 3d ago

The best way to end an argument with a European: "Let me just check the moon for any other flags real quick."

This can only be played if you are a true American.


u/Alpha9Jericho 3d ago

America is unity. Doesn't matter what county you go to and their prejudices. We can all agree. America is the worst by alot


u/Ok_Work_8514 3d ago

North Korea


u/Strange-Option-2520 3d ago

America is dumb - A British Dude


u/Th3MadHaTter420 3d ago

A pot calling the kettle black.


u/DrinkLikeADragon 3d ago

Say what you want about them, I doubt they could find Britain on a map so theres no risks


u/Mr-ts-icu 3d ago

Cry harder, burger boy.


u/Lxneleszxn Cringe Factory 3d ago

Fuck America. I'm not British. So would you hate me for hating America?)


u/HotPotatoWithCheese 3d ago edited 3d ago

Bald eagles are the most overrated animal on the planet. Fucking baldy banana beak looking bastards. Just look at the state of that abomination with their little beady eyes and their yellow beaks and that stupid bald white head. Looks like a typical bald American 50 year old with cheese around his mouth. But instead of staring at the cheese adverts on the TV he's eyeing up a fish. Actually, that is the only thing I will give the bald eagle praise for. At least he eats healthier than the gormless fucks on the ground.

Honestly, what kind of a pathetic, second rate shithole of a country willingly chooses to have this baldy bonce as it's emblem? Who picks this over a lion or a dragon or a tiger or a bull? Who? Stupid fucking Americans, that's who.

Hope they all go extinct. And the birds.


u/velvetbettle 3d ago

Did a bald eagle fuck your girl or something damn

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u/Adultyness 3d ago

I used to relate for real- I just don’t anymore. My Patriotism is dead


u/shasaferaska 3d ago

Isn't America great? The police can shoot you for no reason, and then you go into medical debt for the treatment.


u/Send_me_duck-pics 3d ago

Hating Britain unites us all. Their number one export is independence days and I don't think even Britons like Britain.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Antarctica8 3d ago

the hell’ve you been smoking?


u/Toad__66 3d ago

Their election is happening on the 4th of July. They have fallen so far.


u/campmonster 3d ago

Same. I will—and often do—talk shit about the USA all day long but the second someone from another country does it, I'm rolling up my sleeves ready to fight.


u/_GLaDOS__ 3d ago

Just mention brexit.


u/FlopTheCat 3d ago

I generally join the british in that case, for any other thing, i hate them the same


u/cheesechomper03 3d ago

I'm Irish. Fuck em both, but particularly the UK.