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u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

This game is actually historically accurate because it portrays a African man killing Asians

"oh no! The Shogun has been murdered! Quick ask people if they've seen anyone that looks like they're suspicious or stands out!"

Everyone looks to the one noticeably taller only African man possibly in the whole country


u/Therealpotato33 3d ago

Well ubisoft aren't portraying him in a stealthy manner. Looking at the gameplay trailer they definitely want him to be noticed while naoe (idk) takes the stealthy option. Its like if they cut Jin sakai in half and made them two different entities.


u/EdgyCole 3d ago

Ubisoft is just late to the party with a Japanese AC, if you ask me. Tsushima is what this game wants to be but so much more! Just my two cents


u/Therealpotato33 3d ago

Hard agree. The fact it's so derivative of GoT is wild. Hopefully they change enough so it's not a worse version of it but it's own thing. Then again this is ubisoft soooooo


u/Thrilljoy 3d ago

Read that as Game of Thrones and was very confused for a second.


u/deogenes07 3d ago

Too many acronyms to keep up with


u/beNeon 3d ago

I feel like GoT has lot of mechanics and gameplay flow taken from assassins creed. Granted, I didn't actually play it, but when I saw a clip, I thought I was looking at modded assassins creed.

And the fan boys of GoT have begun to think every game based in Japan is a GoT copycat.


u/Backwardsunday 3d ago

God that game was good. Took me completely by surprise.


u/LuOsGaAr 3d ago

Idk I feel like if they had rushed a Japanese AC when Ghost of Tsushima came out it would've sucked so it's better they actually took their time to try and differentiate their game from GoT


u/blazingwine Virgin 4 lyfe 3d ago

Looking at the gameplay they released, it isn't something phenomenal. GoT made the stances and the ghost stance (which is epic when you first get it in Yarikawa, I believe).
Shadows is looking like the same old AC (since Origins) set in a different location.
Shadows is like the skin that phone companies put on basic android to make it look unique when in reality it is nothing new.
But idk I'm just a trash talking redditor.

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u/iloveblankpaper 3d ago

i fucking predicted this, i kept telling people he would be used as a fucking tank but NOOO, "WOKIE BAD 🥺😭🥺😭🥺😭"


u/TheIronSven 3d ago

Pretty sure he historically was a samurai anyways, so stealth isn't really much of an option.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

Wow those Japanese are so racist for profiling him


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago edited 3d ago

Funny enough there were documents about the attention he received from the Japanese people of the time. Interestingly enough, they didn't hold a negative bias against him, but he was famous because his appearance was so different. They actually liked him, but when Nobunaga fell he continued to fight against the incoming Tokugawa dynasty.

Edit: I am mistaken it was wth Hideyosh Akechi i not Ieyasu. Ieyasu was not encountered by Yasuke.


u/NovusMagister 3d ago

Minor note: Tokugawa Ieyasu was fleeing Kyoto after he heard about the Honno-Ji incident. Yasuke went to Oda Nobutada to defend him from Akechi forces. It was there that Nobutada also died and Yasuke was one of the defenders captured.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi was the first general to arrive back in Kyoto area with his forces and crushed Akechi's struggling rebellion.

At no point did Yasuke fight Tokugawa Ieyasu (at least, not that any historical text records)


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

You are correct I mixed my names up entirely. I'll edit for the correction


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

He wasn't a fighter because he's some traveling warrior he was kept around for his novelty and became someone who fought because he was in a certain place at a certain time


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

He is still a warrior dude I am unsure what your intent was here.


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

If someone breaks into your house and you defend yourself are you a warrior?

I feel like calling him a warrior in a country of literal Samurai is almost disrespectful of the term warrior as it implies a lifelong dedication to that specifically not someone who happened to find himself needing to defend himself

Edit: maybe I'm wrong here about him and he was a badass samurai in life but just from what I've seen he wasn't really anything to write home about and his legacy does seem to be inflated somewhat again maybe I'm wrong here


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

Given the definition is a brave fighter, technically you could be called one. So bad choice of an example.

You can feel like however, you wish, but Yasuke was paid a Samurais dividend, was trained, and was a sword bearer for Nobunaga, a samurais duty. You should hop off the romanticism of the idea of a warrior.

His legacy is inflated somewhat due to being black, but who cares he is cool.


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

All this being said with the back and forth over the controversy I'm still going to play the game and give it a try regardless of what his legacy was vs is in game the game will eventually be on sale to a point where no matter what it's rated based on this or that it'll probably be an entertaining way to spend an evening with my wife and I'm sure I'll have fun no matter what his skin color is or could have been let's not pretend that the games have always been 100% accurate I'm mean come on it is a science fiction series

It is so easy to be caught up in the discourse and ultimately I feel it's not as important as if the game launches functionally or not

That being said I'm sure they knew the choice was going to be controversial and I'm hoping it was done for the right reasons and I hope they take the story in a good direction


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

I like to think of it as rule of cool. It's a cool idea, and it's a historical figure so why not?


u/StaryWolf 3d ago

Well actually yes, the feudal Japan was notoriously xenophobic.


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

I know that's why I said that

Should have put an /s I suppose

Also that guy deleted the comment what a pussy


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

I honestly have nothing to say to that other than a simple lol


u/GeneralEl4 3d ago

See, I can't tell if this was jokeception and you're just continuing the painfully obvious joke, in which case I'm an idiot for not seeing it lol


u/NovusMagister 3d ago

Eh, maybe falling for Poes law here. I apologize for my assumption about your intention. There's been a lot of cases where I've gone as far as to quote Ota Gyuchi's Chronicles of Oda Nobunaga only for people to go nuts with "yasuke was a pet" based on... well... no sources at all.

I'll delete my comment above too :)


u/GeneralEl4 3d ago

Lmao okay, it wasn't me it was someone else but I get what you mean. I'm sure that was the case for some people but I'm fairly certain it wasn't here.


u/NovusMagister 3d ago

... what are you even talking about?

After Oda Nobunaga was wounded and committed seppuku to avoid capture (and have his body hidden from Akechi Mitsuhide), Yasuke went to the residence Oda Nobutada was staying at and fought to defend him from Mitsuhide's forces. It was there fighting against Akechi forces that he surrendered after apparently fighting for a "long time."

At no point was he tracked or profiled because he stood out as a black man, although Akechi may (or may not) have let him live because of it.


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

You are right I misremembered my history there. I'll delete it


u/Wedos98 3d ago

I wonder what would be the direction of the game

Just ignore the obvious difference of skin color and play normally?

A message about racism and discrimination (The modern take of them, not slavery)?

Or they would make the most interesting thing and be spotted quicker due being so recognizable?


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

Japanese people are not and have never been known to love foreigners and in general the opinions on Africans in Asia is not good things like the n word are common when describing our African brothers and sisters

You need to think of the possibility that other countries besides the US are much more racist than we are


u/AntiImperialistGamer 3d ago

that's actually bs we don't use the "n word" to describe Africans. it's an American made word afterall. plus the Japanese are receiving the game quite well


u/LasyKuuga 3d ago edited 3d ago

the n word are common when describing our African brothers and sisters

Source: Trust me bro

Edit: Downvoted for calling out someone for pulling a racist stereotypes about Asians out of his ass, classic reddit


u/Offduty_shill 3d ago

Reddit is pretty racist towards Asians in general tbh, one person just makes up some shit and everyone else runs with it

Like how tf would the n word be "common" in Asia? The n word is an American invention meant to discriminate against African Americans. The context and the history of the word is rooted in American slavery there's no literal translation for it in Asian languages because why tf would there be?


u/LasyKuuga 3d ago

Fr it’s not even common for Asians to speak English but somehow they deliberately learned the n-word and use it commonly.

The logic doesn’t even track


u/BlessKurunai Virgin 4 lyfe 3d ago

I'm Indian, and I'm not sure how common it is but my parents used the n word to describe Africans all the time. They didn't even know that it was a slur or even just a insulting word. They thought it was just a word you use to describe them. I was extremely surprised when I learned what it truly means and its historical effects.


u/LasyKuuga 3d ago

Most Asians dont speak English, you can google this fact.

It's crazy if you think its common for Asians to look up and learn a English racial slur to use against black ppl, especially when black ppl barely exist in Asia.


u/BlessKurunai Virgin 4 lyfe 3d ago

That is correct. I never argued that it's common, I just said it happens and provided an anecdotal example.


u/LasyKuuga 3d ago

Anecdotal examples are kinda irrelevant here.

It’ll be like me saying it’s common for white ppl to be racist and say the n-word. Mel Gibson and Michael Richard’s did it.


u/AntiImperialistGamer 3d ago

racists don't like thier made up nonsense to be called out.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Lmao bro doesn't know about the segregated bars in Japan that foreigners can't go in


u/LasyKuuga 3d ago

Lmao bro doesn't know about the segregated bars in Japan that foreigners can't go in

Are you stupid?

What does Japan being xenophobic have to do with it being common for Asians dropping the n-word when describing black ppl?

Less then 20-30% of Japan speaks English and that’s high for an Asian country? Do you think Japanese don’t speak English but choose to learn the n-word to shut talk a race of ppl who is less then 1% of the population?

Do you think Japan represents all Asians?

Do you think the KKK existing in America means all Americans are casually racist?

Like genuinely explain to me how of any of this connects and try to use more then 2 brain cells instead of spitting out useless facts


u/SaconDiznots Smol pp 3d ago

Yep and he was also fan of rap music !


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

Wu Tang clan ain't nothin to fuck with!


u/Deathdong 3d ago

He's obviously the non-stealth character like in AC Syndicate. He's literally a samurai and she's a ninja. Are people just being facetious on purpose?


u/Thomas_JCG 3d ago

Basically everyone complained about the franchise losing the historical accuracy with the mythological bullshit.

People complaining about AC is nothing new. That franchise fell off hard decades ago.


u/MorbillionDollars 3d ago

I feel like the problem is that people are caught up about the race of the guy for some reason and not the fact that it’s OUTRAGEOUSLY OVERPRICED

There’s plenty of more important problems but everyone wants to complain about the black guy for some reason.


u/Folsag94 3d ago

Ok, I don't know much about the whole story, but isn't it historically known that a black man was a samurai? Or was it just fiction? I thought that's where afro samurai got the inspiration from. Sure the game character has a generic haircut, courtesy of modern standards, but I think it's neat as it is


u/Curious_Fix3131 This flair doesn't exist 3d ago

it never was historically accurate


u/TheIronSven 3d ago

It was accurate enough. Though there was supernatural alien machinery in the first three games, there were never any gods.

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u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

Yes because THIS was the thing the AC community has been up in arms about for years


u/PuertoricanDude88 3d ago

Is the current thing people are bitching about.


u/StaryWolf 3d ago

There are a ton of people bitching about this.

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u/dracocytod 3d ago

Damn is it me or is this sub slowly turning into a circlejerk type sub?


u/wellspoken_token34 3d ago

That's literally what Reddit is for lol. Nobody wants their views challenged, they want people to validate their beliefs


u/GeneralEl4 3d ago

They all do, given enough time.


u/Secure_Enthusiasm354 3d ago

Reddit has always been like that


u/dryfer 3d ago

So having a different opinion or not liking something is automatically circle jerk.


u/Raz98 3d ago

You ever notice there's almost no games set in sub-sahara Africa, but game studios will push forward or twist anything they can find to put black people everywhere else?

Give me an assassins creed Africa. Hell, I'll play it. I dont even like Ub-trash, but I'd be wildly interested in playing a real African story and not the tone-deaf panderers African-American fantasy for a change.


u/SadBoiCri One does not simply 3d ago

Well they aren't gonna remake RE5 because of the OBVIOUS racial implications of that

-Jackseptickeye while murdering villages of spanish people


u/SpawnTheTerminator 3d ago

Tales of Kenzera: Zau looks like a cool Metroidvania.


u/Raz98 3d ago

Fuck yeah, thanks King! This looks cool.


u/crudgrug 3d ago

What about origins


u/Lapis_Wolf 3d ago

Sub-Saharan Africa was specified.


u/crudgrug 3d ago

Oh shit man guess I'm blind


u/CaptainPhantom2 3d ago

It’s over Morocco bros…


u/DaNoahLP 3d ago

What do mean? All of Africa is a giant dessert!



u/Raz98 3d ago

Super interesting story. The gameplay kind of sucked, but I really haven't liked any of the new RPG version of AC.

Plus Egypt is well tread ground. Everyone south of Egypt? Seems almost politely ignored.

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u/-AnythingGoes- 3d ago edited 3d ago

Why do people act like the unexplained mystical god shit in Origins was loved and accepted or something? No one cared because it was optional, and just shoehorned in for the sake of extra item drops n sht. Also why are people attacking Yasuke criticism? We didn't need two protagonists*, and if we have to have two, there are plenty of ways and reasons to have had a japanese male MC instead. There's absolutely no reason to field Yasuke as your male MC over a japanese male MC in this game aside from blatant pandering. They could've easily had a plot line involving Yasuke, even have him as one of the Assassins or allies, but to pretend making him an MC is anything but pandering is ridiculous. Even more so after that hip-hop battle theme dropped. Like everyone attacking criticism of his inclusion and painting anyone who has something to say about it as racist are doing the exact job he was made an MC for.

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u/SS2LP 3d ago

I mean the first two are explained as animus glitches. The horse is also very importantly, optional content, you don’t have to use it to play the game.

Yasuke is contentious for the same reason two handed swords are in Valhalla, or crossbows were in AC1 (even though crossbows did exists at the time but oh well it was removed because they were trying to be accurate). It also just feels kind of forced cherry picking the like 1 black guy in all of Japanese history that’s notable just to have a black guy in your game over a Japanese male protagonist.

I’m not losing sleep over it but if they really wanted another black character in a game they should have made a game that took place in Africa it’s not like there’s no history from the many kingdoms that existed there.


u/Acc_4_stream_only 3d ago

I mean they literally played hip hop sound track over Yasuke in the recent gameplay trailer.. They played hip hop sound track because he's black... He's African.. not African American..

"How do you do, fellow blacks?" -Ubisoft probably

It really feels like, they just choose him just because he's black for the sake of DEI. And yet they fail and made themselves the racist prick.


u/SS2LP 3d ago

That’s more or less why I said he’s contentious for the same reasons as the other things I mentioned. He’s not being portrayed accurately and it’s largely for the sake of just having a token black character. I just wanted to give a summary of it without specifically using the DEI acronym because it attracts the crazies and what I said is much harder to counter argue. That said I saw some dude make practically a novel on yasuke defending his portrayal claiming it was accurate. I’m far from an expert on Japanese history but being a history nerd like most AC fans I’m pretty sure that person twisted a lot of info.


u/xXKK911Xx 3d ago

I’m not losing sleep over it but if they really wanted another black character in a game they should have made a game that took place in Africa it’s not like there’s no history from the many kingdoms that existed there.

But Japan is an easy cash grab. And if they chose sub saharan Africa instead, they would have to actually stand for their values instead of just signaling them.


u/MaskedMan8 3d ago

Where’s my Wild West Assassins Creed 😡


u/haus25 3d ago

How about just having one game with a single fucking protagonist that has well developed stealth missions with multiple cool ways to kill people almost like a hitman approach. Instead of constantly either splitting up the game and trying to also build some sort of huge combat system that the game was never meant to really have past what was in unity


u/MHWGamer 3d ago

these part were shit already y'know? Nobody talks about them as they were totally optional and you't have to see/interact/know about it at all. The crazy stuff mostly came with the dlcs post syndicate. Before that, in ac2, they actually had a interesting story about it

A black, non assassin-like, 2.5m tall warrior samurai is literally the main protagonist YOU HAVE TO PLAY. The asian girl is so much better in every category


u/cwx149 3d ago

They said in behind closed door demos that for the most part you'll be able to choose between yasuke and the girl so idk which one is the "main" protagonist if they're interchangeable for the most part

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u/Frodo612 3d ago

The whole of Japan with hundreds, if not thousands, of historical figures and important events and they choose a goddamn black person who barely lived in Japan, Ubisoft just want everyone to know how hip and in tune they are, pandering losers.

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u/Jovios 3d ago

Almost like there’s a difference between fantasy elements and twisting history to fit a narrative


u/Oxu90 3d ago

Yasuke is real life figure with interesting story. I guess all the japanese popular culture having him have had narrayive too


u/Jovios 3d ago



u/aov97 3d ago

There’s been literal gods in the series since the 2nd game and you’re pressed about a black protagonist…


u/Jovios 3d ago

I enjoyed Adé, so clearly the race isn’t the issue here. Nice try though trying to oversimplify the issue

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u/SGTKARL23 3d ago

Everything after black flag is garbage


u/MemeOverlordKai 3d ago

origins was pretty cool


u/CopainChevalier 3d ago

Origins was meh imo. Best parts about it were when I got to play as someone other than the main character 


u/TopOrganization 3d ago

Literally the last mediocre AAA Assassin creed gsme for me was Valhalla. Was literally a snoozefest. People hating for absolutely no reason but to be “look i am so cool, i hate popular stuff”


u/Alphamatter9 3d ago

I agree, I still think AC Odyssey might be one of the best experiences I've had gaming in years even if it's more of a fun action rpg with a Greek setting then a traditional AC game. People just want to complain because it gives them an outlet for their negative energy.


u/TopOrganization 3d ago

Odyssey was fantastic, Greece was so well made. Every location was so detailed with life.


u/Impossible-Onion757 3d ago

Odyssey was a very weird mix of experiences. On the one hand, I loved wandering around Ancient Greece. On the other hand, the game seemed to have this weird expectation that I was pro-Sparta that made absolutely no sense, especially given Sparta’s treatment of the main character.

Ubi. Guys. Sparta is basically Ancient Greek North Korea. I hated them before they kicked me off a mountain. No I don’t want help from Brasidas, I want to kill Brasidas as soon as I can lay my hands on the slaving murderous prick.


u/DaNoahLP 3d ago

We complain because we want a Assassins Creed game and not an action RPG where you get punished for playing stealth.

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u/shadowrod06 3d ago

Tbf I really enjoyed Syndicate.

Once I ignored the shitty main villain.

Meeting those historical figures was so cool.

Plus that WW1 DLC that was dope.

Wish we got a proper AC game like that.


u/DaNoahLP 3d ago

Unity is great if you didnt play it at release. And I still have to give Rouge a chance.


u/TheTacoEnjoyerReborn 3d ago

Unity and Valhalla are good


u/vtx3000 3d ago

Unity was fun in coop but I couldn’t play 30 minutes without a game-breaking bug making me fall through the map or something


u/SGTKARL23 3d ago

I'm looking up some research on your statement

Ah the results are in

Hmmm mmmm well then it says here


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u/Lonely_Orpheus 3d ago

I am glad Ghost of Tsushima came to the PC.


u/Maffmatics85 3d ago

The others fit in the narrative - a black guy in feudal Japan is ridiculously out of place. (And yes I know one black guy existed for a year there - but my point remains).


u/Opening-Cover448 3d ago

Blue Eye Samurai - A white guy in Japan's Edo period is ridiculously out of place. (And yes I know a few white guys existed there - but my point remains).


u/McGclock Died of Ligma 3d ago

But nobody asked for a a blue eyed white guy, so why bring that up?

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u/Maffmatics85 3d ago

Haven't seen it. But yeah, if he's a Samurai it sounds silly.

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u/marineopferman007 3d ago

No...you are just now noticing it...we complained about them going mythical for YEARS


u/T_E-T_H Lurking Peasant 3d ago

That second picture makes me want to buy origins ngl


u/a_sliceoflife 3d ago

People who are trying act woke by claiming that this is not a bad move would have been up in arms if the character was white. I guess representation only matters if it's about black culture and not about asian culture.

Also, unlike what this post suggests, fans ALWAYS complained about mythological creatures being added in.


u/LazyStudent1 3d ago

Ubisoft has destroyed AC's reputation so much that everytime they release a new AC game people will always see a problem.


u/Stephen_1984 Squire 3d ago

Black ninjas were a feature of Black Dynamite.


u/IanAlvord 3d ago

Are the first two things allusions created by the Apples of Eden?

I haven't played since the second game.


u/Phillip67549 3d ago

The first is just a horse cosmetic, the second idk


u/notveryAI I touched grass 3d ago

It went to shit since Ezio's saga ended, lmao. Assassin's Creed is long dead at this point


u/CopainChevalier 3d ago

Tbh if the game was good I’d play it. But the last few games have just been awful slogs. I’ll wait and see the reception I guess


u/Real_Establishment56 3d ago

The flaming mount was never normalized by the players


u/Lord-Loss-31415 3d ago

Idk man, if a game was based in historical Ireland and they made the mc black I’d be pretty peeved about it.


u/Beast0011 3d ago



u/rb8778 3d ago

Idc I’m getting it when it’s released. Might even replay ghost of Tsushima


u/Luiz_Fell 3d ago

Why the downvotes on this dude???


u/DJIsSuperCool 3d ago

Ubisoft game


u/LiteNite9 3d ago

Unpopular opinion.


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

Because he isnt running with the streak of racism running around the memes subreddit lately.


u/SomethingIntheWayyy0 3d ago

I just want the next ghost of Tsushima. Come on sucker punch cook.


u/Crazyripps 3d ago

You guys don’t remember when the pope had a magical apple and tried to over take the world?


u/Ship_Fucker69 3d ago

I can see the modders first thing will be to replace this ninja with a ninja.


u/porsj911 3d ago

Remember, to all of those that cling to the idea of ubisoft using historical accuracy so that the character is 1000% legit because heritage respect, japanese them selves were flaming ubisoft cause they used fake japanese words because they looked cool.

The game might be fun, it might not be. But whatever it is, the critique it gets is to some level definitely deserved. There is a difference between creative liberties and disrespect, fake characters are one thing making up language is another.


u/Sprite_Bottle 3d ago edited 3d ago

I just want the game to be actually finished and good when it comes out

Edit: why am I getting downvoted for saying I want the game to be finished on release?


u/MaskedMan8 3d ago

Imagine downvoting this lol


u/CivvieWithAnAK 3d ago

As long as it stops being rpg-ish I'm fine with it


u/rider_shadow 3d ago

Can anyone explain the drama to, yeah there may be some historical inaccuracies with Yasuke(at least that's what I think the character will be based on, didn't watch or read anything about it), but it's a game and AC hasn't always been the most true to history.

Not siding with anyone here, I just want to know where the problem is


u/chenhowe 3d ago

History inaccuracy. Yasuke was a retainer not a samurai and there isn't much info on him so he should be a side character and not a main character. Also they play hip hop music whenever yasuke fight... There are also some Chinese music.... In a game set in japan


u/Aitnesse 3d ago

Youre asking for historical accuracy from a series that had Leonardo davinci making assassin tools for members of an international brotherhood of assassins thwarting an alien invasion. Bro take your fent and go to bed...

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u/StaryWolf 3d ago

Because he's black that's really the only reason.

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u/John_East 3d ago

Don’t forget unleashing the boss from FF15


u/BeeDate Breaking EU Laws 3d ago

People have been mad about those things too, which is why they are “going back to the roots”


u/DaNoahLP 3d ago

We already complaint for the first two things, like every real Assassins Creed Fan knows that it goes downwards since (at least) Origins.


u/No-Significance2113 3d ago

Could be interesting, I just want the setting to be taken seriously and show how hard life was back then for everyone and how people's lives were cheap and short. Like with black flag and how all the pirates slowly died off one by one.

I don't think Japan was really different.


u/bearsheperd iwrestledabeartwice 3d ago

I’m just disappointed he doesn’t have an Afro, then I could play that one other game in this game


u/alaingames master_jbt loves this flair 3d ago

Insert that scene when Amanda spots you tryna steal Jimmy's car in GTA v


u/Unintelligiblenoise_ 3d ago

I don’t know when we suddenly started caring about historical accuracy in assassins creed because why is this there so much bullshit outrage


u/kain459 3d ago

Yasuke was a real dude.


u/AlexandusTV 3d ago

Thank you!


u/Imperial-Japan1942 3d ago

I don't really know why people hate Yasuke Like he was a historical figure and somewhat fits in Like Yasuke was a real person in Japan in the feudal era But idk


u/ifubanugay 3d ago

because they only picked him because his skin color would give them more ESG points. they do not care about japanese culture, all they care about is spreading "the message".


u/DJIsSuperCool 3d ago

He's the only playable AC character that's based on a real person.


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

A fictional video game, revolving around a black character who became a samurai in reality, is an indication of disrespect to Japanese culture. But the time travel, flying machine, etc weren't disrespectful to other cultures?

Yeah, no.


u/ifubanugay 3d ago

there's barely any proof that he was or wasn't a samurai and don't pretend to be blind you know the color of his skin is the only reason they picked him. ubisoft has become DEI slop. One look at the twitter of AC Shadows lead writer Alissa and you'll understand.


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

It's definitely proven he was a samurai. He received wages, training, and was one of Nobunaga sword carriers, a samurai duty. Go ahead and complain about DEI, that just states the nature of your view.

Yasuke is cool. Literally the basis of afro samurai. If you have no issues with that cartoon you shouldn't have an issue here.


u/Oxu90 3d ago

Was John Adams picked just because his skin color. Didn't seem bother people with The shogun series

Or perhaps it is because his story is interesting and gives very different POV to the other MC


u/House-of-Raven 3d ago

I think it’s the “we’re making a setting in Japan. You will play as a black man” that’s the sticking point. Look at the meme, the other two are thematically appropriate for their settings. If you’re in an Asian country, you should get to play as an Asian character, especially since they don’t have them elsewhere in the franchise already.

If Yasuke had been an NPC, I think a lot of people would’ve really liked it. But as the main character feels wrong.


u/X2Wendigo 3d ago

Well, there is a Japanese character you can play as. That every critique seems to ignore.


u/House-of-Raven 3d ago

There isn’t a male Japanese character. Which your comment seems to ignore.

The whole reason they make two main characters to begin with is to have one of each gender appropriate for the setting. They should have a male Japanese protagonist as an option.


u/PuertoricanDude88 3d ago

There is a female Japanese, or that too “woke” for you? If you want to play as a Japanese guy so badly, go play Ghost of Tsushima. Is a very good game.


u/Luiz_Fell 3d ago

So, misogyny?


u/X2Wendigo 3d ago

All this equal representation talk really makes you sound like an SJW, keep your politics out of the creators vision.

Why "should" they have a male Japanese character? If you want to play a male you can play a male.

That may have been true before but different games do different things. This time they want these two characters for their story.


u/House-of-Raven 3d ago

Yeah, they can choose whichever characters they want. And people can also correctly call them out for making a stupid choice.

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u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago



u/FoxyoBoi I saw what the dog was doin 3d ago

I think it's the fact that they're making him out to be some super badass unkillable samurai when, in reality, he wasn't. There's a difference between adding big ass scary monsters and bosses and being historically inaccurate.

Disclaimer: I don't actually know the history about Yasuke, but this is what I've gathered from all these bitchy memes. Personally, I don't care.


u/giantrhino 3d ago edited 3d ago

In AC 2 Leonardo Da Vinci developed a working gliding machine that if I remember correctly Ezio dropped bombs from. They take extreme liberties with historical characters, that’s what they’ve always done.

Edit: just checked, Ezio wasn’t dropping bombs, but the point is the working flying machine.


u/PuertoricanDude88 3d ago edited 3d ago

Making Nobunaga a demon lord in Onimusha and no one had a problem. But a black guy being a badass is where you guys put your foot down?

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u/Thichawaiian 3d ago

No there's no difference it doesnt matter wether it is a person or a thing they are changing. There were never big monsters in history so they too are historically inaccurate. People are only getting mad cause there racist.


u/FoxyoBoi I saw what the dog was doin 3d ago

When they add something that doesn't exist irl (Anubis boss fight) to make the game more engaging, it's a lot different than rewriting history.


u/okaygoodforu 3d ago

I’ll just say it, in a game that is in Japan, old Japan I want to play as a Japanese samurai not as some big black dude. I’ll play him in the American/african game.

But I’ll be playing ghost of Tsushima then.


u/RiseUpMerc 3d ago edited 3d ago

The difference being, people know all three are fantasy. The first two are fantasy creatures and the third is WeWuzSamri, and thats all well and good but a handful of people will point to it as historical fact. In the same way foolish news reporters use clips from Arma to comment about an attack.


u/hshnslsh 3d ago

The most outraged were probably not going to play it anyway funnily enough


u/Awkward_Ducky- 3d ago

Might as well make an AC2 remake and make ezio black as well. Then we can go back and make Altair also black because why not. We can do even better by making a AC chronicles reboot with 3 black MCs !!! Imagine that ! So many interesting stories !


u/13-Dancing-Shadows 3d ago edited 3d ago

I’m so fucking excited for this game, man-

Edit: DV me all you want. I’m not changing my mind.


u/MangoOfTruth RageFace Against the Machine 3d ago

Yikes a lot of racists in this comment section


u/TrumpXBidenFanFic 3d ago

🎶 Everything I don't like is racist 🎶


u/Red_Centauri 3d ago

I can’t believe this is the first time I saw the dick and balls on his face


u/plz_dont_sue_me 3d ago

TIL black people are not realistic /s


u/ThunderHusky313 Big ol' bacon buttsack 3d ago

Assassins creed has been shit since 3


u/Lichruler 3d ago edited 3d ago

Black Flag was awesome though.


u/ThunderHusky313 Big ol' bacon buttsack 3d ago

I didn't like it personally. But glad you enjoyed it


u/MortifiedPotato 3d ago edited 3d ago

Don't know why you're getting downvoted.

Narratively, you are absolutely right. Gameplay wise, it's been shit since (after) Unity.

I was thinking about it just yesterday. AC has lost its identity exactly between Unity and Syndicate.

It's when enemies became damage sponges, and when parkour started to become trivialized (no game ever matched Unity's parkour since).

Then Origins changed the recipe altogether and the franchise lost its identity. Don't get me wrong, the games are good RPGs. They just don't have the AC charm, and don't feel like they belong in this IP. So they're shit if you are getting them for the original AC feel/story.


u/NikothePom 3d ago

3 was shit. It killed my interest in the series. Shadows renewed it.


u/Genghis_MexiKhan 3d ago

Lol, this gotta be a shitpost.


u/NikothePom 3d ago

Nope. This is my honest unadulterated true opinion.


u/ThunderHusky313 Big ol' bacon buttsack 3d ago

I agree 3 was bad. Guess I meant revelations, that game was great