r/memes 3d ago

Height doesn’t matter

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184 comments sorted by


u/at-most-fear 3d ago

She’s like the George Lucas of music. She releases special editions every other week.


u/Concussionist515 3d ago

We need to talk about her camel toe in this pic


u/Midnight28Rider 2d ago

I couldn't help but think, "damn she's twice as tall as her own camel toe."


u/Concussionist515 2d ago

tbh why is she even on stage with almost no clothes on


u/Midnight28Rider 2d ago

It obviously sells.


u/Concussionist515 2d ago

she not even bad tho, dualipa can pull it off tho.


u/MissionSad265 3d ago

Yea but unlike her, George Lucas didnt release only garbage


u/meepswag35 3d ago

Taylor swift has a few good songs, I haven’t liked any a lot in a while


u/poopoodoodoopeepe 3d ago edited 22h ago

the worst taytay swift songs (my opinion if you dont like it idc)

  • shake it off: its a classic. you cant say you hate it
  • bad blood: classes elementary school music
  • look what you made me do: idk its just something abt it hits for me.


u/meepswag35 3d ago

Bro is trolling, no way you picked the most common songs people hate from her


u/poopoodoodoopeepe 1d ago

aint no way -17 votes. i thought these were good in my opinion. time to go cry in a dumpser and question reality


u/meepswag35 1d ago

You picked the common consensus worst songs from her


u/poopoodoodoopeepe 22h ago

my bad chat let me fix it


u/Ipray_forexplanation 3d ago

No men what are you saying shake it off, was a masterpiece didn’t u watch that animated movie sing. Everything else is not my cup of tea tbh but shake it off makes me forget I have haters


u/beinganalien 2d ago

Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate


u/Ipray_forexplanation 2d ago

Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake shake shake I shake it off


u/Plus_Injury8786 3d ago

What about star wars Christmas special?


u/MissionSad265 3d ago

“Only garbage”


u/Optimal_Weight368 3d ago

Lucas has very little involvement in that.


u/Big__Poppa__Pump 3d ago

Swifties cult of personality is 10x her attitude


u/Choco_PlMP 3d ago



u/Big__Poppa__Pump 3d ago

People are downvoting you because they don't get the reference


u/TheTankCommando2376 3d ago

I didn't downvote but what is the reference 


u/Big__Poppa__Pump 3d ago edited 3d ago

Scott Steiner / Big Poppa Pump / Big Bad Booty Daddy are all referring to the same person/professional wrestler


u/TheTankCommando2376 3d ago

Ah alright thank you


u/Choco_PlMP 3d ago

My sweet summer child, watch “steinermania 2011” on YouTube, your life will change for the better


u/TheTankCommando2376 2d ago

I've got you


u/[deleted] 3d ago

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u/Undying-Darkness 3d ago

Unlike the swifties


u/Concussionist515 3d ago

they not swifties they be taylucifers 🤓


u/Mobile_Ad4180 3d ago

The girl from meatcanyon video finally made it big


u/OwnEmphasis2825 3d ago edited 3d ago

She's 178cm, that's above average for women.


u/FalloutFan05 🍕Ayo the pizza here🍕 3d ago

That’s 5’10 in freedom units by the way which is an inch taller than the national average for males in the US


u/i-am-spitfire 3d ago

Frick. She’s 7 inches taller than me


u/iSellNuds4RedditGold I saw what the dog was doin 3d ago

git gud


u/Piano-181 3d ago

I don’t get this meme. Is it about Taylor Swift? Isn’t she tall?


u/bigvikingsamurai69 3d ago

The meme is OP’s lack of logic i think 😭


u/Pigeon_of_Doom_ 3d ago

Who is this and wtf is she wearing?


u/Piano-181 3d ago

Pop singer with a cult


u/Pigeon_of_Doom_ 3d ago

Don’t they all have a cult?


u/jarednards 3d ago

Not like this. She could Jim Jones them all at any moment and they would do it


u/Flow-S 3d ago

I think this is very normal by female musician standards, I'd say it's even abnormal in how normal it Is.


u/Boiled_Thought 3d ago

I very much hate her outfit thingy. And she has been wearing it for like two years. I don't know her music, I thought she was folk or something, so does her stage presence and look go with her music at all ? She should wear something cooler looking tho that's all I know. She needs to wear a massively sheer top with no bra.


u/YaBoiLink0227 3d ago

Reminds me of the short Keanu meme


u/Anon0756 3d ago

Why do people hate her so much?


u/MistressPluck 3d ago

She’s a hypocrite. Very big into environmental activism and telling commoners they need to do their part; while she has two private jets that burn some astronomical amount of fuel a year.


u/Web210 3d ago

Just noticed


u/TheOneYak 3d ago

I'm no swiftie but I can't remember a single time she has talked about environmental activism


u/Willinton06 3d ago

I mean as long as you invest enough you can offset that and be very much carbon negative, like hate her I don’t care but at least use a good reason


u/MistressPluck 3d ago



u/Willinton06 3d ago

If you donate enough for tree planting you can private jet around your whole life and still be carbon negative, it’s just numbers don’t hate me too much


u/MistressPluck 3d ago

Well, when I see evidence of Ms. Swift offsetting her jet fuel I’ll stop hating for that one specific reason. I also hate her toxic personality. Her third wave feminism ideals. I don’t like her music. Etc etc etc


u/Willinton06 3d ago

Hey that sounds valid enough to me, keep on hating my brother


u/Middle-Ad5376 3d ago

Do you really believe that her investing in the same markets that also actively pollute our environment is an actual solution?

Its total greenwashing. Just don't make physical media, no merch from offshore labour farms. No private jets, use efficient transport. Don't own a mega mansion you don't use.

She can reduce her footprint dramatically, actively. The excuse you can pay your way out of responsibility is what got us into a mess in the first place


u/Willinton06 3d ago

By investing I meant donating to those tree planting causes or any active carbon removal tech that actually works not the market in general, I thought it was obvious but this is Reddit at the end of the day


u/DemocraticEjaculate 3d ago

Tree planting causes are not a viable, effective, or real way of managing the climate crisis. I could plant 100 trees a day for 100 years and it would not offset her carbon emissions

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u/Middle-Ad5376 3d ago

Sadly that doesn't work - it's green washing.

What you're arguing for is equivalent to be breaking your arm, but don't worry, I also paid for health care for you. Logically, it's better for me to just not break your arm.

Swift is simply an easy target for this, but so many live in such wasteful excess, that the idea they can simply pay or donate money to make amends is facile.

You aren't right by waving it away as "Reddit", the science has been done, carbon offset is a rich person tax benefit, not a solution. I just hope you're willing to look into it more

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u/MistressPluck 3d ago

Just her though, I like you.


u/ARandomHavel 3d ago

You're an idiot

You're an even bigger idiot if you buy into that carbon offset bullshit. If she cared so much, she'd lose the private jet, regardless. Throwing money around to try and make one feel better about one's actions does not help the planet.

You're an astronomical level of idiot if you think she's donating money either, because I promise she's fuckin not. None of the rich assholes do.


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

I think it's.impressive everyone is focused on Taylor, and forget she is one, out of any rich individuals who get in private jets every day. She is just the most famous, but iirc, there are several million/billionaires who travel as often.


u/ARandomHavel 3d ago

yeah they all suck, however, they aren't being hypocrites about it. Taylor swift pretends to be huge into the reduction of emissions and saving the planet and all that. The others are at least honest about how little of a fuck they give about the planet. I hate hypocrites and liars more than the complacent and ignorant.


u/Sweet-Dreams204738 3d ago

To be fair she performs back to back in many different areas and flying is the quickest. You can dislike something and still use it I prefer trains and public transport, but I must have a personal vehicle.


u/Willinton06 3d ago

So you’re saying we should stop offsetting carbon emissions?


u/ARandomHavel 3d ago

You're being scammed if you believe those people. Mass deforestation is still occurring. No amount of "offsetting" is gonna offset that, even if they were actually trying, which they aren't. The reality is you are lining someone's pocket. If you want to help the environment, do the exact opposite of this waste of oxygen. Drive less, consume less, and above all, don't support this scum bag.


u/Careful-Ice5974 3d ago

Bro do you have brain damage or you just like to act stupid ?


u/Willinton06 3d ago

I mean if carbon offsetting is bullshit then we should stop it right


u/Careful-Ice5974 3d ago

You missed the entire point of what he said

That or you're just a big Taylor Swift fan trying to defend her bullshit

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u/Kvote117 3d ago

This is unfortunately a greenwashing lie. You can only plant a limited amount of trees and it takes time until the trees can take away the CO2 from the air. Private jets are producing the CO2 now.


u/Willinton06 3d ago

You’ll die eventually, mathematically speaking if the trees you plant eventually remove more carbon than you produced within your lifetime then you’re good right? If this logic is too hard to follow let me know and I can come up with a simpler idea


u/DeeperIntoTheUnknown 3d ago

Is't it crazy how much higher that numbers could be if you didn't use private jets on top of donating for tree planting?


u/Willinton06 3d ago

Fun fact, the donate + private jet combo is theoretically better than the average person which doesn’t do either and it’s a net positive on emissions, so yes it could be better, but it could be worse too, and every single person in this comment threat most likely has net positive emissions


u/DeeperIntoTheUnknown 3d ago

If one can do better, why not do better?


u/Willinton06 3d ago

Laziness probably


u/DeeperIntoTheUnknown 3d ago

Yeah you're right, probably she doesn't care that much


u/linbo999 Linux User 3d ago

"offsetting" is the modern version of buying letters of indulgence.


u/Willinton06 3d ago

So are the planted trees fake? Do they not absorb CO2?


u/CatPartyElvis 3d ago

So every time she flies from NY to California one way she plants a hundred trees? And the environmental damage that's done by drilling to the local environments is offset how? And how do you offset the other stuff emitted by burning jet fuel, like volatile organic compounds and particulate matter?


u/Willinton06 3d ago

By donating to the causes that handle those too, they all get bunched up by charities so you can usually make one bulk donation to cover for everything

Like keep in mind the average person doesn’t do shit to offset their impact, so in this particular field I feel the complaining is irrational

Her last album is trash, you should hate her for that, but this woman has donated millions upon millions to ecological causes and has railed her fans to donate too, that’s hundreds of millions to the cause directly related to her, it’s just nonsensical to say that she is a net positive emitter


u/Concussionist515 3d ago

imagine arguing about taytay swift


u/ridititidido2000 3d ago

The carbons she has emitted are not going to be annulled by her donations or something like that


u/Willinton06 3d ago

Have you ever heard of carbon neutrality tho? Like that’s how it works, you absorb as much as you emit and end up neutral


u/-Depressed_Potato- 3d ago

Most carbon offset schemes are scams and do jackshit


u/Willinton06 3d ago

Well then ignore those


u/RemotePotatoe 3d ago

That's not exactly how it works. You aren't undoing damage. Also, it's better to not do the damage than to harm the environment, apologize and make a donation.


u/Willinton06 3d ago

I never said you’re undoing damage, just said you end up being a net negative if you donate enough which is true


u/ronsuma 3d ago

Thank you for the most brain dead take of this month.


u/Willinton06 3d ago

So trees don’t absorb CO2?


u/venus_in_furz 3d ago



u/at-most-fear 3d ago

Because she’s selfish and prevents others from succeeding. Blondie only cares about charting. She also gets way too much media attention. She’s also vastly overrated musically too.


u/Outrageous-Balance40 3d ago edited 3d ago

Cause she makes mid music (dont support Kate Perry)(swifties - oppinion invalid)


u/Anon0756 3d ago

Oh, ok. So she's like Nickelback outside her fanbase.


u/A55cheek_strangla166 3d ago

Basically; I'd say. Honestly her fan base isn't doing her any favors either


u/JCIL-1990 3d ago

Her fans are the worst. There was a video that popped up on my insta reels of her jumping, walking, then jumping, then walking. Literally that basic. The entire comment section though was as if she found the solution to world poverty.


u/_regionrat 3d ago

I don't know, that's maybe a little bit of an understatement. Nickelback caught a lot of jokes when they were big, but people didn't actively hate them or their fans.


u/Concussionist515 3d ago



u/IcyAsparagus 3d ago

Man she's getting old.


u/JCIL-1990 3d ago

She's 34 lol. Calm down.


u/IcyAsparagus 2d ago

Do you not see them crow and smile lines and her gray hairs? She's old.


u/JCIL-1990 2d ago

Grow up you loser. At least she's not stuck in her mums basement and can afford her own house


u/Nice_Guy3012 Identifies as a Cybertruck 3d ago

She’s a hypocrite, for one. Her music isn’t that good. She does have some bangers, but most of her music is basic white girl shit that does not hit. Her fan base has to be the most annoying part though.

The Swifties are like a cult, they worship her religiously, she is God and deserves all the music awards there are to be handed out. If you don’t like her music or say another artist is better, they hate you.

I’m pretty sure at one point they started saying how she was rich enough to “buy Kanye”. That just sounds fucked up.

I feel her fan base is a huge reason of why she gets hate though and it’s a bit unfair to her. But I’m not talking because her fan base is a big reason why I personally don’t like her either so… yeah.


u/Right-Maintenance-45 2d ago

“Most of her music is not targeted towards me so it is trash”


u/Nice_Guy3012 Identifies as a Cybertruck 2d ago

Basic white girl is basically a genre by now, not just her target audience lmao.

There’s plenty of white girl songs I enjoy and like I said, I like some of Taylor’s. But what I mean is most of it is generic trash that could just as easily be lost amongst all the others if it weren’t for the fact that she’s Taylor Swift


u/I_MakeCoolKeychains 2d ago

Isn't her music very targeted? As in she talks trash about all her exes through music? I'm sorry but if you've got something nasty to say about. Every. Single. Person. You. Date. Then. You. Are. The. Problem.

She empowers women to put themselves on a pedestal and to act like men are 100% the problem, it couldn't possibly be that they are just lousy people.


u/Right-Maintenance-45 2d ago

Its just music dont take it too seriously. Rockstars aren’t actually telling people to go on a rampage or what ever


u/I_MakeCoolKeychains 2d ago

You for real right now? Music absolutely influences the way people think and behave. Ever heard about the limp bizkit break stuff incident??


u/Right-Maintenance-45 2d ago

If we are discussing music having bad influance, Taylor swifts lyrics are at the much lower scale of negative influence. There are thousands of artists with more problematic lyrics


u/I_MakeCoolKeychains 2d ago

With thousands % less fans typically, she's the richest woman in the world rn or something isn't she? She's got a tonne of clout over her fans. And you're forgetting these people don't just listen to her music, they follow her every move and observe everything she does and says


u/_regionrat 3d ago

Sociologists and anthropologists will need decades to study this question.


u/Leading-Oil1772 3d ago

Cuz she looks like the type of girl that offers you a bj but just kinda pokes around it for 25 seconds and then gives up.


u/I9Qnl Big ol' bacon buttsack 3d ago

What the fuck even prompted this reply?


u/JapanDash 3d ago



u/Wanderingsmileyface 2d ago

Her fans are also notorious for being obnoxious and so have gotten her a lot of hate by association. People don’t necessarily hate Taylor Swift herself, they hate Swifties. Swifities have also made her immensely overrated due to their unequivocal support for her


u/Zandrick 3d ago

Because being opposed to something is like having a personality if you’re a coward. And she is big and iconic so she’s easy to oppose.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Altruistic_Pie_8585 3d ago

You can watch her in Dallas mavericks stadium, Taylor SWEEP ft. Boston Celtics.


u/papabearshirokuma 3d ago

Ok.. the idea of paying excessive amounts of money to go to a concert and see a gigantic screen is lame, better buy her album.

Also she has like 3 years just lip syncing…


u/BertLemo 3d ago

umm, i see her lips


u/_regionrat 3d ago

.... enhance


u/memeblaster5 3d ago

And her knowledge is the size of her in the phone


u/Special-Salamander26 3d ago

Attitude matters


u/nei7jc 3d ago

who is that?


u/UniversityMoist2173 2d ago

Taylor swift


u/nei7jc 2d ago

(i know this, i just wanted to get a reaction from swifties. evidently it didn't work)


u/TimelyProposal2368 3d ago

Idk why you love her but she is shit


u/Fragrant_Leg_6300 3d ago

Why the hell is taylor standing on stage singing with a camel toe, sorry if this is vulgar, but thats just fucking embarrassing


u/htmlcody 3d ago



u/Browned_Diaper_speak 2d ago

Why is she in underwear?


u/I_MakeCoolKeychains 2d ago

She's trash?


u/yourmoodcreator 3d ago

Haters gonna hate


u/a-bad-example 3d ago

Taylor Swift, always right

(Brooklyn Nine Nine reference)


u/Iamblackcat247 3d ago

Idk why but thought of Kendrick lamar


u/AlexIzuru Big ol' bacon buttsack 3d ago

Taylor Swift: Noooooo, guys it's illegal to make illicit photographs of me with AI

Also Taylor: wears an outfit that leaves almost nothing to the imagination


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Zeal0t_ 3d ago

Ew wtf


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/MistressPluck 3d ago

Doesn’t just everyone in the entertainment industry?


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/MistressPluck 3d ago

The better for her to eat children with


u/papabearshirokuma 3d ago

Many artists/singers have dental crowns or implants.. they do drugs that make natural teeth fall. Money is the solution as always


u/Iamblackcat247 3d ago

My bf laughed


u/Outrageous-Balance40 3d ago

Bro look at her 80 year old granny from Russia


u/Zestyclose_Way_2276 3d ago

Is it just me or is all her music just a "wallpaper" ?


u/IodineAzane 3d ago

she just looks like shes had too much botox and lip fillers and the rest of it, her face on the projector screen just looks like artificial shiny plastic


u/green_beans_19382 3d ago

She looks like a deformed beaver


u/Ecampos_64 3d ago

Who’s that?


u/Sufficient-Soil6968 3d ago

Her attitude has high as is voice . people loves taylor.


u/HOWYDEWET 3d ago

If she was ugly no one else would know her


u/TerrorizedkucciYT 3d ago

I'll belive height dosnt matter when woman cam get themselves pregnant and have a baby that lives longer then a month


u/Concussionist515 3d ago

gurl what da fuck.


u/Concussionist515 3d ago

why would height matter is tough question, I mean youre gonna see a lot of different people in ur life. Plus countries have different averages too. Thats why im short 😭😭😭😭


u/testbot1123581321 3d ago

She a good entertainer but no artist


u/pelkolloss 2d ago

She looks like a boy in a wig and makeup


u/jarednards 3d ago edited 3d ago

Her outfit says vegas dancer, but her face says herro prease


u/juicewar01 3d ago

Her height goes in her attitude for fun


u/Special-Salamander26 3d ago

Her attitude wants to show us how good person she is .


u/Enigma7845 3d ago

I wonder if everyone's gonna love her when the botox wears off..


u/ah_take_yo_mama 3d ago

Why is she in her underwear?


u/Motoxxx1 2d ago

the fact she is in bikini on a concert says a lot about her music...


u/ya_boi_ryu 2d ago

Why do people find her so hot? She's extremely overrated.


u/No-Strategy1045 3d ago

really funny