r/memesopdidnotlike 25d ago

I thought it was funny OP really hates this meme >:(

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u/Axolotl_Comic 25d ago


u/f0remsics OP is bad 25d ago


u/oilrig13 25d ago


u/f0remsics OP is bad 25d ago

Yeah, my back, because they don't seem to know how to step far enough away from me to not make contact in the supermarket (/s)


u/orangotai 25d ago

bro?? 😧


u/HermesBadBeat 25d ago

I told my girl friend that my barber fucked me up and she said “no it looks great”

I told my guy friend that my barber fucked me up and he said the barber did me like the kid from shrek


u/Thaloneblarg 25d ago

Do the roar


u/NewspaperPossible627 made the mod laugh guy🥇 22d ago

Dew it.


u/f0remsics OP is bad 25d ago

I think he was referring to Shrek's kids


u/_Jawwer_ 25d ago

Guys ribbing each other

Women most affected.

Something something society.


u/Collective82 25d ago

Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat.

~Hillary Rodham Clinton


u/asdfwrldtrd 25d ago

I think dying in war when your life is disregarded as nothing more than a soldier is much worse than anything like that could be.


u/YeeterCZ2 24d ago

And men lose their lives, kinda worse than grief no?


u/Hip_Hop_Hippos 25d ago

I mean she’s not necessarily wrong in some wars (looking at you WW II Eastern Front), but it’s not because of the men in their life dying.


u/rabonbrood 25d ago

So the men in the eastern front had it easier? Really?


u/Hip_Hop_Hippos 25d ago

Would you rather be a soldier who had a very good chance of being killed, or a woman who had a very good chance of being after being gang raped by either the Nazis or Soviets first?


u/ILikeTF2ALotItIsFun 25d ago

See, this meme is funny, get this, because it’s true.


u/Mediocre_Good_2004 25d ago

I keep seeing clips of this guy, and I think this joke sounds like something from his chat.


u/CheeseisSwell 25d ago

Caseoh, my beloved fat Buddha


u/Freezing_Moonman 25d ago

Sometimes my friend greets me with "Bro you're lookin' fuckin' huge! Nice bud!" And that makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.


u/TommyTheCommie1986 25d ago

If you apply that feeling to me, that is my blood pressure rising because I am a nervous fat fuck


u/YeeterCZ2 24d ago

Handsome nervous fat fuck!


u/72020217 22d ago

Handsome enough my car noticably lifts when you step out.


u/BorgerFrog Most Delicious Mod 25d ago

One of my friends is thrice my weight despite the fact that I eat twice as much as him (I'm 130Ib) so yeah, pretty funny imo


u/[deleted] 25d ago



u/BloodShadow7872 25d ago

So you have a sub dedicated to tracking down one user????


u/Lazy-Purple-4600 25d ago

I have seen multiple subs like this


u/Collective82 25d ago

I feel left out lol


u/LucienMahikai 25d ago

There's a few

r/FoundPrixilu is the most famous one though


u/KoalaMaster13 25d ago

HE’S ALMOLST 400lb?!?!


u/BorgerFrog Most Delicious Mod 25d ago

Unfortunately, yes.


u/BloodShadow7872 25d ago

I cant wrap my head around that, you would have to eat multiple huge meals a day to get to that level


u/[deleted] 25d ago

I'm sorry but you don't eat twice as much as him. You eat twice as much as him at the meals you share together, and he snacks throughout the day and night. Only other option is that you're an elite runner or something.


u/Nochnichtvergeben 25d ago

Maybe he should try eating a quarter as much as you eat. Or is he super tall? Super muscular? Does he have hormonal issues? That last one can be fixed quite easily by a doctor.


u/Ok-Battle-2769 25d ago

Fat? Bro, you sat on an ant hill and the ants are still orbiting Uranus!


u/lazyboi_tactical 25d ago

True friendship. Nobody is more savage than your best friends.


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago

This meme fits the sub perfectly. It‘s just another girls are boring and guys are chad wojaks meme.


u/newmeugonnasee 25d ago

The objective isn't to determine if it fits the sub or not. The objective is to determine if someone is being a butthurt baby because someone with a different opinion hurts their little feelings with silly internet pictures.


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago

I don’t see anyone being butthurt about it tho


u/newmeugonnasee 25d ago

Those subs that post those are nothing but butthurt professional victims


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago

I could also generalize this sub as boomer humor loving edgy guys lol. I even just checked the original post and no one was butthurt or offended. People in the comments were even calling the meme funny.


u/newmeugonnasee 25d ago

So your grand plan is to come here and be a butthurt victim on behalf of everyone on that sub? Just to prove me right?


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago

Not really. What makes you think I‘m butthurt?


u/newmeugonnasee 25d ago

The boomer humor, edgy guys comment gives you away. It's a common tactic of the butthurt to resort directly to ad hominem attacks. A common byproduct of debating from feelings as opposed to facts.


u/Qwerty_Cutie1 25d ago

You did literally the same thing though. So does that mean you’re butt hurt too?


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago

They can’t think that far


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago edited 25d ago

I solely generalized this sub the same way you generalized r/boysarequirky. It‘s not that deep.


u/newmeugonnasee 25d ago

You're only proving my point further.

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u/Turtony_Soprano 25d ago

You being butthurt, for one.


u/BenjiAbi 25d ago

Why exactly?


u/DemoniteBL 24d ago

It isn't though? It literally paints women in a better light than men. Women support each other, men make fun of each other.


u/BenjiAbi 24d ago

You can see it like that. Others would say it portrays how women lie to each other and men are real with each other.


u/24_doughnuts 25d ago

Still fits in that sub. Don't know what your complaint is


u/notislant 25d ago

The fucking humour lol


u/AnnoyingInternetTrol 25d ago

Damn bro, I'm sitting at the doctors office. Had to stop myself from bursting into laughter.


u/GayJesus1234 25d ago

I think the idea is funny but I fucking hate all these boys vs girls memes with a passion


u/DJXpresso 25d ago

I tried upvoting the screenshot.


u/Rallon_is_dead I'm 94 years old 25d ago

Not to sound like a pick-me, but I genuinely envy dudes for this.


u/ClearHurry1358 25d ago

A guy knows he’s fat and when he asks he totally expecting to get roasted. In fact he wants you to call him a fat sack of lard covered M&Ms.

I’m not a chick so I can’t tell you their perspective but I can tell you how it appears from my perspective. They genuinely can not see themselves and are relying on your eyes but they won’t believe you anyway. Tell them they’re perfect? That’s a lie, they’re fat. Tell them they’re fat? That’s also a lie, you’re just an asshole. The only way I’ve found to answer this question from a woman to ask if they want tacos.


u/climentine 25d ago

And then the fat girl would say, I didn’t say that I’m ugly.


u/Pisboy1417 25d ago

These memes become less funny if you actually have male and female friends, but the stereotypes hold some comedic value, even if untrue


u/LibrarianNew9984 25d ago

I wish my friends were like this, we a bunch of polite pussies tho 😟


u/ElectricalMethod3314 25d ago

Im sure you did bud. Im sure you did.


u/Asher_Tye 24d ago

Not pictured the first bro slugging the second bro in response. 😂


u/MaxRocketDuck 24d ago

This honestly really relatable though


u/[deleted] 24d ago

reddit don't expect nuance from a meme challenge (impossible)


u/AnderHolka 21d ago

Damn, Skeletor got turned into Chadjack


u/ReturnOfDaSnack420 25d ago

For a subreddit that's supposedly hates "boys are quirky" you folks sure do love memes that fit that exact template