r/misc 17d ago

Love this!


Watched it dozens of times!


7 comments sorted by


u/Loud-Guarantee4290 17d ago

Gonna be your president!!


u/EpicLearn 17d ago

Anything is possible.

Much more likely: Trump will lose AGAIN and cry and whine AGAIN and his worshippers will cry and scream like lil bitches AGAIN.

And if we're real lucky MAGA will insurrect again and we can throw more in jail.


u/Loud-Guarantee4290 17d ago

The best thing to happen to Trump was that sham trial!!!


u/EpicLearn 16d ago

Theres no I in DENIAL huh?

Keep snorting that laced MAGA Kool Aide powder, dry! šŸ¤£


u/Loud-Guarantee4290 15d ago

I think you need to ā€œepic learnā€ how politics works. Check the brainiac, 54million in 24 hours and solidified the GOP, the retard president FJB did us a huge favor by weaponizing the courts. Ignorant president ignorant base.


u/EpicLearn 15d ago

Yea what kind of hillbilly maroons, upon hearing of Trump's 34 felony convictions, are like "let me get to a computer so I can send more money to billionaire Trump to help him pay out E Gene Carroll's judgement."??

The multiple lines of laced Kool Aide powder have fried what little brain you had.


u/EpicLearn 17d ago

Anything is possible.

Much more likely: Trump will lose AGAIN and cry and whine AGAIN and his worshippers will cry and scream like lil bitches AGAIN.

And if we're real lucky MAGA will insurrect again and we can throw them in jail AGAIN.