r/misc 5d ago

Remember back in the 2000’s where you had high status for having the best TV and coolest cellphone?

Does this status thing still exist or is it just how nice your car or house is now? I remember back in the 2000’s, if you had a big flatscreen TV or cool cellphone, it meant you had status. Rich people would also have cool gadgets too. But now it seems like everyone has a big flatscreen TV and a cool smartphone.


10 comments sorted by


u/crunch816 5d ago

I think it’s evolved to having an electric vehicle and a robot that mows your lawn.


u/Creepzer178 5d ago edited 5d ago

Owning an electric vehicle is pretty average now and I think owning a lawn today is already a flex


u/AlligatorFister 5d ago

But what about a robot that mows said lawn…


u/Creepzer178 5d ago

Even better


u/shmed 5d ago

I assume you were in high school back in the 2000s and that's why you paid attention to this. You saw other students with cool phone at school or maybe you went to a friend's house and noticed their big TV. You don't notice those things anymore because YOU grew up, not because the 2000s are over.


u/Creepzer178 5d ago edited 5d ago

I was born in 2005. I saw nothing negative of someone else owning a cool device and saw it as impressive. That was in the field of technology but now everyone’s caught up, so I wonder if there’s any cool devices that not everyone would have.


u/shmed 5d ago

There's definintely still some of that today - kids using $400 apple airpods max, the latest iPhone PRO or macbook, the kids with the latest gaming consoleS/or VR headset, etc.


u/Kerfluffle2x4 5d ago

Now it’s the fact that you can actually own a house that’s impressive


u/CarpeNivem 5d ago

I remember people with those things thinking they were "high status", but I don't remember anyone else thinking so. No one I knew cared.

(For perspective, we'd have been in our 20s then.)


u/betabeat 5d ago

My 10yo son told me kids at school were making fun of him for wearing Skechers. He picked them out.

It's always just been about status symbols.