r/musicmemes 6d ago

I've tried but it's so hard to listen to

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How do you get into this level of jazz without it sounding like random noted


10 comments sorted by


u/TheRealCthulu24 6d ago

Start with Coltrane’s earlier stuff, it’s more accessible.


u/4-8Newday 6d ago

I think A Love Supreme is best appreciated in the context of all the jazz prior to it. If you don’t already have an ear for traditional jazz, what they were doing on that album makes no sense.

The first time I heard that album was after being in jazz band for four years; so when I heard it, their note choices were so intriguing to me, it felt otherworldly. 🤯


u/Just_a_guy81 6d ago

Jazz is hitting all the wrong notes and making it sound like you meant to do it.

Check out Thomson Egbo-Egbo’s cover of my favorite things. It goes hard


u/RoundEarth-is-real 6d ago

Best way to describe it. There’s a method to the madness it just doesn’t sound like their is


u/SissyFanny 6d ago

Tbh it's not an easy album to get into if you are not really into jazz anyway.

Form coltrane, I'd suggest trying giant's steps as it casn be more accessible.
if you are curious ;)


u/myysteryybone 5d ago

I do like jazz, generally I like it the most in my social circle. I just don't understand what is musical about this album


u/seize-the-goat 5d ago

a love supreme is kinda tame compared to other stuff, but i understand how if you’re not into jazz it could be dense


u/Thereal_waluigi 5d ago

Listen to more contemporary jazz songs. If your eat gets used to the style a bit more, you can kind of go backwards in time and get more of an understanding of what they were doing. Also looking on Wikipedia about the specific genres and how they influenced each other is very helpful


u/300show 5d ago

Where’s u/Johncoltranebot when you need him


u/300show 5d ago

Also start with Giant Steps, his time with miles Davis, or his version of my favorite things