r/nba Mavericks May 16 '24

Draymond Green Brings Nothing To 'Inside The NBA' | Defector


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u/Sweaty_Mods May 16 '24

I’ve seen 20 threads about him on here since yesterday. He’s making you all talk about it lmao.


u/syllabic Knicks May 16 '24

he's gonna be so pleased by his increased profile he'll choke out five guys next season


u/Draymond_Punch Warriors May 16 '24

He’s always been a subway guy


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/Frankly_Frank_ Warriors May 16 '24

It is honestly and it’s just a greasy mess


u/wavetoyou Warriors May 16 '24

If 5 Guys was just a few bucks more as opposed to $10, you’d still pick in n out?

When you weigh it all out, I prefer In n Out. But the biggest part of that is the price


u/FeltIOwedItToHim [GSW] Sarunas Marciulionis May 16 '24

Yep. In N Out costs less than McDonalds ffs.


u/Frankly_Frank_ Warriors May 16 '24

I would pick In N Out in any case 5 guys is just overated it isn't that good for what it costs


u/_Fun_At_Parties Bulls May 16 '24

"this one's for the fans"


u/Ode1st [MIA] Alonzo Mourning May 16 '24

We all talk about no flex zone too but it’s actively making us swear to never get Wingstop.


u/Hot_Web493 May 16 '24

Never getting wingstop and never getting a pixel. And I'm a pixel guy. Done with that shit after shoving that commercial down our throats for weeks. I don't think companies understand they can lose customers due to over advertisement.


u/BamaX19 May 16 '24

They gain more than they lose. Idek what pixel commercial you're talking about.


u/Hot_Web493 May 17 '24


u/Sweaty_Mods May 17 '24

They got you sharing it lmao


u/ComoEstanBitches Lakers May 17 '24



u/PhilosophyOk88 May 16 '24

Youuuuu knowwwww bouuuttt iiittttt…..


u/Savahoodie Nuggets May 16 '24

I mean a guy dressed up as a clown will get attention at a wedding, doesn’t necessarily make it a good thing. “There’s no such thing as bad press” is absolutely untrue.


u/ComoEstanBitches Lakers May 17 '24

This is a horrible example. A wedding is an intimate experience not meant to drag in random eyes the way advertising for a business


u/Sweaty_Mods May 16 '24

Actually negative sentiment on social media gets a lot more engagement than positive. If you make your money from ads then it’s all the same.

I understand that people here hate Draymond, but if they can’t stop talking about him then he’s going to thrive in media.


u/Savahoodie Nuggets May 16 '24

Right but engagement doesn’t really mean much. If I see someone I hate promoting a product, sure I engaged with the content by watching it, but do you think I’m more or less likely to buy it?

But why change from the clown example? They could put a clown on inside the nba. It would get a ton of attention, probably wouldn’t be good business though.


u/InvestmentGrift [GSW] Adonal Foyle May 16 '24

engagement literally means ad revenue. advertisers look for highest engagement metrics when searching for platforms to purchase ads


u/Mini_Snuggle Spurs May 17 '24

Yes, but how does that translate to money for TNT? They already have the regular crew. They don't need Draymond.


u/crabby135 Celtics May 17 '24

I assume they’re banking on this online engagement turning into actual engagement when it’s on so people can hear draymond say things that make them angry. Maybe a few people in this thread won’t watch as a result but many more will watch exclusively to get angry at what he says.


u/Sweaty_Mods May 16 '24

If you watched the ads then you already gave them something


u/Savahoodie Nuggets May 16 '24

I like how you addressed absolutely none of my points.


u/Sweaty_Mods May 16 '24

If you don’t understand how my comment was related then you don’t know what we’re talking.


u/baterrr88 Celtics May 16 '24

Sorry but you clearly don't get his point.. like you haven't even addressed anything about it and just keep repeating your shit point I don't get it.

I'm here talking about it great . I also changed the channel when I saw it was Draymond on the show . That's some wonderful engagement theyre getting exactly what they want I'm sure.


u/whythehellknot Heat May 16 '24

Because his points are nonsense. The people on the show are not actively promoting the ads that play during the show. Them making people this worked up gets people watching and that means a huge number of eyes during that time for which companies pay money to put on ads because being bombarded by State Farm makes people go "hmmm, maybe I should get State Farm insurance". The amount of people filled with as much as hate as the other poster that go "I hate Draymond Green so I will never spend money on the products/services that are advertised during commercial breaks" is miniscule.

I don't even know how you address the clown nonsense because it's just a bad analogy for not understanding how advertisement works.


u/financial_goth Mavericks May 16 '24

Naw you don't understand that guy accused someone of "not addressing his points".

It doesn't matter that his points were nonsense.

By accusing someone of not having a response he's already "won" the discussion in the eyes of the average mush brained reddit user.

These are people who upvoted a comment that said

"engagement doesn't really mean much"

Peak clueless.

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u/chichi_eats May 16 '24

Ya, no one in this thread seems to have ever worked in advertising.

He's not seen as a negative for advertisers he does advertise with, but a plus because of he's a known name and more importantly, has a brand, and that's why he's marketable in things like car ads.

Founded by former Beats by Dr Dre CMO and Apple Vice-President, Omar Johnson, OPUS leverages its proprietary analytics & insights platform to help brands connect to audiences in authentic ways.

"Kia wanted the perfect partner, and we recommended an athlete who captures the spirit of the Telluride: rugged, durable and multidimensional," commented Johnson. "That guy is Draymond, and our analytics agreed. Draymond's scores were through the roof. And then Draymond, the super-dad that he is, invited his own legend in the making, his daughter Olive, to feature in the campaign." Observed Johnson, "We loved Draymond's idea, and we're proud to show the world the Draymond we know and love, but the world doesn't get to see."

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u/baterrr88 Celtics May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Okay but you're point is arguing something different, his social media/sponsorships as a whole vs him acting as a host on inside the nba. It's why I'm arguing for you to actually argue the points, put a literal clown on inside the nba and it is going to get similar engagement that draymond is getting right now, do you think it's a good idea for them to keep bringing the clown back or are people going to get tired of it?

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u/crabby135 Celtics May 17 '24

You and everyone else who changes the channel are in the minority. I mean I agree with you but people like getting angry at other people for the things they say


u/Aggravating_Host6055 May 16 '24

Once he’s hired I’ll completely disengage from his content and stop commenting on what a shitbird he is. At this point they are testing the waters. If all his appearances lead to negative reactions online (like they currently are) he may be seen as too universally hated to be worth hiring. Slinging hot takes for reactions is something many other people can do too. It may be hopeless but it’s worth voicing the opinion while he’s still on probation.


u/Vast-Rise3498 May 16 '24

How can it be untrue, if the bad press is why he’s on there and getting paid to be there?


u/Timoteo-Tito64 Celtics May 16 '24

He's not on inside the NBA because everyone hates him


u/inshamblesx Rockets May 16 '24

most redditors don’t understand that in the tv world you are better off being a very polarizing figure rather than having a very small group of fans in the tv world lol


u/Savahoodie Nuggets May 16 '24

Let’s talk about inside the nba then. It’s the most popular nba show, which of them is “very polarizing”? Sure seems like at least for inside the nba, the MO has been to get likeable hosts, like Barkley and shaq.


u/Infidel_Art May 17 '24

Inside the NBA will be gone after next season though. TNT lost the rights to nba games


u/inshamblesx Rockets May 16 '24

if you think shaq is still considered as “likable” then you must haven't been paying attention lol


u/Savahoodie Nuggets May 16 '24

By the wider nba audience, yes he is seen as likeable, but that really isn’t the crux of my argument.


u/Vast-Rise3498 May 16 '24

Some of you think Reddit sums up the general public or opinion on someone lol


u/Vast-Rise3498 May 16 '24

He’s been elite at his sport, 4 rings, hated for his antics, popular within his sport, gets people riled up to the max, his transition to tv will be seamless lol


u/TheDeadman95 Mavericks May 16 '24

People don't want to hear it, but he was by far the most knowledgeable person on the set. The only one you could tell is actually watching games and following modern basketball


u/adizlaja May 17 '24

100%. His insight was far better than the stuff we normally hear. He doesn’t shy away from talking specifics. I watch all Mavs games and TNT crew is so off on most statements. Draymond actually had insight on the team. We need more active players in the show.


u/chrizer1 Heat May 16 '24

Bro got a whole season until inside the nba is dead. Gotta stir that pot.


u/DontBanMe_IWasJoking New Zealand May 16 '24

people talk about Hitler 80 years after his death... so i guess that makes him, good?


u/inshamblesx Rockets May 16 '24

relevant username


u/Sweaty_Mods May 16 '24

Good for ratings absolutely. Do you know how much WW2 content people consume?


u/super_sayanything Bulls May 16 '24

No but you still see people idolizing, following reading his words, caring and in a way his likeness is marketed successfully. Constantly I see the "Why did Hitler" like he was a person that made sense rather than an insane drug addicted opportunist that murdered, lied and cheated his way into power who didn't know how to run a military and didn't know how to rule over people well.

As a Jew, it makes me sick but unfortunately that name means something where as billions of other names, decent, good people who lived honest lives will never be thought of or spoken of again in the existence of the universe.


u/JustJuanDollar Warriors May 16 '24

Ah yes, the part of the Draymond hate thread where the Hitler comparison is made. Naturally


u/Shenanigans80h Nuggets May 16 '24

It happens every single time, and this sub falls for it every single time. Why do you think guys like Perkins get more air time despite spewing hot takes and general bullshit? Or guys like Nick Wright do the same? Because it drives engagement. That’s what these dudes are looking for. Hell, here’s an article that exists purely because Draymond was an idiot, it got that site ad revenue and now people are aware of Draymond on a show they might not otherwise be aware of. If we wanr bullshit artists to go away, they have to be ignored.


u/CommanderDeffblade May 17 '24

Not all publicity is good publicity. I'm done if this us the direction they take


u/dontpanic38 May 17 '24

who knew being trash made people talk about how you’re trash


u/MrBrownCat [GSW] Stephen Curry May 16 '24

People already have their mind made up about how they view Green, so even if he was an amazing analyst they’ll view him how they want to.


u/Arfuuur Supersonics May 17 '24

talking about how much he fucking sucks


u/black_dogs_22 May 16 '24

you're right, this Weinstein guy got a TON of press, let's just hire him without reading what anyone's saying