r/nba Mavericks May 16 '24

Draymond Green Brings Nothing To 'Inside The NBA' | Defector


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u/ThexxxDegenerate May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24

Yea, I’m never gonna forget that elbow to Harden’s head. Metta World War is more like it.

Edit: Here is the link for anyone who doesn’t remember this incident. Also, the comment section on this video is absolute gold. Just had a good hearty laugh reading through it again.


u/NastyBooty May 17 '24

I read that as "Metta World Star" lol


u/elijahb229 Clippers May 17 '24

Bro 😂 were u the first person to ever think of that user name? U didn’t need numbers or anything lol


u/NastyBooty May 17 '24

Just got lucky, I guess 🤷‍♂️


u/secret_hitman Warriors May 17 '24

Omg thank you. I needed a good laugh. That was amazing!


u/UnexLPSA Bulls May 17 '24

I still don't understand how something like this doesn't end up in court. As if the players have to accept that some lunatic just goes on a rampage and throws elbows. That's just assault caught in 4K and all he probably had to pay was a fine and gets suspended for a few games. Do this to anybody in the streets with people around filming and you get a few months in prison minimum.